So how the fuck didthat sister survive a carbomb? Girl was right fucking on top of it.
Also Makina has one hell of a dirty mouth.
Terrible character who fills the Katz role in this show. I expect a hilarious death at some point because the irrational follow Judau while endangering everyone has to end a some point. Can't wait for the hopefully not completely shitty clones to show up.
A black character that did not die, ahead of the curve it seems.
Took 24, TWENTY FOUR, fucking episodes for this guy to realize he has been killing people this entire time and only now starts to question it... who fucking wrote this. Oh and he randomly had a newtype moment and choked some random girl out for agreeing that he should prioritize saving his sister when no one else did, did not say sorry but accused everyone else of being irrational... yeah. They all forgot he was literally killing her infront of like 20 people 4 seconds later of course, because fuck it, its just some chick, he could have full blown murdered her and no one would care.
So this guy kidnapped the main characters sister by accident while trying to kidnap another character he has an irrational and super creepy stalker thing for. Now hes training her in ballet, instruments and what not... and the kidnapped sister goes along with it perfectly. Like 0 resistance not even questioning it... its really weird and I reiterate, fucking creepy. Guy has a huge child molester vibe. and this pop star thing was never mentioned once and only in this screen shot, is this the reason she is not resisting, no fucking clue.
The baddest bitch in space returns wearing some fierce shit Gaga wishes she could pull off.
Only good character in the show. Stable personality, great pilot out of nowhere it seems. Only flaw is that shes in love with a retard ginger.
Maybeshe didn't and the MC was just telling her that , so she could recover .
Gundam ZZ 17-25 "Season 1" Done.
Took 24, TWENTY FOUR, fucking episodes for this guy to realize he has been killing people this entire time and only now starts to question it... who fucking wrote this. Oh and he randomly had a newtype moment and choked some random girl out for agreeing that he should prioritize saving his sister when no one else did, did not say sorry but accused everyone else of being irrational... yeah. They all forgot he was literally killing her infront of like 20 people 4 seconds later of course, because fuck it, its just some chick, he could have full blown murdered her and no one would care.
Gundam ZZ 17-25 "Season 1" Done.
This show was pretty fucking unwatchable til this point. Took a good 14 months to watch up to 17 lol, then it randomly started getting serious and good. Cut down on the slapstick, characters are still ridiculous but no where near opening levels, and action started getting good.
Space Dandy 9
Wow, that was by far the least interesting episode by far. Either that or Episode 7. Very colorful and I guess the design of the plants were pretty cool to look at, but an extremely uninteresting episode plot wise.
Is that season 2 of mushishi on CR? Watched one episode, but there is only 16 on CR, so I think I just saw the first ep of season 2.
But episode 9 is the best episode of Space Dandy's first season. The show is usually at its best when presenting a striking vision of a truly alien world.
Gundam ZZ 17-25 "Season 1" Done.
Mushishi - 13
The girl infected was basically in a coma to the guy 'responsible', and was clinging on for the chance that she might wake up. But in the end if you don't move on it's going to cost you.
Moral of the story: move the fuck on orIt's started to wear on me that so many characters look very much alike. But that's the catch of introducing multiple new characters every episode I suppose.become a walking corpse for the next 20 years
They succeeded in presenting an alien world. Most definitely I will say, visually, the episode was at it's strongest point here. Awesome looking aliens and a wide variety of colors. It just seems the episode was slower compared to the episodes I've been watching, I guess.
I hope I'm explaining myself well, I'm not the best when it comes to articulating my thoughts on entertainment, sorry![]()
It's definitely one of the more meditative, reflective episodes of Space Dandy, but I find those to be the best. Loud and raucous Space Dandy can get a bit annoying.
I'm still sad most people didn't like the dog episode!![]()
I liked the dog episode until it stopped being the dog episode.
I'm still sad most people didn't like the dog episode!![]()
It's definitely one of the more meditative, reflective episodes of Space Dandy, but I find those to be the best. Loud and raucous Space Dandy can get a bit annoying.
I'm still sad most people didn't like the dog episode!![]()
I'm sad Keiko Nobumoto couldn't write a good episode for Space Dandy.
You guys suck.![]()
Loud and raucous Space Dandy can get a bit annoying.
Fate Zero 5
Summary: Rider good, Saber shit.
Further proving she isn't fucking King Arthur, Saber turns him down, instead of being like "FUCK YES I LOVED IT WHEN I CONQUERED ROME."
Fate Zero 5
1. Fuck Saber and everything about her. Let's just move on from the fact that they made Arthur a chick and instead look at how they've subsequently treated her. So allegedly she's supposed to be an ultra badass and like, the toughest of the Servants in the game, but somehow, she's had her ass handed to her by Lancer and then spends this entire episode utterly dependent on men to bail her out. Whether it be Lancer saving her from Berserker, Rider saving her from Lancer, or Kiritsugu trying to save her with a sniper rifle. And don't even get me started on her ridiculous "breast" plate and battle dress of utter stupidity. Didn't she spend her life masquerading as a man? Then why isn't she dressed in goddamn armor like a man?
