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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Code Geass 6

Pizza Hut again, C.C,? Are you really so miserable and self-hating?

When your plan nearly gets single-handedly foiled by a cat with a bum leg, that's what's called a bad omen. Not necessarily in the context of this show, as it was just comedic relief and further development of Lelouch's and Suzaku's relationship, but just...yeah. Next time do a better job hiding your mask that the whole of Area 11 and probably Britannia has seen.

And then they get pecks on the cheek from his sister. Eeeugh, that isn't going to go fun places. Maybe she'll die.



up there with the best of shakespeares novels
Code Geass 5

I for one am shocked that girl turned out to be a princess.

Mysterious girl C.C. shows up...but other than refuge doesn't really seem to be serving any purpose. Was thinking she and her power would do something this episode, but no, she's just there now.

While I sorta get what Suzaku's ideals are (I guess order and peace while he changes Brittania from the inside; good luck with that), somebody said earlier that he's going to do some incredibly stupid things, and after these last two episodes I don't have any doubts that that statement will be accurate.

C.C. does have a good purpose in this show, don't worry.

She's basically there to serve as a waifu to Lelouch as for someone for him to talk to. She's the only one who knows of his true identiy as Zero and of the power he possesses, thus making her someone Lelouch can speak his inner thoughts to on the same level as. It becomes much more clear as the show goes on.

Yuki Yuna is a Hero - 4

Oh man, this show's all like:

"Hey, just letting you know that the Vertex threat is still looming around during all this happiness! Thought I'd also pop into say that something kinda bad may happen to one of the two blonde sisters. Just saying."
Valkyria Chronicles 08

So she is Kirito.

Some character progression for the main cast. Welkin is so thick it's amazing. I'm getting ahead of myself a bit as I haven't finished chapter 7 on my playthough. That damn desert tank mission...


the holder of the trombone
I'd say that madoka is better than The passionate pilgrim at least.

Yeah the scene where
they're running to the beach and it's all like "bro is it ok to kill her?" and he's all "Fuck yeah son" I wanted them to high five. But of course it'd look silly

It wouldn't look that silly if he did it after finishing a meal in america.



The popular kids come to ruin everything.

So, everybody is suddenly good at tennis then. And they manage to win a match because of wind.

I need to watch this once its offered in bluray. Its DVD only right now and thats no good.

Gintama 258
Every time the shogun appears in Gintama, I know the episode will be great.

Ha. I stand by what I said, bring on the pipes >:)

Yeah, everything you said turned me off from SAO. This doesn't seem to be the case for LH, however. I'm going off one episode, so I cannot really say much just yet.

Yeah SAO might be very popular but it is pretty inferior to Log horizon in a lot of ways.
It does have higher production values though. It also has Shinon. But Log horizon has its fair share of mega cuties as well, like Akatsuki, Serara, and the lazy princess.

Curious about the rules. Obviously this thread is mainly for Anime discussion, but if I recently played a game, watched a movie, read a book etc. Am I allowed to quickly talk about it on this thread with anybody?

Sure, go ahead as long as you keep it short and dont stray too far off topic.

Well I'm glad i dropped it then. I'm calling it a spin off and not a sequel no matter what. I can't watch it without Reiji, Sei, and Aila.

I know that feeling. Im not really sold on the new cast. I need my China/Aila fix.
The MC also isnt as good.
Its the typical things with a sequel that just cant live up to the first.

I still remember all the talk of a Precure OT.

Now... Precure is barely brought up anymore. Probably because only a few of the usual watchers still actively post.

I still wish they had one but for some really strange reason people are terrified of making one. It would be a great topic with a lot of potential discussion.

Precure is something I've been meaning to watch for a while. Just haven't gotten round to it yet.

It would be nice if we had a Magical Girl OT like the Mecha one.

Any idea which series you want to tackle first? I suggest immediately striking Max Heart from your list forever but otherwise any season could be fair game.


Code Geass 7

Haha, Lelouch got his ass played. If C.C. didn't bail him out his ass would have been taken out with a whimper.

What the hell is the point with all the high school melodrama in the middle of all of this though? Am I supposed to give a shit about Shirley and her crush on Lelouch when he's in the middle of a plan to kill Cornelia?

