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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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I beg to disagree. Yuki Yuna is indeed awesome and resembles Madoka quite a bit yes, but it's nothing like what I've heard goes down in WIXOSS.

Yuki Yuna isn't even about magical girl despair!
Not right now anyway.

Oh but it will be. We all know that. Some cutie is gonna get a bad end.


Came in on Monday



Denki-Gai 08

Another Sensei-centric episode. Either she has a lot of chapters in the source, or someone on the staff really likes her. Everyone else had things to do, and the black and white segments with Fuga were pretty fun. Long live glasses! I'm enjoying the end cards they do for each episode of in-universe works, too. Shows within a show have always been one of my tastes, and something set deep within the industry like this is bound to have plenty of them.

Link Man

Denki-Gai 8

The strange convergence of SDBurton and Mr. Jeff. Fun episode, Sensei is hilarious and there's even a possible Half-Life reference.


Shirobako 07

I've never been able to draw much of anything, so to have to draw and do it like that, Ema's definitely got a huge hurdle to overcome. I was wondering if we'd get more info on exactly what happened with Jiggly Heaven, and this episode confirms it. The beach episode was more or less destroyed by the inability to get everything to work right. I'm sure everyone was doing their best, even on that show, but that would explain how things ended up that way. I don't really know much about how the Japanese fanbase reacts to shows, but I do know how the overseas one does... and it would've gotten the same reaction. Maybe. I'm not even sure how many people would be watching it, since nobody would've played the game(?) it was based on to begin with.

Ultimately, this makes me glad that something like Grisaia can get a show that looks beautiful.


Parasyte 07

Shinichi now has bigger harem than Raku in episode 7 of Nisekoi ...

I really want to like this show but I just find it underwhelming lately. The awful music choice and dialogue, the lacklustre animation and dialogue robbed the pivotal moment of this arc of any tension or "wow" factor. Meh

Ergo Proxy 17

An enjoyable episode and a very much needed return to Romdeau, where the political tensions finally translated into open clash between Raul and the Regent. I'm don't quite grasp the significance of the actions of the former yet. (Did he just bombed Mosk to oblivion with a ballistic missile ?) But
that was quite a memorable send off.
Three new pieces of the puzzle but still no idea how they fit need. At the moment I'm more interested in the truth behind Re-L's grandfather and Cogito than the mystery of the Proxies and Vincent.

Deadalus is cray, cray.


Book of Bantorra 13, 15

Should've done more research to make myself aware that 14 was a recap episode before going in. I skipped ahead to the preview for 15, so, only two episodes today. These episodes make another complete story in themselves, so it's all good. Interesting combination of the urban legend of Othello that's been going around since early in the story, and what appears to be the tale of a Hollywood starlet. I was so used to the vintage trappings of Bantorra's world that I now realize it's going for an early 20th century vibe, so movies could exist in it, they just never played a role until now. And who would need movies when you can see peoples' real lives play out in these books? (I can think of one reason, but that's not what this arc's about.)

After the relatively peaceful end of the previous arc, the conclusion to this one was kinda shocking. Milepoc was never the most emotional of the group - she was one of the least, if anything - but, wow. Brutal there. Also not the first arc in the story to have someone taking on an identity that's an illusion. That seems to be the running theme of almost every arc so far. If these Books reveal the truth of who someone really is, no wonder they're so valuable.


I hope so for you too!

Well, it happened; I got my BDs of Hidamari Sketch SP and Detroit Metal City today! I watched a little bit of both to see how good these releases were.

Detroit Metal City never looked... fantastic, and it doesn't look especially great here either. The fact that in Japan it only had a DVD release makes me wonder if it was mastered in SD. Still, the video quality isn't awful... What annoyed me more that in the episode I watched, the latter part of the song "Mad Monster" wasn't fully subtitled. Not sure if that was an error or intentional, but either way it kind of sucks. I don't know if that's also true of the other songs on the disc, but I'll find out later.

Hidamari Sketch SP on the other hand looks great! It's always the brighter, more colorful shows that seem to benefit the most from HD. No problems with the subtitles either.


Shirobako 7

Being Ema is suffering. Being traditional animator is suffering.

Best news of the episode: Tarou won't be able to shit up the final episode! That'll just be Aoi's job instead! Speaking of which, I'm really loving how they develop Aoi from episode to episode. She loves her job and is passionate about the work she and her coworkers do but by the same token she's teeming with stress and frustration at all the circumstances surrounding it. A day where everything simply goes the way it's supposed to go is considered a reprieve for her.

