
Some sort of sports ball that doesn't involve cute girls, I don't understand either.
So which dog is gonna take on Woofington?
This is why I don't mix my fandoms. They tend to turn into a blurry mess of 'What in Hell is this?'.
Half-expecting Kave_Man to come in here randomly yelling "KESSSSSSELLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!"
toronto isnt playing tonight
Only one other regular here with a dog avatar. Most will bet on him, but vote for me and you have a chance to make much more money.
Neither are the Jets, but that doesn't mean we can't make fun of them.
Has to be a fight to the death though. No pussyfooting about.
He needs a Cleveland Browns version for his post game reactions.
As long as my boy Johnny gets some recognition.
This was a ridiculously stupid episode and not in a positive way. Hey guys, did you ever want an entire episode based around cnet? Well congratulations, pedophile jokes are now on the table. Andou's speech wasn't funny, that's exactly the type of shit that gets you in jail or expelled. The entire episode just felt like a bunch of cnet jokes. Chifuyu was adorably rapey.
The drama in this felt really annoying especially the part on the stairs. The side characters really do have a legitimate point about loli hanging out with teenagers and the way that this is resolved in the episode felt idiotic.
The visuals looked pretty weird this episode. There were parts that were really fluid but most of the episode felt like it was off-model. There were some definitely some scenes where they were showing that classic Inferno Cop budget.
Inou Battle-4
This was a ridiculously stupid episode and not in a positive way. Hey guys, did you ever want an entire episode based around cnet? Well congratulations, pedophile jokes are now on the table. Andou's speech wasn't funny, that's exactly the type of shit that gets you in jail or expelled. The entire episode just felt like a bunch of cnet jokes. Chifuyu was adorably rapey.
The drama in this felt really annoying especially the part on the stairs. The side characters really do have a legitimate point about loli hanging out with teenagers and the way that this is resolved in the episode felt idiotic.
The visuals looked pretty weird this episode. There were parts that were really fluid but most of the episode felt like it was off-model. There were some definitely some scenes where they were showing that classic Inferno Cop budget.
I did like the Risky Business reference though.
Inou Battle-4
This was a ridiculously stupid episode and not in a positive way. Hey guys, did you ever want an entire episode based around cnet? Well congratulations, pedophile jokes are now on the table. Andou's speech wasn't funny, that's exactly the type of shit that gets you in jail or expelled. The entire episode just felt like a bunch of cnet jokes. Chifuyu was adorably rapey.
The drama in this felt really annoying especially the part on the stairs. The side characters really do have a legitimate point about loli hanging out with teenagers and the way that this is resolved in the episode felt idiotic.
The visuals looked pretty weird this episode. There were parts that were really fluid but most of the episode felt like it was off-model. There were some definitely some scenes where they were showing that classic Inferno Cop budget.
I did like the Risky Business reference though.
trigger stahp
Why is that one girl in a straight jacket exactly? I mean other then the obvious fetish thing they got going on there.
Animation Director:
They essentially check or correct key frames and possibly send it back to the original animator to fix. They're usually the more experienced of the staff. Changes can be elaborate or very subtle. In some ways, they're responsible for the animation quality of an episode or movie.
It should however be noted that the translators for Shirobako are translating this as "Animation Supervisor". IIRC they translate 演出, who are the actual directors of individual episodes, as "Animation Director".
That show is animated by trigger?trigger stahp
That show is animated by trigger?
One genre at a time I guess.SAVING ANIME
Ping Pong 6:
That song, contrasted with the different images of everyone's Christmas Eve, was a really powerful moment. Each of the characters seem to be heading in a different direction, but all of them seem to be in a place where things feel empty for them. I don't blame a lot of the other guys in the club for being pissed off at Smile with the way he's acting, but that's the curse of being absurdly talented and at a lower ranked school. He's long since grown out the pond he's currently in.
I also love the recurring bits with that guy who keeps wandering around and deciding to go someplace else after he's not happy with where he went to the previous time.
I loved this movie. It's one of my favorites. Not as trippy as Paprika like I was thinking it would be, but still awesome.Sakasama no Patema
This was great. I could have done without the hammy main villain, but I really enjoyed the other characters. Considering how understated the "romance" aspect of the movie was, it was a bit odd to have such a blatantly one-dimensional villain.
Most of the themes and messages were fairly par for the course, but the use of "inversion" made the film feel fresh. The visuals are stunning and really bring out the "exploratory" nature of the show when paired with a really good OST. Patema's innocent curiosity even got old cynical me to grin like a fool.
Even better yet, it was nice to have a more serious change of pace from the usual fanservice that can disrupt the tone of movies.
I actually wish it had been maybe an extra 30 minutes to flesh out the narrative. But overall, I really enjoyed it a lot.
Ping Pong 6:
That song, contrasted with the different images of everyone's Christmas Eve, was a really powerful moment. Each of the characters seem to be heading in a different direction, but all of them seem to be in a place where things feel empty for them. I don't blame a lot of the other guys in the club for being pissed off at Smile with the way he's acting, but that's the curse of being absurdly talented and at a lower ranked school. He's long since grown out the pond he's currently in.
I also love the recurring bits with that guy who keeps wandering around and deciding to go someplace else after he's not happy with where he went to the previous time.
I need to watch Paprika actually. I'm pretty busy right now so I've been on the prowl for movies to better allocate my time.I loved this movie. It's one of my favorites. Not as trippy as Paprika like I was thinking it would be, but still awesome.
Mike Tyson Mysteries 1
Anime is so saved.
Sinon's Ass Online II Episode 14