I loved this scene a lot.
Mami-san? Did we see her container break? I thought picture related was the seed from the witch?
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - 06
Homura got balls of steel, alpha as fuck. I think that was the OP melody playing from the dance machine the redhead was using? That's cute.
Kyubey spirit bomb was probably more chocking to them then it was to me since it wasn't hard to connect the dots when we saw the "contract ceremony".
*tinfoil hat on*
I didn't know this though..
Mami-san? Did we see her container break? I thought picture related was the seed from the witch?
Is there hope she is alive and may have been rusing everyone this entire time? Maybe she's with Kyubey and that witch, and together they're traveling the world scamming people into becoming magic girls?! Mami is on the end card, coincidence? I'm onto something here!
Mami's Soul Gem got crushed when Charrolette ate her head. She's not still alive, I'm afraid.
Keep thinking and enjoy the show.You can't trick me straying away from this. What is Kyubey paying you? Girl souls?
Cowboy Bebop Limited Edition sets are sold out
Puella Magi Madoka Magica - 06
Homura got balls of steel, alpha as fuck. I think that was the OP melody playing from the dance machine the redhead was using? That's cute.
Kyubey spirit bomb was probably more chocking to them then it was to me since it wasn't hard to connect the dots when we saw the "contract ceremony".
*tinfoil hat on*
I didn't know this though..
Mami-san? Did we see her container break? I thought picture related was the seed from the witch?
Is there hope she is alive and may have been rusing everyone this entire time? Maybe she's with Kyubey and that witch, and together they're traveling the world scamming people into becoming magic girls?! Mami is on the end card, coincidence? I'm onto something here!
Monogatari is nothing but sequels.How's WataMote? Reading about it, it seems to have some themes similar to NHK.
And what the hell, how have I not known there were more seasons of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and Monogatari? I guess I know what I'll be watching next. Next you'll be telling me The World God Only Knows got a third season.
How's WataMote? Reading about it, it seems to have some themes similar to NHK.
How's WataMote? Reading about it, it seems to have some themes similar to NHK.
And what the hell, how have I not known there were more seasons of Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei and Monogatari? I guess I know what I'll be watching next. Next you'll be telling me The World God Only Knows got a third season.
TraBuch said:How's WataMote?
And a new pairing is born.
Gotta say, that whole snake pack was pretty entertaining to watch.
Double episode of Parasyte this week
HahahahaAw shiet Son. Back to Back Cronenberg Spider-Man
Knights of Sidonia 2 PV
Wow Mahouka is on netflix? Those guys really need help choosing their lineup do they?
Log Horizon (Up to 5)
What I don't understand is this weird focus on Akatsuki sorrow. I don't remember her being defeatist in S1 (she was badass actually), but now we have a full episode of her saying herself how much she sucks and how "ugly" she is, what?
Well one of the 2/3 books the season is based on was the whole Akatsuki character development story that just finished.
I should have said that I don't mind a focus in Akatsuki at all. It´s just that I don't remember her this way. Sure, she felt insecure in some social environments but I don't remember her doubting in this wayYes, not going to a raid was a blow to her but I feel they are exaggerating it and it ends a bit forced
Looking at these simplistic designs makes me realize how much more I'd like Rita's design without the tiny hat.
Looking at these simplistic designs makes me realize how much more I'd like Rita's design without the tiny hat.
Speaking of Bahamut, I really love the end cards for each episode, like this one:
Probably as much as Tokyo Ghoul's:
Yeah but them Tokyo Ghoul ones...
This one is artistically beautiful and amazing. Too bad the anime couldn't be like that, just enjoyable nothing else.
Them watercolours.
Yeah, the anime fall short of my expectations since I love the manga. Some of the episodes which got censored to hell and back weren't doing it any justice either.
Trinity Seven - 08
Honnestly , this is one of the best trinity seven episodes , for the fact only that the characters were themselves, and brought their personnalities for enhancing the dialog.
jesus the true OGSaint Young Men the movie
This is just so chill, loved it.
Well one of the 2/3 books the season is based on was the whole Akatsuki character development story that just finished.
Log Horizon (Up to 5)
I'm kinda enjoying this, but not as much as I expected.
I guess it´s already discussed but this is for different people right? I don't remember some characters like this. (Google Fu to the rescue, it is. But is this normal? changing to another studio and altering characters in such a noticeable way?)
Aside of that, that I don't mind too much, it´s all fine and dandy. The focus on MMO mechanics is still great and that explanation on how to beat a raid boss was great. What I don't understand is this weird focus on Akatsuki sorrow. I don't remember her being defeatist in S1 (she was badass actually), but now we have a full episode of her saying herself how much she sucks and how "ugly" she is, what?
I hope it starts soon with more Shiroe megane action.
How's WataMote? Reading about it, it seems to have some themes similar to NHK.
How's WataMote? Reading about it, it seems to have some themes similar to NHK.
Akatsuki felt pressure in S1 multiples times ,when nyanta arrived , the pressure coming from people shiroe already knew and the fact that she didn't have all those items , the moments when she realised that minori understood shiroe intentions better than her and the list goes on.
What is happenning is just the continuation. she could fool herself by following shiroe commands, but when shiroe is not there, there goes the result
Akatsuki's been dealing with a feeling of powerless ever since basically the end of the first arc. Once the combat moved into politics and she wasn't really needed as a catspaw very often she began to feel increasingly useless (well to be fair, she kind of was). Add that to her weird romance issues with Shiroe, feeling crap next to a high-schooler, and other stuff, and I can see it being justified. It's still a tad irritating though.
The other thing to bear in mind about Log Horizon is that pretty much every player character was once a human who played an MMO and bought a new expansion the day it came out, so you can kind of infer a few things about most of them (especially the ones who were at level cap when the disaster hit)
Yama no Susume S2 13
Easily the best looking episode I've seen this year. Astonishing.
need key animator credits asap