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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Ping Pong 11:
What a way to go out. While there were a couple of moments where I kind of wished that there was a little more time, in the end I think that was just about right. I think they gave just enough resolution to everyone, without spending too much time dwelling, and trusted in the audience to fill in the blanks with what was there. It was a very touching final episode, with some nice action, good character moments, and some good emotional highs. Everyone changed, and moved on, but there's also a pure love for the sport that they possessed. Quite simply, an exceptional anime.


I hated Skypeia Arc, it was a great idea that was not executed properly.

Skypiea arc absolutly blew me away, it was the arc that finally made me eat the crow and admit to my friend he may have reccommended me the best anime I've seen.

The creative setting of the island, it's rich history, a story about a 400 year holy war, it's brillant set up with jaya, an unconvetional 3 side war between the starhats, sky priest and shandi warriors.
The arc is one the most ambitions stories to be told in anime with all of it's moving parts & rich world building plus it doesn't hurt to have tons of really funny comedy gold.

The story final climax with ringing of the golden bell when it all came together certified it as a Masterpiece.

Also the Shandian warriors look like they escaped some jet set radio heaven game.






Cross Ange 5

"Rito". And I will skip how unlikely is she survived: there was no land on sight (the base island is supposed to be far away so normas can't escape flying away, not enough fuel) and there was a dragon attacking her. And of course Rito is a mechanic?

her mecha is on auto defense for her, see what happened near end with the dragon, you can figure out how she survived, magic.


If you're still watching by this point and are interested in the story you really should just go play that instead of getting a poorly rushed adaptation that adds nothing to the table and doesn't come close to demonstrating Michiru's route. There are so many plot holes and lack of info for people that aren't familiar with the VN that I'd go crazy without knowing how all of that happened and how quickly it occurred. Oh well.
Skypiea arc absolutly blew me away, it was the arc that finally made me eat the crow and admit to my friend he may have reccommended me the best anime I've seen.

The creative setting of the island, it's rich history, a story about a 400 year holy war, it's brillant set up with jaya, an unconvetional 3 side war between the starhats, sky priest and shandi warriors.
The arc is one the most ambitions stories to be told in anime with all of it's moving parts & rich world building plus it doesn't hurt to have tons of really funny comedy gold.

The story final climax with ringing of the golden bell when it all came together certified it as a Masterpiece.

amen brother
Cross Ange 05

I see we've come to the point in the series where Our Lord and Savior Kira Yamato will start saving all the poor Norma women with his penis. Or Tusk, as this guy is called which is the name of Johnny Joestar's stand so that's all I could think about
This has just turned into a full on ecchi show, ecchi gravity and "situations" included.
We even get into a "situation" straight out of Prison School. Involving snake bites. There are a few people here that know what I'm talking about.
And I guess Ange gets all hot and bothered when she brutally kills something? That's a good trait.
The previews are the best part of this show because they seem to be aware of the quality.

There is something amazing and highly entertaining about this show. I keep watching to see if it can reach it's own singularity of awfulness or if it's just ecchi turtles all the way down.


Your lie in April 1
Entire time watching this episode I was just thinking to myself how much more fun I would be having if I was rewatching any of makoto shinkai's movies instead of this. Bouncing from clumsy drama to bad anime high school writing and to dumb comedy. None of it works at all mixed in together. Looking around manga impressions and I'm not seeing anything compelling to make me stick with this for another 23 episodes.
Your lie in April 1

Entire time watching this episode I was just thinking to myself how much more fun I would be having if I was rewatching any of makoto shinkai's movies instead of this. Bouncing from clumsy drama to bad anime high school writing and to dumb comedy. None of it works at all mixed in together. Looking around manga impressions and I'm not seeing anything compelling to make me stick with this for another 23 episodes.

And I was rather hopeful after just episode 1. It's only gotten worse since then with episode 4 taking the cake. So, so much shitty-but-'deep' dialogue without a moment of silence...
Brynhildr in the Darkness 13

It's time to ahahaha. This dialogue...

