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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Hello Anime-GAF! Now that I am a member I can finally discuss anime with everyone. However, I have not kept up with it recently, because of school work. What shows are worth checking out? This fall, summer, spring, last year etc. I have been watching Fate/stay night and am enjoying it a bit, not as much as I enjoyed Fate/zero though.

Oh and I am not the best at critiquing media, so my apologies if my reviews/thoughts sound a little lazier than most in the near future.


Some shows worth seeing from the last year or so:

From the New World
Nozaki Kun
Non Non Biyori
Is the Order a Rabbit?
Engaged to The Unidentified
No Game No Life
Log horizon
Fate Zero
Space Dandy
Kill La Kill

Hummingbird is better because I can look at my list and know what I watched instead of going "what the heck is Mousou Dairinin?"

Well in that particular case I know exactly what Paranoia Agent is called because I vividly remember the first time it was announced in Newtype. Still have that issue actually.
But generally that site is a pain in the ass.

Log Horizon looks kind of interesting, my only concern is, if I did not like SAO will I dislike LH?

If you dont like MMO based anime, then probably not. If it was the writing, story, bad characters, Kirito, excessive fanservice that turned you off though, Log horizon really doesnt have any of that.


Seraphim Call 01

The year is 1999. This anime is on TV. Telling a story set in the distant future of 2010 - *checks calendar* - we don't yet have holographic communication, robots as a part of everyday life, and smartwatches are only recently trying to become cool again, but the fundamental aspects of human nature don't really change. Yukina's story, about a genius girl who needs to defuse a bomb but has shyness, was a simply told one, and a way to introduce the tower that will remain in the background of future episodes. I liked the meta moment with "We resolved that quickly. We haven't even had a commercial break." Needing to build an "apology robot" is a fitting end. She's just digging herself deeper, but temporarily got the courage to step out.

Seraphim Call 02

I can tell this episode was made mostly to save on budget. Setting everything through the view of a stuffed animal's eyes means you don't have to change the camera that much, but the shift in perspective literally makes one a fly on the wall for Tanpopo's personal crisis. So wrapped up in her imaginary world she can't even tell her best friend has a crush on her brother. The twist at the end that someone really was recording through the doll's eyes gave it a different, heavier feeling than if it had merely been an artistic decision. (One that I support, by the way.) The whole thing in the first two episodes has a very Ray Bradbury-ian feel.

Seraphim Call 03

The most down to Earth and least "futuretro" of the episodes. Largely parental drama, dealing with the aftereffects of a divorce, and cake. An early role for Houko Kuwashima too. I thought it was a touching ending, and the story of Chinami taking all the responsibility upon herself is one that's been seen before, but still works because it's a universal thing. Her character design is of the time period - that hair looks too big for her body.

When it comes to anthology series, the world is as much a character as the characters themselves. 2010 may be a distant memory, or in this series, a distant ambition, but the stories it's telling have a certain heaviness to them. Curiouser and curiouser.


The popular kids come to ruin everything.

So, everybody is suddenly good at tennis then. And they manage to win a match because of wind.


Librarian 06

The magic library is revealed! It's kind of like the Muses in mythology, or any number of similar concepts. It's not just about knowledge, it's about knowledge of peoples' lives, controlling their fates, and they have a very strict interview process. The tone of the show has taken a turn in a different direction, now with Kyotaro working as a minor deity of sorts. I can't really tell what sort of ending the show is heading towards - though Tsugumi isn't very happy at the news - and it feels like the world has opened up, the plot revealed its true nature. It's a story about stories, about people's life stories. About taking choices that can change their future.

Never let it be said that eroge don't know how to use their medium to the best of its ability for the themes of the stories they like to tell.
Gintama 258
Every time the shogun appears in Gintama, I know the episode will be great.

Guys, we have a rebel here...

Take the steel pipes.

Ha. I stand by what I said, bring on the pipes >:)

If you dont like MMO based anime, then probably not. If it was the writing, story, bad characters, Kirito, excessive fanservice that turned you off though, Log horizon really doesnt have any of that.

Yeah, everything you said turned me off from SAO. This doesn't seem to be the case for LH, however. I'm going off one episode, so I cannot really say much just yet.


