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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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M3 Episode 24 End

Will put this in my top 10 mecha list. Great conclusion and everything.
was afraid Minashi would be killed off after his sudden turn to be the figurehead of the antagonists instead of you know who, but to be saved at the end by Akashii. Great.Initially thought they would go for a dark dreary end due to how depressing and distressing things got as the series went on and the lightless realm expanded.

Loved they did the Akashi Heito moments of the first half and this half, and then Akashi Minashi, someone really likes pairing the characters up with rather intriguing dialogue.

Weaknesses of the show was probably the clunky design of the machines in the first half but was resolved with resonating eventually to make them rather cool. 10/10

Nano's SABLE is best english lyrics of the season and best song as I did listen to it multiple times daible and goes well with the plot, while first half May'n's RE:Remember gew on me (cant believe there is a version without May'n, who wants that. Though Maaya Sakamoto's Replica ended up being my overall favorite song from this. Kind of sad that they all had to do a song for this anime that eventually ended up being immensely unpopular. People dont know what they missed.

Enjoyed Kakihara, Tetsuya as Minashi.


Subete no aware
That's fanservice. They're doing it to pander to a certain demographic (teens and young adults) and try to rake in the dough. It's the sad state the anime industry is currently in. Harem, as a plot frame, doesn't apply to SAO. There's really only one romantic interest and it's resolved in the very first arc.
You can still have a harem even when there's a clear leader. It's anime after all.
Kirito is really good at video games. I remember people were complaining that he got incredibly OP in an MMORPG even though he just barely started. I don't know about you, but watching him kill 10,000 boars just to have the belief that he raised his stats legitimately would get boring very quickly.

Now I'm not questioning your level of suspension of disbelief. I just think it's amusing people get worked up about this sort of trivial stuff and not about actual plot points, like for example Kirito not calling the police. Though to be fair, having him personally stop the villain's evil scheme makes for much better television, innit?
No, Kirito was good at SAO because he was a "beater". Then he decided to martyr himself and become Batman in order to protect people, because he's such a badass.

Then in the next game, he was so awesome that his skills carried over to the new game. Same in GGO I suppose.


(Sorry AquaWateria) Alright now Rail Wars may technically have less production values or be more shameless then this, but I gotta give it up to the trainwreck of an adaptation this is. After seeing the censorship in this, it made me feel a bit better about JJBA. Plus Parasyteis airing next season and that’s by Madhouse so it’s gonna make it look even worse

I ain't even bothered because it was a shitty adaption that didn't do justice to the source material. I'll just be glad that I have the manga which is fuckin amazing.


Steins;Gate 1-2


Why did I wait so long to watch this.

its never too late to watch one of the best shows!

Youtube took down that scene and it made me sad. Serara is sublimely adorable.

That feeling when you decide to go back to a show in your back log to finish, rewatch the episode you last watch and don't remember a damn thing about the episode after the first 2-3 minutes :X

I know this feeling well. Typically every two weeks I meet with my friend and watch anime for hours, stopping when I fall asleep and cant remember anything. Sometimes I cant recall an episode we just watched previously.


Subete no aware
As much as I love Hyouka, it's not even my favorite anime from KyoAni. I still love Lucky Star the best. I'm biased though; that was what got me into watching anime regularly.
I honestly don't know what I'd do if I had to choose between K-On!! and Hyouka.

I'd probably choose K-On!! :(
It's funny how Buddy Complex ended up being way better than Aldnoah Zero and Captain Earth. I mean Aldnoah Zero had many dumb shit going on and Captain Earth was straight up boring (sorry to anyone liking these shows). While Buddy Complex isn't the most original show it at least wasn't dumb or boring. I actually liked it and was entertained by it. Also Hina the best.
I ain't even bothered because it was a shitty adaption that didn't do justice to the source material. I'll just be glad that I have the manga which is fuckin amazing.

This is true. The manga made more sense than the anime ever did. At least this time I didn't feel lost as fuck and wondering when it was over.


its never too late to watch one of the best shows!

Youtube took down that scene and it made me sad. Serara is sublimely adorable.

I know this feeling well. Typically every two weeks I meet with my friend and watch anime for hours, stopping when I fall asleep and cant remember anything. Sometimes I cant recall an episode we just watched previously.