Lots of girls die, but not before they can take a sad farewell, lots of people sacrifice themselves, there's miracles happening and Neko remembers everything... At least for a bit...

So this is what happens when you cross your average ecchi harem comedy with... well... Elfen Lied. In one scene you get people sliced in half grimdark stuff and then in the next you get nude girls in a hot spring comedy. It's rather bizarre.

The intentional comedy doesn't work since you're starting to expect somebody to get attacked or just start bleeding at any time and the sad stuff rarely works either. It's a trainwreck basically, but it's an enjoyable one, and it gets proper stupid in the second half. Seems like they just stop caring and throw as much silly stuff into this as possible.

The first OP is actually catchy. The kind of electronic music you hear in some types of car ads or something. The second OP they try to be so serious and badass that it gets funny.

It's better than Elfen Lied, but not exactly for the correct reasons... Still... It's better, so 3/5 glowing harnests:
Your lie in April 1

Entire time watching this episode I was just thinking to myself how much more fun I would be having if I was rewatching any of makoto shinkai's movies instead of this. Bouncing from clumsy drama to bad anime high school writing and to dumb comedy. None of it works at all mixed in together. Looking around manga impressions and I'm not seeing anything compelling to make me stick with this for another 23 episodes.

yeah I already dropped it. Drama and woof don't mix too well. Unless it's grimdark violent drama.


I really like watching anime that make me cry and ones that get me all emotional. Anyone else in the same boat? I know some people don't care for such shows, and some people are hard to move emotionally but I always cry when watching shows. I've always been a person who strives to get such experiences from the things I watch and listen to and thus I rarely watch shows that I feel would have lacked the emotional punch that I desire.

I don't really like shows that go out of their way to be shocking or depressing as such, but those shows that have moments out of nowhere that hit you hard due to the great character building pay off amazingly. GTO was show that killed me in this regard. Man the show is hilarious but the emotional moments had me in a wreck. Such an amazing show. The live action version is awesome too!

Remember, it doesn't have to be tears of sadness, sometimes the tears are due to happy moments that hit you hard. I love feeling all the different emotions and such, so shows that contain super happy moments, depressing moments and even awe-inspiring moments all go into my good book. Gunbuster/Diebuster, Giant Robo, NHK and Only Yesterday are some examples on the top of my head. All had great emotional points of different kinds that hit hard without going into obvious stuff like Grave of the Fireflies, Texhnolyze, Now and Then etc.

Anyone got any good recommendations or shows that you would like to recall and reminisce about that hit you emotionally or great soundtracks that did a similar job? :)

Haibane Renmei


Skypiea arc absolutly blew me away, it was the arc that finally made me eat the crow and admit to my friend he may have reccommended me the best anime I've seen.
Skypiea is pretty polarizing I feel. Some people really dislike it and other found it as one of the best arcs.

For me it wasn't my favorite arc since I loved Arabasta so much.
Akame ga Kill - 18

Those Rakshasa demons sure talk big. I would've liked them to join the Jaegers. Mez was cute despite her sweat. Sten kinda looks like Heihachi from Tekken so he had to get in obviously. And that Ibara dude was straight up creepy nuts.
Would've been pretty good additions if they were hooked up with Imperial arms. Wonder what Najenda, Leone and that Ditto guy were up to this episode though since they were absent but the first scene.
Akame ga Kill! 18


From gravity?

I forgot these Rakshaha guys even existed, besides the one that didn't fight this episode.
That next episode preview, finally. Been waiting forever for this, although my hopes aren't too high they can do it good
Flowers of Evil 13:
All that teasing for a second season that probably won't happen (please prove me wrong).

Excellent television. Kasuga's downward spiral continues, and his relationship with Nakamura takes on another new twist. The scene at the start with
him looking through her fairly ordinary looking room, and then discovering her diary and slowly reading it
was some of the most tense television I can remember seeing in a while. I was really on the edge of my seat throughout that. And the episode didn't let up after that. Just an all around amazing show.

