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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Grisaia - 05


That was deep. These girls are nuts.
I'm still not sure what the fuck is going on in general. This guy is like some undercover therapist in this delusional school for special snowflakes.
Ojamajo Doremi - 33

Another decent episode, though I can't say anything really stood out about it though.

Playing the opening theme near the end of the episode during the race was a nice touch, I guess.

Next episode looks really interesting as it appears to have some focus on Ai's mother from the looks of the preview.

Generally the plot episodes stand out the least in Doremi, this one was pretty good although nothing special in the grand scheme of things. Also you're getting to an important part of the series very soon. Can't wait to hear your reactions on it!
Just when I was discussing dubs v subs with my friends. Case and point right there.

You don't just cast a pimpin' black man to play a 40 year old sophisticated cat-man. OK?


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
I will not die until I achieve something. Even though the ideal is high, I never give in. Therefore, I never die with regrets.
Rin's probably a fan of Ikaruga.
Fucking hell, what did I do. I called out /r/animes shitty circlejerking and and am now showered in replies where people tell me it's literally impossible to be disappointed by Ufotable's FSN UBW so far.

Here's a wonderful excerpt:
But as for that post being downvoted even if it weren't trolling: the thing is, there's no real reason to consider Fate/SN the most disappointing show of the season. I can see it not being a favorite for everyone, since not everyone likes the same things, but having it as the most disappointing is just a massive exaggeration. There's pretty much nothing to really complain about in this adaptation. It's exactly the way it should be, god tier animation, and while the soundtrack isn't as good as Zero yet, it's still pretty good. The story itself and action scenes are amazing too. If you consider SN the biggest disappointment, the issue is with your tastes or expectations. The production values alone put it vastly ahead of other airing shows. Hell, the food budget alone is probably higher than the entire budget for seasons one and two of Log Horizon.

Why do I keep visiting that shitty subreddit and worse, try to call out this bullshit when it's a fruitless endeavour. It's not bad for news and some misc. submissions like nice song covers. I should just never ever take a look at the comment section again.

I need help reacting to something....

Is this real?

Ahahaha this is amazing

Fucking hell, what did I do. I called out /r/animes shitty circlejerking and and am now showered in replies where people tell me it's literally impossible to be disappointed by Ufotable's FSN UBW so far.

Here's a wonderful excerpt:
Why do I keep visiting that shitty subreddit and worse, try to call out this bullshit when it's a fruitless endeavour. It's not bad for news and some misc. submissions like nice song covers. I should just never ever take a look at the comment section again.

I mean is there anything wrong with his main argument of "this adaptation is exactly the way it should be" ? Yes there are problems like the face structure in scenes or weird cuts like the "you never smile" into dark flashback but as a whole it seems like they're doing a very good job of adapting the UBW route of F/SN for what it is. Outside of Ufotable just saying "fuck any of the routes we're gonna just write our own version" (which may have been ideal) I can't see much they could have done.
I wanted to like UBW, but the writing is just... really poor. Some reasons:

-Plot armor fucking everywhere.
-About 1000 lines about ideals or whatever that never really mean anything. It's supposed to be the center of the plot, but you never see them in action beyond typical heroic things like protecting those around you.
-A final arc that effectively comes out of nowhere with little foreshadowing, being entirely too dependent on knowledge obtained in a previous route. (ufotable could actually help solve this issue)
-Shirou has no personality aside from some typical shounen protagonist qualities.

I actually like the overall idea of the story, and there are some pretty cool moments. Unfortuantely the execution is really lacking.
Ahahaha this is amazing

I mean is there anything wrong with his main argument of "this adaptation is exactly the way it should be" ? Yes there are problems like the face structure in scenes or weird cuts like the "you never smile" into dark flashback but as a whole it seems like they're doing a very good job of adapting the UBW route of F/SN for what it is. Outside of Ufotable just saying "fuck any of the routes we're gonna just write our own version" (which may have been ideal) I can't see much they could have done.

Just because the adaptation may be faithful that still doesn't make it good or "exactly the way it should be". Unless you enjoy horribly written dialogue en mass, that is. And harem tropes. Poor exposition. Yadayada.

That aside, it's not about the adaptation itself but whether the show overall could be disappointing to someone. Which he is certain of it can't, which is fricking ridiculous. I mean I'm already disappointed just from episode 1 raising my expectations and then delivering worse (episode 3 being the exception). And I never went in with high expectations in the first place (wasn't as big a fan of F/Z as most). So I must imagine someone that enjoyed F/Z and was looking forward to a great Ufotable UBW may be rather disappointed indeed.
Mushishi - 02

This was creepy and hearthwarming at the same time. I've noticed this far the Mushi has only "targeted" children. Hand kid/young grandma in first episode, and now Sui/Biki.
Right now I feel the Mushi is doing more harm than good, I expected them to be both. Maybe it'll even out as the show goes on. I do wonder why Sui and Ginko saw eachother when they were both in their "second eyelids", as if it's some connected realm.
Now I'm going to go asleep thinking of my second eyelids.


