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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Not trying to scare you off here, but Sento butt is nothing compared to some scenes in the third episode.

I was just using it as an example - that being it's something that seems conspicuous by its inclusion. Especially when I think back to what I've been accustomed to with their output.

I'm not going to say that they've ever been squeaky clean in the past, because they haven't. I guess it's as much to do with the context in which it's presented, because it seems pretty blatant. It that sense, it's indicative of a shift.



I got my package from RS. USPS didn't deliver it because they said it was too big to deliver. They usually just leave the package on the porch but I guess this time they decided not to.

edit: Here it is


Not trying to scare you off here, but Sento butt is nothing compared to some scenes in the third episode.

I went into this season expecting to love Amagi (KyoAni finds a way), now im at the point where im only going to continue watching it because I crossed the 4th episode threshold and because its a KyoAni production.

Bare ass is nothing compared to swimsuit scene now?

FHM is more risque than Maxim then?
Pocket Monsters Best Wishes 13:
Well, that's one way to get a Pokemon.

I haven't exactly been enjoying Best Wishes, but this episode was actually pretty fun. Bel was just the right amount of zany, and while the premise here is pretty silly, the episode manages to make it work. The humor actually came across well, and aside from the dumb Mijumaru scene (just stop it already), everything pretty much worked. This is still below the levels of the previous shows, but it avoided most of the things which have bugged me about Best Wishes so far (aside from the pointless scene of 'serious Rocket Gang' which serves as a reminder of all that we've lost).

It’s maybe a little presumptuous of me, but what I enjoyed was quickly swept aside for elements that I didn’t care for – ones which I fear will become the norm, rather than the exception. Gratuitous fan-service shots included.

You're not wrong on that count. I wanted to give it a shot because Takemoto was directing it and I figured it would at least look nice, but 4 episodes was all I could manage. The story gets so silly and ridiculous (and not in a good way), with a lot of repeated 'humor' (most of which isn't even funny the first time, never mind the fifth), constant fanservice, and a really silly story lacking in any sort of tonal consistency.
Garo 04

I've always been a huge fan of 'mysterious village' stories and this one only entrenches my love of them. To me this episode was made all the more intriguing because only two protags didn't instantly go into super hero mode until it was totally needed when the horror finally appeared. I also enjoyed the fact that the just up and left the village instead of everything being sunshine and rainbows at the end.
Bare ass is nothing compared to swimsuit scene now?

FHM is more risque than Maxim then?

How about one fleeting shot of a nude girl as opposed to a bunch of lingering shots of lined up swimsuit girls.

While the existence of the Sento's bare ass is just as unnecessary, the scene itself isn't that bad.

Meanwhile ep03 goes full fanservice.
Haikyuu! 17:
Man, that was pretty awesome. The music at the end of the episode when Asahi made his attack was so awesome, and it built up the moment perfectly. Hinata's reactions to everything were also pretty good. He's doing a good job playing his role. Kageyama's facial expressions are getting weirder. He's kind of creepy. This match looks like it's going to be a tightly fought one.

How about one fleeting shot of a nude girl as opposed to a bunch of lingering shots of lined up swimsuit girls.

While the existence of the Sento's bare ass is just as unnecessary, the scene itself isn't that bad.

Meanwhile ep03 goes full fanservice.

Episode 4 has an even more gratuitous scene, and it feels even weirder since it's supposed to be a serious scene, except 'hey, boobs'.

Link Man

Rage of Bahamut: Genji 4

Fun episode, although CG ships and poor song choice during the battle kind of knocked it down a peg. Amira is really starting to grow on me, though.
Damn i knew it, Japan love Shirobako

***,*63位/***,*70位 ★ (***,381 pt) [*,**8予約] 2014/12/24 SHIROBAKO 第1巻 (初回生産限定版) [Blu-ray]

I hope Mizushima will be Kyoani again just like 2 years ago

Episode 3 review by nico


You're not wrong on that count. I wanted to give it a shot because Takemoto was directing it and I figured it would at least look nice, but 4 episodes was all I could manage. The story gets so silly and ridiculous (and not in a good way), with a lot of repeated 'humor' (most of which isn't even funny the first time, never mind the fifth), constant fanservice, and a really silly story lacking in any sort of tonal consistency.

