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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Future Diary 03

This was very scary.


Absolutely terrifying

But not to worry, paperbag warrior is here to save us from the injustice of badly rendered CG park attractions and background characters (sometimes even the main characters!).

But not before a terrifying trip to the pool where girls lose their swimsuits while not moving in a slow current of water.

When they finally arrive home, Yukki peaks into Yuno's room. I don't know why he freaked out though. It's his own fault for not respecting a girl's privacy!

Yuki Yuna is a Hero 1-3 - This is a magical girl-style show. It stars Yuki Yuna, a very protagonist kind of girl -- she's kind of dense, but good at heart and determined. She's a normal Japanese schoolgirl... but then evil creatures invade, and the ... Shinyuu-sama, whatever that is, has called her and four other girls to be heroes who have to save humanity by stopping the giant monsters and defeating their cores. To everyone else they're just the members of the Hero Club, but when time freezes, they have to save the world in another realm. When a monster invades, they are all transported to a pretty cool-looking world of crazy colors. There, they fight the monster. So far, they have been successful, and have already defeated 5 of them. The cast is mostly stereotypical, but one of the girls is pretty unique -- one is disabled, and has to use a wheelchair. Her legs were paralyzed in an accident some time ago. A girl in a wheelchair, as a main character in a show? I can't say I can remember seeing such a thing before, and it definitely makes this show stand out from others of this general heroes/magical girls-and-monsters genre. Her hero form can't move her legs either -- she uses these long paper-like arm things to maneuver around. Interesting stuff. She has sniper powers. MC girl is a physical fighter, of course. The other three are a somewhat tsun girl with strong abilities; the older girl who's the president; and said girl's younger sister. It's somewhat predictable stuff so far, but entertaining. So far this is a decent series, and I'll probably continue with it.

However, there have been many expectations that it'll change in tone and get dark. So far this has not happened; it's just magical girl and not grimdark, despite many peoples' comparisons between this show and Madoka Magica (the alternate world, the MC's costume in hero form, and some other things are reminiscent of that series), and I at least hope it stays this way! Yes, I know that the staff includes the writer of Akame ga Kill (and also the harem series He Is My Noble Master, I believe...), but... well, those two seres are quite different, and this one is different again. It's also got some people behind the Persona 4 anime or something, apparently. But I prefer this as it is to grimdark -- I dropped Madoka at episode 3 and never watched it again after that -- so I'd be happy if it stays away from that stuff, despite the obvious visual comparisons that can be made.

Overall, considering how many are expecting a dark turn, I think it'd be amusing if it doesn't to it... or if it's just minor, and nothing remotely like Madoka Magica is. If the show does go Madoka's way I'll likely stop watching, but it doesn't have to... and we got through three episodes without a Madoka ep. 3 moment, so you never know!

I Wanna Be the Twintail 1-3 - I've already said that this show is a lot of fun, but... it's a lot of fun! Twintail is a ridiculous and very amusing anime that's a homage, or takedown, of anime, I guess. That's it's strength, but also its weakness. For the most part this is a quite entertaining show, but it is mostly very generic. It feels intentionally so, like it was made to check off all those generic trope boxes, but it plays it a bit too straight to be a parody, and that's where the issue comes in for me; this show's funny, but it's got too many dumb anime tropes that it seems to take seriously for it to entirely be a parody. And other times, it both laughs at a thing and has it in the series at the same time, which is kind of odd. I imagine that they are trying to attract people who like anime with this series and keep them watching, and they've hopefully succeeded at that, but does it REALLY need to be so generic in some ways? You've got the generic tsundere childhood friend, etc.

However, most of the time this show is great fun; the complaints above are relatively minor. This is a ridiculous show that knows how absurd it is and runs with it, to quite amusing ends! The main character is a guy who loves twintails. Then aliens invade who steal the things people love from their hearts, while also loving those things that they are stealing; yeah, it's weird. So, a crazy scientist woman comes from a world that they have conquered, and gives the MC a power bracelet that turns him into a superhero twintailed girl! The guy also has a twintailed tsundere childhood friend who is somewhat violent, particularly with the scientist woman (because said woman keeps hitting on the MC). She's now joined the group as Twintail Hero #2 as of episode 3. I was hoping she'd get her power bracelet soon, and she finally has. #3 is sure to be the twintailed school president girl, who the MC saved in episode 1 but is in the OP as one of the heroes... so, well, it'll happen eventually.