I think I finished on 5 last night, going to have a nap and watch 6-8 after dinner.
Buddy Complex Into the Skies of Tomorrow – First Half

I hope second half has an s2 announcement, the new characters like Mishima are nice (calling Aoba senpai and blushing and all lol), and the episode reminded me of all the amazing things this series does. Composer didnt sound like he added new songs though, and the op and ed were still the same (though the ChouChou ed never got old as its feels like a perfect match for the series).

Alaska once again destroyed in a mecha anime though, was shocked it was already completed as well as it surely seemed like they would be able to do something to stop it, but well that would defeat the purpose of part 2. Does feel like the Zogilian side will also target their own laser cannon due to how deadly it is. Surely they would also work with the protagonists to take it out.


Subete no aware
Why is Blue Exorcist V3 and Durarara V1 not going OOP like the rest of the volumes.
Who knows? lol



Anime. I will say one thing, Himegoto actually had some consequences for sexual assault. Not any real consequences, of course, but for something that is typically played for laughs, I was surprised that it had a minute of genuineness.


Log Horizon 25 S1 END
That makes 4. Shiroe officially has a harem. It wrapped up better than anticipated and felt very complete despite the opening ending (if they took out that post credit bit.)

Outside of Rudy, the quality of the series never came into question at all. It was like a version of SAO where they decided to stay put and eat off the land instead of looking for a way out and nobody did anything stupid and nothing felt forced. The fact that there wasn't some main central villian felt good too.

Minori's chsracter is practically unrecognizable from how she started and is truly is a highlight. Even if she only does it to get closer to Shiroe.

Kinda pumped for season 2.
I like Tamerlane, but he needs a few more years to mature or something.
Agreed. They are going through their "mainstream is automatically uninteresting/lesser" phase. (Perhaps an oversimplification.)
My problem with film was that often the greatest masterpieces are unavailable for personal viewing.
This part made me roll my eyes.


Fate/Zero was like an awesome rollercoaster ride.

The first episode might as well have been the boring uphill climb. By the end of it before the first drop, you can see that the ride ahead of you is going to be full of fun twists and turns!

...This doesn't necessarily apply to my case seeing as the gap between me watching episode 1 and me watching episode 2 of Fate/Zero was approximately one year.

Fate Zero didnt begin on a boring note to me. I think it set things into motion very efficiently in a way that was easy to understand and properly introduced all the characters involved.


Okay AnimeGAf I'm foregoing working out because I'm just kinda not in the mood today, so let's talk about GETTER ROBO.

Getter Robo is one of the most well known Giant Robot series of all time. It's probably one of the oldest, too. It sits comfortably in the Trinity of Super Robot Wars with Gundam and Mazinger. If Mazinger is Mario and Gundam is Pikachu then Getter Robo is Link, so to speak. The series isn't Go Nagai's work, but it is heavily influenced by it (and I believe Nagai was close to Ken Ishikawa. The series began as a manga, and was adapted into an anime in 1974.


Clockwise from Top, The Shin, G, Original and Go Getter Robos

The manga, which I confess I still need to read, I am told differs from the anime. But I'm going to just give you the skinny on what I do know, and beg the aid of those who are more knowledgeable than I to correct the statements I make here and now.

Unlike Mazinger Z, which was perhaps as idyllic as a giant Robot series could be, Getter Robo was actually sort of a hard edged show when it came out. While it is true that the original run now comes off as incredibly saccharine, I think it is important to take a step back and look at the show from a distance. Ryoma, Hayato, and Musashi were not the Justice Lovin' Crusaders of Good that Kouji was. Nor were they the spitting image of a good, wholesome, red-blooded Japanese teenager like Kouji.

Rather, Ryoma, Hayato and Musashi were very troubled teenagers. Not in the sense we might immediately jump to today, where there's sex, drugs and rock and roll, but none of them spoke of their fathers, all three of them were violent to the point where Ryoma and Hayato once fought from the top of a mountain to the bottom in a single day. As Ryoma in New Getter Robo would point out: Benkei was really the only sane man in the group. Musashi, his predecessor, tended to be the most normal of his day, but he had a terrible temper and was prone to taking things out on his sidekick, Joho (think Bulk and Skull.)

