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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Shirobako 6

Ever since I made the connection that Tarou has the same seiyuu as Favaro from Bahamut, I had the idea that the recap episode next week for Bahamut is somehow Tarou's fault. Tarou is such a hate sink, but it's not like I want him offscreen. I just hope he gets his comeuppance.

It's also no surprise that Tomino would save the day, even in their universe. God transcends all dimensions.


That dog sure runs away a lot.

Things are weird between Hachiman and Yui, Hachiman's sister plays matchmaker and then things gets worked out in the end.


Your Lie in April-6

That A+ despair face.
The love rectangle stuff is going to sink this. This was a well directed episode but god damn this rectangle stuff is making me hate the material much more than I want to.

I feel so bad for Tsubaki.
What, no! That's not true. That thing in the corner that loads your webcam and assigns a number to you doesn't mean anything! I swear! :p
I always though that was just my heartbeat /s

In British Industry news, it seems like most of the senior folks at Manga UK have jumped ship and formed their own company. Exactly what they'll be doing isn't entirely clear at the moment, but it'll be curious to see what happens to Manga going forward, and what Animatsu will even be able to pick up. As I understand it, Manga presently have contracts in place to do UK releases for pretty much anything Funimation picks up global rights for - this covers a bunch of their current major releases like the Eva movies, Attack on Titan and Psycho-Pass, as well as stuff like Fairy Tail. I guess this leaves them either having to chase rights to things before Funi (or Anime Ltd) pick up more than just UK distribution, or picking up scraps from elsewhere, at least until whatever deals are in place with Funi expire.

I suppose this does mean that they can actually talk to Geneon now, though!

Well it'll be intresting to see if a new challenge can make the quality of releases higher and the prices cheaper


Alright, so I've decided to go into a little more detail into why I like Psycho-Pass a lot, and why I feel everyone should give it a fair shake and watch Episode 1 at least to decide whether they like it or not. I don't want people to think it's a garbage show that shouldn't even be considered, because I definitely enjoyed it, and you may, too.

Firstly, to explain what the show is about; it follows the story of a new, fresh-out-of-school inspector in a futuristic setting as she learns more about the Justice System that the city uses and the criminals who go against it. The Justice System uses futuristic machine, dubbed the Sybil System, to scan the mental state of people within the city, and assigns them a crime coefficient, which, if exceeded a certain amount, brands you a potential criminal and assigns you mental rehabilitation. Failure to rehabilitate yourself to an acceptable crime coefficient brands you a criminal, and are thus locked away with little to no communication with the outside world. As a new inspector, our protagonist is partnered up with another inspector and the two of them oversee "Enforcers"; ex-criminals who are used as hunting dogs to catch other criminals. The Enforcers she works with vary in personality and how they found themselves in the role of an Enforcer, each with a compelling backstory to uncover.

The show does a wonderful job of introducing us to this fascinating and curious futuristic world and the systems it uses while showing us how the people in this city live and how they cope with these systems. It shows us the the fear of having a high crime coefficient and how this system was built, as well as those who rebel against it and those who've accepted it as part of their lives. As you discover more and more of this world and the characters in it through the protagonist, you can't help but become attached and want to find out about them. The show gives each character concrete motivations and tells us what they live for, which just makes you want to find out what happens to them.

And the writing in this story is very well-done. Nicely structured and not too overbearing with its explanations of the settings. All of the characters are interesting and you can feel a clear sense of progression in character development in each of them as the story progresses. The dialogue between them never bores and always keeps your ears sharp to catch their every word. Every twist and turn in the story is carefully planned, with plenty of foreshadowing for you to dive into. Truly, the story does a wonderful job at telling itself, and wraps itself up nicely.

Now let me tell you about the music and visuals. Music is phenomenal. Psycho-Pass and Dominator are just a few of the amazing tracks you will hear throughout the anime. Everything fits and nothing is overused. Do I really need to say more? The visuals speak for itself. Though it's no visual masterpiece, it's very good and does a great job at capturing the art style and the feel of the settings. Only a hardcore visual aficionado can find any fault here.

Honestly, I can only sing praises for Psycho-Pass. It's a great anime, and I'm surprised at the how the majority (vocal minority?) of Gaffers seem to dislike it. But I truly do think it's great and worth the watch. I personally would give it an 8.5/10. And if scores matter to you, with over 100,000 votes, it currently holds a 8.58/10 score on MAL, with it being #71 in the top anime list.

