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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Book of Bantorra 10-12

The ants/mother arc was tragic and uplifting at the same time, and damn, Ireia is not a lady you want to trifle with. Just like with Noloty's story, I'm noticing that the arcs keep blending into each other in a way where it's not as easy to place the end of one LN and the beginning of another as I thought. Hamyut's backstory drew to light just how weird she is, even compared to the other members of the Library. Bit of a masochist, too. I'm not sure what's going on with her there. The show's doing a good job at keeping me intrigued, spacing out these little downtime moments in between the big setpieces.

A bit of masochist ?Woah , she is in totally for the ride . best character just because of this.
And yeah one thing i really praised when i watched this , because not only there was few times of downtimes but everything seemed to have a coherent purpose.
Little Busters! 09


Cat fight!

And more cat letters. Lots of food in this episode too. Getting hungry...

Residental Assistant. They are there to provide help and be a keeper of the peace in a dormitory.

Aha. Thanks.


Chaika AB 07

Oh, so next episode is when the tournament really begins. So what I'm getting from the show is that its ultimate antagonist is trying to re-jump start the war, which means that Tooru was ultimately a victim of circumstance in his world as much as anybody else. Makes me realize the guys on the council may not be as bad as they once seemed. If the only thing people know in this world is battle, that's pretty sad. Maybe it won't be by remembering her dad (the remains are looking more and more suspicious), but I'm hoping Chaika (the main Chaika, obviously) gets her happy ending. This tournament could potentially lead to much worse things.


Damn good episode with a new fun character that seems to serve as comedy relief which the seers could use more of. I'm liking Shinich's descend into contemplating his own humanity and it seems like he's losing it during the fight. It's also evident when he falls asleep near the end which is the same thing that happens to migi. It'll be interesting to see how his character develops and his fight between being human and an alien. Also no more bad dub step fighting music which is great.


Well this is how I saw Ergo Proxy's 16th episode.

I think it's actually one of the most important episodes in the show, not just because they show some Re-l fan service but because of how it actually connects the characters who I thought before this episode were kinda just all unwilling partners of necessity. There was all kinds of little touches in the show that I think were important. First you have Re-l's totally backwards diary observations of what was going on around her with the whole "proxies, humans and autoreivs may not be able to get along" when frankly she's the only one out. She was the least human of the three despite being the only human.

I also think that what's going on to Re-l's more or less an insight into what's going on with the rest of the people back home as they're all just as broken as humans, so I don't think Re-l's actions are really just about Re-l but how everyone's feeling in those times in the show. For a people who are given a single job to do and make that their life's reason and having their needs catered to by an automated city complete with robot entourages it would be kinda easy to feel like you're in control because everything's in it's place and when you need to move all the gears happen to make it happen so now to all of a sudden have that all gone must be frightening and all these people, Re-l included must feel pretty small and powerless now. In Re-l's case it's probably exacerbated by the fact her job definitely gave her some power and control back home, as did her father, she carries freaking guns and now all of a sudden her robot buddy's dead, she out on her own with few leads and she can't even get to her destination because there's no freaking wind of all things. It seems somewhat stupid to the viewer because we're always at the mercy of stupid shit outside our control but for the people in the show everything's always been controlled.

Re-l smiling isn't just because she learned how not to be a bitch or anything, I always interpreted it as her finally realizing her place in the world and finding the courage to move forward on her own two feet in the world, in control or not, instead of of falling into despair like so many are around her in the show. In a way it's the first step to actually being able to live outside the domes.

I think Re-l getting a good night's rest by Pino thinking of Iggy was important because I think it shows she's feeling the loss and really understanding what he really meant to her. Everything Iggy said about her was pretty true.

I won't lie, I think the show itself is middling at best, there are some totally whack episodes out there, the previous one being one of them, but I think there was nary a wasted second in this episode. I think everything would have been a little cheap if they flipped a switch and everything worked out and they were all best buddies facing the next crises. I also think the ending would have felt off had this episode not existed. Also who doesn't want to see Re-l doing push ups, smile or kick Vincent in the snow?

Anyways, be prepared to be totally disappointed with the ending. Well I guess that's a common issue.

Thanks for taking the time to type this. Good analysis that did manage to make me look at the episode in different light and appreciate it a bit more. Though I would argue that Vince and Pino were already best buddies and pretty much regarded Re-L as such. It's just she who had to drop her attitude.


No, it doesn't seem like there's going to be a Blame! anime "for real". Maybe there is, maybe there isn't. What they're announcing here appears to be some of Blame! being animated as a in-universe anime which appears in episode 8 of Sidonia season 2. It's a really odd announcement. Maybe they are making an anime for it and they're using Sidonia to cross-promote it before they start? Dunno.