The enemies are amusing guys, all completely obsessed with something -- dolls, hair, what have you. They try to steal this from people who love those things, so the power of someone who loves a thing as intensely as the MC does twintails is the perfect power to fight back against them, you see. Yeah, the plot's ridiculous, while also being stereotypical anime. As I was saying, this is the show's one weak point -- I know that by making it as it is they're going to draw in anime fans, but some more originality would have been great, beyond that absurd humor of course. Ah well; anime rarely REALLY tries to break the mold, unfortunately. And what is here, with the decent fighting, sometimes silly comedy elements, and generic and yet oh so obviously intentional anime-being-anime moments, is mostly good. Of course, I love that it's a genderswap series too, I've always liked such things, ever since Ranma! This show is no Ranma, that's for sure, but it is well worth watching for anime fans. Other people won't get it, I imagine.

(Oh, and I also wish that the MC and the other girl weren't both completely completely flat-chested... oh well. This connects to what I was saying, though -- the show is trying to be funny and absurd, but also to draw in an otaku audience and keep them watching, so it plays the tropes straighter than it perhaps could. So, MC's girl form is young-looking because scientist girl claims to like it that way, etc.)

Hi-scoool! SeHa Girl 1-3 - Girls who are living representations of the Sega Genesis, Saturn, and Dreamcast go on adventures in videogames in order to try to win enough points to graduate Sega School. This may sound slightly like Neptunia, but fortunately, this series isn't horrible trash like that franchise; instead, it's a constant barrage of Sega references and fun. Yes, despite the stupid title, this is a pretty good series! I like Sega consoles, they're second on my list behind Nintendo, and this is a solid, above-average anime. The three girls have good designs, and teh challenges so far have been amusing. This is a fairly simple show, with little depth and some pretty dumb elements, but it's definitely entertaining overall.

Still... really, did it HAVE to be such a dumb-looking attack that won every round in Virtua Fighter? And while for a while it was funny that Dreamcast could beat every opponent in one hit with that thing, after a while it got kind of boring... but they played it straight, all the way to the end. They missed an opportunity there for something more interesting. Ah well. Otherwise, my only complaint is that this is a 12-minute-episodes series; this would be better as a full-length series, there's plenty more they could do! This is amusing stuff, any videogame and anime fan should watch it for sure.

When Supernatural Battles Become Commonplace 1-2 - This is a bad anime about a chuunibyou guy and the girls around him. He got a lame superpower (to create a dark flame, of course), while the girls got powerful ones. Beyond that, it's almost sleep-inducingly generic and bad. Generic anime sexism, generic anime plotlines, generic anime everything... and it's all done poorly, too. Don't bother with this waste of time. It's not the worst thing ever, but this is a bad series, no question.

As for Trinity Seven 2 and 3, I have watched them. Will write longer impressions separately.

Older Stuff

Sakura Trick 11-12 (End) - Finally got around to finishing one of the best animes in a while! ... Okay, it's completely one-note, and has terrible production values, but when that one note is about girls kissing, I'll give it a pass. I'd stopped watching it because the last couple of episodes before this got slightly serious and I didn't like that, but the last two are a total return to form, and are great! Haruka and Yuu kissing, light "drama" that barely deserves the term, the sadness of the passing of time as Yuu's older sister graduates high school, more Haruka and Yuu kissing... these episodes have it all. WHY did people not buy this show?? We need more of it, and with an actual budget next time!

My only complaint other than the budget and lack of conclusive ending (since this isn't the end of the manga) would be that the series did continue with its theme of having Haruka not understand love. In the manga she sort of does, but they made her dumber about the subject in the anime in order to keep much of any romantic progress from happening. It's unfortunate, but in the last episode at least she tries. Great episodes despite the occasional slight frustration, overall.

