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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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No, it's a mess entirely reliant on nostalgia and reference to carry the show along, failing to deliver on the promise of what came before and lacking any potential for turnaround as the show runners continue to indulge themselves on under-developed characters and superfluous side material. Nothing quite embodies how this show is such a shadow of what it should be what with Ral's VA being replaced due to the original being ill.

I knew you personally were just messing around with this post, which you acknowledge a few posts later, but the way some come across with their posts it certainly feels like they almost think this way.

It might be another case of Internet hyperbole and people actually still think it's a good show that just doesn't quite measure up to the original. Many posts however do come across more like it's not as good therefore it's awful type mentality though. The way some seem like they have to complain about every little thing and it's hard to tell who genuinely finds the show to be really underwhelming and who is just messing around.


Shingeki no Bahamut: Genesis Episode 6:

I come for the production values and the fights, I stay for the characters, I get bored by the metaplot.
Rage of Bahamut: Genesis 6

Another great episode, loved the scene between Favaro and Kaiser after the party though it is getting frustrating that Favaro despite knowing the truth continues to not tell Kaiser what really happened to their fathers. Also that stinger at the end should lead to a very exciting episode next week.

Also do we have any hint of how long this series will be? I'm surprised this far into the season we still only have an end date of ??? on both MAL and Hummingbird. I assumed going in this would be either a 13 or 26 episode series but generally by now we have an idea of exactly how long it would be. Is this going to be a long running series?


Rage of Bahamut: Genesis 6
Also do we have any hint of how long this series will be? I'm surprised this far into the season we still only have an end date of ??? on both MAL and Hummingbird. I assumed going in this would be either a 13 or 26 episode series but generally by now we have an idea of exactly how long it would be. Is this going to be a long running series?

It's confirmed to be 13 episodes.


Sailor Moon PQ really isnt as horrible as I thought.
Its a really old show so I wasnt expecting anything crystal clear and it looks pretty good on a large screen.

It could look much better though; for something comparable (a TV anime from the same timeframe as Sailor Moon season 1), look at the BDs for Nadia. Despite how old the show is, the picture is much more clear, and the colors look much better. Upscaling older anime like this is just lazy, I think.


Bahamut Genesis 6

This episode was a bit of a tease. I feel every time a "bomb" was about to be dropped it got interrupted. I guess I should have seen this coming as this was Part I of a two parter. I hope they don't save the "air clearing" between Favaro and Kaiser until the end of the series. Overall though this still did a good job of introducing all the major players (including who looks to be the Big Bad) and getting everybody up to speed onto the looming threat. Also Rita continues to be the best - her Rocket Punches will never stop being funny.

That's super shitty, not really sure how the series plans to wrap everything up in 7 more episodes hope we don't get a rushed ending.

With competent writing and a good sense of pacing we should be able to finish up the story in the remaining episodes. Most anime have shit writing, shit pacing and/or have to be beholden to the source material to the detriment of the anime. So normally I would be apprehensive. Thankfully, none of those things are true here:)


Detective Conan 42 (Rewatch)
A very sad and tragic episode, but definitely one of my favorite DC episodes.
With competent writing and a good sense of pacing we should be able to finish up the story in the remaining episodes. Most anime have shit writing, shit pacing and/or have to be beholden to the source material to the detriment of the anime. So normally I would be apprehensive. Thankfully, none of those things are true here:)

This is true, though I wouldn't be surprised if we got a Rage of Bahamut: *insert title here* sequel set in the same universe but a different story.

Edit: World Trigger 5

I did check and this is doing a 2:1 pacing from the manga to the anime, yet with the non existent budget makes it feel like they're doing a slow as dirt 1:1 pacing. Lots of set up in this episode introducing characters and plot threads that will come into player later on in the series. Pretty enjoyable despite the Eva style lets focus on the 8 characters faces one at a time slowly with no dialogue to pad for time.
Cross Ange 5

The writing in this anime is so shitty that after having her name written on a cloth that said "Ange's Room" while in the cave with Tusk, Ange decided at the end to reveal her name to Tusk and he acted like it was his first time hearing it, despite seeing it multiple times in the montage scene earlier in the episode.

