I have it. The package over all is nice, but they have had an issue in regards to one of the trays in the digi-pack moving out of place due to the glue not being left to set properly. They are replacing them for free however if you do find that to be an issue.
There are three times in the show that the quality drops to DVD due to the master they received from Aniplex not having any footage at those moments, so they spliced in the DVD footage in.
The issues are during:
Episode 5: 20:47 – 20:56 (9 seconds)
Episode 7: 08:29 – 08:42 (13 seconds)
Episode 10: 17:27 (momentary)
I could tell, but it didn't bother me. Just thought that I'd let you know. If you have any questions you may find them answered in the thread I made
here and my crappy pics of the set are
Yup the music is fantastic. It's very unpredictable and the shifts in tone are superbly done in a way that helps that feeling of uncertainty. The ED song is fantastic and is woven into each episode beautifully. I look forward to EP 7
Yeah the pacing in this show is just amazing. I've never felt this amount of freedom in a show if that makes any sense. I feel like the director is allowing me to discover everything for myself without any hand holding or foreshadowing. It makes for a more engrossing and engaging story that keeps me hooked by my own will, I really want to see more.
I could tell that EP 7 is going to be amazing, really excited to finish the show tomorrow

It's a special show that's for sure, sad it didn't seem to resonate with more people. The anime industry needs more shows like this I feel. Still, 7 more episodes left!
Sorry for my crappy writing by the way, I really like writing about the shows I've watched so sorry if I waffle and go off on a tangent at times. I'm not a good writer :$