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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Gundam SEED 7
It's nice to see that Athrun is getting married. She seems pretty important too. She also so happens to be away when he comes home. For some reason I feel Kira will be involved with this.

*Episode ends
Oh... Well... I didn't exactly expect her to appear like that, and with how Kira is looking at her, this definitely won't be good.
Love Live S2 13


And it all ends with an ad for the movie.

There's also a neat callback to the beginning of the show, the graduation and some reminiscing about the past.

Well, it starts out fun enough and there's some decent comedy in a few episodes, but there's a lot of episodes where they tried to evoke sadness. Sometimes it worked, but a lot of other times it didn't.

The music was alright, and there were still weird 3D dancing.

I liked the first season better, but this one was still ok, so I give it 5/9 idols:


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Moyashimon Returns 01
I knew it was coming, but the world is a dark place.
Gundam Build Fighters 14

God fuck the chairman, he's bringing this whole thing down for me. Old man Ral is as awesome as his namesake though. OP 2 is actually pretty


Hyouka 1 (rewatch):
When I first saw Hyouka I wasn't really into the whole sakuga thing. I appreciated it on a general level but didn't understand the intricacies of production. I won't pretend to understand them any better now, yet I'm increasingly able to appreciate a well animated scene and craving more out of my animays.

With that said, I found myself rewinding the tracking shot of Chitanda over and over again to note all the little details. I remember initial reactions for this scene were mixed, with someone people praising it and some people deriding the CG'd room or motion-sickness. I don't remember what I thought of it back then, but all I can do now is marvel at how many man hours were spent on this one scene because rotating objects slowly in 2D is just about the hardest thing you can possibly do. You can't use motion blur to mask dodgy movement, or squash and stretch, or just going full twitchy like Imaishi's stuff. It's a commitment to drawing each and every single line as it slowly transforms from one curve to another. That's dedication right there, and it's probably why I continue to watch KyoAni despite their reliance on shit source materials in recent years.

Knowing how all the plotlines resolve also adds an extra dimension to the interaction scenes. I can now see how every bit of dialogue falls in line with each character's story arc. Oreki's capitulation to Chitanda's advances strongly resembles the actions of a man trying to impress a lady friend. Satoshi voluntarily plays the part of wing man, but you can see underneath the surface that being in Oreki's shadows rankles, leading to that outburst later on down the line. Even worse, for all of Oreki's insight, he's unable to see the impact his own put-downs have on Satoshi's inferiority complex. Chitanda has the barest hints of the put-upon heiress who isn't enthusiastic about being a legacy, but is accustomed to hiding it from others and probably even does it reflexively. Her obsession with mundane mysteries may very well be a sad attempt to inject a sense of adventure into her life without betraying what she thinks is expected of her.

I think their relationship has always been kind of one way, with Chitanda seeing Oreki as a friend, and Oreki being too tsundere to admit his feelings for her. FUCKING OREKI GROW SOME BALLS.

(I always liked how every character is always moving, or making some little motions. I understand it's a hard thing for most anime to accomplish given their typical budgetary constraints, but even with large scale productions, I notice a lot of static standing around and talking heads. None of that here, at least, not in episode 1. Every character feels alive, even when they're at rest.)
I made it about half way through my Hyouka re-watch earlier, this post has inspired me to return to my earlier commitment.


Gundam SEED 8
Flay a shit. I honestly hate people with the "exception" rule.

Rail Wars 01

Gun culture.

So all 4 of the main characters are new at railway security and both go to the same school and gets placed in on-the-job training at the same train station.
Have fun(?)


Gundam SEED 9
So Flay is the daughter of someone in political power, much like Lacus. It'd be great if it was one of those "if our daughters can befriend and trust one another so can we," but that's clearly not going to happen. I bet she's going to be extremely upset with Kira for a while and just loathe Lacus even more despite that she's done nothing wrong. She might even kill her.


Everyone is invited to join a groundbreaking nationwide vote for the country’s best manga, anime, ranobe and entame shosetsu works.

The vote, organized by The Yomiuri Shimbun and slated for early October to late December this year, aims to extend the reach of “SUGOI JAPAN®!” culture into the world.
A British book series has sold over 400 million copies worldwide, but only a few Japanese works have been made into Hollywood movies. Japan is also blessed with a set of cultural assets that, as we well know, have the potential to be beloved the world over. We particularly feel strongly about manga and anime, as well as ranobe and entame shosetsu―the abbreviated Japanese words for “ranobe” (light novel) and “entame shosetsu” (entertaining novel).

We are passionately enthusiastic about the amazing best-selling works in the four genres, and we want the rest of the world to know about it! Therefore, we have launched a one-of-a-kind project called “Sugoi Japan.” Sugoi is, of course, one Japanese word for “amazing,” “wonderful” and “great.”