I also find it hilarious how this show fails so spectacularly at fan service, between Tusk randomly stripping her to sleep in the same bed with her when he found her unconscious, to tripping into her crotch, to sucking the venom out of the snake bite in her thigh, to randomly stripping her again to treat the wound he'd already treated, to clothing her, to tripping into her ass... I just don't understand. Is this supposed to arouse me, make me want to be this utterly clumsy guy with no game just because Ange is hot? I can get the fan service and waifu stuff in series like SAO even if it's not for me, but here it's just so bizarre I can't tell if they're trying to be serious or super tongue in cheek.


The Light of El Cantare
I knew you personally were just messing around with this post, which you acknowledge a few posts later, but the way some come across with their posts it certainly feels like they almost think this way.

It might be another case of Internet hyperbole and people actually still think it's a good show that just doesn't quite measure up to the original. Many posts however do come across more like it's not as good therefore it's awful type mentality though. The way some seem like they have to complain about every little thing and it's hard to tell who genuinely finds the show to be really underwhelming and who is just messing around.

No, I think Narag actually does hate GBF Try that much. I think the joke was that this was a response asking whether or not G-Reco (nonspecifically referred to as "the new Gundam") was bad.


Edit: World Trigger 5

Pretty enjoyable despite the Eva style lets focus on the 8 characters faces one at a time slowly with no dialogue to pad for time.

This was hilarious. I started laughing when it started the focus on third face with no dialogue, escalating with each additional face. I was dead by the time the last one came around, and there was STILL no dialogue for an awkward amount of time.
Shingeki no Bahamut 06


Looks like Favaro is a fan of Wayne's World

Good episode, not an amazing one, but it feels like the next one will be a great from the build up.
The quality was a bit off this episode too, I feel. And the Funi darkness was so enveloping you couldn't see hardly anything for a few shots there.

Cross Ange 5

The writing in this anime is so shitty that after having her name written on a cloth that said "Ange's Room" while in the cave with Tusk, Ange decided at the end to reveal her name to Tusk and he acted like it was his first time hearing it, despite seeing it multiple times in the montage scene earlier in the episode.

lmao I didn't even notice that but that's hilarious.
Thanks much! Shame international shipping isn't free. :p

How do you guys convince yourselves to get the Japanese BD sets? I hear some have English subtitles like Gurren Lagann (which by the way is more than $500!), but I assume shows like Minami-ke and Tatami Galaxy don't, in which case it's impossible to enjoy the show fully unless you know Japanese.

The Minami-ke BD-boxes do not have English subtitles as you assumed, but I really wanted to own the series and it was going for a reasonable price (about ¥15,000 or just under $150). I still hope that Minami-ke does get licensed, even if it is just a DVD release.


Just want something really recent? Not 80's stuff?

My main issue with 80s/90s anime is I don't really get on very well with all the flashing all the time. I watched and enjoyed Macross Plus and I'm not epileptic but flashing images give me headaches if I look at too many of them for too long. It probably didn't help that Sharon Apple's live was trippy as heck.
Cross Ange 6

So I feel like Momo showing up and then not being put to death for discovering state secrets would be a bigger deal... you know... if the fact Momo wasn't part of the main supporting cast wasn't spoiled like crazy in the OP.

It's hard to tell if the whole "dragons and norma using paramail to fight them" being a state secret is just shitty writing to give some kind of false tension to Momo being executed for breaking into the prison island, or if this is part of building towards a bigger story,

If I had to guess, perhaps humans stole the power of mana from the dragon's world, which is they they keep coming though the gate to try and steal it back. Norma being used to fight against them is a big secret because if people found out about Dragons they'd realize their whole world is built on a lie or something. It would certainly line up with the scene during the eye catcher that makes it appear that Ange is fighting on the same side as the Dragons, and would totally work with the planned coup de'etat that the norma are clearly planning.


Cross Ange 5

The writing in this anime is so shitty that after having her name written on a cloth that said "Ange's Room" while in the cave with Tusk, Ange decided at the end to reveal her name to Tusk and he acted like it was his first time hearing it, despite seeing it multiple times in the montage scene earlier in the episode.

I also find it hilarious how this show fails so spectacularly at fan service, between Tusk randomly stripping her to sleep in the same bed with her when he found her unconscious, to tripping into her crotch, to sucking the venom out of the snake bite in her thigh, to randomly stripping her again to treat the wound he'd already treated, to clothing her, to tripping into her ass... I just don't understand. Is this supposed to arouse me, make me want to be this utterly clumsy guy with no game just because Ange is hot? I can get the fan service and waifu stuff in series like SAO even if it's not for me, but here it's just so bizarre I can't tell if they're trying to be serious or super tongue in cheek.

