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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Fate/Stay Night 07

Pretty episode, but every episode I watch makes me want to drop it more and more.

Damn you and me both buddy.
I find it kind of impressive how this series can be so flashy and yet so utterly boring at the same time.
I dont care about the heroes, I dont care about the villains. I dont care about the plot (what little there is)
And it doesn't seem to be getting any better.

I cant believe so much budget was put into this crap.
CrossAnge 8

So lots of fanservice, everyone in swimsuit... but the episode serves to propel forward the plot as
Ange (and Hilda!) escape from the island to follow their own goals. Tusk seem to make a comeback soon ("call the boy").

Also, having the MC disguised in a stuffed animal thing and wanting to protect an invalid girl reminds me of Code Geass.


Sword Art Online 2-20

Oh god, this show is so fucking misogynistic. I mean we can't even go one arc without
Kirito intervening and saving the females in troubles

Nope. Its just downhill and then down int the ground, digging impossibly deeper tunnels.
At least Shinon is there to keep us company.

Wait, theres only 3 episodes left in Chaika!?

Theres no way this story is getting wrapped up in 3 more episodes. Unless theres a 3rd season :|

I sincerely hope for a third season.

I guess this is the most/only active general anime thread so I'll ask here, though it may fall out of the fall 2014 scope.

Can anyone recommend a good slice of life series that came out in the last 2-3 years? Preferably something bitchy and "right in the feels", I'm in the mood. Romance is fair game as long as it's not cliche or your regular by the books visual novel adaption.

Here's what I liked or sort of liked similar to this, just to give you an idea:

White Album
5 cm per second
Haibane Renmei
Nodame Cantabile
So Ra No Wo To
Rumbling Hearts

Ano Hana will probably give you what you want.
Great taste by the way.
Log Horizon 2 08

That certainly seemed like an actual raid bosses' mechanics.
Glad we can get back to Shiroe's raid, I think they are going to show the Christmas stuff from his perspective, which I like.
lol at celebrating victory over an immortal serial killer with a pajama party. Pretty good episode and this little arc was decent.
A great idea that could only have come from a pajama lover

Fate/Stay Night 07

Pretty episode, but every episode I watch makes me want to drop it more and more.
This really showed off why I think Masters are useless idiots and Servants are cool dudes, and how the latter would be better without the former. Or maybe not considering they played the "I'm letting you go because reasons" card three times in the same episode, and it was dumb every time, so it seems Servants are just really calm and forgiving after battles to the death in this Last Man Standing tournament. Archer changed his mind and came back after Assassin and Saber's heart to heart talk though, I guess he was off doing nothing and was unable to catch up to the dying man crawling on the ground
lmao at Shirou trying to deck Archer, this guy seriously just wants to 1v1 every Servant he sees it's not even a joke anymore. I'm guessing this second near death experience will change him a lot and he will suddenly become a good character!

euh well , this turn of events defintly changed him ( since he want to train seriously with saber now )..


I'm a huge Ufotable fan, and I haven't bothered watched Fate/Stay Night for 4 episodes now! :p
you should just watch episodes with fighting scenes (ufotable doing work there) and skip most of the dialogues, which is also what I should do but still haven't done yet.

so if you do that you probably just have the last episode waiting to being bothered watched.


euh well , this turn of events defintly changed him ( since he want to train seriously with saber now )..

If Assassin's dialogue is anything to go by, Shirou will try really really hard at being good at swords and it'll make him good enough to fight Archer.

And I even liked Archer, but that rationale for letting Caster go...


And here I thought people died when they were killed.
If Assassin's dialogue is anything to go by, Shirou will try really really hard at being good at swords and it'll make him good enough to fight Archer.

And I even liked Archer, but that rationale for letting Caster go...


And here I thought people died when they were killed.

I really think archer wouldn't have been able to kill caster at this point, my problem is the rest of the discussion trully


Hunter x Hunter (2011) - 1-52

So in the last couple weeks I've started my path down on this fine piece of animation.

While still executed pretty well this anime really didn't stand out for me, that is until it hit ~episode 44. From thereon I've been enjoying it a hell lot and can probably join the choir of "battle shonen done right".

Can hardly believe that Kurapika, who felt like one of the lamest characters until then, actually became such a badass. His chain stuff is of the hook!

By now the show has a rather large cast of interesting characters (although only
really stands out imo), the pacing is pretty good, the fights not necessarily that amazingly animated or choreographed but still solid, and most importantly there isn't such a high amount of bullshit explanations.

