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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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YUki yuna wa yuusha de aru - 06

i'm mad

i'm actually mad because '"it's happenning.gif"

i mean in some aspects , dying would have been "better",
But losing the things you care about ? That's a mean way to get a power-up.
..i can't accept this.

I can't accept this.

i mean i get that they made a choice and the result are there ..it's an achievement BUT STILL


i really can't accept this turn of events. ( They better find a way to change this )

at least i can't ignore the yuri sub-tones now:

picture actually in context and not in context at the same time
Another show I remember watching years ago was Ranma 1/2. I actually saw this after seeing Inu Yasha on YTV, and learned of it due to them being by the same creator (Rumiko Takahashi). I think this is the show that got me interested in gender-bending as a concept. Whether it's used for comedy or for something more serious, it's still about someone being thrust into an entirely alien situation and having to deal with alterations to something that they're completely familiar and live day to day life in. I think the bulk of my interest in this comes from seeing the affected character(s) react to social situations and the change in norms and expectations that society expects people to adhere to based purely on what kind of body one has (there's also the psychological impact if the show in question cares to address that).

As for the show itself I find it leveraged its humour pretty well. Definitely more humour focused compared to something like Inu Yasha that was more about a journey (with a good dose of humour but not as much as Ranma). An entertaining cast of characters (Ryouga getting lost every single time somehow never got old) and a variety of transformation themed hi-jinks makes Ranma 1/2 one of my old favourites.

Twin Tail 06

Here we finally see Tailyellow's power laid bare. Her armor purging scene in the OP makes sense now after watching this episode. I noticed that there were a few animation errors regarding the faces in the club room scenes (like Erina's eyes being way too big and Aika's face being drawn weirdly). I guess that's an unfortunate side effect of a low budget/tight deadlines. I wonder how good Twintails would look if it was given a significantly increased budget. Regardless of those issues the show is still a lot of fun to watch and I'm hoping to see TailRed and Dark Grasper face off sometime in the next couple episodes.
HappinessCharge Precure 39

Dis still a kid's show, right?


Other than a dab of mild wincest though, it was pretty lame episode. Maria leaves, all the loose ends are tied up nice and quickly, and apparently their two minute long battle song is going to be part of every episode now. Thanks, Obama Toei!

That first image makes itlook even more lewd than it already does


Mononoke - Episodes 1-12 [END]

Mononoke has some of the most beautiful art that I have seen in any anime to date. At times it is restrained and calm, with neat weather animations that each had their little quirks depending on the scene, Episode 3-5's wind trails were my favourite of the lot, it made for some great shots! There were also the sliding door transitions which changed every episode and they too adapted to the surroundings of the arc. The final arc's sliding doors had handles that also animated when the doors were opened which I thought was a nice touch. Some of my favourite sliding doors are below.

The most notable thing about Mononoke is that everything you see is open to interpretation and very little is force fed to you which leads me to my point saying that Mononoke is perfect for rewatches, due to how open-ended some of the plot points are. The stories follow a linear path but along the way you never know what's going to happen next, you're constantly questioning what's in front of you and how that may affect the situation. I was in suspense throughout and I dreaded to see the inevitable cliffhangers even though it wouldn't be long till I would see the next episode. It must've been so exciting to watch this as it was airing.

I recommend this to anyone looking for something strange and out of the ordinary but also to anyone looking to admire some beautiful artwork in motion.

Neat. I had just finished this myself a week ago.

Nice review in any case, more people should check this out.

Ah, I couldn't remember who it was that watched it not that long ago. Yeah, first seeing that art here in the anime threads drew my attention to the show, along with initially thinking people meant the Ghibli film Princess Mononoke,haha.

I'd like to watch it at some point but it's related to the show Ayakashi: Samurai Horror Tales and more specifically its last story arc, Bake Neko, I believe. I think it was recommended from others here to maybe take a look at that first.

Not related to Mononoke but in regards to finding out about shows in the anime threads due to their art styles is the show Windy Tales. I really like the show and would also recommend at least giving it a chance if you get the chance.


Twin tails 6

All these poor guildys dying left and right. They weren't even doing anything bad this episode, just hanging out in an abandoned building. Good thing Dark Grasper is here to even the odds.


Parasyte 6

AWW YES! It's going down baby! God I love everything about this anime. Music, characters, setting, story etc. ALL OF IT! Potential AOTY


Serial Experiments Lain 2:
Clubbing culture.

