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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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GBF Try - 06

While the show hasn't reach the height of S1 but some of the complaint mind-boggling me almost every week, like this week episode.. I see people write about an paragraph complaining about Gyanko again and Yuuma's silly lovey-dovy again, due that I already not looking forward to triple amped romcom part which I can found could overbearing as well.. turned out Gyanko's part is like 5 second gag and I didn't see jack for that Yuuma fanboying unless you want reaching to single line, and yet people write paragraph about those.. I suddenly had headache.. Instead I getting nice tension loosing between Minato and Yuuma that made them more like competitive friend and bitter rival also more implementation to team based battle. Good episode.


Nice! Probably the best time to do it with CR having picked it up recently (though you'll probably be set with the backlog for a good long while). I'm sure at least Kuwabaratheman and I will be interested in hearing whatever impressions you end up sharing. Don't forget to seek out remastered episodes when applicable.

CR picking it up is exactly why I decided to start it up again. I'll probably get around to the new episodes sometime before christmas at the pace I'm going, which isn't so bad.


Parasyte 6


The soundtrack seemed less bad than usual this time; there was a distinct lack of dubstep. Also, death flags everywhere.
I hope he never goes back.

I mean the second he goes back with the new look I have a feeling

1. Friends will mention he has changed
2. That one girl will be more into him (not main girl, the side one)
3. Main girl will not like his new attitude entirely.
4. Some bully will try to pick on him and gets his ass kicked.
Parasyste - 06

Fricking loved it. Soundtrack keeps growing on me and never felt inappropriate this time around either.

And man the entire sequence with Migi patching up Shinichi was amazing. Was really wondering what she(?) could possibly do with this kind of wound and the solution to the problem was great. So was the scene of Migi feeding Shinichi sugar water. Overall instead of making this a cheap asspull, this was about as satisfying as it gets.

Also really appreciated the change of physical appearance due to the incident, he really looked like he went through hell. Makes Satomi's reaction to him also just that much more believable.

Well and then there's the fact Shinichi's apparently gone full Spiderman now. It's kinda cool to see his changes which he doesn't recognize properly just yet because his mind is focused on other things. Gives this nice sense of badass-ness to come.

The only thing that seemed off about this episode was the new girl that immediately fell for him, despite his fresh zombie look. It was done so blatantly that there has to be s.th. about her, or its just a poor death-flag. Seriously though, at one point I was wondering if she's also affected by a parasite or so and is so interested because of that. Or perhaps Shinichi seriously has some kind of special pheromones now ;p

Ah another minor issue I had: I wish Migi just started fixing up Shinichi without giving us an explanation via monologue. Having Migi monologue is doubly weird anyways, considering that she's the parasite and you can create a bit more distance between her and the audience by never displaying her thoughts via monologue. Can't recall if there has been some beforehand or if this was the first time though. I think it's the latter...


Parasyte Episode 6:

Yea, put me in the camp that wants to be rid of the horrible soundtrack to this otherwise fine show. Anyway, if I didn't know better I would would call this a very dark and twisted parody of endless battle shonen as Shinichi has gotten a power up but at great cost as his enemy still stalks the land. I look forward to the episode of next week.


Subjectivity and all that but I don't understand why you're insistent in ignoring as sonicmj pointed out, the character writing for the main cast in this show amongst other things. My point of contention was never whether or not you liked the show (I don't care and nothing can please everybody), but rather you were saying things that were either straight up untrue or ignoring major plot points, character moments, etc.
You seem to be misunderstanding me. I never said there aren't character defining moments. My point is given the limited episode run there aren't enough of them. Partly the reason is they're devoting screen time to the two factions. Also, flashbacks (heists, daddy issues etc.) and random action scenes (Jeanne). They're not completely out of place; I didn't mention plot holes, so in that sense it's not badly written. It could have been better structured though. The pace is still brisker than most anime, but I suppose my expectations were too high given the source material.


Is the pacing worry about Parasyte before the show started holding true? I feel so far the pacing is one of the best thing from the show.
Chika AB 6

Mostly a lot of set up for the big tournament which I assume will finish out this season. Going to assume the king set this tournament up as a trap so he can get all the remains for his black chaika daughters and that he's working with Guy hence why Guy is apparently bringing Niva to him. While probably the weakest episode of this season technically it was still enjoyable.


The only difference is that girl 2 does not exist in the manga. I wonder what her role is going to be.

Girl #2 does not exist in the manga, the rest do, I just hope she just there and doesn't have to do anything with the story, but the promotion poster somehow make me feel uneasy.


Gundam Build Fighters Try 6

I can't get used to Ral's new voice. It's partly ruining the show for me.