To make this project work, we need the support of dedicated fans who know the leading works in each genre inside and out and cannot help loving them.

Everyone is eligible to join and cast a ballot in this unprecedented nationwide poll to choose the manga, anime, ranobe and entame shosetsu works that should be given an opportunity to go abroad and become global hits.

Vote and support Sugoi Japan!



For me, Amagi and I Don't Understand What My Husband is Saying are the other Thursday shows that debut this week that I hope they pick up. I trust they'll get most shows, I just need more announcements to confirm it.


What a bizarre series of anime to vote on. What kind of list includes:

- Aoi Hana

- Strike Witches

- Mononoke


- Simoun

The manga section has Toloveru and Terraformars! Seems to be a pretty broad vote.


tbh I hoped to see Hyouka in there. RIP.


Gundam SEED 10
Considering her social status, how do they not have her a security camera in her room, let alone security cameras at all apparently. There's no way that was possible under and circumstance.

Looks like Rau Le Creuset has to take medication of some kind. And considering how he was messing with his hand, whatever he has must be processing instead of the other way around.

Feels weird seeing Lacus act more or less aloof all this time and all of a sudden, she's in complete control of what could of been a disaster.


He/she forgot to add in the fact they all have a yandere side to them.

what about yandere

"Ukraine-san, what are you doing? Even though I love ilove you sooo much, you're letting other countries get friendly with you and try to steal you away from me! That makes me sad. But don't worry, I'm here to protect you. I'll make sure those other countries won't seduce you. Just stay with me and look at me forever and ever."


So I've been listening to the /filmcast (a film podcast) for hundreds of episodes and suddenly I stumble across a couple of episodes where one of the hosts sits down to watch an anime. It's always fascinating to hear a complete outsider give their opinion on an anime because their unique perspective meant they commented on things a seasoned viewer would take for granted.

Unfortunately, he ended up watching Elfin Lied because that's what happened to be on Netflix. Oh well. My point is that it's a shame we don't get to hear these "outsider" voices more often. Without those opinions and views conversations can end up a little 'insular'.


Terror in Resonance 5-6

Well, my interest in this show has taken a nosedive since Five showed up. Lisa's existence is still pointless, and
the FBI getting involved in a domestic terrorism case in Japan? What? Do the creators of this show even know what the FBI is?
Such a shame, this show could've been pretty damn good; so much lost potential.
So I've been listening to the /filmcast (a film podcast) for hundreds of episodes and suddenly I stumble across a couple of episodes where one of the hosts sits down to watch an anime. It's always fascinating to hear a complete outsider give their opinion on an anime because their unique perspective meant they commented on things a seasoned viewer would take for granted.

Unfortunately, he ended up watching Elfin Lied because that's what happened to be on Netflix. Oh well.

I'm sure that turned out well. <_<

My point is that it's a shame we don't get to hear these "outsider" voices more often. Without those opinions and views conversations can end up a little 'insular'.

Yeah, well, the problem is anime only appeals to a small niche, so it's difficult to find outsiders who would be interested and willing to approach it.


Not sure how we're supposed to vote when the website is in Japanese.

Click on show, click on big red box -


- look to the side to see a list of what you've chosen. Click on the prompt below that list to vote. They'll then ask for your name, email, age, and gender. Just write those down, and enter.


So I've been listening to the /filmcast (a film podcast) for hundreds of episodes and suddenly I stumble across a couple of episodes where one of the hosts sits down to watch an anime. It's always fascinating to hear a complete outsider give their opinion on an anime because their unique perspective meant they commented on things a seasoned viewer would take for granted.

Unfortunately, he ended up watching Elfin Lied because that's what happened to be on Netflix. Oh well. My point is that it's a shame we don't get to hear these "outsider" voices more often. Without those opinions and views conversations can end up a little 'insular'.

I enjoy sfdebris's anime reviews for this very reason.
Rail Wars 03

Always fun to have some engrish.

Some girl who went to the same train high school as the MC starts on-the-job training as a waitress in a restaurant in the train station? Huh, how does that make sense? Anyway... Her friend gets kidnapped and they have to rescue her.


Click on show, click on big red box -


- look to the side to see a list of what you've chosen. Click on the prompt below that list to vote. They'll then ask for your name, email, age, and gender. Just write those down, and enter.

Can't really be bothered to do all that when the choices are so terrible.
Unfortunately, he ended up watching Elfin Lied because that's what happened to be on Netflix. Oh well. My point is that it's a shame we don't get to hear these "outsider" voices more often. Without those opinions and views conversations can end up a little 'insular'.

Haha. Oh dear.
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