-About 1000 lines about ideals or whatever that never really mean anything. It's supposed to be the center of the plot, but you never see them in action beyond typical heroic things like protecting those around you.

-Shirou has no personality aside from some typical shounen protagonist qualities.

I strongly disagree with these two points. Shirou's ideals are the entire crux of almost all the major decisions in the arc and are the reason the events are even happening in the first place. The big climax of the arc is Shirou coming to and understanding the path he will take. The writing in this regard is very tight.

As to Shirou not having a personality, I have no clue how you can say that after UBW. The VN clearly establishes his flaws as a human.
Fucking hell, what did I do. I called out /r/animes shitty circlejerking and and am now showered in replies where people tell me it's literally impossible to be disappointed by Ufotable's FSN UBW so far.

Here's a wonderful excerpt:

Why do I keep visiting that shitty subreddit and worse, try to call out this bullshit when it's a fruitless endeavour. It's not bad for news and some misc. submissions like nice song covers. I should just never ever take a look at the comment section again.

Heh. Just notice the wording. They aren't judging how good is the series, but how good is the adaptation. For them if the adaptation is faithful to the source and it's lavishly produced, it's perfect.

Of course, in their minds, that's the only needed to have a perfect show, because they are FSN fans. If you are neutral to say source work, just being a good adaptation isn't good enoguh.


If you were disappointed in UBW, then really it's your own fault. Ufotable has done a notable job adapting the VN without heavy rewrites. If you were expecting a rewriting then that's on you.


"Rewatches corresponding episode part of Log Horizon in Japanese to double check"

Dub sounds fine to me. Haters gonna hate! *shrug*

Or probably more accurately just a difference of opinions :p

He was drunk at the time, so he gets a pass. After he sobered up and realized he has a demon tail, he's forced into a companionship in an effort to lift the curse. He's a liar for his own benefits, not because he's malicious (other than trying to kill her to lift the curse). By the way, that not-a-lying-face running joke is overdone.

I can believe Favaro is an opportunist. My problem is the writer deemed it necessary to have an infatuated horse be the reason for the reunion, instead of any other reason that isn't completely farcical. I wouldn't mind if the horse stayed with the band, but after that plot device he or she is never to be seen again. A case example of a deus ex machina.

I thought your issue was Favaro's characterization. If you're issue is just how he ended up rejoining Amira, I'm not sure its really that much of an issue. We saw Amira build up a bit of comradeire with the horse earlier. I'd hardly call it a Dues Ex Machina when she didn't even need Favaro's help to escape - the guards weren't really a threat to her at all and Favaro/the horse weren't required to solve the situation. It's certainly narratively convenient and as the scenario was mostly played for laughs, having it caused by a silly reason seems appropriate. If you did indeed feel this was DEM at play, how would the horse sticking around have changed anything? Wouldn't the scenario be just as bad?
If you were disappointed in UBW, then really it's your own fault. Ufotable has done a notable job adapting the VN without heavy rewrites. If you were expecting a rewriting then that's on you.

"My own fault."

No I did not write the awful dialogue and no, that certainly is something that can be done better without heavily rewriting major points.

e: Also I want to argue that it wasn't the dialogue wasn't this bad in F/Z if I recall correctly. So having this step down would be disappointing surely.


"My own fault."

No I did not write the awful dialogue and no, that certainly is something that can be done better without heavily rewriting major points.

It's been well known what the flaws of the source work and it's been long established that the work was going to be relatively close to the source. Fate/Zero was written by a different writer so I don't know why you would assume the dialogue would be of the same level.

Your expectations were off.


Maturity, bitches.
Give up America. You clearly can't dub Japanese things to save your life. Just give the job to us Brits who can do it right.


sealed with a kiss
If you were disappointed in UBW, then really it's your own fault. Ufotable has done a notable job adapting the VN without heavy rewrites. If you were expecting a rewriting then that's on you.

the problem is why adapt such a shit property in the first place


Wait what? You're going to have to elaborate on what you mean here. Or are you trying to say its more of a "popcorn" anime or something of the sort?

It means when you go see a Will Smith movie you know what you're getting and that's why you're watching in the first place. You're getting Will Smith being Will Smith on screen. Same with a Michael Bay film.


"My own fault."

No I did not write the awful dialogue and no, that certainly is something that can be done better without heavily rewriting major points.

e: Also I want to argue that it wasn't the dialogue wasn't this bad in F/Z if I recall correctly. So having this step down would be disappointing surely.

