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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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[Silver Fang] - 20


[Silver Fang - FINALE]


Turns out it's animated by Toei, no wonder I thought why it looks like the animal version of Hokuto no Ken.
I remember reading a bunch of bad stuff about this on reddit, and there's a link in the YouTube comments as well.


You're like the guy who watches a little red riding hood tv special and then goes to his kids "actually kids the original fable is much darker where X shit happens" lol

Thoraxes and I are once again enemies.

[Silver Fang] - 20


[Silver Fang - FINALE]


Fuck me with a rake I have to commit sudoku for not having watched this already hahahahaha
Grisaia - 04

That Michuru is an interesting character(s). I quite liked the calm green one.
Bit bummed there were no real animal trivia advice this week, but now I know cats can't deal with getting hit by a car.


Gugure! Kokkuri-san 2-4i wonder just what the hell's up with the flowers.
Granted I'm two episodes behind so things might have changed but there was an interesting theory put around that
Kohina's actually dead. The flowers on her desk are put there as a sign of warning, her ostracization from class is because nobody can see her (aside from that one girl I remember briefly in ep 1 or 2). Supposedly the type of flower means something as well?
Mostly likely this is all nonsense cause by people trying to force the idea.


Serial Experiments Lain 12-13 END

You are not alone Lain. You are (not) alone.

Well I was wrong. It did end
with smiles and happiness. Though I suppose rainbow was no where to be seen.

The whole finale felt like a mix of Evangelion and Madoka but cranked up to 11. I'm going to need to: sit on it, rewatch it, read an explanation from a brighter mind than mine because for the life of me, I cannot understand
how Lain can revive dead people, or reset time. I think they also completely ignored the chief of Tachinbana General Laboratories fate. Or KIDS, or whatever the hell happened to Lain's sister. Arghhhh


It's happening GAF! Sailor Moon Set 1 has arrived at Rightstuf and will be shipping out! Glorious day!

*Break dances*
Serial Experiments Lain 12-13 END

You are not alone Lain. You are (not) alone.

Well I was wrong. It did end
with smiles and happiness though, I suppose rainbow was no where to be seen.

The whole finale felt like a mix of Evangelion and Madoka but cranked up to 11. I'm going to need to: sit on it, rewatch it, read an explanation from a brighter mind than mine because for the life of me, I cannot understand
how Lain can revive dead people, or reset time. I think they also completely ignored the chief of Tachinbana General Laboratories fate. Or KIDS, or what the hell happened to Lain's sister. Arghhhh

My personal theory (more or less supported by the anime, but not totally)

Japan is a Shintoist country. The belief of that religion is that everything has a spirit/god (gods here are spirits with more importance and power, unlike Gods in other religions where they are inherently different that little spirits). You may have watched other animes with that theme, like for example Sen to Chihiro. It's a polytheist religion with an animistic system (everything has "anima" or soul, even pebbles).
It's more a cultural thing than a true religion, but take in account that everyone in Japan has that cultural background, so it comes easily to them.

Usually you see the god of the river, the god of the mountain, the good of richness, the good of war, etc, "classic" stuff but... in modern times, if humans create new stuff like cars, every car should also have a little spirit, and maybe there is a kami or god as the god of cars, we can think "important" categories has their own god. Same with Internet. When Internet appears, a new god should be created. And SE Lain is the story of the birth of that god, Lain.

Who knows why, the universe doesn't pop her out perfectly, but chose to retroactively create her in human society as a normal girl, family included. Think something like when she appeared, the timeline itself of the last 13 years was modified giving her a backstory and a family.
That gives the series all the weird/creepy/paranoid vibe. She isn't normal, she doesn't see or perceives the world as normal, weird stuff starts happening.
But of course, finally she understands what she is in the end.

-Her big sister broke because she noticed what she shouldn't have noticed, her memories were manipulated, maybe she entirely was created for Lain's cover.
-She heard weird noises and voices near the wires.
-Of course, she happens to be supernaturally tuned to the Wired once she starts doing computer stuff.
-There was another Lain on the Wired.
-She knew what her friend was doing in the room even if Lain wasn't there. But a computer was in front.
-In one of the later episodes, they mention something like there were as many humans or computers connected as neurons in a human brain, and you could see it as a analogy of a new global conscience.
-In the end, she was a spirit, her physical aspect hadn't changed in years and most people didn't notice her.

I re-watched it past year, and I liked the early episodes better than the somewhat messy end.
Yona of the Dawn 4

Its always the fucking fire tribes / nations / countries that are always starting shit.

Good episode. I want to see Hak hack away at dudes next episode.


First interpretation I stumbled upon was:
Lain's father is God, Lain is a Goddess and this was all some kind of big test for her.


[Crunchyroll] Encouragement of Climb 2 simulcast returns tomorrow & all previous eps will be available later today.
Majin Bone Episode 31 - Aid from Space

Bonecrushed instantly made it a great fight. ANd then it felt like the in cocoon visuals leveled up a lot. I love the new cocoon too, so sharp and fast paced and also pretty revolutionary looking. Now Im excited for it more so than the blocks of the previous cocoon version.