As for the episode itself, didn't enjoy it that much. It felt really short, but not in a good way. The idea behind winning road didn't really make sense with the way the episode flowed.
Minato says their problem is teamwork, and what do they do? Sacrifice one of their own for OP upgrades. I guess the building teamwork thing is just gonna be a long road. I wouldn't mind it, though, if they did a full on gattai.
Parasyte the maxim 06

With great power comes great responsibility. Except when that power takes over your brain, then with great power comes great zombiness.
Chaika AB - 06

Gilette going 180 from last season, giving zero fucks and just chugging his sword at the trouble makers was quite the sight. Fredrica's all fired up and ready to unleash, but alas, nani soreeeee
Can't say I care much for Vivi nor her team. It'll be interesting seeing how they react to Gilette though.
Yeah but I thought its ended very awkward with the very misfitting ED song cut in lol.. should give that last shot an dramatic still for few more sec.

The ED is still 100x better then the awful OP, but both leave a lot to be desired.


So she build an SD Gundam because it can split and power up the other two Gundam :| Bahhhhhhh

Bros, I started watch Psycho-Pass on Netflix. It's so good.

Gundam Build Fighters Try 06

Ez8's. Sweet.
I like the idea of Fumina's Gunpla bringing the other two together with the combo stuff, but they really need to get a real rival already. I think the amazing Yuuki vs Reiji fight was ep 6 in s1. But it was a good episode, just not anywhere near that one. OST was also awesome this episode.
And it provided us with more examples of data nerds never winning.

Parasyte 06

Shinichi is going into manly mode now. Love his transformation.
OST was fine this episode. I wish they could settle on what it's supposed to sound like.


Are they finally gonna let Fredrica go lose? About time I say!
I assume she'll still want Toru to form a contract though.

Nozaki-kun Specials 02

Nooooo stop adapting the best chapters as shorts, I want a season twoooo stoooooppppp

No Game No Life Specials 1-4

This is just porn.


Bros, I started watch Psycho-Pass on Netflix. It's so good. How's the second season?

Ask Duckroll.
Bros, I started watch Psycho-Pass on Netflix. It's so good. How's the second season?

people are just gonna give you silly responses so i'll go ahead and tell you:

S2 is apparently really bad, but entertainingly so. While some thought the same of the first season, this is being said even by people who somewhat enjoyed S1.

I liked S1 and I have no interest to watch S2.
Chaika AB 6
Kind of Meh episode. Sort of cute beginning with Chaika trying to have the robot girl have feelings. Also giving a taste the tournament. And everyone gathering there too


Subete no aware
Calling jman:


I don't know why I decided to take a random look at this anime... but man, it looks like they just took video game cutscenes and tried to turn them into a show.
Mushi-shi 1:
"It's difficult to describe a sensory experience."

So I have some vague memories of watching a couple of early episodes of this years and years ago (probably around 2007 or so?), but all I really remember is the general feel of the show, so this will pretty much be a completely new experience. The first episode definitely lived up to my expectations and the high praise the show receives. The art is gorgeous and the soundtrack is really strong. The episode moves at a nice, slow pace, with a lot of time spent on the little things, and it does a great job of really creating a nice atmosphere. The direction is pretty effective when it comes to letting each scene and character moment breathe, and the cornerstones are really some of the extended scenes of dialogue or just seeing the nature. The colors are also quite striking. I really enjoyed the whole episode, but probably my favorite scene was the flashback to the banquet. The direction and music were both really on point there. I could really feel like I was living in the moment.

As a first episode, it does a good job at introducing Ginko as a character as well as some of the rules of this world. Ginko's explanation of the various forms of life in the world and where mushi fit in by using his hand and then the body was a nice metaphor that both offered up some explanation as well as giving me an insight into how he views the world. For an episodic series, I think establishing this sort of stuff in the first episode is key. I'm looking forward to seeing a lot more of this.


This may be the most :cajun thing I've ever seen.

Hmmm. Not the cutest thing Ive seen but it is VERY cute yes.
Based Sayori Nekoworks. Ive been following the artist for years.

nah thats nukoduke

Now THIS could be a contender.
If this makes it to anime form I might not live.

Animegafers don't die young, they grow old and bitter.

Hmm. I dont think thats true.

So I decided to watch Code Geass...

Dub or sub?

Sub. Glorious Norio Wakomoto. Accept no substitutes!

What does everyone think of Mahoromatic? I remember being recommended this show years ago and enjoying it.
I'm still not sure what to think regarding that ending though.

It was a pleasant and typically Gainax'ed series. Very adorable art, dated but memorable music, and an overall very pleasant yet slightly foreboding show that reminded you of the stakes after every episode. Mahoro is very lovable and I even tracked down a rather rare figure of her on a motorcycle that is one of my favorite collectibles.

Code Geass 3

Just in case it wasn't clear that this was an anime, Lelouch has a blind wheelchair-bound little sister, and there's a shower scene.

Just wait till you see table-kun (and several other brain scarring things)

I see. I thought it was a pretty decent show. Especially how they mixed the upbeat happenings with the darker stuff towards the end and that
remaining operation time counter
at the end of every episode as a solemn reminder of what's eventually going to happen. That specifically is something I don't think I've seen any other anime do.