High School DxD 13-14 (OVAs 1 and 2) - More fanservicey High School DxD, what else did you expect? They were okay. I'm not sure why I didn't watch these before going to the second series, but I didn't, so I'm caught up now.


Nisemonogatari episode 8.
How in the fuck? Brushing my teeth has been forever changed.


Serial Experiments Lain 10

This show is like watching the last three episodes of NGE on repeat.

They spend like 8 episodes
on building up the Knights as this looming ultimate threat and here they wiped them all out in 2 minutes.

Bahamut 04

Pirates, fishmen, zombies and GIANT ENEMY CRAB all make for a good episode. Actually got a lot of info dumped in this episode about Kaiser and Favaro's pasts and it did a lot to explain why their relationship is the way it is. It also brought up the intriguing question about who Amira's father is which I'm sure will be some kind of stunning revelation. Also nice to see Rita being super useful as well.


Gugure! Kokkuri-san 2-4


genderbending dog creeper sucks eggs but the twisted tanuki voiced by nakata & yamamoto and his lil sister are great additions to the cast! i wonder just what the hell's up with the flowers.


Dera-chan of the Southern Islands

This short before the movie proper features the worst characters in the series, and serves no purpose other than to remind fans that sadly Dera did make it back home at the end, and they did not all die in a shipwreck as they deserved to. It's a pretty stupid short, but then again these are pretty stupid characters.

Tamako Love Story

It's pretty who this movie was made for. The fact that this film exists vindicates everyone who said that the series would have benefited from less of the fantastical elements and that the characters and their relationships were enough to carry the story on their own. In the end all that Dera crap was just dead weight, and this story benefits a lot from dropping all that.

One of my biggest problems with the series was that Tamako was an uninteresting character. It was hard to really care or relate to her because she doesn't like doing anything to stand out, and her existence in the town is something everyone is so used to that she blends into the background perfectly. So it's really interesting for me to see how they've taken that aspect of Tamako and made that a fundamental part of the story here.

Seeing why she is the way she is isn't enough to make a compelling story, but seeing her actually react and notice how things are starting to change around her, and then using a development in her relationship with Mochizo to force her to reconsider everything she is and make a conscious effort to actually figure out what it is she wants... that is something else. Instead of continuing on as the stock protagonist in a slice of life setting which never changes, actually exploring what it might feel like being a person who lives based on expectations having to suddenly think about her own feelings and what she has to do to adapt to changes in circumstances finally makes Tamako a real character. That's probably the biggest achievement in the movie.

On the technical side of things, I felt it was very fitting that they employed a ton of video camera effects throughout the film. Using focus, different tones, time lapses, fast-forwards, and so on in both the composite and direction felt very fitting, considering half the side of the story is about Mochizo and his big decision was going to Tokyo to study film making. By creating a film which feels it was told through the lens of a videographer, it gives the entire narrative a unique flavor which parallels Mochizo's relationship with Tamako.

Yeah, I enjoyed this a lot and I'm glad they made it. Some people have said that this movie is very much the sequel to episode 9 of the series, but I feel it's a lot more than that. Instead of just telling a similar type of story, except featuring Tamako and Mochizo, they went a step further to reinforce the message that Tamako is not her mother, and will never be, but instead she must find her own way and create her own story. Tamako Love Story is really the perfect title for the film.
Ai katsu - 16 & 17
Isn't that great ? when you're using Cgs to animate dancing , you can just recycle almost everything !!
The dances in ep 16 & 17 are almost the same and honnestly the special appeals between the 2 heroines are the same , only with a different model.
I would certainly have called ep 17 a rip-off if they didn't do the 2nd song and put all their might to showcase the first hints toward the "legendary idols" that i'm sure are part of the overall narrative... because let's face it it's obvious since the start that ichigo mother and the headmaster are related

I'll wait for the innevitable reveal , one day one day.

Is it friendship ? My yuri sense is sensing something else.
So episode 16 was about the purpose of the special appeals , a concept that would have been LOST on me , had i not played too much idolmaster on psp & PS3, in the end it seems like some kind of friendship is still trying to bloom , but we'renot here yet.

Episode 17 was more of a decent conclusion to the last episodes.They sure took their time to reach this moment. Ichigo goes too far, get excited and is brought back to reality .. THE END

or is it ?

