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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Yuki yuna wa yusha de aru - 09 ( continued )


I was in pure and utter shock at those scenes in the second half. They really knew how to rub salt in the wounds right there.

Still, the one thing that I really enjoy about this show over Madoka, is that no matter how bad the situation, the show always finds a way for the girls to act positive in some way or form. Like, they've got the five tenants of the Hero Club, and the like. Even at the end of episode 9
they're all comforting Fuu after her rampage, when it really should be Itsuki who should be the most heartbroken by the news of her permanent voice loss.

But that doesn't matter to them. They value each other over everything else, and that's what I like the most about this show.
I was in pure and utter shock at those scenes in the second half. They really knew how to rub salt in the wounds right there.

Still, the one thing that I really enjoy about this show over Madoka, is that no matter how bad the situation, the show always finds a way for the girls to act positive in some way or form. Like, they've got the five tenants of the Hero Club, and the like. Even at the end of episode 9
they're all comforting Fuu after her rampage, when it really should be Itsuki who should be the most heartbroken by the news of her permanent voice loss.

But that doesn't matter to them. They value each other over everything else, and that's what I like the most about this show.

Yeah, but the question is how long can this optimism hold up. Can it lead them out of their seemingly hopeless situation? I'm eager to find out.
Yeah, but the question is how long can this optimism hold up. Can it lead them out of their seemingly hopeless situation? I'm eager to find out.

if the preview is to be believed , it's not going to get any better . Yeah optimism is good but it can only get you so far.
I'm not even sure how yuna , despite who she is go on.

For once i don't believe that
12 vertexes is the final number
Kokoro Connect - 13/ Almost* Final Thoughts

"I didn't mind putting up with him if it meant my daughter was happy."

Man, what?
You never once thought what having a person around who had a tendency towards violence would do to your household? Am I honestly supposed to accept that the mom brought this dude back to make her daughter happy despite being the only one in the story who could mark the difference in her personality before and after his originally coming into the picture
? Didn't they say earlier in the story that the mom had realized her mistakes and was working towards having a functional household between her and her dau- actually, fuck it. Don't care anymore.

This is a show that deals with supernatural sentient alien god kung-fu plants who deliberately meddle in human affairs in order to get their socks rocked when shit hits the fan. Unfortunately our protagonists resign themselves to be the playthings for these immortal assholes rather early on and instead vent their frustrations on inflicting suffering on eachother. In this, if nothing else, the show succeeds. It succeeds so well in fact that the undiluted mass of suffering transcends dimensional barriers and inflicts sufferings on the viewers watching the show. All according to keikaku? The final piece of the grand scheme setup by our demented fauna? I can only imagine so.


Pictured Above : The enemy of man.

Kokoro Connect sucks at drama. Given that the show decides rather early on not to focus on the enjoyable breaks into light hearted comedy this is a problem. We begin every arc with some sort of intervention between our student protagonists and the aforementioned alien gods. This is then punctuated with some character (usually Inaba) predicting the imminent doom of themself, the world, and all other life on the planet. Beyond that, these potentially interesting story telling gimmicks all tend to fail in one way or another in some pretty key ways. Either ...

1. They stop using the gimmick the moment that the characters start getting used to it and using them in interesting and dynamic ways. (I still hold that the first arc's potential story telling fodder was enough to carry the show all the way through to its completion.)
2. The gimmicks are so ambiguously layed out and apply to so many potential scenarios that the author has to water it down to the point of it being deliberately contradictory on a mechanical level.
3. Have some contrived insertion of drama either caused by deliberately stupid characters or third party interactions between the protagonists and their omnipotent overlords. These moments are often thrown in for buildup purposes for the next episode (this must have sucked to watch week to week) and are usually punctuated by nothing fucking happening.

Most of the main character arcs failed to really resonate with me in any sort of meaningful way and as a result I can't come up with many memorable or iconic moments to take away from Kokoro connect. It's just sort of bland. "What we could've had" is a pretty prevailing theme here, had the author taken the time or had the restraint not to bundle a hamfisted backstory and "trauma fix" for each character in the first few episodes we could've had the specific gimmicks revealing different parts of our main characters throughout the narrative. Had the author allowed the characters to make use of the mechanics caused by the gimmicks instead of hopscotching from one to another what we could've had was a genuinely interesting platform for storytelling.

