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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Akame ga Kill 18

Attacking with sweat is quite the interesting superpower. So many high-class baddies introduced only to be offed (for the most part) in the span of a single episode. At least Mine is still around to keep things with a slight layer of comedy and hope.


Tokyo Ghoul Illustration


Illustration done by Ishida Sui the author of Tokyo Ghoul for the second season of the anime. The art looks splendid as always.

The only thing I'm looking forward to for the second season is Kaneki beating some ass.

is there a source on this?


Vanadis - 05

I'm beginning to like Ludmila more and more, nice to see her more open. This one way castle battle reminded me of the Berserk bridge fortress, and half expected him to be able to go to the gate and just ask to get inside. But combined power settled the issue.
That bear disguise 10/10

So she's standing behind him, but her arm is in front of him?

That's some really bad compositing.


Skypiea gets hate from a lot of people, but I really liked it. I loved the environment, and the big free for all with all of the various forces running across the island and eliminating one another was great. Plus, it had a great climax.

I think the setting and the characters went a long way to making that arc for me.
I love the setting, characters though, not so much. They just did not strike a chord with me. Hate might not have been the right word to describe my stance on the arc, lets just say out of all the One Piece arcs its definitely towards the bottom. But that's just me, I like terraformars so you want to take my opinions with a grain of salt lol
Im just finding myself confused. Like it makes sense in its context but when you think back to every episode before it...i feel like this is a waste of time.
I love the setting, characters though, not so much. They just did not strike a chord with me. Hate might not have been the right word to describe my stance on the arc, lets just say out of all the One Piece arcs its definitely towards the bottom. But that's just me, I like terraformars so you want to take my opinions with a grain of salt lol


I really dig Skypiea because the buildup with Jaya was SO GOOD.

Also, besides giving us some cool story progression with Robin and the poneglyphs, Chopper, Nami, and Usopp got some fighting potential.

And I thought Enel was a great villain.
Akame ga Kill 18

Attacking with sweat is quite the interesting superpower. So many high-class baddies introduced only to be offed (for the most part) in the span of a single episode. At least Mine is still around to keep things with a slight layer of comedy and hope.
I never really understood the point of such throwaway villains being written in the plot.
Haikyuu! 22:
I got pretty hyped up with the end of that episode. I definitely did a little fist pump at that block, although I immediately felt pretty silly about it. Kageyama being so awkward around everyone is pretty funny. I'm enjoying this match a lot, although the lengthy Oikawa flashback didn't really feel necessary to me. It slowed down the pace of the match a fair amount.

How does something like that even happen?


Stuff like inferior visuals on the Western releases of BD's always sucks, especially because the only reason you'd buy anime as a fan is as a 'collectors' item considering the proliferation of streaming. When I have the option I'll pick up the JP BD if it is has English subs, but that's rarely available..


Brynhildr in the Darkness 11

Oh my god.

Another girl manages to escape, so you know what that means. Yep, another trip to the hot springs. She finds out that Ryouta is a really nice guy and then Ryouta re-discovers the truth.

Congrats. You can watch the OVA now.


How does something like that even happen?

Supposedly the banding is a throwback to the non-HD TV days where the brightness level on Japanese and US TVs were different. Funimation seemingly in the past corrected the brightness level for the differences and they haven't adjusted their process since. There isn't any difference between US and JP TVs now so the blu-rays come out too bright.


Stuff like inferior visuals on the Western releases of BD's always sucks, especially because the only reason you'd buy anime as a fan is as a 'collectors' item considering the proliferation of streaming. When I have the option I'll pick up the JP BD if it is has English subs, but that's rarely available..

At least Aniplex is here for us!
Though mostly our wallets


Stuff like inferior visuals on the Western releases of BD's always sucks, especially because the only reason you'd buy anime as a fan is as a 'collectors' item considering the proliferation of streaming. When I have the option I'll pick up the JP BD if it is has English subs, but that's rarely available..
Agreed. It doesnt take much to get the video quality right the first time.

If they cant be botheted to QA their discs, I cant be bothered to buy.


Stuff like inferior visuals on the Western releases of BD's always sucks, especially because the only reason you'd buy anime as a fan is as a 'collectors' item considering the proliferation of streaming. When I have the option I'll pick up the JP BD if it is has English subs, but that's rarely available..

Yes. Its frustrating


Stuff like inferior visuals on the Western releases of BD's always sucks, especially because the only reason you'd buy anime as a fan is as a 'collectors' item considering the proliferation of streaming. When I have the option I'll pick up the JP BD if it is has English subs, but that's rarely available..

The Japanese BDs don't have English subs. Also be glad that the JP re-release came out as the original BDs are going for 700+ now.
Supposedly the banding is a throwback to the non-HD TV days where the brightness level on Japanese and US TVs were different. Funimation seemingly in the past corrected the brightness level for the differences and they haven't adjusted their process since. There isn't any difference between US and JP TVs now so the blu-rays come out too bright.

Well, that sounds especially dumb. It's been years since HD was standard for pretty much all anime, so it makes FUNimation seem extra incompetent if they haven't changed things at all, given how much time they've had.