The new op is just as good as the first op.


Granted I'm two episodes behind so things might have changed but there was an interesting theory put around that
Kohina's actually dead. The flowers on her desk are put there as a sign of warning, her ostracization from class is because nobody can see her (aside from that one girl I remember briefly in ep 1 or 2). Supposedly the type of flower means something as well?
Mostly likely this is all nonsense cause by people trying to force the idea.
that doesnt really make sense after the two classmates were giving her shit and she responded in kind

[Crunchyroll] Encouragement of Climb 2 simulcast returns tomorrow & all previous eps will be available later today.


My personal theory (more or less supported by the anime, but not totally)

Japan is a Shintoist country. The belief of that religion is that everything has a spirit/god (gods here are spirits with more importance and power, unlike Gods in other religions where they are inherently different that little spirits). You may have watched other animes with that theme, like for example Sen to Chihiro. It's a polytheist religion with an animistic system (everything has "anima" or soul, even pebbles).
It's more a cultural thing than a true religion, but take in account that everyone in Japan has that cultural background, so it comes easily to them.

Usually you see the god of the river, the god of the mountain, the good of richness, the good of war, etc, "classic" stuff but... in modern times, if humans create new stuff like cars, every car should also have a little spirit, and maybe there is a kami or god as the god of cars, we can think "important" categories has their own god. Same with Internet. When Internet appears, a new god should be created. And SE Lain is the story of the birth of that god, Lain.

Who knows why, the universe doesn't pop her out perfectly, but chose to retroactively create her in human society as a normal girl, family included. Think something like when she appeared, the timeline itself of the last 13 years was modified giving her a backstory and a family.
That gives the series all the weird/creepy/paranoid vibe. She isn't normal, she doesn't see or perceives the world as normal, weird stuff starts happening.
But of course, finally she understands what she is in the end.

-Her big sister broke because she noticed what she shouldn't have noticed, her memories were manipulated, maybe she entirely was created for Lain's cover.
-She heard weird noises and voices near the wires.
-Of course, she happens to be supernaturally tuned to the Wired once she starts doing computer stuff.
-There was another Lain on the Wired.
-She knew what her friend was doing in the room even if Lain wasn't there. But a computer was in front.
-In one of the later episodes, they mention something like there were as many humans or computers connected as neurons in a human brain, and you could see it as a analogy of a new global conscience.
-In the end, she was a spirit, her physical aspect hadn't changed in years and most people didn't notice her.

I re-watched it past year, and I liked the early episodes better than the somewhat messy end.

This is a very interesting take, thanks. I actually thought that till reset things were relatively straightforward. Eiri creates Lain( or finds her in the Wired), gives her (somehow) body, she rebels, but realises she's been only hurting Arisu (aka Alice, how did I not see that ?) so rewrites herself out of everyone's memory. If they only stopped at that, it would make plenty of sense but reviving dead people seems to me to be beyond her in that scenario and does hint at her being something much more Godlike. You're probably right about what happened to the sister. Regarding the humans as neurons point; at the beginning of the last episode I actually thought Lain will turn out to be that Earth's new found conciousness itself, though I discarded that idea a moment later as it didn't seem to jive with the rest of the info.
I have very much enjoyed the journey (Episodes 2 and 8 in particular were amazing) but yeah this ending is a real head scratcher,
Yona of the Dawn 4

Yeah this show is really good and the preview for next weeks episode has me really hyped. This is quickly climbing my list of favorite new show airing this season it's gonna be very hard to not pick up the manga and read ahead at this rate.

Link Man

Yona of the Dawn 4

Yeah this show is really good and the preview for next weeks episode has me really hyped. This is quickly climbing my list of favorite new show airing this season it's gonna be very hard to not pick up the manga and read ahead at this rate.
Especially liked how they tied this episode back to the flashback in the previous episode
with the porridge
K 1

Picked up the limited edition when Amazon Canada had it for 15 bucks. It's not off to a great start so far.

The first sense is a battle between some organizations whom we are given no context as to who they are, what they are after and why they are fighting. The school scene afterwards where we are introduced to the protag serves to pad out the run time before the next scene. It's not that comedic, seeing a schoolgirl hopelessly trying to find some guy and all we get out of it plot-wise is some guy plans to destroy Japan at some point. On top of all that, one of the gangs, who again we have no idea who they are after, also want to kill the protagonist for no apparent reason.

In general the first episode is Lost in Media Res. I'm hoping I'll get some answers next episode.
Inou battle 1-4

Funish show.

Good animation at times but most of the characters are just insufferable and I wish it didn't devolve into further light novel tropes and instead get some real development on the living with powers side.

I swear to god Dark and Dark and Knock on Hell's gate has to mean that he has to use the flame in conjunction with his chuuni book and he's just too stupid to figure it out.
Parasyte 3

Oh snap shit's about to get real, how is it that nobody has tried to animate this series before it's really good.

Especially liked how they tied this episode back to the flashback in the previous episode
with the porridge

Yeah, it was a nice touch and some good development for Yona
Inou battle 1-4

Funish show.