The thing is that F/SN is very popular and the reason it's being adapted so faithfully is because that's what fans of the series wanted.

There was never going to be heavy rewriting because according to fans of the property (maybe ufotable included?) there was nothing wrong with it in the first place.


Working!! 05

That's not nice.

Inami hits somebody else than Takanashi for a change, nobody is normal and people switch jobs.

You summed it up pretty well hehee

Man that music anime that came out looked so good at first but it got ruined by melodrama. Nodame Cantabile continues to be one of the only good ones. And I can't take Beck seriously with that engrish.

I would give my left arm for a show about the rise of a small town jazz band that becomes internationally famous.

You wouldnt like Piano then probably. Melodrama for days.
Your idea would be a pretty cool anime series and it should be set in New Orleans or at least part of it take place there.


I need help reacting to something....

Is this real?

Thats amazing. I remember first seeing that Serara scene with her squeeing and sweeping the house. I almost died of happiness.

Working!! 07

Seems legit.

So, new girl Yamada joins the wacky cast, and she manages to tell the truth to Yachiyo about Sato, which upsets the balance, and you can't have any of that :p



I thought your issue was Favaro's characterization. If you're issue is just how he ended up rejoining Amira, I'm not sure its really that much of an issue. We saw Amira build up a bit of comradeire with the horse earlier. I'd hardly call it a Dues Ex Machina when she didn't even need Favaro's help to escape - the guards weren't really a threat to her at all and Favaro/the horse weren't required to solve the situation. It's certainly narratively convenient and as the scenario was mostly played for laughs, having it caused by a silly reason seems appropriate. If you did indeed feel this was DEM at play, how would the horse sticking around have changed anything? Wouldn't the scenario be just as bad?
Then there'd be a valid reason for the horseplay and prior bonding with Amira. With this execution, it's turned to a plot contrivance pulled from the writer's arse. Who's forced to add the Amira x horse moment to make the contrivance work, but it doesn't work because we have to believe Favaro didn't want to save or care about Amira, yet he does so unwittingly because plot. Even if it was played for laughs, it doesn't make it any more believable. Make Favaro change his mind; you even got to see a flashback of Amira's desire to see her mom, which I thought was perfectly set up for that. It wouldn't clash with his characterization so far at all. It might even make him more likeable as a main character.

It doesn't matter that the threat is non-threatening; the point is that they get back together after the betrayal. If there's no character growth (ie Favaro doesn't change his mind), then what was the point of all this backstabbing nonsense? Exactly. To make Favaro look like a complete and utter tool. Well, mission accomplished.


I wanted to like UBW, but the writing is just... really poor. Some reasons:

-Plot armor fucking everywhere.
-About 1000 lines about ideals or whatever that never really mean anything. It's supposed to be the center of the plot, but you never see them in action beyond typical heroic things like protecting those around you.
-A final arc that effectively comes out of nowhere with little foreshadowing, being entirely too dependent on knowledge obtained in a previous route. (ufotable could actually help solve this issue)
-Shirou has no personality aside from some typical shounen protagonist qualities.

I actually like the overall idea of the story, and there are some pretty cool moments. Unfortuantely the execution is really lacking.
Just to give my own piece on this, I'll try to make it brief:

-I can only imagine this being a question
regarding the final fight with Gil and in this case it's because Gil simply does not see Shirou as a threat. It's clear that he was playing around with him for most of the fight, completely in line with his characterization.
-This seems to be rather dismissive of what the narrative was trying to say. The route fully goes into the foundations and mechanics of Shirou's ideal, narrative shows the reader why Shirou's ideal is imperfect and childish but the take away is that despite it being impossible for Shirou to achieve and that it will only cause him problems he still finds the ideal in itself beautiful. It is the journey, not the destination that is the reward in the end.
Gil's motives are made pretty clear earlier in the story with the scene in Shinji's basement, what it was meant was to ask Shirou "so you can talk the talk (Answer, fight with Archer), but can you walk the walk?" and what better way to show that than a brave boy standing up against the greatest hero of all? Gil is meant to be a foil character to Shirou so the end was not only a test but also a clash of two ideologies.
-I myself found Shirou to have a great deal of personality, how he's
a broken man who can only live for others and strives for an ideal where he can be there to save everyone despite that very wish contradicting itself as there needs to be a person to save. His ideal is impossible to reach but he still finds it worth it enough to run towards. He's earnest, respectful, stubborn, surprisingly tactical, and this is just all just a brief look into his character.
Yona of the Dawn 5

Yona finally has decided to stop being protected and started taking the steps to becoming the tough warrior princess that was teased. Another fantastic episode and like Rage of Bahamut this is a show I had no expectations for that's completely blown me away.
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