The problem is that the show doesn't do anything to actually justify it in any way. The cornerstones of quality dystopian fiction are thinking through what the implications of the various elements of the society would be (generally with some strong world building) as well as using the 'horrible dystopian future' to comment on present day society (for example, a work which has a future in which people are basically treated as a disposable work force by a corporate run government is commenting on how that's an increasing problem in modern day society. This is a pretty simple example, but I think it proves the point well enough). Psycho Pass doesn't do any of that (unless the show suddenly got way better after I stopped watching it.

There's no consideration put into how the Sybil system came to be, what the real implications of it would be on a society as well as the attitudes of the people who lived there (the people in Psycho Pass basically just feel like modern day humans who happen to live in a horrible dystopian world with some crazy system rather than people who were born and raised in that society), or how it would really change people's lives. The show feels less like anyone working on it had anything dramatic to say about society, the government, capitalism, or even the treatment of criminals by modern day society (something that should have been almost impossible not to comment on given the premise), and instead just feels like a bunch of the staff thought that various futuristic dystopian works looked 'cool' and wanted to make something like them without any understanding of how they worked.

For a much better anime example of how to do a story in a dystopian future, see From the New World. There's clearly been a huge amount of thought put into how the society came to be, what the motivations of the people in charge would be, what the pros and cons are for everyone living in it, and what the attitudes of characters who grew up in such a society would be. The characters don't feel at all like modern day humans. The show also manages to have a lot to say on various subjects such as slavery, institutionalized racism, the role of public education, the treatment of children who are deemed to be of lower intelligence, and much more. And it's never coming across as preachy when it does any of those things.

I feel that you are looking for a show that Psycho-Pass wasn't meant to be. Certainly, the setting is important, but the MC and her character progression, along with the lives of the people around her, is what makes the show, and is what it truly is about.

Also, did you finish the show? I felt the anime did a lot of explaining and showing into how people's lives are affected by the Sybil System, and how criminals are treated. From the way they act and live shows that pretty clearly.


Your Lie in April-6

The love rectangle stuff is going to sink this. This was a well directed episode but god damn this rectangle stuff is making me hate the material much more than I want to.

I feel so bad for Tsubaki.
Massive deja vu.

Kana ;______;
Your Lie in April 6:
Tsubaki's life is one of suffering. She might as well get used to it, because there's no way that Kousei is going to end up with her.

Once again, I really enjoyed this episode. The direction is strong, and I'm enjoying the personal relationships between the characters. I loved Kousei and Kaori's conversation in the music room, along with the bit with Kaori cleaning off the piano. Kousei is starting to get some of his abilities back, but he's still got a ways to go. This competition could end in disaster for him unless he can manage to figure something out.
Mushishi - 06

I think it would've been better if they didn't include the flower in the beginning, it was very obvious and removed much of the mystery. Something more subtle like the lava sound in episode 03 would've been prefered.
It also felt out of place to have this guy that was clerarly supposed to be "evil bad guy" the moment you saw him, would've been the better option in my opinion to keep him more out of the picture. Once again it kind of ruined what could've been a mystery till the end.

Drug addiction and scamming analogy were pretty evident, so the ending left a bittersweet feeling, since the girl went back to chasing the dragon.

Joe Molotov

HappinessCharge Precure 39

Dis still a kid's show, right?


Other than a dab of mild wincest though, it was pretty lame episode. Maria leaves, all the loose ends are tied up nice and quickly, and apparently their two minute long battle song is going to be part of every episode now. Thanks, Obama Toei!
Your NTR in April 6


Yes yes suffer! What I can say, if she is tsundere and won't confess her feelings, I hope blonde and MC-kun get together, she deserves it.
There is even a bit of self-inflected NTR as she'll date the older guy to try to forget the MC (again predictable, btw).