By all means, it's still a battle shonen and power creep and the like are an issue but it's all in an acceptable range. World building suffers quite a bit though, when you constantly have stronger folks appear everywhere and e.g. the
Hunter exam feels insignificant in hindsight
. It's also kinda poor when the protagonists grow stronger in the shortest time frames because "talent, he/she is one in a million!" but eh, can live with that.

Am really hyped in this current ongoing arc and man, absolutely love it when the ED theme kicks in at the end of the episodes <3

Tbh I feel like this is, even despite the somewhat disappointing ending, the only really good arc in HxH. Maybe because that green-clad dipshit took a back seat during it. ED is indeed great and best of the show.

Ergo Proxy 20


A 20 minute attempt to turn my brain into scrambled eggs.
Cross Ange - 08

You would think that you'd have more security when visiting a 'prison'. It's on now boys. Tusk is coming.
What Hilda is appearing to do in the next episode after what just happened might not be the best idea. I think that place would be under constant watch now.
Tbh I feel like this is, even despite the somewhat disappointing ending, the only really good arc in HxH. Maybe because that green-clad dipshit took a back seat during it. ED is indeed great and best of the show.

Damn, I hope I'll have a better impression of the rest. Just finished the arc and while the resolution so far wasn't quite that satisfying it was still overall pretty great.
Hisoka's face in the end, haha.

As far as subject matters go, can't say I'm excited for this game arc as I usually despise just about every depiction/inclusion of video gaming in anime but let's see.


Maturity, bitches.
Hill Climb Girl

Well here it is. The show that destroyed my Union Flag detector. The CGI was certainly better than 009 Re:Cyborg's.

SAO 2 20
Is it me or is Yuuki just a female Kirito minus the harem
And then the freaking ridiculous
entrance of Kirito. I don't he qualifies as a character anymore. He's just a symbol of being overpowered


Cross Ange 08

The episodes of this that play out most like a romantic comedy are the ones I like the most, though I welcome a change of scenery from the gray world of dragon fighting. Not that I expect the world outside to be much friendlier.

Celestial Method 08

Shione friendship flag triggered! Almost. So this is the second anime this season where the characters are constructing a planetarium. In both cases, it feels like it fits, but it works especially well for this series. I'm still curious as to why Noel's there, but it looks like she's the one who can bring everyone back together. Shione really isn't a bad person, she just has a few issues she needs to work out. Like Yuzuki, who's become pretty great since she stopped worrying so much about the saucer. Even if the planetarium was set on fire.


Vanadis - 07
This was an episode with a decent amount of action , the mandatory " you belong to me , by elen" and lots of "roland" being awesome:

Roland is awesome. Nuff said.. i don't even think this need an explanation after seeing this episode . magical light barrier ? first time i see it but i don't care. Being trapped inside a violent cyclone ? HUmf let me slash this sh*t .
Denying that he is awesome is now a crime.

Too bad that being awesome doesn't prevent you from being manipulated by politicians.

Titta had a rough day , the guy she loves got slashed up , she is feelign the pressure from all sides, but no matter ...she follows , only to get possessed by a god. ( Thankfully , everyone will remember that one line in episode 2 that barely explains that her other duties in alsace was like a miko and thus making her a prime choice for being possessed ) WHAT A DAY !! Everything will be fine tita , just cry it out .

This was a nice episode , pacing was alright , battle was cool , so were the effects , no complains here from me.
I'm finding it really hard to give a shit about this show.

I hate what they've done to Ellenora as well, so stupid. They spend the first two episodes kinda building her up, apparently she likes plans because she was disappointed with the first battle where she didn't have to switch anything up and things worked out. She chides Tigre for wanting to rush home foolishly with no plan and then literally the next episode it's like the writer remembered who (s)he wanted the main character to be and thought oh shit I better tone her down a notch and crank this dude up a notch and now Ellenora's just some hot headed brute who's now seemingly a fish out of water on the battlefield, has lost the will to scheme anything other than names, and irrationally tries to throw her life away at most turns.

I don't mind them having to build Tigre up but do they have to tear down Ellenora at the same time?
Amagi - 08

This was pretty funny with Sentoo and the mascots trying to cover for Kanie at school. And once again the elemental fills the role of 30 seconds background filler.
Welp this is only 13 episodes, this park is fucked if they keep doing stuff like this.
Hnnnng, so many best girls
Ushinawareta Mirai wo Motomete - 08

Okay, wow. For some reason the bits of mystery kept me just barely interested enough to continue this train wreck but that's over now. It took another 7 episodes of misunderstandings, weird sideplots and insufferable characters to get a repeat of the first episode. Really impressive. That fucking Kaori should stay dead; please no more time traveling daughters, and multi-dimensional shenanigans that aren't going to surprise anyone.