I really disagree on implication in the last point. Tonal consistency, for me anyway, really isn't needed for something to be good. I'm not picking people out but the complaints I've seen for the series have been so contrasting that I'm not sure what people wanted at a certain point (inb4 "I wanted a good series or some other lame joke). I've seen people writing that they wanted a heavier fantasy element, others want no fantasy at all(me included). Some people want a heavier dramatic element while I've read a few complaints that state they just want pure comedy.

The show never aimed for a consistent tone and nor does it need to. What it needs to be is good at what it does. That's been somewhat of a problem with the first three episodes in that the comedy parts aren't overly funny. I did find the stuff in episode 1 and 4 to be pretty good though as a lot of it was deadpan humor. However the dramatic ones for the most part have been fine. The show has also never aimed to be a full on fantasy nor a serious look at management. The show is very clearly fantasy-lite that aims to be a fun look at mangement.


Bahamut 4

Hopefully when Bahamut is over, we can get a supercut of Kaisar yelling "FAVARO!".

That said, nothing like a party switcharoo to create new dynamics.


Samurai Girl Real Bout High School 01-13

I'm never quite sure how to feel about OPs and EDs that are cover songs. If the song is appropriate, great, but I like original songs composed specifically for the anime. The show, in some superficial respects, is similar to Ikkitousen, but the fighting is treated more like a sport, and it's a lot more of a gag series... with some otherworldly thing going on. It's a product of its era, and always has this loose feel to it. My favorite parts were almost completely disconnected from the K-Fights. The whole Oyster Lulu magical girl business was silly enough to work, and a show like this with a female protagonist is something I can always support. Shizuma was better than Ichiro in G-On Riders, in that Ryoko was always front and center for the plot, and it never felt like it was going to be taken over. Uneven, but not terrible.

Holy Knight 01-02

This feels more like a prologue than a complete OVA, and I watched it entirely to hear Maaya Uchida in the leading role. In that regard, I consider it a success. Sexualized and violent, like a lot of vampire fiction, and that scene with Lilith in episode 2 was just uncomfortable. The sex scene that stopped partway through was at least somewhat better.

Someday's Dreamers Sora 01-03

Though it's set in the same universe as the previous series, the show itself feels really different. The backgrounds look like photographs, and the characters are a lot simpler in design than the previous. This trade off can have its advantages, like allowing for more fluid motion. The magic classes that Sora's going through are also quite different from the circle of friends that Yume had. And of course, instead of being played a live actress, Sora's played by the Patron Goddess of Being in Everything, HanaKana. The more pastoral feeling of things, and Sora's different living situation compared to Yume, makes it feel both more optimistic and more melancholic at the same time. It's got a unique style that's similar, but different, from its predecessor. I'm curious about going forward.

Icicle heaven!


Garo 04

I've always been a huge fan of 'mysterious village' stories and this one only entrenches my love of them. To me this episode was made all the more intriguing because only two protags didn't instantly go into super hero mode until it was totally needed when the horror finally appeared. I also enjoyed the fact that the just up and left the village instead of everything being sunshine and rainbows at the end.

Yeah actually now that you mentioned it, the investigative aspect of the episode was also something I really enjoyed. The father and son duo traveling from place to place investigating rumors and trying to figure out what the nature of the Horror is before actually acting is a really good formula, and I hope they use it more in future episodes.
Sailor Moon R 03

Never any luck in love for Makoto.

Some random guy gets attacked by a monster and for some reason it's somebody Makoto knows, Usagi tries her best to get Mamoru to remember and then a hm... new character shows up and saves the day... Except he leaves before the enemy is truly beaten. Way to go there. :p

Oh, and nobody remembers to study for a test.
Hajime no Ippo: Rising 22:
Finally we get to the Kamogawa backstory arc, which was a real favorite of mine in the manga. The show does a good job at setting it up here and really creating the feeling of post war Japan. This is very different subject matter than the show ever tackles outside of this, but that really serves to elevate it up. The atmosphere just feels different.

I really disagree on implication in the last point. Tonal consistency, for me anyway, really isn't needed for something to be good. I'm not picking people out but the complaints I've seen for the series have been so contrasting that I'm not sure what people wanted at a certain point (inb4 "I wanted a good series or some other lame joke). I've seen people writing that they wanted a heavier fantasy element, others want no fantasy at all(me included). Some people want a heavier dramatic element while I've read a few complaints that state they just want pure comedy.