Blonde is a bit tiring in her mood changes. She is happy girl, then she cries, then she abuses him again, then she apologizes him, then she is happy again. Ugh. The scene where she apologies was funny, for once someone apologizes to him (as it should be!) for all the careless abuse and driving him to a corner without giving him a choice, and even then he doesn't accept the apology and acts as she was right all along (and she will, we can suppose he will surpass the trauma).
I watched like two episodes of Your Lie in April and aren't the main characters like 14? Why is romance a big part of a show when the relationships will last maybe a few months at best? Who cares?
Shigatsu wa Kimi no Uso - 06

Whenever the characters turn on their 'deep' mode their dialogue and monologue becomes laughable trash. I mean I guess I can't expect better from 14 year olds but I'm also questioning why they'd think or talk like that in the first place. It's kind of a whiplash anyways, particularly with Kaori who acts like a little child one second and drops some wisdom bombs the next. That applies to her entire behavior btw.; so she's apparently finally having a realization when she sees the state of Kousei's room with the grand piano, breaks down in tears and apologizes...and initiate the usual comedy routine with her screaming her heart out. :|

Overall it's rather bizarre by now. At several times these characters have actually talked to one another in their 'deep' state but it's as though that doesn't change anything. It's like it doesn't actually take place like that, as if the characters are having a normal dialogue but we get to hear something else.

The biggest issue, though, is still the complete lack of breathing room and silence. When Kousei carries Tsubaki it's actually a kinda nice scene. Eventually Tsubaki opens up and starts crying because of her fuckups in the match earlier. Well and then she narrates over her crying out her disappointment. Just WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY. STOP THE MONOLOGUING AND LET THE SCENES SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES!

I mean seriously, is this necessary?

edit: I admit though, it gets kinda pointless complaining about the same problem every episode when I know it's not going to change. So I'll refrain from doing so in the future.

I'm just about to drop this finally but on the other hand I wanna see the two opponent ace pianists destroy Kousei in the upcoming tourney. Those two have the most flair in the opening anyways.
Naruto Shippuden 386

Boy, I sure do love watching these flashbacks of a terrible character I have remotely zero interest in.

Not to mention seeing said character getting a super sized serving of Talk no Jutsu.


Least Kakashi and based Guy made this less boring to watch.


I watched like two episodes of Your Lie in April and aren't the main characters like 14? Why is romance a big part of a show when the relationships will last maybe a few months at best? Who cares?

The kids are actually closer to 13. That blew my mind when I read the wiki. I thought they were all 16/17.
Mushi-shi 2:
That scene with the empty eyes opening and the mushi pouring out was nightmare inducing. Pretty creepy all around. The lighting throughout the episode was really good, and they did an effective job of creating the feeling of an alien light that you just want to stare at. But it's a bit like opening Pandora's Box. Some things people aren't meant to look at, and you risk completely losing yourself.

The music and general art design remains extremely strong. This show does a great job of really evoking a specific atmosphere. There's something that's so relaxing about watching it.
Mononoke - Episodes 1-12 [END]

So recently I have been watching this show as part of a groupwatch on Twitter. I got involved with it as it would be nice to watch something different for once. This show was one that, sadly, I really didn't give a chance when I first watched it and it's a shame.

I first watched Mononoke a while ago with some people I knew and to be honest, I didn't give it the respect that it deserved. I passed it off as a weird anime that I didn't understand and I moved on without thinking about it further. Now was the time that I could give it a second chance and see Mononoke for what it truly was.

Mononoke has some of the most beautiful art that I have seen in any anime to date. At times it is restrained and calm, with neat weather animations that each had their little quirks depending on the scene, Episode 3-5's wind trails were my favourite of the lot, it made for some great shots! There were also the sliding door transitions which changed every episode and they too adapted to the surroundings of the arc. The final arc's sliding doors had handles that also animated when the doors were opened which I thought was a nice touch. Some of my favourite sliding doors are below.

The most notable thing about Mononoke is that everything you see is open to interpretation and very little is force fed to you which leads me to my point saying that Mononoke is perfect for rewatches, due to how open-ended some of the plot points are. The stories follow a linear path but along the way you never know what's going to happen next, you're constantly questioning what's in front of you and how that may affect the situation. I was in suspense throughout and I dreaded to see the inevitable cliffhangers even though it wouldn't be long till I would see the next episode. It must've been so exciting to watch this as it was airing.

I recommend this to anyone looking for something strange and out of the ordinary but also to anyone looking to admire some beautiful artwork in motion.
Mononoke - Episodes 1-12 [END]

Neat. I had just finished this myself a week ago. For some reason the fact that they changed the sliding door transitions was totally lost on me, it's probably worth going through it again just to pay attention to all the little details like that they threw in along the way. Like you said, the show is very conducive to rewatches. In terms of the way the show itself progressed I almost liken it to something between a Mushishi and a traditional like Murder Mystery style thing with the art style and depiction of the Mononoke adding in a distinctly alien/supernatural flair. It'd be great to see a season 2 of this given the open ended and episodic nature of the individual "arcs" but given how radically different the show is compared to most other works I'm not sure how realistic that is, did it sell very well?