Doctor Saotome was a crafty, sneaky, obsessive and brutish scientist who fit the bill of mad scientist almost perfectly at times. The only real soft spot he had was for his family, and even then he could be eerily stoic about it, like the death of his son Tatsuhito in the first episode, or his strangely frigid relationship with his wife. All the same, toward his daughter, Michiru, and his son (well, usually his son), Genki, Doctor Saotome could be a big teddie bear.

The show's principle villains, the Dinosaur Empire, were on the surface the sneaky bastard alien race that Super Robot shows were meant to slaughter. But one truth I've come to learn about Super Robot Anime is that the idea that villains in older Super Robot anime were one shaded mustache twirlers is largely a myth. The Dinosaur Empire time and time again proved to be full of honorable warriors, men and women, who were only trying to fight the Getter Team because they were trying to save their homeland and Getter Technology, for all it would help mankind, was lethal to them. Countless Dinosaur Soldiers would die defending the Getter Team or valiantly fighting for their cause rather than trying to get away with this or that crime.

Although the show is now very cheerful and shiny in our memories, I put it to you that this is less because the Original Getter Robo pulled its punches and more because later shows would move to the far, far darker motives of the original manga. The original Getter Robo had a member of the main cast die a horrible death, had Ryoma and the team crying their eyes and screaming their souls out over the flaming wreckage of fallen foes. It was a show about a team of messed up people coming together to defend mankind and be more than what they were.


Ryoma Nagare in 1974, 1998, and 2004. What a difference 30 years makes!

Later Getter Robo series, specifically Armageddon and New would veer into far, far more frightening, and darker places. Armageddon deals with a world gone mad, where everyone who had ever been known and loved in the old animes has turned one upon the other. Doctor Saotome has gone mad with grief, Michiru is dead, Genki's lost his mind, Ryoma is in jail for murder, Hayato's destroying the world and Benkei is left to clean it all up. The series is, to me, the dark work of the Super Robot Genre. To illustrate it to you, think of Getter Robo Armageddon as you would The Dark Knight Returns, except free of Frank Millerisms. Compare Getter Robo's beginnings to the Adam West Era of Batman and consider Armageddon as Beyond or Dark Knight era Bale. It's the Batman Beyond to Batman TAS, so to speak. You get the picture. It's a world gone entirely wrong.

New Getter Robo pushes beyond that, back to the age when the heroes of Getter Robo were precious more than mad men with a giant robot. Even Michiru, who through Armageddon had remained the shining example of a good, sane, kind woman has frozen over. Most notable of all is that in New Getter Robo there is absolutely no mention of Genki. Genki, the stereotypical bright eyed kid who served as an audience surrogate in many a Super Robot Show, simply doesn't exist. Interestingly, Tatsuhito, Doctor Saotome's long dead son, does.

But all of this is set up to a point which I really want to discuss with you: The fundamental shift in the meaning and treatment of Getter Rays in the series. As originally presented, Getter Rays were a new hope for mankind and Japan in specific. Discovered by Doctor Saotome, they were the absolute antithesis of nuclear energy. They were clean, renewable, sustainable, powerful. The Getter Ray would power the world of tomorrow. It was the Shizuma Drive of the 70s.

But over the course of the series we are constantly told bits and pieces about this. The Getter Ray is poisonous to the Dinosaur Empire. Does humanity have the right to clean energy at the cost of another sentient race? The demons of G are attracted to it. Should we be using an energy which demons find so enthralling? What began as a simple scientific wonder for a world in love with and looking to science for the answers they so desperately needed in the middle of the greatest struggle it had ever known, the Getter Ray was the ideal answer.

And yet when Getter Robo Armageddon airs, we learn that Getter Rays not only attracted the horrors known as Invaders, it sustained them and made men into them. The Getter Ray had driven Doctor Saotome mad, and had brought the utter devastation of mankind. It had gone from being the answer to Nuclear Technology to being Nuclear Technology itself. And when New Getter Robo aired, the Getter Ray became a simultaneous symbol for all mankind's ambition and drive and the all-consuming, all-integrating homogeny of a consumerist society. It had gone from being a shining ray for a bright new future to the imminent threat of a DG Cell, a symbol for the Devil. By the end of New Getter Robo its unmistakeable as the mythological concept behind Spiral Power. Ryoma himself begins to glow with it coursing through his veins, and the Gods descend in order to prevent a Getter Ray catastrophe.

