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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Ookami Shoujo to Kuro Ouji - 05

Being Erika is suffering. I was hoping to see Takeru again, he was a cool dude. Back and forth we go on Kyoya. Although Erika knew exactly what she signed up for.


[Hunter x Hunter]
Welp, finally finished but come on man! You can't end it with a bombshell like that.
What's up with Kurapika getting 10 seconds of screentime, that ain't right... This outside world is quite interesting, sucks that I have to wait for Togashi to get off his lazy butt and start writing again.
The Eccentric Family 8:
"I understand him; that's why it hurts."

The raw emotions of that final scene really got to me. Unlike the rest of the series which generally had a more upbeat and crazy feeling to it (even though there were certainly some very emotional moments), this was a much heavier episode. It works out pretty well, and the episode still manages to hit a lot of different feelings, from Yajiro's angst over the past, to the story from the Professor and the courage Soichiro showed in his final meeting with him (as well as the idea of the different ways in which a person can face their own death and come to terms with it), to the raw emotion of the family at the end, centered firmly around their empathy for one another. The dialogue in that last scene is outstanding.


Yamato 2199 - 14
My favourite episode bar none I think. From the moment the ship becomes abandoned, it has such a deliciously eerie atmosphere that is compounded by the sheer silence of the ship and space. There was nothing overtly abstract in the mental imagery of the dream states but they were handled brilliantly as each different scene merges into another.

Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen 6:
That scene at the store was really great. I could relate that to my own personal experiences a lot, especially with Jun reflecting on his manager forbidding cell phone usage but then standing around messing with his phone while he did all the work. That conversation was really way too real.

The doll fight, on the other hand, was so silly and it really felt out of place with the rest of the episode. Probably one of the lower points of the show. Still, even with that, the show continues to look really good, and the direction remains very strong. The ending of the episode, both with Jun's scenes as well as Shinku's flashback, is quite good. The thorns have me pretty nervous for what's going to happen to Jun. I feel like he's stumbling into a trap here.
Mushishi - 01

Wow, this was something else. This has a very eerie feeling, like spooky forest tales told in my youth. But at the same time it was very.. relaxing, almost peaceful. I was immersed rather quickly.
Given the last line about him never seeing the child ever again, I'm assuming these are sort of standalone episodic tales, along Ginko's long journey?

The child also drank the "wine" from Grandma's cup to celebrate, doesn't this make him a half mushi now aswell? Or was that liquid something else?
Beautiful background art. I can't wait to see more.
Yamato 2199 - 14
My favourite episode bar none I think. From the moment the ship becomes abandoned, it has such a deliciously eerie atmosphere that is compounded by the sheer silence of the ship and space. There was nothing overtly abstract in the mental imagery of the dream states but they were handled brilliantly as each different scene merges into another.


14 is my favorite episode of Yamato 2199 as well. I really go in for that type of surreal imagery and dreamlike direction.

Rozen Maiden Zurückspulen 6:

The doll fight, on the other hand, was so silly and it really felt out of place with the rest of the episode. Probably one of the lower points of the show.

If you don't like doll fighting, prepare for the second half of the show! It's not bad IMO, but the doll plot definitely takes precedence in it over Jun's personal story - though the latter does get resolution as well.

Mushishi - 01

Given the last line about him never seeing the child ever again, I'm assuming these are sort of standalone episodic tales, along Ginko's long journey?

Yes, the series is almost completely episodic, with just one other recurring character besides Ginko.


Maturity, bitches.
Melvin was my favourite characters when I was younger.

I didn't even watch the show. All I knew was he had giant spiral glasses so he had to be awesome.

Also that theme!
If you don't like doll fighting, prepare for the second half of the show! It's not bad IMO, but the doll plot definitely takes precedence in it over Jun's personal story - though the latter does get resolution as well.

I don't necessarily have a problem with the idea in general, but the whole bit with them spraying water at each other just felt really silly. I'll see how the rest of it plays out, but I'm not opposed to the idea in general.