They're making him do everything Our Lord and Saviour didn't while keeping an innocent side. I think. Who knows where Sunrise is going with this.


My main issue with 80s/90s anime is I don't really get on very well with all the flashing all the time. I watched and enjoyed Macross Plus and I'm not epileptic but flashing images give me headaches if I look at too many of them for too long. It probably didn't help that Sharon Apple's live was trippy as heck.

I don't know if you already watch it, but as far as space opera goes, this shouldn't be missed. No flashing as far as I'm concerned
Big Hero 6


So white washed and sterile that it makes the "culture clash" of San Francisco and Tokyo completely superficial. Its vapid take of familial loss is made all the more frustrating due to its blank cast of rote characters. Then a big, superhero battle, ripped straight out of Marvel's already dull recent output, happens at the end. Don't bother.
Majin Bone 30

Holy crap is this series doing really well in Japan or something why on Earth does it get such a budget? Yeah it's all CG fight scenes but the CG looks good and the fights are really well choreographed and whenever you do an extended scene in a fight without cutting away it's impressive even if it's CG. We got teased for the next round of power ups (rare metal bones) and got to establish how much of a bad ass our main antagonst is. Overall pretty good episode


Sailor Moon R 07-08

The baby episode was cute, but I could only see it as foreshadowing for what everyone already knows is coming. Usagi is just not good with childcare. I like that Ami got a new attack, but she could've had more of a presence in the episode before she did. In PGSM, Rei was forced, at Minako's request, to perform as the idol Mars Reiko, and this... is not that. Mars Reiko was shy, good at singing, but she didn't want to be. While this Rei wanted to sing, and was showboating well before she even got the part. It's a different kind of experience. Fairly regular set of episodes, not a whole lot to say this week.


Sailor Moon R 07-08

The baby episode was cute, but I could only see it as foreshadowing for what everyone already knows is coming. Usagi is just not good with childcare. I like that Ami got a new attack, but she could've had more of a presence in the episode before she did. In PGSM, Rei was forced, at Minako's request, to perform as the idol Mars Reiko, and this... is not that. Mars Reiko was shy, good at singing, but she didn't want to be. While this Rei wanted to sing, and was showboating well before she even got the part. It's a different kind of experience. Fairly regular set of episodes, not a whole lot to say this week.
PGSM Rei was closer to the manga. The 90s TV Series Rei was basically the complete opposite.
Majin Bone 31

So his mom is the mother from Usagi drop only she sorta cares about her child. Also can we please get rid of the stupid Cocoon yeah it makes animating the all CG battles easier but this series would be so much better if the fights took place in the real world.


I knew you personally were just messing around with this post, which you acknowledge a few posts later, but the way some come across with their posts it certainly feels like they almost think this way.

It might be another case of Internet hyperbole and people actually still think it's a good show that just doesn't quite measure up to the original. Many posts however do come across more like it's not as good therefore it's awful type mentality though. The way some seem like they have to complain about every little thing and it's hard to tell who genuinely finds the show to be really underwhelming and who is just messing around.

No, I think Narag actually does hate GBF Try that much. I think the joke was that this was a response asking whether or not G-Reco (nonspecifically referred to as "the new Gundam") was bad.

No, that was mostly a joke. :lol
I don't hate-hate it, it's just sort of there as a short diversion, just not something I look forward to week to week like I did the first show. It's more or less what I expected that first show to be in that when I went into GBF it was just for the sweet mecha fights and everything else was gravy. Unfortunately, I got a taste of what it's like to succeed on both sides of the show so the regression in this one is a little frustrating.


It could look much better though; for something comparable (a TV anime from the same timeframe as Sailor Moon season 1), look at the BDs for Nadia. Despite how old the show is, the picture is much more clear, and the colors look much better. Upscaling older anime like this is just lazy, I think.

No doubt it could be better but it doesnt appear to be a waste of money to me. Im pretty satisfied overall. The show looked awful being broadcast on tv when I saw it anyway.

Yuru Yuri ♪♪ 1

jesus christ

Jesus Christ


This episode was straight up bangin. I mean come on! That attitude. Those guitar riffs. The gags. That... desire. Everything about this episode was incredible. I seriously don't think they'll top this one.

So good!
That reminds me...where has SDBurton gone?
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