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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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So I manage a end of year anime vote for a small community and well i put up our vote thread a little while ago.

It got me thinking though..this year unlike past years I have no instant go to #1 or anything. Maybe I'm just tired but theres no real easy answer standouts for me.

Anyone else feel this way?

EDIT: I take that back after looking through anichart. Theres Silver Spoon S2 at least.

Not even close. Ping-Pong's been my number one choice for AOTY for a while. I had a feeling nothing would top it, and really, nothing did.
Sending Archer home isn't as dangerous when she's a master mage and both of them can call the servants whenever they want if the need to. She isn't terribly in danger by not having Archer around. I mean, she is of course, assuming none of the other masters are Kiritsugu and just going to sniper her down.

No, she's trying to preserve the relationship with Shirou (and by extension Saber) so she keeps Archer at home since she knows Shirou is probably hostile towards him at the moment. But let's be fair, she is hot for Shirou also, so that's a bit dumb, sure.
Actually , she' wasted a seal to prevent archer from interfering , so she can't call him since she will be out of command seals.


Not even close. Ping-Pong's been my number one choice for AOTY for a while. I had a feeling nothing would top it, and really, nothing did.

I failed to make it through even episode one. Made my eyes bleed. Plus its a sports anime.
A perfect reflection of my feelings after watching the latest Psycho-Pass episode:

I still make everybody I know watch this video



Year of Sport animu

Ping Pong
Yowamushi Pedal
Yama no Susume

I don't even had doubt for my top 5, too bad people would rather in firehawk club ~(-_-)~


So I manage a end of year anime vote for a small community and well i put up our vote thread a little while ago.

It got me thinking though..this year unlike past years I have no instant go to #1 or anything. Maybe I'm just tired but theres no real easy answer standouts for me.

Anyone else feel this way?

EDIT: I take that back after looking through anichart. Theres Silver Spoon S2 at least.

Stopped caring about #1 after Ping Pong because I realized nothing else was going to touch it.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Actually , she' wasted a seal to prevent archer from interfering , so she can't call him since she will be out of command seals.

Shirou obviously can and does.

I absolutely love it when Studio Pierrot blatant love for Hinata gets the better of them.

Moments like these just cause so much fun (Both for their great taste and all the butthurt that ensues) that I hope they continue doing more Hinata centric episodes after wrapping up the manga ones.

Also, I really like that they gave Hinata's hair shine to Hanabi's Rukia hairstyle.

All according to Hiashi, Master Eugenist's keikaku


I failed to make it through even episode one. Made my eyes bleed. Plus its a sports anime.

It's really a pity that some people just can't get into new and interesting art styles. They often miss out on the medium's best content.

Yes, Ping-Pong is a sports anime. I never thought I'd like a sports anime either until I watched this. There's a lot more to it than people playing Ping-Pong, believe it or not!

Still, as with a lot of Yuasa's work, it's not for everyone. I'll at least hope that with the North American BD release it won't be as criminally overlooked as the rest of Yuasa's catalog.
Reconguista in G 11


Direction in this scene was amazing. Bellri is very observant

It would seem Bell's mom was implying Bell and Aida are siblings? I think that theory might turn out to be true.

Mask looks so goofy wearing the mask inside the space helmet and screaming BARARA all the time for no reason.
The end of episode messages keep getting better and better.
Thanks Bellri.


Yes, Ping-Pong is a sports anime. I never thought I'd like a sports anime either until I watched this. There's a lot more to it than people playing Ping-Pong, believe it or not!

That happened to me this year to, but with Baby Steps. And it was for the relationship stuff mostly. Plus I don't mind the sport in reality.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
oh god Kampfer

Oh god, I'm sorry.

Kampfer's great fun! The only thing wrong with it is that it stops in the middle. S2 will never happen, will it... :( Need to finish the story!
And use the manga ending, not the anime one.

Shame the show is so bad. I hope you still enjoy though.

You poor bastard.

Word of note: The protag is the densest material known to man.

Hell yeah! I've got all the good recs for you recently!

Ah ah ah
SDburton is going to love it .

Especially since
he is the main vilain

Hahaha! Starting episode 2 now!


Started watching Mushishi for the first time recently. I like it's somber mood, and Ginko is a pretty nice protagonist. I'm only on episode 7 though but it's interesting that the Mushi aren't portrayed as some ungodly terror but they still kind of do some messed up things to the villagers though after ep 6 it's obvious that, that isn't always the case. I have to say though, while the rhythm of the OP is ok it sounds waaaaay too much like a love song. It ends up just feeling really weird in relation to the rest of it.

Anyway, I'm enjoying it. I'm guessing season 2 is pretty much the same thematically?


Anyway, I'm enjoying it. I'm guessing season 2 is pretty much the same thematically?

Season 2 is pretty much more of the same, which in the case of Mushishi is more than enough. If you like season 1, you'll also like season 2.

Also, the opening theme for season 2 is better. To me, at least.
Twintails - 09
Goddam that drop in visual quality .
Even more obvious are part of the scene where stuff is happenning , but all we have is some background we don't care.
Worse is the way the episode was cut ..


you don't say...
and it's a shame since the episode itself was really good , with the characters giving their all in order to bring out the most stupid moments possible given the situation.
And it worked.

A shame about the rough edges , because other wise this might have been a stellar episode.


