gintama owns but pupipo takes like an hour to watch so~Time for some mexican food and good ol' anime. Now I am faced with a daunting decision, Gintama or one of the many shows I was recommended...
gintama owns but pupipo takes like an hour to watch so~Time for some mexican food and good ol' anime. Now I am faced with a daunting decision, Gintama or one of the many shows I was recommended...
Start Dandy.Time for some mexican food and good ol' anime. Now I am faced with a daunting decision, Gintama or one of the many shows I was recommended...
up there with the best of shakespeares novels
Code Geass 5
I for one am shocked that girl turned out to be a princess.
Mysterious girl C.C. shows up...but other than refuge doesn't really seem to be serving any purpose. Was thinking she and her power would do something this episode, but no, she's just there now.
While I sorta get what Suzaku's ideals are (I guess order and peace while he changes Brittania from the inside; good luck with that), somebody said earlier that he's going to do some incredibly stupid things, and after these last two episodes I don't have any doubts that that statement will be accurate.
up there with the best of shakespeares novels
Start Dandy.
Yeah the scene wherethey're running to the beach and it's all like "bro is it ok to kill her?" and he's all "Fuck yeah son" I wanted them to high five. But of course it'd look silly
Hey when was the last time someone actually wanted to read a Shakespeare novel? And not for class.
The popular kids come to ruin everything.
So, everybody is suddenly good at tennis then. And they manage to win a match because of wind.
Gintama 258
Every time the shogun appears in Gintama, I know the episode will be great.
Ha. I stand by what I said, bring on the pipes >
Yeah, everything you said turned me off from SAO. This doesn't seem to be the case for LH, however. I'm going off one episode, so I cannot really say much just yet.
Curious about the rules. Obviously this thread is mainly for Anime discussion, but if I recently played a game, watched a movie, read a book etc. Am I allowed to quickly talk about it on this thread with anybody?
Well I'm glad i dropped it then. I'm calling it a spin off and not a sequel no matter what. I can't watch it without Reiji, Sei, and Aila.
I still remember all the talk of a Precure OT.
Now... Precure is barely brought up anymore. Probably because only a few of the usual watchers still actively post.
Precure is something I've been meaning to watch for a while. Just haven't gotten round to it yet.
It would be nice if we had a Magical Girl OT like the Mecha one.
up there with the best of shakespeares novels
Thats why i refuse to watch the anime. I saw how they looked and dropped it within minutes.
up there with the best of shakespeares novels
You mean you're not embracing the textures-pasted-over-3d-models future of backgrounds?
You mean you're not embracing the textures-pasted-over-3d-models future of backgrounds?
Shakespeare was the Renaissance equivalent of a YA/Light novel author, you know it's true.
I may be a surface anime watcher, but things really shouldn't be like this.You mean you're not embracing the textures-pasted-over-3d-models future of backgrounds?
What's a Shakespeare novel?
this uglier than kanon 2002You mean you're not embracing the textures-pasted-over-3d-models future of backgrounds?
For never was a story of more moe,
Than this of Suguha, and her Kirito.
Kitano taught me, yes.Hasn't Shirobako taught us to embraces the shift to new technology?
Any idea which series you want to tackle first? I suggest immediately striking Max Heart from your list forever but otherwise any season could be fair game.
Hasn't Shirobako taught us to embraces the shift to new technology?
You seem to be misunderstanding me. I never said there aren't character defining moments. My point is given the limited episode run there aren't enough of them. Partly the reason is they're devoting screen time to the two factions. Also, flashbacks (heists, daddy issues etc.) and random action scenes (Jeanne). They're not completely out of place; I didn't mention plot holes, so in that sense it's not badly written. It could have been better structured though. The pace is still brisker than most anime, but I suppose my expectations were too high given the source material.
I would love to see what other older shows you are referring to. Probably going to take a trip down nostalgia road.
Shakespeare was the Renaissance equivalent of a YA/Light novel author, you know it's true.
Serial Experiments Lain 1:
(aka telephone lines the animation)
Time to suicide: ~2 minutes
Given that Chiaki Konaka wrote this show, I've wanted to see it for awhile, but I've just never gotten around to it until now. If it can be close to the level of Digimon Tamers, it should be something fantastic. Two things immediately jump out at me about this show. The first would be the excellent usage of sound (and lack of sound) throughout the episode. A number of scenes have really great instances of background noise, annoying sounds (even the writing on the chalkboard sounds amazing), and eerie silence. This does a great job of really building up the mood for every scene. The second thing which stands out to me is just how 90s this feels (in a good way). The atmosphere, world view, relationship with technology, and even scenes like the opening view of the city are the sort of thing that immediately put the show down as being created in a very specific point in time. You really don't see anything like this being created today, and it really wouldn't be possible to. Even if someone wanted to invoke a similar feeling, the usage of technology would be completely different.
The first episode is mostly concerned with setting up a big mystery and hook into the series, and it does that effectively, while also showing what Lain is like and introducing the viewer to her perspective on the world. Not a whole lot happens, but what is going on is very tense and engaging, and the overall atmosphere is really fantastic.
Also Lain wears some weird bear outfit for some reason.
Parasyte - 5
I still feel like this show is just okay, and there is nothing particularly special about it even though it does things more right than wrong. It just feels like another battle shounen to me.
It might get better now so I will keep watching.
Bros, I started watch Psycho-Pass on Netflix. It's so good. How's the second season?
You mean you're not embracing the textures-pasted-over-3d-models future of backgrounds?
Parasyte 6
"Now that I've pierced the heart of your host, I shall leave you alive because there is absolutely no way you'll manage to patch him up."
You mean you're not embracing the textures-pasted-over-3d-models future of backgrounds?
GAF has an irrational dislike for Psycho Pass. It's actually really good, and season 2 is fine so far. Also the ending song is cool:
Episode 4 of it was brutal. Gonna watch 5 now.
I sensed a tingling on my back. Turns out it was a Psycho-Pass fan who tried to insult me for worshiping at the altar of Bay. Roflmao. Hypocrite!![]()