I've become curious about what AnimeGAF thinks regarding some of these olders shows that I saw years ago so I might ask about a few more in the coming days.

I would love to see what other older shows you are referring to. Probably going to take a trip down nostalgia road.

I like you.

Picked the fuck up.

Monocle-ization works the same way as desertification around here. Just watching the happiness erode into disgust and dislike for everything is kind of beautiful in a way.

Well it wont happen to me!


Subete no aware
No they took game assets and messed with them
Heh, makes sense. It looked like I was just watchinv Vita game footage. lol


So because this is basically annual WW2 week, I was re-watching a series about the USS Enterprise (called Battle 360) and I remembered that last year, there was a movie in Japan that was released called Eien no Zero.

The movie ended up being the biggest domestic release in Japan for the year (beaten out by Frozen!), and is a basically a look at the psychology of kamikaze pilots and one man's attempts to challenge the assumption that needlessly sacrificing your life for your country in a suicide mission is the best way to serve with distinction.

It's interesting, because in a lot of WW2 stories told from the Allied perspective, soldiers will often talk about survivor's guilt and wonder why they were the ones who survived when their friends, standing right next to them, end up being hit by a bullet or by shrapnel.

Meanwhile, the soldiers in Eien no Zero directly accuse survivors of cowardice, because if you don't die in battle, presumably you put your own self-interest over that of the nation-state.

Anyway, while I found the movie itself an interesting artifact, what caught my eye the most is this quote from Miyazaki about the movie:

Animation maestro Hayao Miyazaki, whose WWII-themed feature “Kaze Tachinu (The Winds Rises)” took as its hero Zero fighter-plane designer Jiro Horikoshi, also had harsh words to say about the film in an interview: “They’re trying to make a Zero fighter story based on a fictional war account that is a pack of lies,” he said. “They’re just continuing a phony myth, saying, ‘Take pride in the Zero fighter.’ I’ve hated that sort of thing ever since I was a kid.”

It raises a couple points for me of course. Apparently there is a tradition of glorifying the exploits of the kamikaze pilot in Japanese fiction... which probably makes sense, since it's probably the one true vestige of WW2 that the Japanese might claim as their own without any of the more "problematic" aspects of their combat operations ruining an otherwise nationalistic narrative.

But more relevant for a discussion here is that it explains why Kaze Tachinu was so decidedly apolitical and avoided taking any ownership of Jiro's role in creating the Zero fighter in the first place.

It's interesting that he accuses Eien no Zero of being "a pack of lies", considering his own film is a complete fictionalization, but given what I understand of Miyazaki's stance on Japanese nationalism and how he views WW2, it's clear that he's resisting the impulse to glorify the acts of soldiers and pilots in the war than he is the act of fictionalizing history itself.

I almost wonder if Miyazaki had seen the movie before he gave that quote though, because the film itself is decidedly anti-war and almost condemns a whole generation of Japanese men who believed that throwing your life away for emperor was the only way to live a full life.

The one interesting part about all of this is that the movie did well enough that there is going to be a TV adaptation of the film/the novel that the film is based on next year. If nothing else, there is clearly an appetite in Japan to see more stories WW2... but I'll leave a sociologist to ponder the world's obsession with the last "great" war.

Incidentally, this is also related to anime in that the director of the film, Takashi Yamazaki, is a dude who does anime film adaptations. He did the live action Yamato 2199 adaptation a few years back, he recently did a Doraemon movie, and he is going to be adapting Parasyte into a two film duology.
Inou Battle - 06

Adou is doing all the steps to ensure that he deserve his harem end , befiting of the wielder of "dark and dark"

This was a good episode
Serial Experiments Lain 1:
(aka telephone lines the animation)
Time to suicide: ~2 minutes

Given that Chiaki Konaka wrote this show, I've wanted to see it for awhile, but I've just never gotten around to it until now. If it can be close to the level of Digimon Tamers, it should be something fantastic. Two things immediately jump out at me about this show. The first would be the excellent usage of sound (and lack of sound) throughout the episode. A number of scenes have really great instances of background noise, annoying sounds (even the writing on the chalkboard sounds amazing), and eerie silence. This does a great job of really building up the mood for every scene. The second thing which stands out to me is just how 90s this feels (in a good way). The atmosphere, world view, relationship with technology, and even scenes like the opening view of the city are the sort of thing that immediately put the show down as being created in a very specific point in time. You really don't see anything like this being created today, and it really wouldn't be possible to. Even if someone wanted to invoke a similar feeling, the usage of technology would be completely different.

The first episode is mostly concerned with setting up a big mystery and hook into the series, and it does that effectively, while also showing what Lain is like and introducing the viewer to her perspective on the world. Not a whole lot happens, but what is going on is very tense and engaging, and the overall atmosphere is really fantastic.

Also Lain wears some weird bear outfit for some reason.
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