I've already explained my piece on that so I don't think we'll ever come to an agreement on that but I feel pretty confident that I bet there are way more erogenous examples in other shows that you let slide for some reason (which as always isn't to deflect criticism but just to try to contextualize it here) :p
Oh, on the contrary. I'd like to think I give shows a fair chance and, unlike manga readers, I don't have a specific bias. I don't know how you got the idea, but I'm certainly not a fan of moeshit. :p

I remember I criticized Space Dandy and Sabagebu because the jokes fell flat. Humour is subjective of course, but I don't care whether it's comedy or scifi; the writing should be solid, which is again subjective. Although I'm noticing writers in the anime industry nowadays, especially writers of LNs, don't have a firm grasp of writing nor pacing. Exposition dumps are for example extremely common in scifi anime to the point of distracting. Scenes don't flow well and things take ages to progress. I'm aware this is nothing new and there are indeed modern shows that have excellent writing and pacing, but it's definitely not the norm. Like a gaffer once famously said: "Anime is dead."

It's called "Rage of Bahamut: Genesis". The show is, and has always been, centered around Bahamut's revival, and the events that create the setting of the F2P mobile game.
Fair enough. I'm not familiar with the source, but I can't fault the producers for trying to create an origin story of a popular mobile game. I can name a number of game-to-anime-adaptions that strays from its source though. Milky Holmes comes to mind. When I watch an anime, I don't really give any thought whether it's adapting the source faithfully; I'm simply not a manga reader. Now if you would have told me Dr. Doom is going to be adapted as a computer programmer who likes to blog...
Curious about the rules. Obviously this thread is mainly for Anime discussion, but if I recently played a game, watched a movie, read a book etc. Am I allowed to quickly talk about it on this thread with anybody?

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Curious about the rules. Obviously this thread is mainly for Anime discussion, but if I recently played a game, watched a movie, read a book etc. Am I allowed to quickly talk about it on this thread with anybody?
I don't really know anything about the rules, but I'd assume it would have to somehow relate to anime, if only slightly.


Rundelhaus Kord (though spellings differ; ironically, they would have in the real Middle Ages too).

That, as well as
cooking no longer being tied to a skill (lower-level cooking, at least) and the shocking discovery of goblins actively training.

was foreshadowed by Ri Gan, the Sage of Mirror Lake.

I'm dumb lol I forgot about the
goblin training
thing. It was the latest episode too DX
Hunter x Hunter ep 1-3


Well, you hear about something long enough and then you gotta check it out. I'm pretty good with long shounens, even if I really only stuck with Dragonball and one piece.

So what about Hunter x Hunter? Well, the first 3 episodes were pretty standard stuff. So far I don't really have a handle on Gon other than his dad was awesome and him coming from a small village makes him super adept at everything. I do like Leorio and Kurapika however, so that's a plus.

As for the episodes themselves they were mostly setup for how crazy harsh the exam is. Three was my favorite, as we got to see a few of the other characters.

I guess if I could give Hunter x Hunter anything is that there's already a real sense of adventure and unpredictability with the world, something I'm a sucker for. Looking forward to sticking with this show and seeing what the buzz is all about.
Curious about the rules. Obviously this thread is mainly for Anime discussion, but if I recently played a game, watched a movie, read a book etc. Am I allowed to quickly talk about it on this thread with anybody?

The rule of thumb is to not derail the thread too much. You can ask the anime community their thoughts on something. We have people here giving us reviews of the latest blockbuster since this is largely a community so we don't ONLY talk about anime (just 95% of the time).

Some of us consider the shows/films saving anime stuff like True Detective, Gravity, or Interstellar. Two of those have allrightallrightallright. Best anime character.


Chaika AB 06

The tournament has begun... and Toru and Akari are trying to just steal the remains without actually entering. Since the tournament has a very clear "death" policy, that may be the best option. I'm liking the rapport Chaika and Niva have with each other. Two girls raised as tools, now treating each other as friends. Also, lots of sea food. Really feels like things are starting to wrap up with all the Chaikas in one place.


[GBF Try - Episode 6]

I've mentioned this before, but the secret behind the first seasons' success was the excellent script. It was efficient, surprising and it didn't talk down to it's audience. It wasn't a script "for kids". Try, on the other hand, really does have a script that feels like it was written for 'kids'. There's endless recapping of events, endless discussions of everyone's very simple personality traits and a fairly fixed formula to each episode. Very little of interest actually happens at a script level.