Good animation at times but most of the characters are just insufferable and I wish it didn't devolve into further light novel tropes and instead get some real development on the living with powers side.

I swear to god Dark and Dark and Knock on Hell's gate has to mean that he has to use the flame in conjunction with his chuuni book and he's just too stupid to figure it out.

i'm going to bet that
even if he figures it out , he won't be able to use it ( or he will use it just once )
Kuroko's Basketball Episode 4

I don't know what they were saying, but I did see some flashy passing moves. And no missed shots either (unless they were blocked). It was alright I guess
Because they hadn't invented dubstep yet.

Haha I'll accept this answer

Terraformars 4

Whelp that death flag was super obvious from the OP and the last few episodes, still sucks as I liked that character. Though at least humanity seems to actually have a decent chance of fighting the terraformars this time even if they stole the powers of the bugs 2 crew.
Can't believe so few have seen Silver Fang! Here it's animation classic (Finland). Pretty much every 80s and 90s kid has seen it. I weep for 00s kids.
Welcome to the NHK - 18-24 [Finished]

Damn, how did this turn out to be so good in the end. After occasionally reading some snippets here and there I was already afraid this was gonna end on a way more depressive note but alas the ending is the slightest bit uplifting.

The show depressed me quite a bit so I'm not in the mood to write down a lot, but here goes some.

A bunch of episodes in I was considering dropping the show because the ero game development angle felt stupid and took up a lot of time, so that I even skipped these scenes at times. However from like episode 11 onwards the show gained more and more traction.

The main characters have very, very good characterization and even the side characters feel rather well fleshed out. I'm particularly impressed by just how much our MC Tatsuhiro is a representative of a well done flawed character. This guy isn't some benevolent guy put into a crappy situation due to outside factors. No. He himself is actually quite flawed and pretty much the sole reason everything's going so darn bad.
At the same time though his flaws seem still perfectly natural and believable. I want to scream at him but at the same time empathize with his struggles. He also isn't just hurting himself but the people around him and it was especially heartbreaking to see him being incapable of seeing Misaki's own severe misery and actually try to be a useful friend/helper to her as well.

Speaking of Misaki, a great example of how you do "mystery". There isn't much teasing about her background story throughout the show. It's clear that it's of importance and its acknowledged by the Tatsuhiro that he doesn't know anything about her, but it's not like we get a short flashback of an obviously very tragic moment in her life every episode. Instead we slowly get an idea what's going on with her and closer towards the end we finally get the full picture. A picture that provides us with perfectly reasonable motivations for all her actions.

I'm also really impressed by just how well the narrative came together later on.

I know there've been quite a few others posting their thoughts on this show lately but I had to skip those comments to avoid spoilers. So if any of you could link those posts of yours again for me that would be highly appreciated!


Huge Nickleback Fan
Shingeki no Bahamut 4
Pirate of the caribbean episode.
Giant crab, pirate, zombie, fish men, and tentacle thingy. We now know the relationship between Kaisar and Favaro. Change of tag team partner. Hopefully, this make more interesting combination, with neutral evil Favaro anda Lawful Evil Rita working together.

End card: Puppies!
K 1

Picked up the limited edition when Amazon Canada had it for 15 bucks. It's not off to a great start so far.

The first sense is a battle between some organizations whom we are given no context as to who they are, what they are after and why they are fighting. The school scene afterwards where we are introduced to the protag serves to pad out the run time before the next scene. It's not that comedic, seeing a schoolgirl hopelessly trying to find some guy and all we get out of it plot-wise is some guy plans to destroy Japan at some point. On top of all that, one of the gangs, who again we have no idea who they are after, also want to kill the protagonist for no apparent reason.

In general the first episode is Lost in Media Res. I'm hoping I'll get some answers next episode.

Are you sure youre not watching it wrong? The first episode was the first of its most exciting episode. The opening scene, the battle and music, was all perfectly paired to make it a good opening. I was sure that episode had made mention that they are after shiro because he killed one of Homra's members.
K Project 2

Ladies and Gentleman, our Ms. Fanservice.

As for the episode itself, rather than getting the plot progressing or answering questions, it's filled with a admittingly funny chase scene between Shiro, Kuroh, and Neko. Not a bad episode overall though.
Funimation is teasing a special announcement for tomorrow.

Please jeebus let it be Hunter x Hunter!

Edit: This announcement is probably useless to me if it's not JJBA, HxH, or Parasyte

Terraformars 5

This episode was almost entirely humans with incest powers vs giant cockroaches and it was awesome. Now sure how long this premise will hold up for as apparently the manga is over 150 chapters at this point
Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V Episode 29

Alright duel, the field was pretty large and dangerous but otherwise perfect for the second Yuzu-oneechan v Misumi duel. The oucome of the duel was predictable. Anyone could predict the outcome that would be expected if they saw the previous encounter. Best part of the duel
Yuzu-oneechan snatching the action card right from Misumi's hands to keep her own trap card in effect winning it all.

I want Sora's duel to hurry.
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