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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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If there is ever a bluray of Millennium Actress no joke I will buy at least two copies.

There is!
In Japan! With no subtitles!

Is there something preventing Perfect Blue from being re-released in North America? It seems so odd that the BD hasn't been released here yet. My friend liked to joke that it was because Aronofsky bought the rights to it, but sometimes I wonder...
Aura: Maryuuinkouga Saigo no Tatakai

That was a nice watch. Thematically the same as Chuu2, but less comedy and more drama. I enjoyed it more, at least. Also, an Oshima Michiru OST.


Well congrats, you don't have to sell your farm. You only have to cough up $400+.

The box and cover art(s) on 2 amaray cases are newly drawn from Kyoto Animation staff. A 144-page book is also scheduled to be included featuring a newly drawn manga tale with an original plot written by Honobu Yonezawa

Im done.

Hyouka's box has been Amazon's #1 BD/DVD for ~3 days, not even UBW's post-episode hype dethroned it. HELLA CURIOUS.


Holy fuck this got super uber dark quick. Goddamn this is like Angel Beats on crack with a healthy amount of grimdark. Bonus points for Yuuji for not putting up with this shit and doing something hardcore straight out of Kill Bill. Nothing like being
buried goddamn alive to put your priorities in order
. I should also mention that this was really good, especially that mini fakeout at the end.

We got suicide, rape,
being buried alive, girls wetting themselves in fear,
and dead animals. I feel so bad for Michiru as Yuuji probably ain't going to pick her at the end of the day.

All of that said, the lead actually being interesting, makes the show work much better than it should.


The Light of El Cantare
Arcade Gamer Fubuki - 1

This is like that Twintails show that's currently airing, only slightly less crazy.

Given the tumblr image that prompted me to check this show out, I guess I expected a potential List candidate. Well, I stand dissapointed in that regard, but I'll see how this show goes. I mean, it's only 4 episodes.

Did you watch it dubbed? Fubuki's one of those rare instances where the dub actually makes the material funnier.
Did you watch it dubbed? Fubuki's one of those rare instances where the dub actually makes the material funnier.

Yeah, I watched it dubbed. It made it more entertaining, though it wasn't quite as crazy as I was expecting it to be, haha.

It was still pretty fun though.


Yeah, I watched it dubbed. It made it more entertaining, though it wasn't quite as crazy as I was expecting it to be, haha.

It was still pretty fun though.

is there as much pantsu in the show as google image searching is telling me?

ive never heard of it until now.


Arcade Gamer Fubuki was originally a manga by the same person who does Keroro Gunsou, which explains literally everything about it.



Holy fuck this got super uber dark quick.

Really does feel like the source material is way to compressed for its own good IMO. Anime producers forcing longer stories into 13 episodes or less no matter what continues to frustrate me.


Sadly it doesn't have english subs.

I rarely buy anime on disc, but Hyouka I would.

Probably wishful thinking, but once theres a BD set out there maybe someone will license it in the west.

So depressing, #1 on Amazon.jp for 4 days now.




Take place six years after the events of the Steins;Gate.

The novel takes place in 2016 in Akihabara on the Steins;Gate timeline. After graduating college, Okabe industrializes the "Future Gadget Laboratory," but in fact, Daru is the one earning all the income and Okabe earns a living accepting detective-like requests. One day, the building owner's daughter Nae asks Okabe to investigate her father, who she says is acting strange. However, Okabe remembers his experiences from the other timelines, and is worried. However, before he can think any further, he encounters Suzuha, a girl who should not exist on the Steins;Gate timeline.


Maturity, bitches.
The UK keeps getting amazing releases :(
Anything that excludes Girls Bravo can't be described as amazing.

...I guess this is as good as a segue as any to talk about the Miyazaki Box-set the UK is getting. I'm super jelly as I already own all of the Ghibli Blu-rays but I will probably double dip if it's still available down the road.
Will the bonus disc contain On Your Mark?


Okabe doesn't really look like Okabe, though. And I don't know who the girl with the ponytail is, Nae, maybe?

Blame light novels. Steins;Gate needed to end after the TV series. Nothing more needed to be said.

Nae is 11 in the TV series and the listed age for the girl with the side pony is 17.

Edit: I could also just read her name. It's Nae.

Though I did enjoy the OVA and movie.


Blame light novels. Steins;Gate needed to end after the TV series. Nothing more needed to be said.

Nae is 11 in the TV series and the listed age for the girl with the side pony is 17.

Though I did enjoy the OVA and movie.

The OVA and the movie were nice little additions, fanservice aside. In fact, I really loved the movie, just because it focused around Kurisu. But at least the movie/OVA weren't as bad as Okabe being a detective, which just sounds weird.