You are always so harsh crushing others dreams... :_(

Thanks for the clarification. Still hoping for the best.
Parasyte 7
I don't really like this new parasite guy. He's just meh.
Shinichi went through a nice transformation though and the fight was interesting
Parasyte 7:
I guess it hadn't really occurred to me that
there might be other people out there like Shinichi. It was interesting to meet the character of Uda, who is kind of the opposite of Shinichi in a lot of ways, but wound up being a helpful ally for him to have.

This episode wrapped up a lot of the stuff that had taken up the last few episodes, so it looks like things are going to be starting from a new point beginning next week. And that's quite a dramatic shift for Shinichi.
Parasyte 7

Was distracted by either Crunchyroll being shit or my internet being shit and keeping my viewing at a constant sub HD level, but it was still a pretty good episode. I can't help but get a stupid grin on my face every time Shinichi uses his
new powers.

Uda doesn't really stand out to me as a character, but I think he provides an interesting dynamic to Shinichi. It's also cool seeing how the new "changed" Shinichi is apparently more visible to Kana and his gf. I wonder if they'll ever wonder exactly why they can sense him or not.

Also, dat hair.
Chaika AB - 07

Cool to see Fredrika use Skoda skin for once. Brother Shin fight was a bit weird because he clearly had the chance to kill Toru from behind but he just grappled and warned him. Maybe his feelings are getting in the way of a Saboteur or the King didn't want them dead
Gaz seemed way too happy for someone who's about to die. What do you have up your sleeve crazy man?

Prepare your Chaika


Maturity, bitches.

As the credits roll a great feeling swells in my chest while a bit a moisture disgorges from the corner of my eyes. That overwhelming feeling that one often has when you have witnessed something great. However on this occasion it was different. Not only was my body shaking from the visual orgy that I had just laid witness to, but my mind felt vindicated. This movie sets in stone what I've trying to inform others many times before. The core message of this movie is that Haruka is the best iDOL.

This is likely why many have been rather quiet about this movie. It can be quite difficult to grasp that ones life has been a lie since around 2005 and its clearly left many in a state of absolute despair as they ponder what exactly have they been doing with their life.


So one complaint people had with the main series is that because of the large ensemble of characters some didn't quite get as much time in the spotlight as others so to address this issue the film does two major things; firstly it increases the ensemble by introducing seven characters from the Million Live mobile game into the fray and secondly the focus on each character is almost exactly the same as it was in the TV shot. So yes, if you like Haruka you're quids in, but if you like the other girls then bad luck because they're going to get even less time in the spotlight as the film also need to focus on the new girls! In fact one of the new girls, Kana Yabuki, is introduced, as what can be described in so many words, as basically Haruka Jr. and out of the new girls she is the one who gets the most focus. The film is a double Haruka feature!

So what's the story like in this Haruka extravaganza? Well it is pretty basic stuff. Their producer has managed to secure them an arena based concert and so the film is basically about them preparing for this, which of course should sound familiar because it's almost the same plot as the arcs in the TV show. The two big twists in this plot are the introduction of the aforementioned Million Live girls and 765 Pro has decided the group need a team leader, who, if you can't guess, is Haruka. Now obviously there's a bit more to the plot than them just them training and one problem I had is that one of the plot points felt very similar to the final arc in the TV series. This time, however, instead of Haruka moping in bed it's actually Haruka Jr. and instead of it being the rest of 765 Pro girls trying to save her, it's just Haruka. So you could say the story is about Haruka Jr. wanting to be like Haruka but is afraid she can never be like Haruka but Haruka doesn't want Haruka Jr. not to feel she can't be Haruka so she tries to convince Haruka Jr. she can be like Haruka and spends her time trying to save Haruka Jr. and Haruka does this because she is Haruka. Don't worry, there's a bit more to the story than just that and the rest of the girls are actually in the film, though their roles are, in some ways, boiled down to them doing their one fan favourite bit from the show like Azusa getting lost and Iori calling the producer a baka hentai.


Animation wise, it's like a well polished episode. Animation is some scenes is more fluid than the TV series but on other occasions you had scenes where characters are standing completely still and in fact one bit is literally a set of stills. There was also one bit where the animation looked rotoscoped which ended up really sticking out like a sore thumb so I have no idea what was going on there. It didn't add anything to the scene so it just ends up feeling a bit distracting. Now one thing that has always set iM@S above its peers is the concert scenes. To be fair, when the competition consists of Wake Up the Animators and Love CGlIve, it doesn't require much effort to come out on top. However that didn't stop them from blowing my socks off with the final arena concert. Oh my giddy aunt, this was a sight to behold. The camera sweeps through the auditorium all the while the girls animate in all their 2D wonder with such grace. Some may complain about the use of CGI for the distant shots, but honestly the characters are so small during these moments you hardly notice it. It's not like you are coming face to face with usual bad aspects of that technology like eyes devoid of life. The bar for animated performances has been raised considerably and I don't think this scene is going to be toppled any time soon. Also the song during this part is up there with the best. Honestly can't get enough of it.