But what we're left with is just sort of disappointing.

2/5 ... if this were the end*

Next up? Dennou Coil.

So I manage a end of year anime vote for a small community and well i put up our vote thread a little while ago.

It got me thinking though..this year unlike past years I have no instant go to #1 or anything. Maybe I'm just tired but theres no real easy answer standouts for me.

Anyone else feel this way?

Echoing the, "Hell no, Ping Pong wins" sentiment. There's nothing this year that's come close.


"OVA" just refers to the release format, it doesn't always refer to the content. It's like the Oreimo OVAs or the Monogatari OVAs. (Notice how Aniplex has to do with these.) They're released at a later date, but numbering wise, they're just part of the series.


Read or Die the TV 01-02

I can see one immediate similarity between this and Kokoro Library. Both have a bookish trio of sisters, with Chiwa Saito voicing the youngest. That's as far as it goes, though. The Paper Sisters seem like Yomiko in triplicate, and I'm glad that Yomiko is still a part of the story, just not this story at this moment. Nenene is such a tsundere. Another thing I notice about this series is how it uses silence. While there's many anime known for their scores, it's about how those scores are used. And the near-silence with these scenes really plays off the awkward atmosphere between Nenene and the Paper Sisters. I also like the literary references in the episode titles.


I'm not sure where to put Dandy honestly, it probably had some of the highest highs and lowest lows of the year but given its format I'm not sure its fair to sort it on its quality overall vs. the amazingness of select episodes.

C'mon man, there is no universe in which Dandy had some of the lowest lows of the year unless you watched like 2-3 anime all year.


ronja 7-9

all caught up now and i'm glad i did the watchbet as this really is such a nice show to unwind to even with some of the more twisted and dangerous fantasy creatures popping up. definitely the best use of cg in an anime series thus far.


Poet Centuriate
I'm not sure where to put Dandy honestly, it probably had some of the highest highs and lowest lows of the year but given its format I'm not sure its fair to sort it on its quality overall vs. the amazingness of select episodes.

idk, I felt Dandy's lows were just kinda meh. But honestly, with such and episodic set up, you can much easily discredit/ignore the bad episodes. Overall though I felt it was really really strong.

But also, PuPiPo for realz. wonzo i need your axe.
Ronja seems like it might be a good watch. Might as well wait for it to finish at this point. Gives me a chance to watch the NBC Constantine show to see what the deal is.
Kokoro stuff~
Just when I think I've escaped they pull me back in. Did I think it was a bit strange that they'd end the series with the revelation that
Iori actually didn't love Original the Character?
Maybe, but I thought ... hoped that it was just the final middle finger to anyone who made the mistake of feeling emotionally invested in these characters. A disgruntled animation staff's final farewell to a creatively bankrupt series, one that payed the bills but killed the soul. A "now buy the Light Novel" moment similar in tone to Flower of Evil's final episode montage. That aside ...

Kokoro Connect - 14

I came away actually genuinely surprised with how this first ep. turned out!

Iori's finally wised up to the fact that our MC kinda sucks and her love for him only exists as a reflection of her own desire to conform to other's expectations. Hopefully she'll also find out that, as a character, he's a completely blank canvass on which exists only the potential to be a character within this narrative. That said, the introduction and subsequent explanation for the mechanics of this final(?) intervention are interesting. Unlike in every other case Inaba&Friends seem optimistic that there won't be a smoking crater where their friendships once existed as well. Overall, we're off to a pretty damn nice start going into the meat of the episode.

And oh man does shit start hitting the fan. I haven't laughed out loud at any point while watching this series but the amount of genuine "Oh, shit" moments with the way this new gimmick works were absolutely sublime, and I haven't enjoyed myself nearly as much as I am now. It's such a fantastic way of getting everyone at eachother's throats and the author is definitely exploring the gimmick in a way that's actually engaging for once. The scene in which they're all sitting around the table tossing out ideas while
Iori is off to herself
was pretty damn well executed. Why hasn't the rest of the series been on this level?

And damn Balloon Vine's going in! Male Protag #2 is the Protag. we deserved!

