So I found this interview in August 2014 with Otsuka from Trigger, hosted by Alexander Grant(Pixar). Anyway some minor interesting details:
-The copyrights from an Anime Mirai production revert back to the studio after three months of the theatrical run.
-Two early versions of
LWA. One being the one we saw. The other was more action heavy. Yoshinari chose the current one as he felt the animators might relate to the girls more as the girls are learning just like the animators.
-Claims that they left Gainax not due to creative restrictions but rather as they wanted a challenge.
-An average anime episode has bare minimum of 3000 drawings, a good one has 6000. Otsuka stated that
Gurren Lagann and
Kill La Kill had 8000 drawings per episode.
KLK's number is probably heavily padded.
LWA had 17,000 drawings.
-Otsuka stated that anime is more for a younger audience compared to manga.
-"Imaishi is basically an adult [child]"