Have you watched Millennium Actress ?
Not yet, you told me to watch it about 4 months ago though and I haven't forgotten. I have roughly 13 shows on the go right now, its on my Christmas break watch list along with many movies.
Have you watched Millennium Actress ?
I thought you'd at least be with me on the Silver Spoon S2 bandwagon.
I pronounce is like "high bunny run may"
Not yet, you told me to watch it about 4 months ago though and I haven't forgotten. I have roughly 13 shows on the go right now, its on my Christmas break watch list along with many movies.
Parasyte for anime of the year!
Mfw school plays the nichijou theme song over the loudspeaker system during lunch
So what's the deal with ANN romanizing Shinbo's name as "Simbo"?
Mike is probably throwing money at his computer right now.
Anything I'm missing?Ai Mai Mi
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha
Ping Pong
Prisma Illya Zwei
No Game No Life
Silver Spoon
Space Dandy
Ai Mai Mi.Things to watch before AOTY vote:
Anything I'm missing?
Haikyuu!! and BarakamonThings to watch before AOTY vote:
Ping Pong
No Game No Life
Silver Spoon
Space Dandy
Anything I'm missing?
Things to watch before AOTY vote:
Ai Mai Mi
Ping Pong
No Game No Life
Silver Spoon
Space Dandy
Anything I'm missing?
EDIT: Editing stuff in.
Silver Spoon emitted in 2014?
I believe the second season aired in 2014?
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha is missing from your list![]()
I don't trust you with any type of list building. I may as well put ImoCho and Pupa on there!
2013 disagrees with you.Jojo will always win anime of the year in any year it airs. Cuz its freaking Jojo!
Credit to The Seven Deadly Sins, Parasyte and Shirobako though.
You not disappointed with Amagi because not following LN right?AOTY lists , already ?
NGNL is in my top 5 , no contest and space dandy is in my top 3
Unless something crazy happens , chaika is going to be in my top 10
Hxh is probably gonna get a mention since it was the "election arc"
i might do a " disapointment of the year list" to put captain earth , tokyo ESP & persona 4 the golden & amagi brillant park somewhere
[Pikmin: Short Movies]
Turns out Shigeru Miyamoto should probably make animated films instead of games during his senile years. 10/10, anime of the year and all that.
Jesus Christ Olimar is terrifying up close!
Is that blood dripping from his mouth?
I would imagine due to the objectives and context of Pikmin he's eating a berry or something.
Nozaki is tentatively AOTY for me but Shirobako might steal it if it maintains this level of quality throughout its first cour.
Did we?At the end, even if we love to complain of bad anime, we had a pretty good year this time.
My AOTY list would currently consist of:
Amagi Brilliant Park
I can't actually remember what else came out this year x_x
It causes brain damage of that degree? Oh boy![]()
Hang in there buddy.
Right now, Shirobako has anime of the year for me. Unless it suddenly declines in quality, it should be a pretty easy number one, with Ping Pong coming in at two.