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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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You're in a for a treat. Don't let the at times awful animation quality deter you and keep going. There's a scene that has the most laughable bolder physics I've ever seen :s

That said, the general art direction is pretty strong and the show can be quite beautiful at times.

the show has such a strong narrative and character identity that youre too busy worrying about their well being ghan how well a boulder is rendered. At least I was.

Wow, no LN garbage/idol in top 3? What the hell happened to Japan?

Nozaki kun did so well!
the show has such a strong narrative and character identity that youre too busy worrying about their well being ghan how well a boulder is rendered. At least I was.

Well, yes and no. In that case it was so bad it became immediately distracting. Does it really matter? Nah. Does a show this good deserve better? Yes.

By the way, I can hardly believe Shin Sekai Yori is from the same studio that produces SAO. I assume the team assigned to the former is largely different ;P
Blade Dance 12
Well that series ended as sort of expected. This series was just not good. Mainly for two reasons. The First is the whole mess of the plot brought by introducing new characters. There's at least 3 main lingering plotlines by the end of the series and they've hardly moved since the start of the show. I still don't understand what this sister did, I still don't get this demon king succession thing is and heck I still don't know what exactly a blade dance is. Is it just a fancy word for a fight? There's probably a dozen plot points I'm forgetting at this point. The second reason this show was terrible is the typical harem antics. That was probably the only piece of plot that made sort of sense and not for any good reasons. The cast was pretty terrible


All of KyoAni recent works except Tamako Market are based on light novels.

Thats the one show I would have expected to be an LN. So that was original by KyoAni?

Well, yes and no. In that case it was so bad it became immediately distracting. Does it really matter? Nah. Does a show this good deserve better? Yes.

By the way, I can hardly believe Shin Sekai Yori is from the same studio that produces SAO. I assume the team assigned to the former is largely different ;P

Yeah it does deserve better. However, it was sufficient to get the point across. Its a testament to the shows strength that it excelled despite these shortcomings.
I'm just going to leave this here because not everyone is on IRC or Twitter: http://tamerlane420.wordpress.com/2014/09/29/japanimation/

Sad to see this happen. He wrote some great articles that enlightened me on a lot of the finer points in anime and made me think a little deeper on the medium.

I however don't think it's up to us to raise ourselves up to a certain level of critical discussion for the sake of it. It's up to our own decision how we talk and rate anime as that's what's so great about being in a community like this.

I wish him luck in his new film blogging thing he's doing.


From the New World Ep. 1

It's got a nice visual style and the premise is intriguing, but I'm not digging the narrative too much so far. Not to say it's bad. The scenes with the kids interacting with each other are kind of annoying since there is always someone raising their voice. Comes across a little too hard in trying to establish their character traits and group dynamic.

What a weird night gown. Not sure if pandering or just eccentric fashion design.
The beginning is a bit of a slow burn, but it picks up quickly.
Love Live S2 07


[heavy breathing]

Somehow Honoka and Hanayo got out of shape and have to diet. The school student council gets in trouble because of some budget issues as well, but everything gets worked out with some hard work and missed meals.
Tokyo Esp end

Man, they rushed through everything. This could have been so good too :(

Tired of stuff I like getting crappy adaptation. There's been like 8 series this year alone. Ah well, that's the industry for you. Or maybe I just read too much manga.

Still dont know where episode one fit into things. Was king of disappointing that I dont even know if I want to go into the manga if its like that.

At least we got a Faylan song, never forget Zero-hearts!
Porco Rosso
I saw it for the first time last night. Pretty interesting. Fio was a fairly interesting character her maturity in a way and tomboyishness. The role of women was interesting considering the time period. The curse aspect as well as the lack of closure on Marco were fairly unique in that they never actually explain it properly. It's up to the audience's interpretation on how the curse works. It seems more symbolic of the guilt rather a curse because he was selfish. The other characters were animated in such a way that the dogfights gave a pretty classic cartoon feel to them. The Mamudo gang boss was probably the best character


Ashita no Nadja 32-34 (Egypt Arc)

Having an episode titled "Farewell, Dandelion Troupe" had me worried. Thankfully, it was just George's hotheadeded impulsiveness. That group has formed too strong a friendship to ever be split up. I also liked Nadja and Ken's reaction to finding out how Granny used to look when she was in her prime.


And who knows how old she is now?

The Egypt episodes were pretty heavy on the plot-related material. Nadja finally knows who she is, but at the same time, Rosso and Bianco finally got what they were looking for. Herman's the real threat to the show, and the ending of episode 34 introduced the biggest twist of all.
Rosemary's going to become "Nadja" and take her place for some unspecified scheme of Herman's. This creates an interesting parallel. Nadja's still trying to figure out how to reconcile Keith and Francis not being who she thought they were, so how's she going to react when one of her old friends is pretending to be herself? Also, all four players who get confused for each other are blonde, though that doesn't have much to do with anything. While the show draws its inspiration from elsewhere, all this double-crossing and confused identities is very Shakespearean.