Flowers of Evil is not an easy show to watch, but it is utterly unique and captivating. The directing is out of this world good, and the story is phenomenal. Nothing else I can think of has captured so well the feeling of adolescence as this show. The characters are captivating to watch, and the darkest sides of our society are explored without feeling trite. The gorgeous backgrounds, the excellent music, and the show's willingness to use lengthy cuts of characters slowly walking, looking around, or just contemplating things, all go a long ways towards creating a wonderful and oppressive atmosphere for this show. The decision to use rotoscoping, while strange on the face of it, punctuates this really well and makes the characters feel both strange and human at the same time. It grounds everything in reality while also giving this constant feeling of wrongness that is perfect for the show. The entire show was a highlight, really, but if I had to pick out a few moments, I would say the classroom scene at the end of Episode 7, the whole walk in Episode 8, and the dream sequence in Episode 11 were my favorite moments of the show. All can comfortably stand up there with the top moments in any television series.


Mushi-shi Zoku shou - 15

This fucking show man ;___;
Mikage's grandma is so moe.. there's something that made this episode felt more relateable than usual, thanks to backstory that quite extensive and the PoV not straight direct from the Mushi's victim.

Great episode, my favorite from Zoku shou so far.


Neo Member
I really like watching anime that make me cry and ones that get me all emotional. Anyone else in the same boat? I know some people don't care for such shows, and some people are hard to move emotionally but I always cry when watching shows. I've always been a person who strives to get such experiences from the things I watch and listen to and thus I rarely watch shows that I feel would have lacked the emotional punch that I desire.

I don't really like shows that go out of their way to be shocking or depressing as such, but those shows that have moments out of nowhere that hit you hard due to the great character building pay off amazingly. GTO was show that killed me in this regard. Man the show is hilarious but the emotional moments had me in a wreck. Such an amazing show. The live action version is awesome too!

Remember, it doesn't have to be tears of sadness, sometimes the tears are due to happy moments that hit you hard. I love feeling all the different emotions and such, so shows that contain super happy moments, depressing moments and even awe-inspiring moments all go into my good book. Gunbuster/Diebuster, Giant Robo, NHK and Only Yesterday are some examples on the top of my head. All had great emotional points of different kinds that hit hard without going into obvious stuff like Grave of the Fireflies, Texhnolyze, Now and Then etc.

Anyone got any good recommendations or shows that you would like to recall and reminisce about that hit you emotionally or great soundtracks that did a similar job? :)
Agreed, I'm a sucker for the emotional stuff. Try Clannad if you haven't already.
Anyone got any good recommendations or shows that you would like to recall and reminisce about that hit you emotionally or great soundtracks that did a similar job? :)

Well I can name one of my favorites, 5 Centimeter per Seconds, for that. Love the soundtrack, too.


When I uploaded the completed version of the death scene in Wizard Barristers 11 earlier, I mentioned that almost the entire episode was redone. Here are more examples for non-believers!

These two sequences are the worst parts of the first 4 minutes of the episode which have been corrected. Lololol.

Why would they even go this extreme?

The latest episode wasn't so bad, but yeah, its kind not delivering like I expected. Modern KyoAni.

I've found it to be far and away better than all their stuff post Hyouka.


Gugure! Kokkuri-san 1

Very rare to laugh a lot while watching a comedy anime, but this was really surprisingly funny. The clash of the tone of the backgrounds, music and the MC's character design just made it even better to watch. It is a 4koma adaptation so I'm not having high expectations it can keep up this quality, but at least this episode was great.


Remember, it doesn't have to be tears of sadness, sometimes the tears are due to happy moments that hit you hard. I love feeling all the different emotions and such, so shows that contain super happy moments, depressing moments and even awe-inspiring moments all go into my good book. Gunbuster/Diebuster, Giant Robo, NHK and Only Yesterday are some examples on the top of my head. All had great emotional points of different kinds that hit hard without going into obvious stuff like Grave of the Fireflies, Texhnolyze, Now and Then etc.