I guess i'll have to watch some fillers episode first to learn about it


Tamako Love Story

It's pretty who this movie was made for. The fact that this film exists vindicates everyone who said that the series would have benefited from less of the fantastical elements and that the characters and their relationships were enough to carry the story on their own. In the end all that Dera crap was just dead weight, and this story benefits a lot from dropping all that.

I actually liked the bird, and still kind of do. However then I'm not enraptured with any of the characters in the series so I guess he went to the near top for me, due to process of elimination.


The Devil Is a Part Timer 6-13 [END]

Super fun and entertaining as hell show. I say this way too often but I hope for another season even though we may never get it. :(

But yeah, the characters were funny and the action was great (when they had it). I would definitely recommend this show to anyone who is just looking for an anime with great comedy and characters that play well off each other.

Disclaimer: I watched the English dub and thoroughly enjoyed it because I love the people they used. They had a lot of people who played in Baka & Test in the cast so you know it was going to be a good time! I am not sure how the Japanese VO's are but the English cast is more than up to the task to make you laugh your socks off.

Edit: Yeah.....

This is a really fun show. If you like this theme, also check out Yuushibo. Similar idea.
Fino is Cuuuuuuuute.

Shirobako 1

Huh, this show seems pretty cool. Anime about anime ends up working. How the team has to overcome one person's screw-ups, how they have to balance time between episodes, everything. Will take some time to get familiar with all of the characters though.

One day, Aoi's gonna get arrested for her reckless driving. Seeing everybody try to overcome that would make for a pretty great episode.

The show maintains this level too. So far so good. Very informative. Aoi and the CGI animation tomboy are best girls.

As I don't own anything that will play a DVD or Blu-Ray, physical is never an option. Not to mention the fact that I have grown to dislike physical media in general.

I cant even fathom how this is possible.

It is, has a cute vampire countess though so that makes it worth it somewhat.

Really? Hmm. Adding to list.

Twintails - 01-03

I don't think i've laughed this hard in a long time. Fucking amazing show with flawless execution.

Indeed AWESOMEBEAR. It is a sign that anime loves us and wants us to be happy.

Yuna Yuki is a hero 1-2
Well, what do you know, it's actually a good mahou shojo anime. The animation and soundtrack is quite pleasing. i might follow this for now.

Its good but I cant help but feel like something very very bad is about to happen.


That's not surprising. :p


If the series was better I might have had more of a problem with him but he's the only one other than Kanna that had an actual personality in the TV series.

The TV series definitely wasn't good enough to just focus on the characters and even in the movie they stumbled a lot.


I want to like Bahamut, but a story involving gods or whatever coming down from sky and interrupting whatever is happening below is not exciting. Outside of that they've done pretty well but things like that ruins it.


I want to like Bahamut, but a story involving gods or whatever coming down from sky and interrupting whatever is happening below is not exciting. Outside of that they've done pretty well but things like that ruins it.

I actually thought the last episode did a really good job of contextualizing the demons.
Chances are the head demon was summoned by the crew of Favaro's father so there is a personal motivation tying Favaro to the demons. Amira is probably the daughter of Lucifer or whatever
. I'm also guessing the angels might have some sort of personal link to Kaisar. Maybe an angel ordered the execution or whatever.


I think the celebrity voice they used for Lucifer in the card game is Sakurai. I wonder if he'll reprise the role if he shows up in the anime...
The Devil Is a Part Timer 6-13 [END]

Super fun and entertaining as hell show. I say this way too often but I hope for another season even though we may never get it. :(

But yeah, the characters were funny and the action was great (when they had it). I would definitely recommend this show to anyone who is just looking for an anime with great comedy and characters that play well off each other.

Disclaimer: I watched the English dub and thoroughly enjoyed it because I love the people they used. They had a lot of people who played in Baka & Test in the cast so you know it was going to be a good time! I am not sure how the Japanese VO's are but the English cast is more than up to the task to make you laugh your socks off.

Edit: Yeah.....