Lain is either really fearless or just plain crazy. That was a nice and tense scene at the end of the episode. Right now, I'm not sure how anything is fitting together, but it's all really fascinating to watch. This is a really neat window into a particular point in time and a very specific style. The whole thing just oozes atmosphere and it has a very cyberpunk type feeling. The opening scene of the episode in particular was pretty disorienting, but it fit perfectly well with the content of the scene. Lain is seeming to have found something that interests her and is going to bring her out of her shell somewhat. The use of sound remains something the show is doing extremely well. Well that and the power lines. I have no clue where any of this is going, but I'm loving every minute of it.
Glad you're enjoying it. I saw it for the first time a few years back and enjoyed every minute of it.
Psycho Pass Episode 28

I hope the movie is as explosive as this. They are finally hitting upon that which I like in my movies.

This kind of feels like it transcends anime and has become an actiony daytime SOAP, except with worst writing.

Accept your twintails !

Twintails are your friend!

Twintails are your companions !

Let your faith in twintails guide you !!


This anime is magnificent , the way it plays with hopes and expectations to produce something even more awesome is quite impressive

"Tail on!"

Can't believe tuearle used a locker as a teleporting device...


Code Geass 8

Nunnally, come on, how do you not recognize that voice?

I have my issues with this show, but I gotta say, it at least makes me want to keep watching.
Chronicles of the YuuYuu Club 12 end

From comparing a fetus to a bug, to literal shit-talking, the episode actually attempted to compile a bunch of skits like they said in episode 11.

Finishing this means I've finished last summer's trio of Cute Girls doing Cute things.

There was some more enjoyable bits, but I think episode 6 was the best of the bunch.

Now then, if only I wasn't suffering from illnesses
Love Exposure (Ai no mukidashi)

Have many people who post in the thread seen this film?

I have, this was a great movie. I'd give my thoughts on it, but you pretty much covered it :p
The movie was loooooong but in no way, at least imo, did it seem to drag on. I do not believe could have been done so well if any shorter. It certainly seems as if someone initially made this as an anime/manga and decided to transfer everything over to a live action film.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Y'all are just crazy for thinking Twintails is AOTY material let alone AOTS 😂
You're right.
It's the AOTF!

Shirobako 6

There will be a time when 3d and key frame animation mixed well together. Probably not now, but maybe in the future. And Tomino safe the day thanks to his masterpiece, Ide(p)on
Lol at that last skit. Only part A is done!
Ah, I couldn't remember who it was that watched it not that long ago. Yeah, first seeing that art here in the anime threads drew my attention to the show, along with initially thinking people meant the Ghibli film Princess Mononoke,haha.

Not related to Mononoke but in regards to finding out about shows in the anime threads due to their art styles is the show Windy Tales. I really like the show and would also recommend at least giving it a chance if you get the chance.

Probably wasnt me because I wasn't posting about it but thanks a ton for the recommendation! Windy Tales looks like something that'd absolutely be up my alley.
Parasyte 6
Shinichi gone full badass. After the life and death situation, he finally know what need to be done. No annoying dubstep this week, and i really like the bgm for this episode. I wonder if the JP audience also criticize the dubstep?

Lol, I guess I'm alone in liking the dubstep in this anime. I don't like dubstep in general, in fact, I found the phase annoying, but, it seems to fit the show.


ANNCast released a new episode interviewing Charlene Ingram and Julie McDonald from Viz Media Going from the comments it looks like

A) As a Canadian, I'll be continuing to use Hola Unblocker to access Neon Alley and
B) We're stuck for the video quality we have for Sailor Moon BD/DVD.

I'll be listening to it know to get the dull details.

Having listened to parts of it, what I got out of it was:

-Viz doesn't think there's a problem on their end
-Viz claims they have the best materials Toei could provide
-Viz will not be switching disc authoring companies, the rest of Sailor Moon will receive the same treatment

I thought the bd was flawless and the dvd was problematic?

It's an upscale of an older anime that was mastered on film. How on earth would that be flawless?


Code Geass 9

Family drama for Kallen; also she sleeps topless.

So they keep playing up this love Shirley has for Lelouch, but...when is that going to be an important thing at all?
Code Geass 9

Family drama for Kallen; also she sleeps topless.

So they keep playing up this love Shirley has for Lelouch, but...when is that going to be an important thing at all?

Shirely's love for Lelouch serves as a catalyst for something else much later on in the show.

I can't say what it is, but her love for Lelouch DOES have a purpose.