Anyone got any good recommendations or shows that you would like to recall and reminisce about that hit you emotionally or great soundtracks that did a similar job? :)

I could think of a lot of shows with great emotional moments, some of which certain people might consider to be debatable picks around here (such as one I've talked to you about), but for now I'll just try to list a few relatively "sure bets" in no particular order: Planetes, Eureka 7, Escaflowne, Gundam 0080, Birdy the Mighty Decode, Katanagatari
Space Battleship Yamato 2199 14:
Creepy and tense in a way that I didn't necessarily think the show had in it. The scenes with Kodai and Mori exploring the abandoned ship were already pretty good, but then it kicked things up a notch when we started having weird things happening and exploring the characters' psyche. The direction made good use of a variety of tricks in order to insert false time laps (such as having characters suddenly standing a different place) as well as shifting between the ages of the characters and moving from one location to another within the same scene. The time lapses are a great method of increasing a sense of horror and wrongness, and the other touches work very well at creating a dreamlike state for the characters. The shape of the shadows as they move around was also something that was very interesting to watch. I remain impressed by the way that this show can basically turn on its heels and be something completely different with many of its episodes.


Completely redrawing most of an episode for a low selling series? That has to cost some money unless it's written into contracts or something.

Most of it probably isn't "redrawing" so much as "putting back stuff that were completed only after the broadcast" though. The original broadcast version was missing like 1/3 the episode when it aired. That's why it looked like that.


Completely redrawing most of an episode for a low selling series? That has to cost some money unless it's written into contracts or something.

I don't know how the financial side of the equation works in precise detail, but perhaps they had already decided to do that from the very beginning and still continue to hope that'll get someone to buy the discs after all.

What was up with that ridiculous Diamante entrance?

Not even the good kind of ridiculous either.

Just confusing to watch.

And the anime keeps making him uglier in almost shot.

Almost like they're putting in nearly zero effort whenever he appears.
Sora no Method 05

Well, I can't say I wasn't expecting Yuzuki's anger at the saucer to be misdirected, but that really was a bit contrived. At least it got settled though. Shione arc next.

Still loving the OST though.


Most of it probably isn't "redrawing" so much as "putting back stuff that were completed only after the broadcast" though. The original broadcast version was missing like 1/3 the episode when it aired. That's why it looked like that.

Some of the stuff, especially in the 2nd set looks redrawn. Obviously the lingering shots didn't require any redrawing as they just inserted in the 'original work' that only got delayed.


I don't know how the financial side of the equation works in precise detail, but perhaps they had already decided to do that from the very beginning and still continue to hope that'll get someone to buy the discs after all.

Well, they did decide to delay the remaining BD/DVDs after Vol2 was released, so they would have more time to do proper corrections and completion on the remaining episodes. They delayed the rest of the volumes for 3 whole months, so it's pretty significant. By then they already knew that the series was a failure, selling only about 500 copies per volume. It's likely a case of integrity mixed with already sunk costs. If you already paid for stuff to be done, might as well pay more and eat the loss to maintain some degree of respect. Otherwise in future, shows by the same director or studio would forever had that stigma against them.

Some of the stuff, especially in the 2nd set looks redrawn. Obviously the lingering shots didn't require any redrawing as they just inserted in the 'original work' that only got delayed.

All of those are corrections by the animation directors. They weren't really able to correct much while the series was being broadcast. It was -really- bad.


I really like watching anime that make me cry and ones that get me all emotional. Anyone else in the same boat? I know some people don't care for such shows, and some people are hard to move emotionally but I always cry when watching shows. I've always been a person who strives to get such experiences from the things I watch and listen to and thus I rarely watch shows that I feel would have lacked the emotional punch that I desire.

I don't really like shows that go out of their way to be shocking or depressing as such, but those shows that have moments out of nowhere that hit you hard due to the great character building pay off amazingly. GTO was show that killed me in this regard. Man the show is hilarious but the emotional moments had me in a wreck. Such an amazing show. The live action version is awesome too!

Remember, it doesn't have to be tears of sadness, sometimes the tears are due to happy moments that hit you hard. I love feeling all the different emotions and such, so shows that contain super happy moments, depressing moments and even awe-inspiring moments all go into my good book. Gunbuster/Diebuster, Giant Robo, NHK and Only Yesterday are some examples on the top of my head. All had great emotional points of different kinds that hit hard without going into obvious stuff like Grave of the Fireflies, Texhnolyze, Now and Then etc.