The premise itself isn't even so bad but these characters man. I think Kaori just so happened to misunderstand 5-6 situations this episode alone. Just the shoddiest kind of writing I can think of. When writers want to get from point A to B in a drama but can't actually build upon the characters attributes to get there logically, well let's just go with misunderstandings all the way. Keep that idiot ball rolling, I'm finally out.


If Assassin's dialogue is anything to go by, Shirou will try really really hard at being good at swords and it'll make him good enough to fight Archer.

And I even liked Archer, but that rationale for letting Caster go...
And here I thought people died when they were killed.
that line, lol. I guess that you can't kill Caster even if you struck her down. gg op servant confirmed
his real reason however seems to be that he wants to use Caster in order to kill Berserker. not sure how smart that is but at least it was better than the "I'll let you go because now I like you/I want to have fun with you again" bullshit, which is being abused at this point.


Celestial Method episode 8


And bad shit happens when Noel is too far from the saucer? Yikes.
I'm finding it really hard to give a shit about this show.

I hate what they've done to Ellenora as well, so stupid. They spend the first two episodes kinda building her up, apparently she likes plans because she was disappointed with the first battle where she didn't have to switch anything up and things worked out. She chides Tigre for wanting to rush home foolishly with no plan and then literally the next episode it's like the writer remembered who (s)he wanted the main character to be and thought oh shit I better tone her down a notch and crank this dude up a notch and now Ellenora's just some hot headed brute who's now seemingly a fish out of water on the battlefield, has lost the will to scheme anything other than names, and irrationally tries to throw her life away at most turns.

I don't mind them having to build Tigre up but do they have to tear down Ellenora at the same time?
As i argued last week with someone on this very forom , the tactics part of the show has been much lowered in order to make room for action and the limited amount of episodes.
As a result , the part where the characters ( everyone from eleonore to tigre ) are building stratégy and discussing tactics is much lower. (Everything the audience get are the conclusions of those debates) , but if you don't show and just tell , the characters don't devellop as much.
This is still an aspect of the show , but well here are some of the consequences.

About elen , despite what she says was a mercenary before being a vanadis and thus sometimes acts based on instinct. Actually she does that a lot.
The part about elen stronghold , explaining that she actually has much skills in term of management as well was skipped and plenty of other details here and there.


Wolf Girl 08

Another foil brought in to Kyouya here. My favorite moment of the episode was probably the moment when Erika shot down Marin and Tezuka with her acknowledgement that their boyfriends aren't actually at school with them. Though it does say some things about what society expects of romance. This whole series looks to be built around that theme. I still say that Ayumi is the solid foundation of everything here.
that line, lol. I guess that you can't kill Caster even if you struck her down. gg op servant confirmed
his real reason however seems to be that he wants to use Caster in order to kill Berserker. not sure how smart that is but at least it was better than the "I'll let you go because now I like you/I want to have fun with you again" bullshit, which is being abused at this point.

However, didn't he moments before mention that Caster offers him nothing in order to defeat Berserker? Even if he was lying there, it all doesn't make much sense.

@ Hunter X Hunter

One general thing that was bothering me and I needed to mention.
I really dislike how Gon is super interested in his father but doesn't care a lick about his real mother. Like...dude. Your father abandoned you and you have no idea about your mother whatsoever, yet, you're all giddy about meeting up with your father while you don't even want to know anything about your mom. Fuck you asshole, where's the logic and empathy in that?

That said, I imagine there'll probably be an arc or at least several episodes dedicated to not only his dad but also his mother, which I don't wanna get spoiled. So no "hints" or anything.
@ Hunter X Hunter

One general thing that was bothering me and I needed to mention.
I really dislike how Gon is super interested in his father but doesn't care a lick about his real mother. Like...dude. Your father abandoned you and you have no idea about your mother whatsoever, yet, you're all giddy about meeting up with your father while you don't even want to know anything about your mom. Fuck you asshole, where's the logic and empathy in that?

That said, I imagine there'll probably be an arc or at least several episodes dedicated to not only his dad but also his mother, which I don't wanna get spoiled. So no "hints" or anything.
No hints, don't worry .
This is harsh but
Gon consider the person that raised him to be his mother .. that means mitoto ( if i recall the name properly ).
Gon doesn't have a empty feelign toward his natural mother that's for sure , but the place is already taken in his heart. Things will probably have been different if mitoto had a husband that could have acted as a father figure for gon.


Akame ga Kill 21

I'm going to miss Mine. She was one of my favorite characters. At this rate, nobody's going to be alive by the end of the series.
Little Busters! Refrain 13

And that's the end.