Stuff like inferior visuals on the Western releases of BD's always sucks, especially because the only reason you'd buy anime as a fan is as a 'collectors' item considering the proliferation of streaming. When I have the option I'll pick up the JP BD if it is has English subs, but that's rarely available..

Especially considering that the other real reason to buy the discs would be for interesting special features, but most western releases (outside of NIS America/Aniplex stuff) is missing the majority of that, aside from some rare exceptions.


Speaking of importing, I really need to pick up the BD of Innocence from Amazon.jp. I've heard the subs on it are great, and it's far less expensive than the Bandai BD of it (which can go for over $100 on the second hand market).


Grisaia 05

With the widescreen ratio, special heroine ending, and the general way things are shot - as such that I can believe they were CGs, even if they have the full range of motion - this is one of the few anime I've seen that really captures what playing a VN is like, while still using its time in the animated medium to its advantage. One of the huge advantages of VNs - aside from the fact that they have multiple, already completed stories - is how, by their very nature of being in the first person - can delve into their characters' thoughts. Not just the hero, but the heroines. That extended flashback to Michiru's past was pretty well done. Burying her was taken as much as a symbol as it was something actually happening. A school with very few students is bound to feel dreamlike, anyhow. And Yuuji proved he's not a complete jerk.

I can see why Michiru got a magical girl spinoff, can someone animate that? This show is quickly becoming something I look forward to watching. Though they're comparatively rare to be adapted these days, VNs have still got it.



Yamato 2199 - 13

It's a pity that Okita was indisposed. An episode of cat and mouse between him and the submarine would have been fun to watch. As it is, we're left with the largely unlikable Yamato cast. It's kind of frustrating that the ideas of the show are good but are hampered by some of the characters or occasional blips in the episode composition.
Would like to have more scenes about the Gamillian's political scheming.
Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete 5
Some amusing bits though the episode was structured a tad weird with it showing stuff that happened and then went back to explain what happen. The AIs were interesting. I wish this show would stop teasing its seriousness if nothing is going to happen for a while


Girlfriend Beta 04

Incredibly slow-paced as always, but the appeal of this series lies on a meta level, and one that's perfect for people like myself. Its purpose is to have basically every major voice actress in one production, an all-star series. You had Kaori Mizuhashi (huge change in character after hearing her as Michiru), Aoi Yuki, Maaya Uchida, Rina Satou, Ayane Sakura, and so on and so forth, all sharing the same screen space. There were also adorable kitties and studying for tests. Hina has some of the most anime-hair like hair I've seen in some time. Half of it is pink and half of it is purple. Like, literally half, split down the middle, like Two-Face, or Kamen Rider W.

I still like it. This is some of the purest, most uncut essence of cute girls in anime that I've seen. Every series has a niche, and I think I fall right into who this particular series is aiming for.


I really like watching anime that make me cry and ones that get me all emotional. Anyone else in the same boat? I know some people don't care for such shows, and some people are hard to move emotionally but I always cry when watching shows. I've always been a person who strives to get such experiences from the things I watch and listen to and thus I rarely watch shows that I feel would have lacked the emotional punch that I desire.

I don't really like shows that go out of their way to be shocking or depressing as such, but those shows that have moments out of nowhere that hit you hard due to the great character building pay off amazingly. GTO was show that killed me in this regard. Man the show is hilarious but the emotional moments had me in a wreck. Such an amazing show. The live action version is awesome too!

Remember, it doesn't have to be tears of sadness, sometimes the tears are due to happy moments that hit you hard. I love feeling all the different emotions and such, so shows that contain super happy moments, depressing moments and even awe-inspiring moments all go into my good book. Gunbuster/Diebuster, Giant Robo, NHK and Only Yesterday are some examples on the top of my head. All had great emotional points of different kinds that hit hard without going into obvious stuff like Grave of the Fireflies, Texhnolyze, Now and Then etc.

Anyone got any good recommendations or shows that you would like to recall and reminisce about that hit you emotionally or great soundtracks that did a similar job? :)


There's still a movie out there for people that doesn't like how GuP doesn't take itself seriously!


seriously, you could make a scale of GuP to Fury for any tank related shit and everything else would fall in-between.

Fury's battles were about as realistic as GuP ones though.

Monster 28

"You thought they were unrelated cases but it was me, Johan !"

Urgh how do I fast forward to some meaningful Tenma-Johan interaction ? It's been over 20 episodes now for Christ sake.
Cross Ange 5

I don't know about "Kira Jesus" but maybe his middle name should be "Rito". And I will skip how unlikely is she survived: there was no land on sight (the base island is supposed to be far away so normas can't escape flying away, not enough fuel) and there was a dragon attacking her. And of course Rito is a mechanic?

I like how the pink-hair lady is going to a camping in the park, basket included.

Oh, a snake bit her in the crotch. I suppose Rito will have to suck the poison?... yep. With a soothing romantic music in the background too, lol.

God the montage of happy times with vocals... slain.
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