It's basically just been a series of route tournament battles with very little of interest mixing things up. Compare and contrast with the first season which would feature unusual ideas like, maybe there's this girl in disguise trying to get close to Sei or maybe we'll go to the beach and crazy gangsters are threatening the hotspring. It just felt like it was awash with possibilities and new ideas. Everything here feels very route.


Curious about the rules. Obviously this thread is mainly for Anime discussion, but if I recently played a game, watched a movie, read a book etc. Am I allowed to quickly talk about it on this thread with anybody?
Pretty sure two OTs ago we had a lot of meta discussion and people didn't like that.


Curious about the rules. Obviously this thread is mainly for Anime discussion, but if I recently played a game, watched a movie, read a book etc. Am I allowed to quickly talk about it on this thread with anybody?

It's generally allowed so much as you don't derail the thread too much with it. I for one post my weekly Mike Tyson Mysteries impressions, others were talking about Interstellar briefly, etc.
I just found out about Johnny Yong Bosch voicing Makoto in Free!

I have no idea what to think now that whenever he opens his mouth, all I'll hear is Lelouch and Ichigo.


It's kinda startling how bad GBF TRY is when compared to the original GBF. Both aren't amazing but man I don't care about most of the characters in Try. I really am now just watching it for the gundam fights.


[GBF Try - Episode 6]

I've mentioned this before, but the secret behind the first seasons' success was the excellent script. It was efficient, surprising and it didn't talk down to it's audience. It wasn't a script "for kids". Try, on the other hand, really does have a script that feels like it was written for 'kids'. There's endless recapping of events, endless discussions of everyone's very simple personality traits and a fairly fixed formula to each episode. Very little of interest actually happens at a script level.

It's basically just been a series of route tournament battles with very little of interest mixing things up. Compare and contrast with the first season which would feature unusual ideas like, maybe there's this girl in disguise trying to get close to Sei or maybe we'll go to the beach and crazy gangsters are threatening the hotspring. It just felt like it was awash with possibilities and new ideas. Everything here feels very route.

Did they change the writing staff between seasons?
Parasyte 6

Shinichi Harem +1
Please don't die a terrible death.

Halfway through the episode I was going to say this was the weakest one so far... but holy shit Shinichi. Things look like they are about to get awesome.


I still remember all the talk of a Precure OT.

Now... Precure is barely brought up anymore. Probably because only a few of the usual watchers still actively post.


Inou Battle 06

Glad the show's moving back to Mondays after this. Anyway, my useless perfect pitch pulls through once again. Even before I saw the credits, I knew that was Sumire Morohoshi as Maiya, Sayumi's little sister. I could almost hear the laugh that signals the start of passionate idol activities. I also noticed in the gap between this week and the previous just how useful Closed Clock is for writing novels. Time can be frozen and all the chapters one's creativity can make are able to be written, leaving the rest of the day open. What I wouldn't give to be able to do that.

Liked the flashbacks to Sayumi questioning if she should erase their abilities. They did deal with the fallout from this, it's more that the show jumped ahead to the point of acceptance, because it's not about the struggle of accepting their abilities. It's about the struggle of living with them. An article at Fantastic Memes today brought up that while Jurai has actual superpowers now, he's still chuuni. I think that's saying something. Because we're always yearning for more.

Like the ability to stop time and write books, or point out exactly what the Aikatsu VAs are doing now. The Beautiful Blade as Momoka is such a huge departure last season, and Azusa Tadokoro is already making a name for herself. Oddly, they sing more than they did in the actual Aikatsu show and none of this has anything to do with Inou Battle anymore.

The idea of a demon who betrayed his friends and became a hero. That's the basis of most shows by Ishinomori, now that I think about it.

You and Kirb and ???
Parasyte -the maxim- 6:
I guess this is a full on harem series. Shinichi seems to get a new girl who is obsessed with him every episode. Shinichi and Migi are both going through some big changes here. Next episode should be our first chance to see what will come from that.