Watching the Nadia BD set I got for my birthday a few days back. It's a mixed bag so far; I'm watching the second last episodes, and some parts look great. However, some shots look very blurry, as if they were from a VHS. It's quite jarring, really. I think this was because parts of the original masters for Nadia were lost, so they just restored what they had and used upscaled video for the missing bits. Thankfully, most of it does look very nice.


Watching the Nadia BD set I got for my birthday a few days back. It's a mixed bag so far; I'm watching the second last episodes, and some parts look great. However, some shots look very blurry, as if they were from a VHS. It's quite jarring, really. I think this was because parts of the original masters for Nadia were lost, so they just restored what they had and used upscaled video for the missing bits. Thankfully, most of it does look very nice.

I was planning on picking it up when it released but I'm guessing it's region locked. Hopefully it comes over here one day.


I was planning on picking it up when it released but I'm guessing it's region locked. Hopefully it comes over here one day.

It's locked to region A, so if you're in Europe you'd need a region free player to play it. Or you could wait for another company to pick it up (which seems fairly likely).


It's locked to region A, so if you're in Europe you'd need a region free player to play it. Or you could wait for another company to pick it up (which seems fairly likely).

Yeah the UK is region B. I have imported a few Region A locked Blu-rays from Japan, but that's usually just something to put on my shelf for collectors purposes since I'm crazy like that. Hoping someone picks Nadia up on Blu-ray, thanks.


What was up with that ridiculous Diamante entrance?

Not even the good kind of ridiculous either.

Just confusing to watch.

And the anime keeps making him uglier in almost shot.

Almost like they're putting in nearly zero effort whenever he appears.

His design is inspired by steve tyler, him behaving like the rockstar that he is, is no surprise, really cool idea to add a rockstar entrance.
Sora no Method 05

I know there was a lot of angst over generally...nothing, but I still found this episode touching in spite of everything. I enjoyed seeing Noel's rather simple ways of helping them to solve their problems while not directly interfering herself. Thought I would have dropped this show by now but it still leaves me interested to see where this is all going.


Yamato 2199 - 15
Well from the good episode 14 we come to this. Perhaps saying it's disappointing is unfair but I disliked the first half of the episodes.
As if it's not clear by now
The chief of security has something in mind and by linking with the science officer who just so happens to want to continue her plan of "fuck the Earth, lets build a colony!" it's not hard to see where it's going.

On the other side, Garmillan politics retains a lot from the Earth equivalent:
Someone's looking to take over, Domel is going to be framed and either killed or arrested. We shall see if this develops beyond a mere grasp for power.

The second half was at least a step up. For all that the ship has the devil's luck, it's important to see how weak the Yamato is against a proper commander, especially one who utilizes his forces properly.

I hope the boring Yamato plot point from the start is resolved soon. Don't want it stinking up more episodes.
Ai katsu - 33

Ai katsu went " takechi castle "

Yurika umbreall is her life , nevermind that she goes mary poppins with it .

Otome was out of the challenge ( natural order , since otome is like not intresting )

And the final challenge was a nice twist ... BUT THERE was more .. a meaner twist behind , a girl jumped out of her plane and it seems that it's going to be a #idolchanger

Intresting episode , i still hope to see a 8 character idol performance in this show , but i understand that even 2 characters on mizuki level is already too much to ask.


Noticed something odd about the From the New World BD sets I have; volume 1 is region coded for both region A and B, but volume 2 is locked to A. What's the point?
Noticed something odd about the From the New World BD sets I have; volume 1 is region coded for both region A and B, but volume 2 is locked to A. What's the point?

Happens, sometimes they realise they've made a mistake half-way.