So that's my review of the Haruka Movie. A two hour spectacle dedicated to telling the world just how awesome Haruka is and why she is indeed Queen of the iDOLs.




Parasyte 7


The lack of awareness the girls in this series have of what genre they're in is stunning.

Parasytes continue to be OP in the number of abilities they possess. Sakurai, please nerf. The music continues to be less bad than it was in previous weeks. The action animation wasn't especially good in this episode, but it was serviceable enough. Also, midichlorians.
Parasyte - 07

I enjoyed the fact that Shinichi is not alone. I wouldn't mind them teaming up, but I don't expect him to live long though. His weapon reminded me of that game Prototype
Looking forward to see how the 'new' Shinichi will act in everyday life and how the surrounding reacts to it.
You'll get through it dad ;_;
I like how that girl from Parasyte apparently like, really cared for him despite only knowing him for 2 or 3 days. I guess Shinichi is just that awesome

PK Gaming

Parasyte 7

This anime is really starting to hit its stride. I love how he's got an ally now; even if the anime is primarily about paranoia and doubt, it's nice that Shinichi now has someone besides that Migi take he can confide in; someone that can help take the edge off.

I'm actively looking forward to the next episode now.

Echoing the sentiment that the little girl is most definitely in the wrong anime. Shoo, shoo!


Parasyte Episode 7:

This series is firing mostly on all cylinders but gets a big old goose-egg in the matters of romance.
I am more shocked that the girl didn't die in this whole affair, still bloody useless as a romantic interest. Anyway, it would seem that the parasites are limited against the perceived inferior species of hybrids or symbioes if you will. this is such an effective combination I suspect that future antagonists will also be likewise hybridized and maybe there will be a weaponization/supersolider arc because seriously the premise is so open to that direction.


Everyone knows in order to create the better animated product, you must starve and mistreat your animators. That includes giving them a paltry salary.


The previous animeted "thing" for Blame! couldn't even be called scrapes of animated cells. Anything would be an improvement over that although i don't want it to be only like 5 minutes of that episode :(. The author does make a lot of in jokes about his other works in the Sidonia manga, though who the fuck knows. Blame! with the budget of ufotable would make me end my life in complete satisfaction,


No Game No Life End

A little too much ecchi for my tastes, but a fun show to watch regardless. I liked the dynamic Sora and Shiro had, although it did get a bit creepy at times, and I liked the concept of everything being decided by games. I'm not sure what to do now though, should I read the novels or wait for a second season?


Chaika AB 07

Feels like a bunch of build up. The payoff better be worth it. I also heard that this season is only going to be 10 episodes long. I hope that's not the case or we're going to be getting a pretty rushed ending.
Parasyte - 07

Was an alright episode, nothing compared to the last one though.

Thanks to Shinichi's transformation the battles are going to be more interesting now as it isn't just 2 parasites wobbling their blade-extensions against each other. That said, I agree with Branduil that the animation quality during combat wasn't anything more than serviceable.

The new character Uda Mamoru was...alright. Grew likable enough in the short time frame, however his parasite seems to have this kind of 'joking' persona which feels a bit weird. I mean I'm all for diversity but a comical parasite doesn't seem quite right.

It's interesting that Shinichi's father continues to live (for now?). Would really like his character to be a constant in this show, so I hope he'll live long!

I also appreciate the more in-depths explanation for Shinichi's powers. It wasn't even necessary as far as I'm concerned but it's a nice to have and provided even more information about the parasites' capabilities.

Unfortunately, with Shinichi's new looks this is gonna go full harem now. Even the parasites' will get the hots for him, so they no longer pose a threat. T'was nice knowing you show :(

Chaika AB - 07

Eh...just get to the interesting stuff already.
Chaika AB 07

Feels like a bunch of build up. The payoff better be worth it. I also heard that this season is only going to be 10 episodes long. I hope that's not the case or we're going to be getting a pretty rushed ending.

It is only going to be 10 episodes :/

Parasyte 7

That maxed out SWAG stat on our MC is making all the ladies in this universe thirsty as hell. Our first fight with super powered MC was as awesome as I would hope and I really look forward to seeing where the plot goes from here.
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