Yuki Yuna is a Hero episode 9

*Breaks shit*
*Over turns tables*
*Breaks more shit*
*Watches after credits scene*
*Goes to cry in corner*
Yuuki Yuuna wa Yuusha de Aru Episode 9

WELP! Shit has hit the fan now. Togo sure was very matter of fact how she explained that she basically spent the last few days attempting to commit suicide numerous times only to fail because the faeries will not allowed their prisoners...errr...heroes..die. I know saving the world is important but damn talk about losing every you value in return for it. Jeeze. I had a feeling this show would go grimdark and depressing and it sure went there. Now excuse me while I cry because that recording Itsaki left behind before she lost her voice was heartbreaking.

Denki-gai 10

I hate love but love this episode. I am conflicted.
I watched the first ep of Yuki Yuuna. Liked it. Worth continuing?

Really enjoying Akatsuki no Yona and Your Lie in April, though the latter is really starting to drag. Wanted to watch Arimas performance without interruption damnit.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Kampfer - 02

Not sure if I should be rooting for Akane or Kaede. Maybe Kaede because she want's female Natsuru? But Akane has that attitude that I just can't resist. Decisions decisions!


just Woow


her grandmother is not her weakness, on the contrary..you guys made the most calm and clear person EVER , angry
, you just don't do that ..this is gonna bite you in the ass big time.


I watched the first ep of Yuki Yuuna. Liked it. Worth continuing?

Really enjoying Akatsuki no Yona and Your Lie in April, though the latter is really starting to drag. Wanted to watch Arimas performance without interruption damnit.

yuuki yuuna has been a great show filled with cuties and despair.


Fate/Zero 9


Really good episode. Aside from Arthur's shitty daughter moping because Emily didn't want to play with her, it was all really good. Mitsuru Kirijo snapped John Maynard Keynes' fingers until he gave her what she wanted and then she went and hit on Zack Fair. He, in turn, had some good back story thrown in to give him some much needed development. His development is basically the same as any Lancelot/Tristan type, but it was still okay.

The real best part of the episode, though, was my boys Harry Potter and Bronald Kingsley. From the drunken palling around in the kitchen to the boasting about finally getting some FINE PANTS!, it was off to a really light hearted start, but the two got some serious development in their scenes. We got to see HP getting praised for doing something good, helping him build confidence. BK Burger King's sort of fatherly support for him really shone in the following scene, as they looked at the full horror of BlueBalls the Pirate's modern art. Really cool how he managed to turn HP's crying and barfing at the sight into a sort of badge of honor for him.

Really like the way those two interact.

Link Man

Look, I really want to like Your Lie in April, but this is getting really repetitive. And this coming from someone who enjoyed Endless Eight!


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Kampfer - 03

This episode delivered on all fronts. Thoraxes you are my bro!


Yuki yuna wa yusha de aru - 09

When i watch wixoss , i don't mind the tears , the suffering and so on ...

BUt this episode of yuki yuna got me.

Accurate representation of how i feel right now
I'm angry .. I'm REALLY angry... i'm sad for those characters. It's even sadder since there is like no hope of a good ending at this point.




Yuki yuna is now in my legendary list of godly anime episode where i cried

I'm so sad right now.. I need a break from anime tonight. I need to recover from this.
I didn't want to feel like this tonight


PS: the after credit scene was especially pâinfull .... ggodddamit
Yuki yuna wa yusha de aru - 09 ( continued )

Sorry but , right now i'm so messed up i won't be able to sleep if i don't write this up.
Goddam this episode was something else :
THE silence ! Goddam the silence between the sister when they were eating was painfull already , but it was even more violent by the fake hope . Can't believe it " i'm going to work extra hard on backstage " ...GODDAMMIT

All your potential ,your hopes , your future ? All of this stopped net.

Worse the scene in the restaurant where she tries to act happy , yet tsumble on the fact that the group is now broken and that nobody is getting better.

As if , this wasn't obvious , togo now goes full suicide on us .."the fairies have other plans"
ABOUT TIME! how the heck am i supposed to process this ? heck this would have made quite a painfull episode already BUT NOOOOO.


That phone call , OMG that phone call .
Shit just got real !!!

And when you think they haven't made it painfull enough , you see the notes, the books , All this hope that now amount to nothing , all of this , all this hapiness that is washed away.
Not if we needed already another confirmation that taisha is playing them all for stupid by sending different orders to karin , but then


4 episodes without hearing her voice , and now , ALL THOSE FEELING INSIDE ME..
The introduction , the presentation , the song ...if you're not GOING SUPER SAIYAN with rage , something is wrong with you.
i can't believe it..
I can't believe they made 4 freaking episodes of build -up , just to maximize the painfull effect ...

I can't believe they did this .. They did this and i freaking disagree .

I WANT , no i will petition on the internet for a good ending. This can't happen like this.i refuse to accept this.
Ps: sorry about the double post but if i hadn't put my feeling down i know i wouldn't have been able to sleep tonight , that's how pissed i am

"there was no other way" is inexcusable, fix this , ASAP.


Cross Ange 9

There is no explanation for any of the shit that happened in this episode. Why the fuck was it necessary to lure Ange out when she was languishing in fucking prison? How are you able to orchestrate this when your Empire supposedly no longer exists? If your Empire does exist why was the sign on the roadside crossed out. How the fuck did this woman not recognize her own daughter despite her looking exactly the same as she did years ago?

The fuck is wrong with this show's writers?
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