Oh well. Gotta make money, I guess. Spin-offs are better than a never-ending storyline, at least in my eyes.


Could somebody tell me what show this is from? Is it good?

Tokyo Ghoul. This is not an popular opinion round these parts but it is quite alright. Especially now that the uncensored version is releasing.

Bakemonogatari 1-15

I tried to get into this show a while back but was turned off by the editing and directing of episode 1. Re-tried it again a few days ago and after ep 2 I've come to appreciate the show. Senjogahara was a big reason why I liked this show so much. Such an awesome and witty character. The direction took me a few eps to get used to in order to appreciate. The cast in this show was great.

Nisemonogatari 1-2

I'm disappointed by the large amount of perversion and fan-service in these 2 eps so far but I'll watch it because I'm interested in hearing about Koyomi's sisters, who were both referenced frequently in Bakemonogatari. I guess it was too much to hope it'd be as good as the first series.

lol You haven't seen anything yet. Good luck with episode 4.
A thought about Cross Ange.

At first, I expected Adolf Hitler in anime form, given the initial outrage and scorn. But you know, more than super awful ohgod, this is just the typical Sunrise mech show, so in other words a mix of being bad, stupid and a bit too crazy and schizophrenic and trying too much, in their usual ways. It's just more trashy than their usual works thanks to the ever present fanservice (from the suits to some riskier scenes included because it seems they chose to aim directly the adult otaku fan instead of the teenager otaku fan, so more edginess/ecchi is allowed); but at the core behind all the tits and butts it's just another Sunrise show, with a mc going from the bottom to slowly turning into a hero and learning to make friends, a conspiracy to revolt against society, a kludgey romance interest that hides more than seen at first sight, I bet some stupid twist at the mid of the season with the dragons, a moustache-twirling bad guy, etc.


I ended up backing the Patema Inverted Kickstarter when it was running, no idea if the movie is good or what it's even about but the 'Ultimate Edition' looked nice for £35 so I couldn't resist. Not sure if the film needs an Ultimate package but it looks nice at least :p

Anyone have an experience with the movie? If not, maybe it could be something for y'all to check out :)

I ended up seeing Patema about four times theatrically whilst it was touring here in Blighty - I didn't miss the Time of Eve kickstarter either, so I managed to get my coffee canister signed by Yoshiura when he was in Edinburgh for a screening of Patema earlier in the year (and also actually got my Time of Eve BD last week - shame I just saw the movie at SLA a couple of weeks back. Guess I'll never watch it).

Patema is pretty good - it does a bunch of interesting things, particularly with weird cinematography, but it's kind of bogged down with a villain who never comes across as being anything other than cartoonish in the Dick Dastardly fashion. I liked it enough to back the kickstarter as well, at least.


Maturity, bitches.
Having seen what they were censoring I'd say the censored version of TG was better. When it was censored you assumed there was something really morbid behind those black shadows. Now that the curtain has been drawn you realise it's pretty tame stuff.


I disagree. Since most of it was tame there was no point in censoring it in the first place. The sudden walls of black or rays of light were just awful and broke the immersion during many of the pivotal moments of the show. Not to mention you had no idea what happened sometimes. The fight scene in 02 is much better without the inverted colours.


Garo - Episode 5

The story is moving characters into more interesting positions now, but I found the episode itself to be a bit too standard in terms of narrative. Nothing I haven't seen before here in terms of a mentor taking on a younger character he is protecting as an apprentice. Some pretty nice Horror designs this week though. Also the first episode since ep1 which wasn't subcontracted to Korea. Wish the fights were more exciting here though.


Your Lie in April - Episode 4

This episode falls into all the over-dramatic traps which I feel are the weak points for the show. Really cheesy monologues, overbearing in-your-face abuse of thematic visual cues, and just an eagerness to force the audience to feel something which ends up being really artificial. Having said that though, the performance was really nice, and I like the way the relationship between the two leads are building up. I just think it'll be much more effective with more subtlety. Let the emotions flow naturally instead of hamming it up!


Let say If certain title want to go with melodrama/hammy route instead more subtlety for its tone. We can judging the execution but is it right to demand that title became something different than its achieve to be?


If it would make the material better, absolutely. Authorial intent doesn't rule absolute. There are different ways to tell a story, and some are more effective than others, and some stories benefit more from certain approaches. Authors can choose how they want to tell a story, but that doesn't always mean it is the best choice.
Let say If certain title want to go with melodrama/hammy route instead more subtlety for its tone. We can judging the execution but is it right to demand that title became something different than its achieve to be?

Melodrama/hammy is bad by default, so yeah we can judge.