I don't think there is any deeper meaning than that


I remember the first batch of Part 1 of the UK Cowboy Bebop Blu-ray being region free by accident. It was Anime Limited's first release if I'm correct.
Aikatsu - 34

So , new character time !
Her name is kaede , and let's face it , she arrived kinda late in the competition ( we're at ep 34 dammn it ) ..But no matter ! To prove that she still deserve a place, she :

-Climbed the grand canyon , MI-style while being attacked by an helicopter
-Walked on the top of the golden gate bridge while being attacked by a war cruiser !
-Did a rodeo ,while singing (??? )
-Went againt a space rocket and resisted the launch ! ( ?? )

WTF , this is beyond the realm of crazy.

So our new girl is alright , this was an intense reveal , but i like the new girl, she is already much better than otome. Their view of america is kinda weird , but hey , why not ... heck she even had her flashback for how she got her prenium cards , so that make her already a fearsome opponent.

It's for real this time i swear !

So mizuki is still hesitating , why ? i dunno , but she went and made this stupid twist AGAIN ..how about you decide for once , mizuki ?
It's for real this time !! It better be ! i can't stand the upcoming drama ....
Bakemonogatari 1-15

I tried to get into this show a while back but was turned off by the editing and directing of episode 1. Re-tried it again a few days ago and after ep 2 I've come to appreciate the show. Senjogahara was a big reason why I liked this show so much. Such an awesome and witty character. The direction took me a few eps to get used to in order to appreciate. The cast in this show was great.

Nisemonogatari 1-2

I'm disappointed by the large amount of perversion and fan-service in these 2 eps so far but I'll watch it because I'm interested in hearing about Koyomi's sisters, who were both referenced frequently in Bakemonogatari. I guess it was too much to hope it'd be as good as the first series.


Yamato 2199 - 16
Well at least it was over with quickly. I still don't appreciate the lack of subtlety in the execution leading up to this nor do I like the lack of explanation of character motivations.
The science officer's desire to keep the Izumo plan was evident which is fine.

The Security Chief's motives were far more vague. Not until the end of the episode where someone states that he was part of the same faction does it give any indication for why he's doing this.
Indeed a number of reasons are brought up: His comment that "too many old men run things" showing perhaps a lust for control. His disparaging remarks about Garmillans and the Iscandarians showing perhaps a xenophobic motive.
Not once does he make reference to wanting to do it for Earth or saving humanity or even that he was acting on orders from back on Earth. While this may bemoan a lack of subtlety, for a show that was content to highlight this coup d'etat with such blatant foreshadowing, it would hardly be out of the ordinary.

Or maybe I just really dislike betrayal storylines.

Aside from that, the alien planet was nice aside from the CG and Misaki almost be attacked by tentacles.
Gugure! Kokkuri-san 1

Very rare to laugh a lot while watching a comedy anime, but this was really surprisingly funny. The clash of the tone of the backgrounds, music and the MC's character design just made it even better to watch. It is a 4koma adaptation so I'm not having high expectations it can keep up this quality, but at least this episode was great.
I'm not sure why, but the comedy just clicks. Maybe it's because unlike in other series, you don't always see the jokes coming. Like, while Nozaki-kun was pretty funny, punchlines are pretty slow, obvious, or meh. With Kokkuri-san, maybe it's because it's so extreme and catches you off-guard that I'm having a really good time watching it.
Ai katsu - 35
Trully the first 10/10 ai katsu episode.

The relationship between achigo , aoi and ran was build up over several arc, episodes , trials and such ... this was the obvious and necessary conclusion. Ran
did it
You really see their friendship in there. It's a shame that it ended like this, but i'm glad it ended like this. This is such a conflicting feelign since i like the characters involved.. and i like the fact that things are changing, evolving between them. This episode was teh cumination of 35 episode , a long journey and it was worth it


Indeed, ichigo , you wouldn't be there if those 2 didn't help you !

I guess the moral of the story is that being professionnal is key and that personnal feeligns are afeterwards, maybe mizuki
didn't want to crush ichigo under the pressure of it all
. My personnal guess is that it was the logical conclusion for the show to continue as it is.