In thirty years the Getter Ray goes from being a positive force for humanity's future to a terrible energy we consume at the greatest of costs. Why? What happened? What does this loss of faith in one of anime's most prominent mystical forces mean?


Aniplex pauses for a moment and thinks "a reduced price set?"


alas why I said against all odds.
Either way if I buy any of their stuff I will likely just import them from the UK since they are in general cheaper over there even with shipping :/


Just finished up my Gundam Build Fighters Try OT. I'll be putting it up later tonight. Should be fun! Can't wait to be talking about two different gundam shows.
alas why I said against all odds.
Either way if I buy any of their stuff I will likely just import them from the UK since they are in general cheaper over there even with shipping :/

Yeah, also if I buy any of their stuff it'd better be dub/sub other wise it really isn't worth it.
Dunno. Haven't seen a huge overabundance actually. And Firemind hopefully isn't serious when he's telling us that Kirito is no Gary Stu. Same goes for the harem shenanigans. I mean less so but it's still darn clear what everyone's talking about in that regard.

Within the context of this thread, not the anime/game/book/etc. fandom at large, the only times I've seen Gary Stu thrown around has been in reference to SAO, Mahouka, certain Gundam series, etc. Has it really been a misused term IN THIS THREAD?
It's fairly well used HERE , but outside of animegaf it's pretty painfull.

That makes me want to watch SEED for some reason.
Do watch , SEED is really entertaining ... Just don't watch the sequel.

In proper context they don't apply to anyone other than fanfic characters.

Almost want to argue that the line between normal stuff and fa&nfic stuff has been blured but i wont.

Log Horizon 25 S1 END
That makes 4. Shiroe officially has a harem. It wrapped up better than anticipated and felt very complete despite the opening ending (if they took out that post credit bit.)

Outside of Rudy, the quality of the series never came into question at all. It was like a version of SAO where they decided to stay put and eat off the land instead of looking for a way out and nobody did anything stupid and nothing felt forced. The fact that there wasn't some main central villian felt good too.

Minori's chsracter is practically unrecognizable from how she started and is truly is a highlight. Even if she only does it to get closer to Shiroe.

Kinda pumped for season 2.

That makes 3.
Akatsuki, minori , nureha
Henrietta is NOT part of shiroe harem , she is more of a partner in crime more than anything.

RUdy had some rough moments but that was masterfully compensated by "his moment"
I support rudy.He is the man.


Yeah, also if I buy any of their stuff it'd better be dub/sub other wise it really isn't worth it.

well that is the way I am with most of my buys anyways. I watch most of the shows that interest me subtitled as they air. I want the dubs on my dvds so I can rewatch the series I enjoyed as I go to bed as that way I can still understand what is going on even if I can't see the subtitles (that I will have on anyways :p). I mean that is the main reason I own Time of Eve right now, I wanted to help make an english dub for it a reality (plus it's not a bad movie at all :p)

Now I do own a few subtitle only series, but they were in general either mistakes (didn't realize they didn't have dubs) or very cheap. I however will likely pick up yakitate japan because the series is just too awesome to not be able to have a copy I can look at and smile at remembering all of the awesomeness.
Sailor Moon 41

So in terms of power tier Sailor Mercury > Endyimion > Sailor Jupiter

Man after her bad ass introduction I can't remember anything significant Sailor Jupiter has done, feels like she's here only to job to powerful dudes.

Also please tell me we don't see any more of Ami's boy crush ever again, he's such an uninteresting character


Psycho-Pass 13-17
Well, the truth behind the system has been revealed and many things went down.
Makishima's plan goes into full effect and we get to see the ineffectiveness of the Sybil system when confronted with mass riots.
There were some great actions too. Now, if they could just stop quoting literature. They don't feel relevant and how the heck do they have all those memorized!


Sailor Moon 41

So in terms of power tier Sailor Mercury > Endyimion > Sailor Jupiter

Man after her bad ass introduction I can't remember anything significant Sailor Jupiter has done, feels like she's here only to job to powerful dudes.

Also please tell me we don't see any more of Ami's boy crush ever again, he's such an uninteresting character

IIRC this was the last of him.