So, first Little Busters! The show got that mix of comedy and tragedy like most other Key stuff. The tragedy doesn't hit the real highs though, the best is the Saigusa arc which got me misty-eyed. The comedy usually ranges from amusing to bizarre, episode 12 was proper funny though.

The OP and ED is a bit different than I would have expected, but decent enough. The OP did get put to good use in the last episode, and the rest of the music in the show is also good.

I'll give it 3.5/5 Little Busters sprites:

And then there's Little Busters! Refrain. This gets the best tragic bits. The ending is a bit of a cop out though and it gets a bit strange in the mid parts before the (kinda obvious) twist is revealed, but the other parts are good. I see why playing the VN might be better because of what happens in the later parts and how the story is built.

The OP and ED of this is more like what I would expect really. The rest of the music in the shows gets repetitive at this point though. A lot of the same tracks gets used over and over. They're good, but it would probably have been better to have some other tracks too.

It's still good though, so it gets 4/5 Little Busters sprites:

So, when it comes to Key stuff:
Kanon 2006 >= Clannad > Little Busters > Air movie > Air > Clannad movie > Angel Beats!
Little Busters! Refrain 13

And that's the end.

So, first Little Busters! The show got that mix of comedy and tragedy like most other Key stuff. The tragedy doesn't hit the real highs though, the best is the Saigusa arc which got me misty-eyed. The comedy usually ranges from amusing to bizarre, episode 12 was proper funny though.

The OP and ED is a bit different than I would have expected, but decent enough. The OP did get put to good use in the last episode, and the rest of the music in the show is also good.

I'll give it 3.5/5 Little Busters sprites:

And then there's Little Busters! Refrain. This gets the best tragic bits. The ending is a bit of a cop out though and it gets a bit strange in the mid parts before the (kinda obvious) twist is revealed, but the other parts are good. I see why playing the VN might be better because of what happens in the later parts and how the story is built.

The OP and ED of this is more like what I would expect really. The rest of the music in the shows gets repetitive at this point though. A lot of the same tracks gets used over and over. They're good, but it would probably have been better to have some other tracks too.

It's still good though, so it gets 4/5 Little Busters sprites:

So, when it comes to Key stuff:
Kanon 2006 >= Clannad > Little Busters > Air movie > Air > Clannad movie > Angel Beats!

Nice review. I mostly agree with it.

The ranking thing I am gonna leave alone because we would be hear all day.

On another note, I am watching a lot of anime again because I am trying to get my girlfriend into it. So far I got her to see all the tearjerkers(Toradora, Anohana and Clannad) to get her into the medium. Now we are moving on to Madoka and The Pet Girl of Sakurasou. Those are the two she picked from a relatively large list.


@ Hunter X Hunter

One general thing that was bothering me and I needed to mention.
I really dislike how Gon is super interested in his father but doesn't care a lick about his real mother. Like...dude. Your father abandoned you and you have no idea about your mother whatsoever, yet, you're all giddy about meeting up with your father while you don't even want to know anything about your mom. Fuck you asshole, where's the logic and empathy in that?

That said, I imagine there'll probably be an arc or at least several episodes dedicated to not only his dad but also his mother, which I don't wanna get spoiled. So no "hints" or anything.

Gon's complete lack of resentment of his father bothered me a lot too and contributed to my severe dislike of him.

Ergo Proxy 21


For the first 10 minutes I was convinced they're pulling another "it's all a dream" number on me. But no it seems the crew really made it back to Romdeau and get to experience the mess that the city has become during their leave of absence. Though with infected AutoReivs running around in droves I hope they will finally shed some light on the truth behind cogito. With the major revelation of
Ergo being the "Creator" as well as some hints towards the link between Re-L and Monad (who the hell is Donov Mayer ?
I think I'll rewatch a few scenes from the earlier episodes to get a better grasp on things.


Grisaia 08

More family troubles. While I continue to be ambivalent towards Yuuji, I remain interested in the heroines. Makina's situation does bear some resemblances to Yumiko's and Sachi's, but with a sibling thrown into the mix. It's also a multi-parter, so it makes me wonder just how big this is going to get. And if so, how it can keep the homey yet surreal feeling that the school's had throughout this entire show.


Girlfriend Beta 07

I can totally understand where Natsume's coming from. I haven't been working on a story with an eccentric cast since elementary school, but putting pen to paper, not knowing where to take a story, all things that a writer knows. And for fans of hers, Chiaki Omigawa plays one of the girls in this episode. Every major VA has a minor role, but they're making the best of it. Asumisu was here, too. This show is really giving my useless perfect pitch a workout.
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