No way the emperor doesn't know that Lelouch is Zero. Assuming he even gives a shit about all this business.
Parasyte Episode 6

My man Shinichi you've suffered so much but you have grown. Shinichi's worn out face was nicely animated. Seriously though Migi and Shinichi are the biggest bros especially towards the end. Also Shinichi's recovery wasn't an asspull which some thought would happen lol. Anyways seeing Shinichi's upgrades was nice, going all spiderman. And the OST was fuckin brilliant and helped build some of the scenes nicely, so good. I'm really starting to like the OP and Ending a lot. I really can't wait till next week.

There's been a fair amount of good shows this season, but to me I believe Parasyte is AOTS. And currently it's my AOTY.

Thank you Madhouse for this great adaptation.
Any idea which series you want to tackle first? I suggest immediately striking Max Heart from your list forever but otherwise any season could be fair game.

I've heard of the horror stories about Max Heart so it will be avoided. I'm not sure right now where to start on it. I did watch a dub episode of Futari wa a while back so I may just continue with that (in sub at least).
Parasyte - 5

I still feel like this show is just okay, and there is nothing particularly special about it even though it does things more right than wrong. It just feels like another battle shounen to me.

It might get better now so I will keep watching.


Parasyte 6

Yes, its fucking GO TIME! SSJ mode unlocked and it only too dying to activate :p I'm curious who the person at the end of the episode was though. It clearly wasn't Shinichi's mom. It actually looks a bit like
his Dad
but its clearly not him either. Interesting. Also death flags all over for the girl that works at the Inn.

You seem to be misunderstanding me. I never said there aren't character defining moments. My point is given the limited episode run there aren't enough of them. Partly the reason is they're devoting screen time to the two factions. Also, flashbacks (heists, daddy issues etc.) and random action scenes (Jeanne). They're not completely out of place; I didn't mention plot holes, so in that sense it's not badly written. It could have been better structured though. The pace is still brisker than most anime, but I suppose my expectations were too high given the source material.

Aside from clearing the air between Favaro and Kaiser, I don't feel we have at all been short changed in regards to character backstory or character interaction or that some particular significant facet of the show is especially under developed. I guess maybe there is more that could have been done with Rita so far?

With regards to pacing, from an episode to episode basis the show has been packed and not from "for an anime" perspective but from a general "entrainment media across cultures" perspective. Episode 6 (maybe 3?) was the only one that felt slower than the norm and that was still full of a lot of important information. From a series perspective it's hard to say since this is pretty much an original work so there's no manga/book/LN or whatever to really compare this to to say that they've covered X amount of the plot in Y time. If the ending episodes end up being a rushed mess than that will mean they could have used their time earlier better. If they nail the ending than the pacing of the series overall will have hit the mark. That's a discussion we can't have until the end of the season.


I sensed a tingling on my back. Turns out it was a Psycho-Pass fan who tried to insult me for worshiping at the altar of Bay. Roflmao. Hypocrite! :)
Chaika Avenging Battle 6
The way they try to handwaive away how there is no longer any motivation to search for the remains and there are many reasons to stay far far away from this tournament is really unconvincing. But I guess if the heroes weren't idiots the story would end.
Psycho Pass 1

This is a show I've seen brought up quite a bit on AnimeGAF. The first episode paints a pretty interesting setting and shows what kind of work the main characters are engaged in. The Sybil and Dominator systems are intriguing and I can see already that they're bringing up ethical issues over their use which I didn't really expect in the first episode.

Biggest surprise was finding out that the Dominators make people
instead of just firing a normal bullet. I definitely did not see that coming.

I would love to see what other older shows you are referring to. Probably going to take a trip down nostalgia road.

I'll probably bring up another one tomorrow. I don't write down what animes I've seen so it takes some time for me to remember which ones I've seen already.


Parasyte 06

Man, this show is incredible. It just has so much to offer. It has really excellent action, but more importantly a fascinating story to back it up. The way it uses innocence as a way to stimulate emotion may be a cheap trick, but it works really darn well. It also helps that it has a really human cast who have grown and developed already in these 6 episodes. Back that up with some fascinating thematic ideas on the nature of being human and you have a really amazing show. We're only 6 episodes in, but I can be pretty confident in saying I'll be super surprised if this show isn't my AOTY. It's already so good.