The show never aimed for a consistent tone and nor does it need to. What it needs to be is good at what it does. That's been somewhat of a problem with the first three episodes in that the comedy parts aren't overly funny. I did find the stuff in episode 1 and 4 to be pretty good though as a lot of it was deadpan humor. However the dramatic ones for the most part have been fine. The show has also never aimed to be a full on fantasy nor a serious look at management. The show is very clearly fantasy-lite that aims to be a fun look at mangement.

I'm not saying that everything needs to be completely consistent tonally. However, I think there's consistency and then there's consistency, if that makes any sense. I'm fine with something jumping between serious moments and wacky comedy if it does it right, but I want things to at least have some sort of basic tone in terms of what goes. Sento's backstory she described in Episode 4 felt like it was from a completely different show with no connection to any of the other stories we've gotten so far. That's the thing that really bugged me about the consistency. I don't really know what the basic dramatic angle the show is going for is, when they go from 'magical theme park run by fairies and magical creatures' to 'I'm a soldier on a mission that I have to uphold for the sake of my family's honor' like that. It just doesn't quite add up.

My bigger problem with the show is that I don't find the humor to be funny (aside from the post-credits scenes which have been kind of amusing, I guess), and I don't find the drama to be interesting.


I'm not saying that everything needs to be completely consistent tonally. However, I think there's consistency and then there's consistency, if that makes any sense. I'm fine with something jumping between serious moments and wacky comedy if it does it right, but I want things to at least have some sort of basic tone in terms of what goes. Sento's backstory she described in Episode 4 felt like it was from a completely different show with no connection to any of the other stories we've gotten so far. That's the thing that really bugged me about the consistency. I don't really know what the basic dramatic angle the show is going for is, when they go from 'magical theme park run by fairies and magical creatures' to 'I'm a soldier on a mission that I have to uphold for the sake of my family's honor' like that. It just doesn't quite add up.

My bigger problem with the show is that I don't find the humor to be funny (aside from the post-credits scenes which have been kind of amusing, I guess), and I don't find the drama to be interesting.

I disagree about Sento's background as it perfectly fits her personality and reaction to certain things. It ties into the decline of the park as well as fleshes out her character. She overreacts because that's the only way she was trained to solve problems and her reactions have led to management consultants leaving and the employees to sort-of hate her. It also ties into one of the larger themes of the show in that many of the problems the park has, is due to the employees themselves and not just bad luck or a nefarious villain.

The show doesn't really jump in tones, the serious moments are usually played straight. Compare that to Your Lie in April where just in the middle of a deadly serious moment for a character, the female lead starts to kick him. Or when he starts to fall in love with the blonde chick in the first episode, a panty-flash situation happens followed by physical abuse. Now that is jarring and detrimental to the series, mostly because there isn't any sort of time gap to let the scenes play out.


Kara no Kyoukai Movie 2

The internet tells me that it goes: 2,4,3,1,5,6, and 7 so I started here at 2. I'll never understand why companies would purposely release something greatly out of order. I guess it creates more buzz that way, but it just seems to overly complicate things for no reason.

As for the movie itself, it looked good and sounded good. The only real problem I had was with Kokuto. I have no problems with optimistic characters, but when you stare reality in the face and refuse to believe, especially at that age, is absolute nonsense. Even more so when it's a constantly reoccurring theme with the character.
Rage of Bahamut: Genesis 3:
Definitely better than episode 2 was. Kaisar's scenes were a highlight of the episode, especially his interactions with Rita. They worked very well together throughout the episode. There was a lot of tension and a growing sense of unrest throughout the episode, and I think the atmosphere was played just right. I enjoyed seeing a little less of Favaro this week as we focused more on Kaisar's story. The surrounding major story about angels and stuff isn't doing much for me, but maybe that will change in the future. At the very least, the smaller character moments continue to shine, and the show always has a great sense of energy that keeps things fun.

I disagree about Sento's background as it perfectly fits her personality and reaction to certain things. It ties into the decline of the park as well as fleshes out her character. She overreacts because that's the only way she was trained to solve problems and her reactions have led to management consultants leaving and the employees to sort-of hate her. It also ties into one of the larger themes of the show in that many of the problems the park has, is due to the employees themselves and not just bad luck or a nefarious villain.

The show doesn't really jump in tones, the serious moments are usually played straight. Compare that to Your Lie in April where just in the middle of a deadly serious moment for a character, the female lead starts to kick him. Or when he starts to fall in love with the blonde chick in the first episode, a panty-flash situation happens followed by physical abuse. Now that is jarring and detrimental to the series, mostly because there isn't any sort of time gap to let the scenes play out.