Having listened to parts of it, what I got out of it was:

-Viz doesn't think there's a problem on their end
-Viz claims they have the best materials Toei could provide
-Viz will not be switching disc authoring companies, the rest of Sailor Moon will receive the same treatment

To me that sounds like it could be potentially implying that Toei quietly gave them inferior materials and will just politely refuse to exchange them for anything better, so there's nothing to be done on their end. After all, since there's no BD release of Sailor Moon in Japan yet...Toei could just be afraid of their own future sales being compromised by Viz's product, unless the U.S. BD turned out to be mediocre to bad rather than good to great in terms of quality.
Well that was pretty bad, Julie McDonald refused to take responsibility for the video errors, and I'm beginning to doubt that Toei sent lousy masters to Viz Media.


Subete no aware
Love Exposure (Ai no mukidashi)

Have many people who post in the thread seen this film? It's not anime but it certainly reminded me of anime. This is a 2008 film directed by Sion Sono and I haven't seen any of his other movies and pretty much just knew of the movie and went into this blind. The movie is actually almost four hours long! While it still felt like a long enough movie, it surprisingly didn't feel four hours long. Taking a look and apparently the original cut of the film was about six hours long but producers said that it should be made a bit shorter.

Anyway, the movie starts out normal enough but then it gets a little weird where there's some family issues between father and son and the son, Yu, starts snapping upskirt photos of girls pantsu. It's done in this over the top way though with this training montage and ninja type moves and it's just really silly and comes across as a 3D version of fanservice/ecchi type harem shows. Excluding the harem though.

The next part of the film actually made me think of Flowers of Evil quite a bit. The main character is looking for his "Maria" and finds this girl Yoko who he likes. She doesn't really like him to start with, partially due to her dislike of men because of her father, and is unaware of his "hobbies". There's another girl, Aya, who is a bit of a delinquent who catches him in the act but is interested in him by his referring to it as his "original sin" and she felt like she was more alone but maybe he could understand her. She basically starts stalking him and getting more involved in his life and it wasn't exact but it did certainly remind me of the characters relations in Flowers of Evil.

I guess it also kind of reminded me of something like Evangelion more in how it focuses on the characters and how so many of them seemed to be messed up individuals or had made mistakes to get them where they are. How Yu initially meets Yoko and the consequences of that also felt very anime.

It seems to be serious and earnest at times but really silly,melodramatic and weird at many others. The latter act of the show really just gets bat crazy as well. It just has different silly things like the dialogue in this picture:

Basically it seemed to be a well made and directed show covering themes of love, coming of age and finding ones place in the world, mixed in with some really weird and crazy things that felt very anime or just what people would associate with just general "weirdness from Japan" I suppose.

If certain ones that post here haven't seen it, I can just imagine some of the reactions to certain parts if they decide to give it a watch,haha.

Jexhius was watching it. I remember this was the first non-Kurosawa Japanese movie I'd ever watched, so needless to say it coloured a lot of what I thought about Japan back then. It certainly helped that I hadn't even thought about anime back when this came out though. lol


On a random note, if you want to hear Viz community managers squirm like they're Ubisoft trying to explain why Assassin's Creed Unity is a piece of shit, you can listen to the new episode of ANNCast:

I will say, for all my issues with Zac, he didn't waste any time in asking the hard questions about the Sailor Moon BD. Of course, there are no real answers to get though.


Well that was pretty bad, Julie McDonald refused to take responsibility for the video errors, and I'm beginning to doubt that Toei sent lousy masters to Viz Media.

Reverse importation is an actual issue for Japanese companies even if it is often an exaggeration on their part. Sailor Moon is a big property without a Japanese BD release so maximizing and protecting their future profits should be far more important than with a random new show. The question is...what would Toei gain from having Viz put a competing and cheaper product on the market with great video quality when they have nothing else to offer to their costumers back home right now? After all, the U.S. and Japan do share BD regions.

I'm sure Viz will still make a lot of money from casual Sailor Moon fans, either way, and they couldn't exactly spell out something like this without breaking some contract clause.


Code Geass 10

Jeremiah was pretty hilarious in those final few minutes before he bit the dust.

C.C.'s philosophical musings are pretty eyeroll-worthy. "Do you know why snow is white?" No, shut up.


Subete no aware
To me that sounds like it could be potentially implying that Toei quietly gave them inferior materials and will just politely refuse to exchange them for anything better, so there's nothing to be done on their end. After all, since there's no BD release of Sailor Moon in Japan yet...Toei could just be afraid of their own future sales being compromised by Viz's product, unless the U.S. BD turned out to be mediocre to bad rather than good to great in terms of quality.
Near the end of the podcast, they said that Toei approved of their release and praised them for it, so if you want to think it's all a big conspiracy... lol
Gundam: Reconguista in G 8:
That scene with the guy sliding down the G-Self was hilarious.