Serial Experiments Lain 1:
(aka telephone lines the animation)
Time to suicide: ~2 minutes

Given that Chiaki Konaka wrote this show, I've wanted to see it for awhile, but I've just never gotten around to it until now. If it can be close to the level of Digimon Tamers, it should be something fantastic. Two things immediately jump out at me about this show. The first would be the excellent usage of sound (and lack of sound) throughout the episode. A number of scenes have really great instances of background noise, annoying sounds (even the writing on the chalkboard sounds amazing), and eerie silence. This does a great job of really building up the mood for every scene. The second thing which stands out to me is just how 90s this feels (in a good way). The atmosphere, world view, relationship with technology, and even scenes like the opening view of the city are the sort of thing that immediately put the show down as being created in a very specific point in time. You really don't see anything like this being created today, and it really wouldn't be possible to. Even if someone wanted to invoke a similar feeling, the usage of technology would be completely different.

The first episode is mostly concerned with setting up a big mystery and hook into the series, and it does that effectively, while also showing what Lain is like and introducing the viewer to her perspective on the world. Not a whole lot happens, but what is going on is very tense and engaging, and the overall atmosphere is really fantastic.

Also Lain wears some weird bear outfit for some reason.

Haha I'm looking forward to seeing more of your impressions. The direction and the mood the show manages to create is remarkable. And yes, brace yourself for more of the telephone/power lines.

Parasyte 6

"Now that I've pierced the heart of your host, I shall leave you alive because there is absolutely no way you'll manage to patch him up."

Snoozefest. At least dubstep was nowhere to be seen. I'd look forward to the fight but after the previous one, I doubt it will amount to a lot.

Parasyte - 5

I still feel like this show is just okay, and there is nothing particularly special about it even though it does things more right than wrong. It just feels like another battle shounen to me.

It might get better now so I will keep watching.

Not sure about the battle shounen part but other than that I agree. Episodes 1 and 3 were good, the rest was middling.
Breaking through that backlog ...

Shingeki no Bahamut 3 -

Definitely felt like the weakest episode thus far. I get that it served a purpose in fleshing out some of the Knight's and the girl's background but with respect to things happening outside of character development land things fell resoundingly flat. The whole zombie angle they pulled just felt like something thrown in to give Favaro and crew something to fight while the actions of the "villain" of the episode never invoked any sort of emotional response. Production values on this one as a whole looked like they were a couple notches lower.

Shingeki no Bahamut 4 -

Decidedly more entertaining! Something about the dynamic of a battle at sea just riles me up, and seeing a combination of that and the inherent silliness of the situation that they found themselves in,
right in between a battle between fish men and zombies
just felt like a return to form after the less interesting happenings in episode 3. And as a welcome surprise I'm glad that
they were willing to add zombie girl to the team, hoping they flesh her out when she teams up with Favaro in the next ep.
Still a bit disappointed at the dip in the production values though ...

Shingeki no Bahamut 5 -

Don't know if there's much else I can say other than that I enjoyed it. Can't say I'm too sold on the design of the Cerberus but from a character point of view I've quite enjoyed the transformation that we've seen in Favaro as we've progressed.

You mean you're not embracing the textures-pasted-over-3d-models future of backgrounds?

Is it weird that I don't completely dislike this? It's definitely heavy handed in some places but I think the study at night and the classroom shots look pretty decent. Does it look worse in motion or something?


Psycho Pass 2 is indeed "fine'. They dropped all of the pretentious dialog and it's just trashy and straight into business dumb now with some of "finest' characters around. I like it better than first season, it's quite funny if you can manage to sit through it all.


the holder of the trombone
Parasyte 6

"Now that I've pierced the heart of your host, I shall leave you alive because there is absolutely no way you'll manage to patch him up."

Seeing how it was impossible for that parasyte to even switch gender, it's plausible that it thinks that changing to a whole new organ would be impossible.
You mean you're not embracing the textures-pasted-over-3d-models future of backgrounds?

Noooo, oh plz god noooooooo

i'd imagine it was cheap , but goddam

I would even be fine with it , if , somehow the feelign of the manga was kept ....and i just can't put my finger on why this doesn't work even when i like the characters.


GAF has an irrational dislike for Psycho Pass. It's actually really good, and season 2 is fine so far. Also the ending song is cool: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KyMd7BLaBvI

Episode 4 of it was brutal. Gonna watch 5 now.

First of all, "GAF" isn't a person. Second of all, just because people don't like something you do doesn't make it irrational. It's a very average show with inconsistent production values and writing which can be extremely annoying if you're not a fan of writers who love to drop references to everything which has influenced their work to try and look "smart". This isn't some lost gem which is being unfairly criticized by anyone, so please, don't treat it that way. :)
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