Well, for me I find Your Lie in April to work fine, because although it does shift between the serious moments and the comedy quickly, and it can sometimes be jarring, it does seem to basically be following set rules (it probably helps as well that the comedy is actually funny, unlike in Amagi where it's pretty dreadful). It's exaggerated, but the characters are still reacting in a straightforward enough manner.

Yeah, Amagi plays things straight, but it's almost playing things too straight. That's part of the reason the Sento stuff bugs me, because the basic tone feels completely out of proportion to the whole 'magic fairies running an amusement park' thing. The stuff with Latifa mostly feels keeping in line with the show, but Sento's story really feels jarring. I also don't feel like the show actually does much with her character in the fourth episode. It still feels like she's basically playing a trope, and the scenes kind of feel like they're just following along an exact script for 'the person who doesn't really understand human interactions so has trouble dealing with people's issues'. This is kind of why the tone bugs me. It feels like a whole lot of different things thrown into a blender ('whimsical storyline with magic fairies saving a location, 'wacky comedy with two characters constantly fighting and getting shot by a magic gun', 'serious melodrama about a solider who can't integrate with the rest of society'), all of which is handled in a mediocre manner and none of which really seems to click into place.


[Silver Fang] - 11

You may have remembered me writing about this show when the plot was thus: a young boy, his faithful dog Gin, and his grandfather have to track down and kill a giant evil bear.

However, around about episode 6 something changed dramatically. All the dogs in the show were revealed to be speaking. Yes, this is a "talking animals" series that only becomes a talking animal show after the first arc! Moreover, the show abandons the boy as the main character and solely focuses on the dog instead. If anything, the show has got even crazier:



Rage of Bahamut: Genesis 4

Yep, still good. An expertly paced mix of character interaction, flashbacks, adventure and action. Hell in this ep with
ship on ship action and demon pirates and zombie pirates is even more Potc-flavored than before
. And still looks nice and has well animated scenes and the ost accompanies well.


Well, for me I find Your Lie in April to work fine, because although it does shift between the serious moments and the comedy quickly, and it can sometimes be jarring, it does seem to basically be following set rules (it probably helps as well that the comedy is actually funny, unlike in Amagi where it's pretty dreadful). It's exaggerated, but the characters are still reacting in a straightforward enough manner.

Yeah, Amagi plays things straight, but it's almost playing things too straight. That's part of the reason the Sento stuff bugs me, because the basic tone feels completely out of proportion to the whole 'magic fairies running an amusement park' thing. The stuff with Latifa mostly feels keeping in line with the show, but Sento's story really feels jarring. I also don't feel like the show actually does much with her character in the fourth episode. It still feels like she's basically playing a trope, and the scenes kind of feel like they're just following along an exact script for 'the person who doesn't really understand human interactions so has trouble dealing with people's issues'. This is kind of why the tone bugs me. It feels like a whole lot of different things thrown into a blender ('whimsical storyline with magic fairies saving a location, 'wacky comedy with two characters constantly fighting and getting shot by a magic gun', 'serious melodrama about a solider who can't integrate with the rest of society'), all of which is handled in a mediocre manner and none of which really seems to click into place.

Honestly, comedy is one of the most subjective things a person can criticize. I personally find the humor in Your Lie in April to be atrocious. Physical abuse to the extent they play it, feels completely out of whack. I mean the recent episode had blonde genki girl physically kicking the lead after he gives a serious monologue. It can be funny but most of the time not only does it fall flat for me, it actually hurts the quality of other elements in the show.

Well I would argue that the show is having some fun with the 'Sento shoots every single moving thing'. I mean the OP has her shooting her guns off like around ten different times. Even inside the fourth episode we had her blasting Tiremi away. Now as to the background info given in episode 4, I feel that was more to contextualize her actions. The main point of episode 4 was not only character building for both Sento and Kanye, but also to contrast their different management styles. In some ways, the difference in managing really was the highlight of the episode. The 'magical themepark' bit is pretty played down from what it could be, Kanye for example isn't using telekinesis at all. Most of the issues and solutions to problems have been rather normal. Kanye has an insecurity problem that he covers up with narcissim, Fumoffu has a pride problem, Latifa is useless, Sento also has an insecurity problem mixed in with pride/honour, and most of the park employees are useless and incompetent. How do you go about increasing attendance? Ass and tits and lower your ticket prices. The show in some ways is pretty grounded.
Shingeki no Bahamut 4

This series is winning, hands down. This episode was absolutely fantastic, from beginning to end. Favaro's past intertwining with Kaiser's in that way was awesome, and the fight scenes even more so.