I like Aoi's sister already.
Shirobako - 07

That contrast between the moe visuals and actually serious and rather depressing topics.

The fact that Ema is actually afraid of not being able to properly eat if she can't improve... With a job that's already this demanding to boot :/

Well, here's a new goal: Become a billionaire, acquire lots of anime studios and give proper payment! Heck, with how little pay they're currently getting it wouldn't even scratch your finances :(
Psycho Pass S2 - 07

Decent episode. I didn't expect Kamui to have that kind of a resource.
Though some stuff I'm not sure what to think. Like Shy-kun not reporting that Kamui was wearing a holo on the spot in episode.. 5 was it? Not checking the entire
register of the plane crash, I mean the name KAMUI was right fucking there


Holy shit. Kadokawa's gotta be happy about this:
It is confirmed today that Shoji Gatoh's original novel series sold over 100,000 copies in only two weeks after the TV anime adaptation started airing in Japan on October 7. The latest fifth volume which was released during the period on October 18 is also another big factor.
For a series that wasn't doing so well sales-wise prior, the anime gave it one hell of a boost. Amazing, KyoAni doing what the characters inside the show can't.


Twintail 07

Sieg was quite the challenge for the team. Aika's school swimsuit moment made me think of Strike Witches for a moment. Now that we're getting idols involved, one example comes to mind. Nanami, the blue of the Hurricanger team. Her music was more traditional stuff, but there simply aren't that many idols in the Sentai universe. I suppose Luna from Akibaranger S2 on a meta note. It took her nearly the whole season to come around to seeing justice. So many great little gags in this one. Mikoto trying to do "Tail On!" as she passed through the locker was great, as was the entire shtick with Twoearle and Tail Red near the start. Sounds like Twoearle's always been crazy, far crazier than Hiroyo Hakase could ever dream of being.

Which is why she's my favorite character of the season.


With English subs.

I'm sure Kadokawa is still offering it; someone just needs to match their price!

On the other hand, it's possible that right now they're not offering it, waiting until the BD-box is out to put it up. Pure speculation, of course.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"

Confession: I like the wubwub and find the intro song amusing too.

Anime is pretty damn good too.


April 07

The music competition begins in earnest. I know the show's clearly going for the theatrical, but I still look forward to it. Thursdays in general are pretty fun. The way this episode explained the cat motif was also something to chew on.
Shirobako 7:
Being a key animator is suffering.

What to say aside from this being another fantastic episode. Aoi's sister is a good new character, and her interactions with everyone were good. The developments this episode at least mean that Tarou can't screw up the final episode, but now Aoi is going to have to deal with that stress instead. She'll need to get Kinoshita to finally step up his game and finish the storyboards. Ema seems like she's in a real pinch here. She needs to get better, but she doesn't really have the time to do that.

There were lots of great conversations and character moments in this episode. Aoi's conversation with Yamada was pretty enlightening, and Ema's conversation with the older animator was a good moment, too. Yano making fun of Tarou will also never get old.

So when is Jiggly Jiggly Heaven getting released as an OVA?


Shirobako Episode 7:

As others have said, being Ema is suffering, that salary calculator was no lie as we see just how much shit she has to put up with to earn her shit pay. Indeed, I think this was one of the most emotionally resonate episodes so far and that is saying something. Not sure how I feel about Aoi's sister yet.
Your Lie in April 7

This is starting to get worse. The problem is the pace, seventh episode already and they mostly repeated what we already knew:
-Ohhh trauma and self-doubt.
-Ohhh my mom was super strict and made me like this.
-"human metronome! puppet!" fame, and can he really play music with feeling?
Except now we also had a pseudo philosophical scene were a cat talked to him and asked DEEP questions like "where are you?"
-And token scene of him and the blonde connecting (with lewd hands touching)

I have the feeling they are going to use 12 episodes for something that it could be done in seven.
Your Lie in April 7:
Kousei and Kaori continue to have some great scenes together. After this episode, I feel like Kousei is going to be able to start moving past his current issues and stop stressing out so much about things. The music competition should mean that we'll get treated to some great animation in music in the next episode. The current episode was pretty good on those fronts, too. The show continues to have some really very nice art.
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