Anyway , For the third time in a row , we see a performance of tristar , thankfully we had new outflits this time.
I like ai katsu , this show manage to have a nice set of events and this episode delivered.
Of course it did help that johnny -sensei was there to bring out the goods.
Silly me, after giffing out the scene i realised it was 13mb , so here it is , the smaller version :

But johnny sensei is trully the best teacher , there is ..can't get enough of him !


Yamato 2199 - 17
A flashback episode but it's a good point to flesh out a couple of characters who haven't had much in the way of explanations as well as an opportunity to view more of the pre-destruction Earth.
The design for alien technology and buildings, while still largely conventional, remains as impressive as ever.
I'm not sure why, but the comedy just clicks. Maybe it's because unlike in other series, you don't always see the jokes coming. Like, while Nozaki-kun was pretty funny, punchlines are pretty slow, obvious, or meh. With Kokkuri-san, maybe it's because it's so extreme and catches you off-guard that I'm having a really good time watching it.

I'm enjoying it but 'lol so random' doesn't make the humor for me if it's the basis of a whole show. The delivery has been consistent enough where I'm entertained. But for me the top anime comedy will always be Gintama. Even if it relied a bit too much on the straight man routine with Shinpachi, it just sold it every time.


Revolutionary Girl Utena - 39 [Finished]


That was quite the ride and certainly an enjoyable one at that; 39 episodes is quite a bit and I only skipped a bunch of the 'transformation' sequences and for the most part it was entertaining.

Not sure what to think of it overall though. I'll probably have to read up on this show... Anyone knows good articles that analyze it?

It is a masterpiece. We should be so lucky to ever see its like ever again.
I'm enjoying it but 'lol so random' doesn't make the humor for me if it's the basis of a whole show. The delivery has been consistent enough where I'm entertained. But for me the top anime comedy will always be Gintama. Even if it relied a bit too much on the straight man routine with Shinpachi, it just sold it every time.
Yeah, delivery matters. Kokkuri-san does a good job of it, IMO. Not too much build up that you're just waiting for the joke to come. The humour's not too random for the most part. I actually stopped enjoying Gintama after episode 100 or so because the pacing felt really different after the first director left. I tried to get into Gintama', or whatever the second season's called, but I just couldn't enjoy it (probably because I was really sick of Shinpachi at that point). The constant yelling was really grating too. It's weird, because I really did like Gintama prior to episode 100 (I think that was the Wii episode?).


Ouran Host Club

The extent to which Haruhi is fetishized by most of the males on the show is...disturbing.

Took me three full viewings of the show to finally realize this. Not sure what that says about me.
Yeah, delivery matters. Kokkuri-san does a good job of it, IMO. Not too much build up that you're just waiting for the joke to come. The humour's not too random for the most part. I actually stopped enjoying Gintama after episode 100 or so because the pacing felt really different after the first director left. I tried to get into Gintama', or whatever the second season's called, but I just couldn't enjoy it (probably because I was really sick of Shinpachi at that point). The constant yelling was really grating too. It's weird, because I really did like Gintama prior to episode 100 (I think that was the Wii episode?).

Man you really did miss out on the Four Devas and Yoshiwara Arc, because they are by far the best Arcs in Gintama's anime.


Anyone who played the Grisaia no Kajitsu visual novel:
Did they ever go into detail on whose heart Michiru recieved? I'm assuming it was a girl just based on how she acted. Or did Michiru just create the personality of her dead friend and the heart-personality thing never happened?


Anyone who played the Grisaia no Kajitsu visual novel:
Did they ever go into detail on whose heart Michiru recieved? I'm assuming it was a girl just based on how she acted. Or did Michiru just create the personality of her dead friend and the heart-personality thing never happened?

I don't know the answer to this, but wow, this is so Angel Beats.


Poet Centuriate
Well first off:

Attack on Titan 18

god why is there so much fucking recapping

lol goddamnit this fucking stupid

Eren's dub actor and writing is so fucking bad. it's painful.

but here's the main attraction!

Captain Earth 25 END

lol the kiltgang are so fucking worthless

they crossed the streams!!

what a vague ending. Strong, but still lacking in some significant resolution.