Nice review in any case, more people should check this out.
Serial Experiments Lain 2:
Clubbing culture.

Lain is either really fearless or just plain crazy. That was a nice and tense scene at the end of the episode. Right now, I'm not sure how anything is fitting together, but it's all really fascinating to watch. This is a really neat window into a particular point in time and a very specific style. The whole thing just oozes atmosphere and it has a very cyberpunk type feeling. The opening scene of the episode in particular was pretty disorienting, but it fit perfectly well with the content of the scene. Lain is seeming to have found something that interests her and is going to bring her out of her shell somewhat. The use of sound remains something the show is doing extremely well. Well that and the power lines. I have no clue where any of this is going, but I'm loving every minute of it.
Alright, so I've decided to go into a little more detail into why I like Psycho-Pass a lot, and why I feel everyone should give it a fair shake and watch Episode 1 at least to decide whether they like it or not. I don't want people to think it's a garbage show that shouldn't even be considered, because I definitely enjoyed it, and you may, too.

See, this what I like. Even though I don't agree with all of your points I'm glad you took the time to write that out as I feel like the opposite opinion is held by way more people here.


Love Exposure (Ai no mukidashi)


I have no idea what Suicide Club and Exte are.

Have many people who post in the thread seen this film? It's not anime but it certainly reminded me of anime. This is a 2008 film directed by Sion Sono and I haven't seen any of his other movies and pretty much just knew of the movie and went into this blind. The movie is actually almost four hours long! While it still felt like a long enough movie, it surprisingly didn't feel four hours long. Taking a look and apparently the original cut of the film was about six hours long but producers said that it should be made a bit shorter.

Anyway, the movie starts out normal enough but then it gets a little weird where there's some family issues between father and son and the son, Yu, starts snapping upskirt photos of girls pantsu. It's done in this over the top way though with this training montage and ninja type moves and it's just really silly and comes across as a 3D version of fanservice/ecchi type harem shows. Excluding the harem though.

The next part of the film actually made me think of Flowers of Evil quite a bit. The main character is looking for his "Maria" and finds this girl Yoko who he likes. She doesn't really like him to start with, partially due to her dislike of men because of her father, and is unaware of his "hobbies". There's another girl, Aya, who is a bit of a delinquent who catches him in the act but is interested in him by his referring to it as his "original sin" and she felt like she was more alone but maybe he could understand her. She basically starts stalking him and getting more involved in his life and it wasn't exact but it did certainly remind me of the characters relations in Flowers of Evil.

I guess it also kind of reminded me of something like Evangelion more in how it focuses on the characters and how so many of them seemed to be messed up individuals or had made mistakes to get them where they are. How Yu initially meets Yoko and the consequences of that also felt very anime.

It seems to be serious and earnest at times but really silly,melodramatic and weird at many others. The latter act of the show really just gets bat crazy as well. It just has different silly things like the dialogue in this picture:


Okay, one of the parts that made me laugh.

Basically it seemed to be a well made and directed show covering themes of love, coming of age and finding ones place in the world, mixed in with some really weird and crazy things that felt very anime or just what people would associate with just general "weirdness from Japan" I suppose.

If certain ones that post here haven't seen it, I can just imagine some of the reactions to certain parts if they decide to give it a watch,haha.

The day has come when Ash calls someone else stupid.

Is the world ending soon?

And dang Chespin.

Poor little fella didn't have a chance in hell.

Guess this is the point in his life where he starts eating until he gets fat.

Gotta prep himself up for when he tragically becomes an ugly Quilladin.
Princess Tutu 2:
Don't give up, Ahiru!

This show is already getting into some pretty interesting meta-fictional territory, with the idea of stories coming to life and characters coming out of stories. I also like it as a simple explanation for how Ahiru's life could have suddenly just become like this. It's the start of the story, so there isn't any need to worry about what happened before, because it's irrelevant.

I didn't think I'd ever really find dancing interesting, but this show is executing it very well and making the movements very interesting to watch, as well as having some great music to accompany it.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Parasyte 6
Shinichi gone full badass. After the life and death situation, he finally know what need to be done. No annoying dubstep this week, and i really like the bgm for this episode. I wonder if the JP audience also criticize the dubstep?
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