The end of this episode has quite a bit of information coming out. I guess the motivations of the Amerian side are starting to come to the forefront more. There's definitely a lot of misinformation being spread by the Capital Army and their allies.

This show continues to just be a completely unique and enjoyable viewing experience. Where else on television are you going to get this? Chuchumy!

Having listened to parts of it, what I got out of it was:

-Viz doesn't think there's a problem on their end
-Viz claims they have the best materials Toei could provide
-Viz will not be switching disc authoring companies, the rest of Sailor Moon will receive the same treatment

Wow, they give no fucks. Viz is really the worst licensing company for anime.


Near the end of the podcast, they said that Toei approved of their release and praised them for it, so if you want to think it's all a big conspiracy... lol

Hey, as things currently stand, Toei doesn't have any reason to complain at all! In fact, quite the opposite. The U.S. BD is selling well but, in its current state, won't jeopardize the potential for a Japanese BD a couple of years later or so. It's almost a win-win situation. Doesn't mean they can't cooperate with Viz or praise their packaging and promotional images, etc. since they're giving a sincere approval to this state of affairs.

It's not even complicated enough to count as a conspiracy, let alone a big one. Sadly, reverse importation fears are a fact rather than an urban legend.

Code Geass 10

Jeremiah was pretty hilarious in those final few minutes before he bit the dust.

C.C.'s philosophical musings are pretty eyeroll-worthy. "Do you know why snow is white?" No, shut up.

Jeremiah's always hilarious, though it shouldn't be a spoiler to point out
that he auto-ejected on screen this same episode.

I don't mind C.C.'s musings. Less for philosophical value per se and more since she's good at teasing Lelouch.


Subete no aware
Hey, as things currently stand, Toei doesn't have any reason to complain at all! That's not what I'm suggesting.

In fact, quite the opposite. The U.S. BD is selling well but, in its current state, won't jeopardize the potential for a Japanese BD a couple of years later or so. It's a win-win situation.

Doesn't mean they can't cooperate with Viz on packaging and promotional materials, etc. and obviously give their sincere approval to this state of affairs.

It's not even complicated enough to count as a conspiracy, let alone a big one. Sadly, reverse importation fears are a proven fact.
I'm almost glad that Crystal and the lack of an original DIC/Ocean dub killed any interest I had in Sailor Moon. At this point it's more laughing at the schadenfreude more than anything else.
Wow, they give no fucks. Viz is really the worst licensing company for anime.

Even with the Sailor Moon debacle, I'd say they aren't the worst licensing company, at least not while Sentai is around. At least the Sailor Moon redub sounds good.

Bear in mind I'm talking about nowadays, not historically which in that case yeah they were pretty bad.


Huge Nickleback Fan
Lol, I guess I'm alone in liking the dubstep in this anime. I don't like dubstep in general, in fact, I found the phase annoying, but, it seems to fit the show.

For me, sometime it fit the scene, sometime, it don't. I don't like the use of dubstep in episode 5, while i'm mostly okay with the previous episode.
Even with the Sailor Moon debacle, I'd say they aren't the worst licensing company, at least not while Sentai is around. At least the Sailor Moon redub sounds good.

Bear in mind I'm talking about nowadays, not historically which in that case yeah they were pretty bad.

I feel like with Sentai you know what you're going to get (barring a few exceptions). Viz is so all over the place that you have no clue what they're going to give you.

Cheap dub? Inaccurate subtitles? Horrible video quality? Edited version sold as uncut? Replaced music in the Japanese version? Who knows? It's all on the table when you come to Viz.

They're certainly capable of putting out high quality releases, but so many of their releases have huge issues (and often completely different issues) that I really have to consider them the worst.
Reconguista in G 08


These are getting more and more threatening.

Best part of the episode was Mask yelling "WHAT'S AN ISLAND DOING HERE" while he's flying over the Ocean.
Holy shit someone recognized who the Char Clone was with the mask on. They are so dead.

Amagi Brilliant Park 07

50 Cent's half assed Yo ho ho is great. But not as great as AV-chan's voice.
Super interesting episode. How'd they even get captured by these dumb otter things if they get knocked out from a broom tap to the head?
There's so many near-H situations in this series. It's like they're trying to goad the doujin artists. And why does this park have a giant tentacle pit anyway? What attraction is that?
I don't know what this has to do with park management but at least it's not amnesia drama shit
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