Cardcaptor Sakura 47-51

So without any more cards to collect, the show turns to the creator of said cards and his lookalikes to Kero and Yue giving Sakura a series of challenges for... some reason. As of now, Sakura's dealt with rain, that piano from Big Boo's Haunt, and a giant bear. My favorite part of this was a friend of mine's reaction to the bear fight. I remembered the last time Sakura fought a giant creature, and hoped she'd use Big. My friend said that in the manga, the stakes were bigger, but bringing up that she does have Big kinda dampens it. Being able to use Sword and Fly at the same time is cool, though. She goes from a traditional witch's broomstick to an angel. Just like many a modern Precure powerup form.

Sailor Moon 41-42

41 was okay, and I wish the "Mamoru brainwashed" subplot would come to a close. We got so close, but he's not quite there. The show's alright at remembering its one-off characters, but not everyone needs a love interest. For 42, I see why the dub cut this. Some Sailor V backstory for Minako is appreciated, but Usagi was acting oddly vengeful when it came to Minako's love. She's so calm and forgiving to everyone, yet with this she only reluctantly uses Moon Healing Escalation. Oddly out of character. Next up is the episode that fans redrew.
Astro Fighter Sunred 13

Holy shit Sunred got blown the fuck out by some talking snake living in the ceiling.
The Live Action intro with animated Sunred inserted into it was great too.

Astro Fighter Sunred 14

New OP animations and new OP lyrics?
That's it, anime is over. I found the best show ever.
Okay AnimeGAf I'm foregoing working out because I'm just kinda not in the mood today, so let's talk about GETTER ROBO.

When I watched Getter Robo Armageddon for the first time, I must confess, I thought it was just okay. Which I suppose, was kind of my fault.

I had not seen anything Getter Robo outside of SRW. I had no idea who these people were, what their backstory was, or what was going on in general other than everything was screwed up real bad for just about everyone. It felt like I was watching GaoGaiGar Final without having seen the original GaoGaiGar. The only reason I didn't check out the previous Getter Robos was mostly due to the fact that 70s and 80s anime wasn't really my thing, and I heard that Armageddon was okay on its own.

I mostly continued watching it despite those complaints for the giant robot action, to which it delivered on that perfectly. Stoner Sunshine and
Shine Spark
were some really awesome moments.

But like I said, my enjoyment of it was a bit dampened due to me not really understanding the context of everything very well. I understood that Getter Rays were essentially Spiral Power, but that was pretty much it. It was still a fun experience though.

Also this *spoiler-filled* AMV on it is awesome. Heats is one of my favourite mecha songs of all time.


Do watch , SEED is really entertaining ... Just don't watch the sequel.
But how could I watch one but not the other? If I go in, I might as well go all way.

That makes 3.
Akatsuki, minori , nureha
Henrietta is NOT part of shiroe harem , she is more of a partner in crime more than anything.
As much as I'd love to agree with that, that one brief momebt where she thought of him in a romantic light makes me think otherwise. Sure she isn't head over heels like the other 3, but something is there apparently.

Rudy had some rough moments but that was masterfully compensated by "his moment"
I support rudy.He is the man.
Yeah, his character itself is great, its just I wasn't thinking as to how broken world-class magic is and that something as simple as
a contract
is enough to trigger it.


Astro Fighter Sunred 13

Holy shit Sunred got blown the fuck out by some talking snake living in the ceiling.
The Live Action intro with animated Sunred inserted into it was great too.

Astro Fighter Sunred 14

New OP animations and new OP lyrics?
That's it, anime is over. I found the best show ever.

Wow. I'd forgotten about Sunred. I loved that show.


No announcement yet but it seems like Slam Dunk is getting a DVD release. Cinedigm is the one doing it. First volume comes out December 9th.


Source: http://www.fandompost.com/oldforums/showthread.php?35923-Slam-Dunk-from-New-Video-Cinedigm

Cinedigm has been picking up a lot of Toei properties lately. I have their DVD release of Mononoke, it's nice. Of course I'd prefer a BD, and I do hope they get around to doing one someday, but who knows.


I remember being a big fan of Sunred. It was one of the first tokusatsu-themed comedies I remember coming across. There's also live action ones like Akibaranger or After V, and the latter one reminds me the most of Sunred in its execution.
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