Code Geass 22
Inou Battle - 07
I still say he intended it all from the start.
Code Geass 23
Inou Battle - 07
Uhhh.. why Hatoko.. everything I don't want this show to be, stupid drama that goes on for way too long (2 min warning). Credit to the VA though.
But like, does he change at all?
I would pay money that I could get my memories of watching CG first time erased from my memory and I would be able to experience it again. It's so damn entertaining show.
Oh man.
"Forgive me General but I have to KILL ALL THE JAPANESE!"
I assume somewhere there's a gif of Bender saying "Hey, sexy mama. Wanna kill all Japanese?"
Log Horizon, the anime decide not to mention sexual stuff that's happening in the novel.
Parasyte, making the anime more modern.
Aoi Bungaku, especially the Hashire Melos part.
I haven't followed this discussion so I don't know if this applies, but Sailor Moon?
You mean the greatest right.
Well during the first susukino events , when the assholes were feared in town , the people of the land were abused in various ways ( including what you can think of ) This was ommitted in the anime because this wasn't an important plot point . i'm not even sure this part wasn't removed during the second version of the priniting of the books it's not even said , just heavily implied..
- Sabagebu is a good one ( since it's vastly different from the manga )
-Galaxy angel went from serious space drama sci-fi in their games to Comedy of the week episodes
2 examples on the top of my head.
Excel Saga is an example of a studio reading up on the source material, throwing all of it in the trash, and then getting high on a cocktail of coke, heroin, and some exotic east asian herbs and committing the result to film.
You already saw it.
When Nina masturbated with the table while thinking of Euphy
No Game No Life Episode 1
Thumbs up. I liked it a lot. Cool MC, cute sister, fantasy world and a fun-sounding story. The anime didn't waste much time on the "traveling-to-a-new-world" schtick, which was appreciated. Anyways, so they're in a world ruled by games. I'm hoping for some bad ass games where the MC wins in awesome ways. I'm kinda curious if the real world will be touched upon later, like their parents and more details on how they became so introverted.
It'd probably be on my AOTY list if not for that shit.
Get used to it. Ruins a pretty good show imo.
Cross Ange - 01
So I gotta ask.The blood on her dress when she's laying on the floor was from earlier when she was holding her dying mother right? Because there's no way that all came from her during her physical.
Probably massively LTTP, but I just saw on twitter that they are doing a 5-year anniversary box set for K-On!!
Only 30000 yen!
It's just crazy to think that was five years ago though. Damn.
Denki-gai 01
That was pretty good. I lost it at the awkward shrink-wrapping 18+ material scene and the Sommelier's Party. The second story wasn't nearly as funny but it was kind of like skipping four arcs of Genshiken and going straight to Comic-fes, which was okay. Probably keep watching this one.
Gugure! Kokkuri-san ep 7
A female Kokkuri-san....damn.
Sexual stuff in Log horizon?
Man theres nothing for me
But these sales usually happen too late anyway.
It was on my list because I didnt think that stuff was all that bad in NGNL. Certainly nothing I noticed. I think yall over-exaggerated that aspect of it.
Yeah, there's implied sexual assault in the novel version.
Everyone should watch Yuuki Yuuna.
Sentai licensed The World God Only Knows: Goddesses.
Noted. Time is too limited to watch anything not great or seminal. Hito sure didn't steer me wrong with UY.
Right now I'm looking at:
Dirty Pair
Wolf's Rain
Amongst others.
Still got a lot of Urusei Yatsura to get through though. Maybe if there was a season where I wasn't watching 7 shows I could get through it a bit quicker...
Can anyone recommend me some reasonably decent action series featuring firearms? Something in the vein of Black Lagoon, Jormungand, Gunsmith Cats, Canaan etc. Basically as long as it has guns and they're not fantasy-depicted it would interest me. No mecha, though, not a fan of that.
Kokkuri-san 7
mods please set thisemoticon to :fantasticmrjeff tia![]()
WataMote 12
I know this feeling.
And I guess I recognize myself in some of the other situations Tomoko finds herself in too. Luckily not everything and to this extent though. I've both laughed at the show and felt bad for laughing at some stuff. I've felt bad for Tomoko and disliked what she's thinking about others. It's both fun, depressing and a bit horrible, and the end of episode 11 made me cry
Some interesting animation and music cues. The OP is fitting, and the main ED has gone from being funny because of the singing to being pretty sad in the end.
I liked this show, so 4/5 shattered Tomokos:
Sentai has licensed The Familiar of Zero: Knight of Two Moons.
GA approach of teh game could have worked as an anime if they decided to make it a normal space drama. There nothing wrong with the plot of the games. It could have worked as a straight adaptation , they just choose not to.Galaxy angel's approach worked the best for it. That wouldnt work well as a serious drama of any sort. As bite sized comedy its gold.
How did Sabagebu differ?
what the fuck
urobuchi.webmInou Battle - 07
Uhhh.. why Hatoko.. everything I don't want this show to be, stupid drama that goes on for way too long (2 min warning). Credit to the VA though.