Oh, on the contrary. I'd like to think I give shows a fair chance and, unlike manga readers, I don't have a specific bias. I don't know how you got the idea, but I'm certainly not a fan of moeshit. :p

I remember I criticized Space Dandy and Sabagebu because the jokes fell flat. Humour is subjective of course, but I don't care whether it's comedy or scifi; the writing should be solid, which is again subjective. Although I'm noticing writers in the anime industry nowadays, especially writers of LNs, don't have a firm grasp of writing nor pacing. Exposition dumps are for example extremely common in scifi anime to the point of distracting. Scenes don't flow well and things take ages to progress. I'm aware this is nothing new and there are indeed modern shows that have excellent writing and pacing, but it's definitely not the norm. Like a gaffer once famously said: "Anime is dead."

Fair enough. I'm not familiar with the source, but I can't fault the producers for trying to create an origin story of a popular mobile game. I can name a number of game-to-anime-adaptions that strays from its source though. Milky Holmes comes to mind. When I watch an anime, I don't really give any thought whether it's adapting the source faithfully; I'm simply not a manga reader. Now if you would have told me Dr. Doom is going to be adapted as a computer programmer who likes to blog...

A) I'm not sure how you misread what I said but what I was saying was that I am not a fan of moe-shit. It looked like you were trying to reduce Amira's characterization to that of, or approximating, a "moeblob" and as someone who is oft put off by those sorts of characters I was saying a strongly disagreed with your assessment.

B) I mean you're not wrong - lots of anime/LN and what not don't have particularly strong writing. That feels like a bit of a non-sequitur here? Subjectivity and all that but I don't understand why you're insistent in ignoring as sonicmj pointed out, the character writing for the main cast in this show amongst other things. My point of contention was never whether or not you liked the show (I don't care and nothing can please everybody), but rather you were saying things that were either straight up untrue or ignoring major plot points, character moments, etc.

I haven't seen Sagenbu but I hope you're aware that Space Dandy is an anthology series so different episodes were written by different people. Even if some episodes weren't to your liking I'm sure there are/were many that were.

C) The anime is based on a mobile game but the fact that it already deviates so strongly from the source material is why its getting any attention. I'm sure somebody has that clip of that alternate possible (?) anime based on the same IP :p. Favaro, Kaiser and Amira are totally original characters and Rita is completely different than her game counterpart.
I still remember all the talk of a Precure OT.

Now... Precure is barely brought up anymore. Probably because only a few of the usual watchers still actively post.

Precure is something I've been meaning to watch for a while. Just haven't gotten round to it yet.

It would be nice if we had a Magical Girl OT like the Mecha one.


Shinichi finally grew some balls and is now looking and acting like a bad ass. Also tons of girls falling for him now which is weird but I think he'll have to kill her or silence her since I think she'll find out about his powers. Just a hunch.
Parasyte 6


Pretty calm episode, but it was used to showcase the changes in Shinichi and, partially, Migi. God damn. Badass Shinichi is best Shinichi. Nobody fucks with him. He's like Peter Parker with the symbiote (more comparisons ftw) only more

and less


Absolutely hyped for the next episode to see how this shit goes down.
It's especially great to see that after Migi fused with his heart and got back to his arm via the blood stream that he's colder in attitude, has super-human senses, runs super fucking fast, and can jump inhuman heights. Combined with Migi this should make a badass combination
Parasyte 6


Pretty calm episode, but it was used to showcase the changes in Shinichi and, partially, Migi. God damn. Badass Shinichi is best Shinichi. Nobody fucks with him. He's like Peter Parker with the symbiote (more comparisons ftw) only more

and less

Absolutely hyped for the next episode to see how this shit goes down.
It's especially great to see that after Migi fused with his heart and got back to his arm via the blood stream that he's colder in attitude, has super-human senses, runs super fucking fast, and can jump inhuman heights. Combined with Migi this should make a badass combination

Hah hah I thought the same when he started having good vision, super hearing, running and jumping... I exactly thought "Spiderman!".
Hell now I think about it, he had his own "Uncle Ben's death" to change.
Yona of the Dawn 6:
This is definitely Fire Emblem: the anime. They keep dropping in more political factions and various characters, usually pretty boys. Yona's growth continues to be pretty good, and I liked the brief verbal sparring between Su-won and Mun-deok. It looks like Yona and Hak have finally reached the point where they can start to figure out what their actual plan is going to be rather than just wandering around trying to stay alive.
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