Overall: It's been a disappointing ride, I feel. Everything was just so ridiculous, and not in a good way. I bought into the "BONES! EUREKA 7! STAR DRIVER!" hype hard, duckroll :/ The start and end were stronger, to be fair, but man a lot the stuff in between was mediocre bordering on bad. The main mechs were used infrequently in the middle part of the series, and they were really rather unmemorable in design, save Earth Engine, which was still pretty bland. A lot of lazy writing and animation kinda sunk this boat for me. Puck does not lie.

Terror in Resonance 11 END

What a crazy ending. Maybe not the strongest in terms of character motivations or resolutions (especially in regards to the US's involvement), but still pretty strong.

This, for the most part, I have enjoyed. It honestly looked really sharp visually the entire ride. Just absolutely phenomenal work in the the animation department. The voice cast was very strong. Oh and the music? ABSOLUTELY AMAZING. Seriously, I was and still am blown away by the OST for this. I know a lot of people hated the
introduction and use of Five
, and I'll admit her ending was poorly handled, but I do think "I can't do anything right!" Lisa was a fairly decent character. Not perfect, but I it made since to me that she is an abused, runaway fuckup who doesn't know how to roll with terrorists. They did write her as was too dumb, I felt, though. Anyways, I felt this was a pretty good show.

One Week Friends 12 END

Saki-chan's so cute, Shogo's still fucking the best bro in the history of best bros, Kaori's adorable, and Yuki's still as ridiculous as ever. What a great cast.

Why can't I ever get an ending I like?!

This has been a really good show. Seriously great. Despite the strange, fantasy condition that is central to the show's story, the characters themselves don't fall into that same strange trapping. Everyone in this show is so incredibly real with how they're written. That's something that's really struck me again and again. On more production standpints, the animation has been pretty damn top notch, and I particularly loved the soft, brushed look everything had. The music was kinda one note, but it was still pretty well done and fit the nature of the show perfectly. Voicing was good, pacing was good, the whole damn thing was good.

and, of course, the big finale:

Space☆Dandy 26 END

IS THAT AN EVA HOMAGE?! god i love space dandy

the hulkiader...excuse me the SUPERHULKIDER god i love space dandy

IS MEGAPIEONIUM BOOBS?! god i love space dandy

"it's so." OMG BEA god i love space dandy

HOLY SHIT THIS SPACE SAKUGA god i love space dandy

ROBOT SURFING EAT YOUR HEART EUREKA 7 god i love space dandy

"HERE'S JOHNNY!!" god i love space dandy

WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK AM I WATCHING god i love space dandy

holy shit this art god i love space dandy

whoa what the narrator
was the chameleonian and god
god i love space dandy

IS THAT TWILIGHT ZONE HOMAGE god i love space dandy


Unless something else incredibly magical can dethrone it
(PuPiPo! is a close second)
, this is my AotY vote. A few weak episode here and there, but Dandy was a fucking ride, baby. Once Dandy hit it's stride, it hit it hard and didn't look back. A fun, lively cast, great humor that translated well, and so much amazing animation and art direction. And to top it off, the simultaneous dub release worked really well, mainly because the humor and action worked so well translated and, well, the dub was simply amazing. Great localization, especially with Dandy and the Narrator, and pretty much pitch-perfect voice casting, especially with Ian Sinclair as Dandy who delivers week after week and absolutely out of this world performance, baby. He really dialed in that shit in. And say what you will about autotuned-QT, but after awhile I actually grew to love it. The arpeggios and timbre of it just grew on me and honestly if I went back and listened to the subbed version, I'd probably really disappointed. Overall, best show of the year so far, 10 out of 10, would watch again, shit was cash, etc etc. Shit was fun, baby.


So that's that then. Four more for the books.

So what's next for Felix? Finishing Attack on Titan, getting back on Mushi-shi now that's going again a double dose of The List (deciding between Arjuna, Black Rock, and Blood-C), and few Fall shows. What's been the best so far?
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