Anyone got any good recommendations or shows that you would like to recall and reminisce about that hit you emotionally or great soundtracks that did a similar job? :)

Well you've got Gun/Diebuster already covered. I don't think it gets any better than that. Maybe check out Kyousougiga ? It has plenty of diverse emotional moments that hit me quite hard. Madoka and 5cm per Second too, though they're more on the depressing side of things.

lol It kind of makes sense. Gotta cash in on WW2 enthusiasts.
Revolutionary Girl Utena - 39 [Finished]


That was quite the ride and certainly an enjoyable one at that; 39 episodes is quite a bit and I only skipped a bunch of the 'transformation' sequences and for the most part it was entertaining.

Not sure what to think of it overall though. I'll probably have to read up on this show... Anyone knows good articles that analyze it?


Skypiea arc absolutly blew me away, it was the arc that finally made me eat the crow and admit to my friend he may have reccommended me the best anime I've seen.

The creative setting of the island, it's rich history, a story about a 400 year holy war, it's brillant set up with jaya, an unconvetional 3 side war between the starhats, sky priest and shandi warriors.
The arc is one the most ambitions stories to be told in anime with all of it's moving parts & rich world building plus it doesn't hurt to have tons of really funny comedy gold.

The story final climax with ringing of the golden bell when it all came together certified it as a Masterpiece.

Skypiea had some major pacing issues. That arc convinced me to drop One Piece for a few years before I started on the CP9 saga.
Celestial Method - 5

This show is so much better the more Noel interacts with the cast. Seriously, any and all angst is removed whenever she's on screen. She's just too adorable to be angry around.

And thanks to her, it's good to see that the unlikable Yuzuki anger is finally going to stop now. Now comes the arc where the blue-haired angry one has to get cheered up. I'm sure that's going to go smoothly. >_<


What was she about to say here? Could it be that she was really feeling it?


Haibane Renmei
This has been in my planned to watch list for a while now. I need to watch it some time.
Agreed, I'm a sucker for the emotional stuff. Try Clannad if you haven't already.
I'm not sure about it myself, but thanks for recommending it as I'm sure some here may want to give it a go if they haven't seen it yet!
Well I can name one of my favorites, 5 Centimeter per Seconds, for that. Love the soundtrack, too.
I'll admit, I've listened to the soundtrack but not seen the movie but I've owned the limited editon of the movie for years now. I'll sit down and give it a watch.
I could think of a lot of shows with great emotional moments, some of which certain people might consider to be debatable picks around here (such as one I've talked to you about), but for now I'll just try to list a few relatively "sure bets" in no particular order: Planetes, Eureka 7, Escaflowne, Gundam 0080, Birdy the Mighty Decode, Katanagatari
Planetes has been in my planned to watch for a long time too, man soo much I need to watch! I've heard mixed things about E7 but I'll keep my eye out :). I'm actually waiting for the Escaflowne Blu-ray before I have a deeper look at that, not sure if I'll like it but I'll give it a whirl. I'm planning to watch the whole Universal Century timeline in regards to Gundam and yeah War in the Pocket, Victory, Turn A and Unicorn are ones I'm really looking forward to. The name Birdy the Mighty Decode rings a bell but I don't know anything about it. Thanks for that recommendation! :) Katanagatari is something I've been thinking of watching but as weird as it sounds, the art style and the intro put me off. I'm glad it might be good however, I might give it a chance :D
Well you've got Gun/Diebuster already covered. I don't think it gets any better than that. Maybe check out Kyousougiga ? It has plenty of diverse emotional moments that hit me quite hard. Madoka and 5cm per Second too, though they're more on the depressing side of things.
I've never heard of Kyousougiga (I don't think I have anyways) so thanks for the recommendation! I didn't really like Madoka to be honest with you. Very indifferent towards the cast of the show. I'd go as for as to say however that I actually liked Episode 10 but everything else...it was alright :p Glad you liked it however!
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