Urushihara gave so many great moments, they are such a great family.
Detective Conan 335:
Yukiko being allowed to drive a car with kids in it strikes me as a failure of the legal system. Her driving antics are hilarious as always, and I loved the death glare she gave Conan after she called her an 'old lady'. That scene was done pretty much perfectly. Conan being so befuddled at the idea that Haibara could have feelings for him shows how he's really not all that perceptive when it comes to those things, given just how obvious it is (stupid Ran, getting in the way of the real best pairing).

The people tailing them in a suspicious car is also one of the iconic parts of this case. I remember this really well from when I was reading the manga because it felt like a real 'shits about to go down' moment. The arc is almost at its culmination. I can't wait to see the final showdown.
I cant even fathom how this is possible.

I don't own a console, all my gaming is on PC, don't have an optical drive in my PC, and don't have a standalone DVD/Blu-Ray player. About 2-3 years ago I went through my movie collection and (which wasn't terribly big, maybe 100ish movies) scanned them into Amazon's website and shipped the off. All my music CDs I just trashed since they probably weren't worth anything anyhow.

I'm actually learning Japanese at my local community college and some of our homework requires listening to an audio CD. I have to do that homework in my car since that's the only thing I own that can play a CD.
And gonna continue Welcome to the NHK but gotta type this down before it gets revealed: The online female cat character Mia just has got to be a dude IRL. Already looking forward the glorious realization.
What's that? Someone's watching Future Diary?

I've been meaning to finish Future Diary at some point. I ended up stopping at episode 15 for whatever reason and never got around to continuing it. I'll probably finish it this week before starting K or 2nd GIG.

I'm getting myself into a world of hurt aren't I?
Yona of the Dawn 4:
Mun-deok was pretty awesome in this episode. I loved the way he shut down the other guys. We see the political situation in the Kingdom of Kouka start to shake up in this episode, and the precarious situation that the Wind Tribe has been put in. Hak's decision at the end of the episode makes sense, but it's also the kind of thing that will leave a sour taste in everyone's mouths.

It's nice to see that Yona has started to return to something approaching normal again after the last couple of episodes. She's still a little numb, but she's able to tease Hak and show some emotions. Her interactions with Tae-yon in this episode were pretty sweet, and Tae-yon's illness showed the personal side to the conflict going on. The attacking of the merchant's put his life in jeopardy even though he didn't really have anything to do with what was going on. That's the real face of what this war would mean.
Aikatsu - 18
i thought this episode would be a boring filler , but in fact it wasn't.

Well it was a filler , but it wasn't boring . I was surprised how this episode felt "fresh" even when it explored a theme that is just "common" in anime and that is the VALENTINES episode.

2 things saved this episode .. of course johnny-sensei and the performance of raichi , the heroine little brother.
Raichi is a fan of aoi , and he learns that aoi is making valentines chocolates and thus disguise himself as a girl in order to enter the idol school ( girl only allowed ).. and with a little help , manages to fool everyone ! Congrats raichi , you've made this episode more intresting than it should have been.!!

Other than that , it was an ok filler
Welcome to the NHK - 16

The good run continues, this time around with especially strong imagery.

Kids, don't do videogames.

The crazy even reached over to Misaki.

Based Kaoru teaching Tatsuhiro a harsh lesson. I even predicted it to be him...well, 5 seconds before he opened the door but hey!

It's by now abundantly clear that the creators of this anime actually know a bunch about the life of a NEET etc. I really appreciate this show actually pointing out how hard making money in online games can be, especially for someone like Tatsuhiro. Kaoru even specifically mentions the lack of programming skills, which is darn true, considering that bots are the best way to go usually.

Misaki's counter-measures felt a bit questionable to me but it's not necessarily out of character I suppose. Great episode overall.
Aikatsu - 19



Nothing stops the chuuni train !!
As it turns , there was a vampire on school grounds all along !
Her backstory makes no sense what so ever , but i'll give 10/10 for the effort. After all everyone knows that when you are in this phase , the backstory is really important.
It's just too bad her shell was broken that easily. she should had cameos earlier so that the reveal had more impact ...

Clearly a missed opportunity .
Are those cycling shorts?
You can get the legit, official, race-quality Hakogaku cycling bib shorts here:



The site only ships within Japan, you'll need a proxy service if you want shipped out internationally.