Shingeki no Bahamut 4

Yeah this was great. On par with the first episode I would say, even if not quite there in t production values department. Really liked the well integrated flashback with Favaro's backstory. The plot developments took me by surprise and the ending seems to signify quite a shake up of the formula we've experienced so far.
Rita (<3)&Favaro to the rescue.
I love their previews, they're hilarious.
Shingeki no Bahamut - 04

Yeh I suppose after episode 1 more fanservice was to be expected so we get some laughable crotch shots of this...well endowed cat-demon lady. Stupid but at least there isn't actually that much overall.

The episode was alright. Can't say the exposition is done all too well ("hey remember when you're father died", yeh, Favaro probably does but I guess I don't, so go ahead) but at least we're getting important background information about our protagonists. Kaisar catching up to Favaro and Amira and yelling out "Favaro!" a bunch of times is getting old so I'm glad the duo got broken up.

I've had the impression that the sound design is rather lacking at times, mostly that there just aren't enough sound effects being played in some of the action scenes but I'll see if I continue to notice such issues.


Inou Battle 04

Jurai pulled a Kyosuke there. Covering for someone's secret with a greater, even worse "secret" to throw off the scent. Having a Chifuyu episode was otherwise pretty enjoyable. Ever since the Lissun skit a week or two ago, her cuteness reached peak levels. Her desire to get into high school to really be friends with everyone else was a touching ending, and that so much of this series rides on Japanese wordplay continues to be amusing to me. Not that English is at a loss for wordplay, but Japanese has more varied ways of expressing it.


Inou Battle 4

Andou is really serious about keeping their powers a secret, isn't he. Ah well, whatever works I guess. Did he really have to be so... :cnet about it though?

This show has some hilarious reactions faces.


Serial Experiments Lain 9

It's hard to wrap your head around
Earth itself functioning as a brain.
Damn you Physics ! When that exposition dump started getting into
aliens, Roswell and all that stuff,
I was starting to get worried. The series has already plenty on its plate without traversing into that territory. Not as amazing an episode as its predecessor but good nonetheless. Steadily, the show is revealing the long withheld answers. In particular, the
existence of wireless net
goes long way towards explaining all the weird shit that happened. We also get a glimpse (I assume) of an appropriately creepy leader of knights. One thing that irked me was lack of explanation to the ending of the previous episode.
I still have no idea what's going on with the "second Lain."
The way the camera just pans over her ass and chest for no reason was so cringeworthy.

The funniest was the gratuitous ass shot, then Kirito looking at dat ass and then having an epiphany right after. Its like his train of thought went

"One butt cheek...TWO buttcheeks... Thats it!!!!!"


Neo Member
Kara no Kyoukai Movie 2

The internet tells me that it goes: 2,4,3,1,5,6, and 7 so I started here at 2. I'll never understand why companies would purposely release something greatly out of order. I guess it creates more buzz that way, but it just seems to overly complicate things for no reason.

As for the movie itself, it looked good and sounded good. The only real problem I had was with Kokuto. I have no problems with optimistic characters, but when you stare reality in the face and refuse to believe, especially at that age, is absolute nonsense. Even more so when it's a constantly reoccurring theme with the character.
Eh, I find it's better to watch in release order, the order they intended. It will be a bit all over the place at first but everything will fall into place in the end. It doesn't really overcomplicate things, it just kind of throws you in the middle of nowhere but by the end it all fits into place. Kinda like Baccano in a way I guess. Hope you enjoy the rest of the films anyway, the 5th one is really darn good.
anyone know any off the wall anime comedy like Ghost stories? the dialogue was so stupid i died laughing. you could tell the voice actors had fun with the lines lol
anyone know any off the wall anime comedy like Ghost stories? the dialogue was so stupid i died laughing. you could tell the voice actors had fun with the lines lol

Samurai Pizza Cats is a dub where they lost the script so the dubbing team rewrote the script. I also hear that the orignal creator actually prefers this version.

...and the slightly off Dragon Ball Z dubs:
- AB Group (Big Green).
- Speedy.

So that just happened:


When does this happen? I'm on Episode 10 now.
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