The goal to any drama series is to make you feel the drama yourself, to empathize with the characters. Overbearing melodrama and cheesy monologues goes against that goal.

edit: I love drama stories, some of my favorite stuff is dramatic. But imo, it's also the most delicate genre to handle, execute it poorly and it will be totally spoiled.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 51

This series is oftentimes a confusing, indeed downright vexing creature to categorize at times because it doesn't really play by any typical rules. For example, we have this filler arc, and it is a filler arc no matter what anybody is going to say. Yet it is not something that can be quickly cast aside because aside from the amnesia haberdashery there are events here that will reverberate though the rest of the season. This is due to the fact that seemingly at random it was decided that this be the first power up episode. Indeed, it is important to remember that Sailor Moon often drinks from the cup of Sentai tropes and this is a big example. It is time for the new season of power ups, and it should be noted that these are the actual new powers seen in the manga.

Somebody realized that they could add the powers here and give this arc some semblance of substantiability, which is more then can be said for many anime-only arcs actually. My biggest problem is that indeed this power really does feel like it was randomly handed out as the monster of the week didn't come across as any more powerful then anything previously encountered. Really that is one of the biggest problems with this entire arc. The incest twins are a few steps down on the threat level chart then Dark Moon and it has been showing. Indeed, the current powers of the Scouts have actually been more effective here then in the latter stages of season one. This is problem that is only going to get worse. As far as the rest of the episode goes, it was there, a perfectly generic episode in service to the larger plot device. Oh yes, also a new sub-plot of romance begins between the normals. I hope they enjoy it while they can.


Melodrama/hammy is bad by default, so yeah we can judge.

No it isn't. It's a completely valid form of representation, and great melodramatic stories exist since Greek tragedies.

If anything, the problem with the hammy bits in Kimiuso is that they're at odds with other parts of the show. It's not exclusive to the drama moments, the physical deformed comedy carries the same issue. It's a problem with tonal consistency.


Sailor Moon Mondays: Sailor Moon R: Episode 52

Ye gods what a useless episode this was as it is a very painful reminder that the writers of Sailor Moon still had very little idea about what to do and how to present Minako. Indeed in this episode they basically make her Usagi-lite, adopting some of her bad habits and mannerisms but retaining a mostly kind if bland personality. Anyway, most of this episode involves hordes of annoying children and the attempt to convince them that there is a Sailor Moon, which is not that hard of a feat to prove actually. At least Crescent Beam Shower seems like an actual step up in power and not just something to replace the power lost from last season. Anyway, recommendation to avoid this episode and I think I am already forgetting some of what happened.
Could somebody tell me what show this is from? Is it good?


.........Good choice of name. :)

The anime Tokyo Ghoul is good if you count it as a standalone, because the manga is infinitely better than the anime. But in the anime's case episode 1, 8, and 12 makes the anime worth a watch. And it has a great Opening and really well done OST. So if you do end up reading the manga in any case watch the anime first.

Also one of my top favorite manga series.
Oreca & DraColle 31

Poor Papi he could have done something to Drake Lucifer, but that may be next episode.

Oreca was fun for Rock, I think he will definitely be Orega's new friend. Good Ultra Ex move from Bahn.

Herobank 31

More time in Osaka please especially if it means more embarassed Sekito. I cant wait for the next evolution in the baddies.

I read the VN and the thing is, the only good part about it was the funny common route. The girl's routes are all laughably bad and this seems to be what the adaptation will be focusing on, the badly written durama. I was really hoping for 13 episodes of nonstop Juicy Yuuji shenanigans too :/
They could have made 13 eps with only the common route+ anime original ending but it wouldn't have been an accurate representation of the game. I mean this stuff is ridiculous but they can tell you ( as they did last episode ) " hey they are more stuff we cut, so please get the game "

Damn I keep forgetting about region codes even though I was just lamenting their exsistsnce a few paragraphs up. I'm not sure on that front I'm afraid. I think it might be locked to Region B. I'll look into it for ya however!

...I guess this is as good as a segue as any to talk about the Miyazaki Box-set the UK is getting. I'm super jelly as I already own all of the Ghibli Blu-rays but I will probably double dip if it's still available down the road.

I'm sure this will be region locked

I guess this a good time to discuss your fave Ghibli Film?
My top three Ghibli films are (in no particular order)
  • Only Yesterday
  • Porco Rosso
  • Whisper of the Heart

Pfiou I want this


I will try to get this.
Ordered the Australian release of Date A Live (BR) because I've given up hope of it getting released in the UK. It's the same region (B) so I'm assuming it'll run fine, but someone kindly let me know if I'm wrong.
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