Saber's portrayal is so completely not King Arthur that even in show people think she's fucking Joan of Arc, but I'm just gonna point out that even Joan of Arc should be pissed off at that, cuz Joan 1) Didn't wear dresses into battle like a goddamn Barbie and 2) Coulda held her own against a fucking prehistoric Irishman cosplaying FFVII's Zack Fair.
In short, there isn't anything good about Saber's character at all.
Moving right along, the GOOD stuff in this episode is no surprise to anybody: Rider. Dude shows up, invites everybody to the game, hams it up like the King he is, and knocks Berserker out of the fight with one damn blow. He's raucous, loud, and so, so good. When Professor Not-A-British-Name is sitting there pissing all over Milk Wafer, Rider does the kid a solid and points out that at least he had the balls to come into battle, rather than hide (simultaneously shaming every other dude, too.) He further disses Prof. WhoRemembersThatName by making the dude waste one of his three wishes or whatever, to boot.
The best part, though, is his proposal to everybody else, which is just: "Let's quit this stupid game and conquer the world, guys!"
Further proving she isn't fucking King Arthur, Saber turns him down, instead of being like "FUCK YES I LOVED IT WHEN I CONQUERED ROME."
Summary: Rider good, Saber shit.
I'm sad Keiko Nobumoto couldn't write a good episode for Space Dandy.
It's not over! She's doing the script, character designs, storyboards, and animation for the final picture drama on Vol.9! Production Assistant Sayaka Morikawa is directing and doing the backgrounds! Girl power!!!
Rider and Kiritsugu are the sole reason for Fate/Zero being good.
Wait what?
It's been a while since I took my Arthurian class so I maybe remembering this wrong but part of the 13th century legends that sprung up was that King Arthur marched on Rome to repel the barbarians and restore the rightful emperor before having to turn back one he learned of treachery at home.
Fate Zero 5
1. Fuck Saber and everything about her. Let's just move on from the fact that they made Arthur a chick and instead look at how they've subsequently treated her. So allegedly she's supposed to be an ultra badass and like, the toughest of the Servants in the game, but somehow, she's had her ass handed to her by Lancer and then spends this entire episode utterly dependent on men to bail her out. Whether it be Lancer saving her from Berserker, Rider saving her from Lancer, or Kiritsugu trying to save her with a sniper rifle. And don't even get me started on her ridiculous "breast" plate and battle dress of utter stupidity. Didn't she spend her life masquerading as a man? Then why isn't she dressed in goddamn armor like a man?
Pls Kotomine, Caster, and Archer are the best in Zero.
Psycho-Pass 2 07: #gamingSide
Kamui Kirito is love, Kamui Kirito is life.
Fuck Archer that bastard, never did I like his smug attitude. Screw Caster and his edgy master all they did is kill just for the thrill of it, they needed a new hobby. And pls Kotomine can die with his stoic personality.
And pls Kotomine can die with his stoic personality.
Rider and Kiritsugu are the sole reason for Fate/Zero being good.
Were we watching the same show?
:^ )
I don't think he ever got as far as the capital. He did fight Rome but I thought that was mainly for defensive purposes.
ME!ME!ME! VA staff said:
True true.Thanks for taking the time to type this. Good analysis that did manage to make me look at the episode in different light and appreciate it a bit more. Though I would argue that Vince and Pino were already best buddies and pretty much regarded Re-L as such. It's just she who had to drop her attitude.
To me none of this matters. Maybe the source material's fantastic but the anime's a laughable mess. But in all seriousness, I know this may disappoint fans but if I'm neither shown something nor it's outcome in the show than it doesn't really exist in the show. In the show Ellen sucks.As i argued last week with someone on this very forom , the tactics part of the show has been much lowered in order to make room for action and the limited amount of episodes.
As a result , the part where the characters ( everyone from eleonore to tigre ) are building stratégy and discussing tactics is much lower. (Everything the audience get are the conclusions of those debates) , but if you don't show and just tell , the characters don't devellop as much.
This is still an aspect of the show , but well here are some of the consequences.
About elen , despite what she says was a mercenary before being a vanadis and thus sometimes acts based on instinct. Actually she does that a lot.
The part about elen stronghold, explaining that she actually has much skills in term of management as well was skipped and plenty of other details here and there.
I still can't figure out the reason for the plot at all. It makes so little sense to take a group of people like that and give them top secret weapons and leave them relatively alone, it's just silly. Forget their knives what about their damn fighters? They could wreak all kinds of havoc on the populace if they so desired. Further it seems magic would be kind of an asset against giant monsters but whatever. Forget the small crap like a Norma possibly killing a guard or superior, this is like Hitler putting the Jews in charge of the defense of Nazi Germany then forcing them to buy their own guns and hoping for the best. I can't even square this part of the plot up so everything that happens within the setting is just insane.Cross Ange 08
Is it dumb that they live in the magical future but can't fix someone from the royal family's legs? I think that's pretty dumb.
And is it really a good idea to let the slaves walk around with guns and knives freely? Especially when there's a fucking princess around? This is a really ramshackle operation right here.
It is very difficult to take any of these "serious" scenes seriously when everyone is in bikinis. When red head girl was leaving on her bike I half thought it was going to explode for no reason. Which would've been hilarious.
At least Rito Yamato is coming back next episode.