The rest of the Yowapeda pro cycling gear is here:



I have the Sohoku jersey and bib shorts, and as well as the Hakogaku jersey. Really high-quality stuff for cycling! (Definitely not cheap though, each item was pretty pricey.) The Sohoku jersey has been my go-to jersey while riding my bike since I've gotten it last month lol


Serial Experiments Lain 11


In Lain even a simple recap turns into one of the trippiest 10 minutes of TV ever. And again, I've no idea what happened at the end there. :(


You can get the legit, official, race-quality Hakogaku cycling bib shorts here:



The site only ships within Japan, you'll need a proxy service if you want shipped out internationally.

The rest of the Yowapeda pro cycling gear is here:



I have the Sohoku jersey and bib shorts, and as well as the Hakogaku jersey. Really high-quality stuff for cycling! (Definitely not cheap though, each item was pretty pricey.) The Sohoku jersey has been my go-to jersey while riding my bike since I've gotten it last month lol

Really tempted to pick it up.

But I don't really feel like explaining what it is to everyone I meet.


I have the Sohoku jersey and bib shorts, and as well as the Hakogaku jersey. Really high-quality stuff for cycling! (Definitely not cheap though, each item was pretty pricey.) The Sohoku jersey has been my go-to jersey while riding my bike since I've gotten it last month lol

That really is pricey, would love to get this stuff though, I can't wait to be out of Uni with a job and be able to afford things.


Who'd want to wear cycle gear based on an actual cycling cartoon when you can properly nerd it up with some quality iM@S cycle gear instead?

I might own a Kotori cycle Jersey. No, I don't actually cycle anywhere.
Really tempted to pick it up.

But I don't really feel like explaining what it is to everyone I meet.
You don't get it to have to explain to peeps on a group ride.

You get it for those "HIME! HIME!" moments when you're sweating it out and spinning the cranks on a tough CAT HC climb by yourself, yo. =)
Who'd want to wear cycle gear based on an actual cycling cartoon when you can properly nerd it up with some quality iM@S cycle gear instead?

I might own a Kotori cycle Jersey. No, I don't actually cycle anywhere.
Sales of these must have massively declined when everyone realized they wouldn't be as cool as Harada.

Link Man

Yona of the Dawn 4

This show is so good. Political intrigue and humor (that's actually funny!) were the highlights of this episode.

I remember reading a bunch of bad stuff about this on reddit, and there's a link in the YouTube comments as well.


Other information that was shared with me last night:

Most of the sled dog companies here lose no more than 1-2 dogs per year (usually due to the elements or illness). The man who owns that property for “bear tours” loses an average of 20 dogs per year — all due to bear attacks.
Brian Ladoon (who owns the property) claims to run a humane dog breeding business. Yet, his dogs are compromised daily by his polar bear practices
People are not supposed to feed the bears. If you’re caught feeding a bear, you will be arrested and fined. Essentially, Brian feeds the bears daily by leaving excessive food out “for the dogs.”



Welcome to the NHK 17

Pyramid-schemes now huh? I was actually quite glad that Tatsuhiro didn't fall for it...that is until he then did fall for it after his former class rep managed to convince him...with weak ass arguments. Eh, I disliked the ending of this episode. I don't oppose the idea of him falling to a pyramid-scheme as he's really be part of the prime target audience, but don't shoehorn it in so badly :/


Someday's Dreamers Sora 04-06

The stories are feeling a lot more melancholic and personal here. The filtered backgrounds are still an odd choice, but I see why they were chosen. It lends a sense of grounding to the proceedings. Like Yume before her, Sora's crisis of confidence is coming into play, though Gouta's not getting off easy, either. There's not that much music in scenes, and the school scenes feel as much like a workplace as they do one of education. This franchise is unique, quite so.

Trinity Seven 04

Dungeons and dragons and magical guns. There's been multiple stories out there with demon king candidates, and I like that in this one, the girls are just as important, if not more important, to the story as Arata. The magic system is interesting, and it's got enough metahumor that it makes for a relatively easy watch. I like the new ED, too.
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