I think the exact opposite of sora speech.No Game No Life Episode 4
So things proceeded as expected. Sora (along with Shiro) won the chess game, became King, and now will look to beat the other 15 races, which will earn them a chance to face The Game God. Don't think that'll happen this season since there's only 12 episodes. Anyways, Sora plays a bit of economics and shows us how stupid the humans in this game world are, and his coronation speech was kinda uninspirational, what with constantly calling humans weak, but whatever, the crowd cheered anyways. Oh and we get anotherreference, which was the highlight of the show.Phoenix Wright
Also, Sora totally does not seem like the NEET type, and his eyes constantly glow red every time he says something cool (they should tone that down, lol). Not expecting it, but would be interesting to hear his backstory.
PaniPoni Dash 24
God damn it, I've been had. It fucking lied to me.
EDIT: Ichijou being a detenation buton for Square Enix and Himeko blowing it up redeemed the betrayal
Inou Battle - 07
Uhhh.. why Hatoko.. everything I don't want this show to be, stupid drama that goes on for way too long (2 min warning). Credit to the VA though.
hatoko proving she's best girl just like i called from the first ep
Space Dandy Season 1 releasing 2/17
Funimation Store Exclusive:
Amazon Exclusive:
There is also a regular limited edition
Well, that's FUNimation for you.
Show is pretty good so far.
I think the exact opposite of sora speech.
He was giving everyone a big slap telling them to wake up , since they were back on the wall . You don't do that with empty promise and hope but by showing conviction. And he did that by basicly saying that ( ironicaly ) giving them a promise ..that they could rise again to their old status , before the war.
It was IMO , carefull presented because everyone knows that humans are the only ones that can't magic, telling them "it's ok , we can do something else instead" works much better.
Oh man! I have never seen that kind of thing in a harem anime before.
Seriously, I can't remember a time when a harem protagonist got straight up told. At least not like that!
Gotta give credit to the VA. There was some serious effort put into that.
Genshiken: Second Season - 01
....I have absolutely no idea what I just watched, in both a good way and a bad way. In the bad way, the pacing in this was too fast for me to really grasp anything. In the good way, it's fun in it's over exaggeration of some of it's cast.
GA approach of teh game could have worked as an anime if they decided to make it a normal space drama. There nothing wrong with the plot of the games. It could have worked as a straight adaptation , they just choose not to.
Sabagebu manga seems to be more serious , less joking with various character having different personnalities , this is especially true of the heroine.
It's nothing special, in the novels it was a worst "rumours".
No Game No Life Episode 5
So not much happens this episode plot-wise, but it was still nice, though again we are shown how stupid the humans (or maybe it's just Steph?) in the game world are. For a world where games are everything, you'd think they'd focus more on understanding these game mechanics better. Anyways, Steph loses a bunch of times to Sora and Shiro, has to dress like a dog and give up her clothes. And Shiro wears the bra and panties on her head as a sign of dominance(?), lol. So Steph learns there's a lot more to games than chance and luck, and we also find out she isn't a total idiot when it comes to maintaining the country. She's still just a Steph, though, lol.
Anywho, we find out there's a race of animal girls somewhere (I hope that shows up this season), and apparently, there's a Flugel (another race) who spends their time in the library ever since they won it from the former King in a game (really, the former King is an idiot), and Sora is off to challenge him/her (probably gonna be a cute girl). Edit: Oh wait, there was a bit after the ED, and yep, it's a cute girl. Really, when is it not?
Oh, and this show does references well, and I kinda like the ED song.
Oh, I got that, but he definitely could've worded it better, like how humans can adapt or whatnot. The way he put it was pretty stupid, calling humans cowards and weak.
Reminder that everyone who liked the chuuni guy in Trigger's show getting told should watch Aura: Maryuuinkouga Saigo no Tatakai, the one actual good chuunibyou story in existence. Featuring everyone's favorite overexposed seiyuu HanaKana and a Michiru Oshima OST.
This show had a short haired cutie in it I think,. I cant recall anything actually about it.
Mofukichi and floppy ears glasses Steph > *![]()
This is arguable. What about Fiel brah?
This is arguable. What about Fiel brah?
Mofukichi and floppy ears glasses Steph > *
Mofukichi and floppy ears glasses Steph > *
Mushishi 09
You are on an overpass and a train is about to pass under you. You see several people tied to the track about to be hit by the oncoming train. You notice a man on the overpass large enough that if he were to fall on the tracks he would stop the train before it reaches those tied to the track. Do you push the man on to the tracks to save the many or let the many meet their fate?
Is that a question from the show or something you just thought up? How is that show so far? I need to watch it, I have heard too many good things to pass it up. That and Monster.
Is that a question from the show or something you just thought up? How is that show so far? I need to watch it, I have heard too many good things to pass it up. That and Monster.
based floppy ear steph
It reminds me of a common thought experiment, though it's not quite the same (you'd have to be pretty damn big to stop a speeding train with your corpse)
Code Geass 24
That's an odd time to switch to a new OP.
It reminds me of a common thought experiment, though it's not quite the same (you'd have to be pretty damn big to stop a speeding train with your corpse)
It is a really stupid question brought up when discussing utilitarianism which is the main focus of this episode. Mushishi is very good from what I've seen so far.
PaniPoniDash 26 END
And to end everything, we get a pool episode, filled with fanservice shots because SHAFT knew what we wanted in 2004, and possibly into the future.
I would also consider this worthwhile garbage. As in it's worth a watch. It may not be considered as legit good on the likes of say.... Mushishi, but it's still good in terms of consumable anime. My pleasure anime. My pizza anime.
But I guess with this out of the way, I must move onto my next animes.
Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and Ninja Nonsense.