The endgame has been set into motion.

Link Man

Regarding rewatching anime works, there are several that I have watched over and over again. I ghink thats what leaves me with such an ever growing backlog. I often prefer revisiting my favorite works again and again rather than the more disposeable crunchyroll model of view and move on.
it does provide deeper insight and appreciation for certain Works (my favorites are well documented and noted here)

I'm the same way with games. I have a huge backlog, but a lot of the time I'd rather just try out new configurations in Final Fantasy V or Dragon Quest IX.


The number of shows that I've ever rewatched is in the low single digits, and even that was usually only to prepare for a sequel/new season if there was a substantial delay from the previous one.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
He's a fan of murakami, so I guess pharrel is a fan of the critique of the commercialisation and mass production of japanese modern art that renders no distinction between high and low art.
This is hilarious.
Gundam Build Fighters ep. 1


Well, with that new season coming out I figured I might as well give the first one a shot, Gundam fan that I am. Decent first episode, FANTASTIC animation and OST. Character designs are a bit eh but I can manage. I guess the biggest issue for me was that every characters role was very obvious. You could pretty much figure out everything that was going to happen 5 minutes in. But it was solid overall, hope the show can live up to the hype.


Finally finished Fate Zero a few days ago.

Wow what a great series.

I knew the best character (Iskandar) would die. He was too cool for this world.

And that asshole Gilgamesh got away scott free. In fact thinking about it all the villains won. What the fuck?

It was a definitely a great show. I'm glad I marathoned it rather than watch it when it first came out. I doubt I would've been able to contain myself with each week.

And Gilgamesh didn't get away scott free, he lost all his clothes lol
Love Live S2 09

Everybody at the school helps out.

I's the day of the final preliminaries, everybody is excited and it snows a lot. So much that the trains stop and some of the µ's members have to run to the concert.
Gundam Build Fighters ep 2


Gonna have to say Reiji is my dude right now. It's like anytime the anime wants to do something else he comes in and NOPE boston crab. Sei is a little eh, but I can't hate him after he gets enthusiastic about Gundam. He just has too many "EHHHHHHHHHHH" moments. The club president was a bit generic until he went into RAGE ON mode. Fantastic animation and OST once again. I also really liked how tearing up a colony affected the battle.

Also Reiji is apparently an alien or something, so there's that

P.S Sei's mom is great, best girl


I'll be looking forward to January just in case! ;-D

He's a fan of murakami, so I guess pharrel is a fan of the critique of the commercialisation and mass production of japanese modern art that renders no distinction between high and low art.

Or that he's a fan of that anime look.
Because if we delve deep enough into some of his punctual reasonings we discover only Kanada's fire dragons represent true art evolution for their nation since the Hokusai paintings, and that doesn't "paint" a complete picture of his overall opinion either.

Maybe Hiroki Azuma was right all along and Mr. Murakami's primary intentions were to show with his 'hybrid art' a revenge towards that Americanization through 'pop' culture of the 1st 'otaku' wave coming from the post-WWII baby boomer generation, which pushed them towards a self-caricatured expressionism in search of a twisted identity they could truly call their own. But even taking into account that, Mr. Murakami apparently never personally resented such influence in the end, admitting he is as well a product of those times while also conforming to the present market bottom-line requests, appealing to that market instead of blatantly pursuing a critique of their consumerism as you mention... using parody to highlight clearly defining traits of the 'ota' culture, yeah that's true, but also admitting he is just presenting the culture as such without wanting any added scorn from his part. During his collaborations with KAIYODO & BOME he commented as much, in contrast to the scepticism of the sculptor.

Anyway, whatever opportunity it takes to enjoy work from people like Hiromasa Ogura (the Proto Anime Cut exhibition was like a revelation to me of how accomplished his designs can be, such detail is to be enjoyed better at the close distances) is a good one. I think ulterior motives should never stop us from trying to enjoy many different individual aspects of any project.
Gundam Build Fighters ep 3


Slower episode, dedicated mostly to Sei building up his Gundam. We got a look into Reiji's "origins" I suppose but not much time was dedicated to that. Animation for the fights were good but I did notice some off model stuff halfway through. The Italian champ's Gundam looked sweet I look forward to seeing him in a proper fight. I can tell that glasses chick has a crush on Sei but I've been about dat Animu life for too long to expect any resolution to that. Sei's mom is still best girl
Love Live S2 10

The traditional new years shrine visit.

And a hunt for a catch-phrase, some mochi gets pounded and... oh, right... they reveal who won the final preliminaries as well, illustrated using the temple steps.
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