C'mon man, there is no universe in which Dandy had some of the lowest lows of the year unless you watched like 2-3 anime all year.
Boob episode? Pants v. Pantsless? Dandy's stacked with some of its absolute worst material front loaded on the first half of the first season. Lowest lows of the year may be a bit of hyperbole on my part but it's certainly some of the lowest on any show I'd consider putting on my AoTY list. When Dandy worked it was sublime but the amount of times it just didn't was troubling, especially if I'm comparing it to other episodic series I've seen over the years. It's making it hard to sort compared to other, more consistent offerings which was the main takeaway from my post I think. If S2 hadn't come by and half redeemed it I don't think I'd have had much issue with omitting it completely.
Pants vs Jackets episode was bad, but at least it had that surfing sequence at the end. I must've blocked out the boob monster episode until people pointed it out and I remembered it existed.


Amagi Brilliant Park 10-
Really well done episode. Also despite everybody predicting the show to go full on LN drama heavy, the show rather gracefully deals with the amnesia and curse bit. The way the show handles the amnesia thing,
and it wasn't even amnesia but rather he just forgot
, is done in a very anticlimatic manner but feels natural to the story and character. The bigger drama bombshell is the stuff around Latifah's curse. This is somewhat interesting as it does explain prior character reactions on the part of Fumo and 50 Cent. It also puts a bigger pressure on Kanye who in turn starts lashing out at the staff. People have complained about the goofiness in Full Metal Panic and also in Amagi but I think Amagi contextualizes the comedy a bit better. Kanye had no reason in previous episodes to treat the situation as a full do or die but now that he has a better grasp of the situation, I can't see the show or characters going back to Fumoffu-like episodes. We in Final Arc Mode now.

Of course there is scrolling text at the bottom during the gorgeous alternative artstyle flashback
One thing I really liked about this episode was how lively the park is and how much better it is. The show does a quick tour across the park to demonstrate the improvements and while the theme park isn't Disney World, it looks vastly better than the despairing shithole it was in episode 1. I should note that the animation quality this episode was the best it's been in awhile. There were some really effective animation cuts conjoined with solid storyboarding. The flashback/retelling sequence also gave the show a nice bit of flair that it's missing. The episode in addition had some good facial shots that really reflected the mood and emotions of the characters.
I sort of wish more of the show had been like this episode or maybe that this episode had happened earlier in the show. It really does kill the mood for hijinks so I can understand why this came later in the season. The show has three more episodes to work with so I expect that whatever Kanye's 'Hail Mary' is, is going to fail, leading to some real hardcore despair in either 11 or 12.


Boob episode? Pants v. Pantsless? Dandy's stacked with some of its absolute worst material front loaded on the first half of the first season. Lowest lows of the year may be a bit of hyperbole on my part but it's certainly some of the lowest on any show I'd consider putting on my AoTY list. When Dandy worked it was sublime but the amount of times it just didn't was troubling, especially if I'm comparing it to other episodic series I've seen over the years. It's making it hard to sort compared to other, more consistent offerings which was the main takeaway from my post I think. If S2 hadn't come by and half redeemed it I don't think I'd have had much issue with omitting it completely.

Yes episodes 3 and 6 were weak but there were still better than plenty of other episodes of shows I both liked and disliked this year. Again unless you've only watched the cream de la creme this year (which is certainly possible I guess since I don't know how much you watched this year) those objectively can't be the worst episodes you've seen this year - there is too much objective shit out there. Even if you want to throw those two episodes away as irredeemable trash that doesn't change the fact that episodes 4 and 7 are GOAT anime episodes that will be spoken of for years to come or how strong episodes 1,2,9,10,12 and 13 were (especially the later four). 5 and 11 were also really well-received even if I wasn't quite as high on them as others. In fact I'd call episodes 3, 6 and 8 as the only outright weak ones of the first season and like most everyone else, I thought the second season was better. IMO, the highs in Dandy were both EXTREMELY high and very frequent.

Full Metal Panic! 15 - 17

So here we have what is apparently an anime-only arc for this show.

Which, by all you Akame ga Kill! watchers out there, seems to be a terrible thing done to adaptations. When they're not done right anyway.

That is not the case here. This arc essentially serves as a separate side-story to all the high-school hijinks combined with Chidori's attitude. Chidori isn't even featured in this arc.

So Sousuke receives some disturbing information that Gauron is still alive.

He is assigned to an assassination team to deal with that problem. And this is where thing start to go in a different direction for this show.

For the most part, we've seen Sousuke's military allies mainly be teenagers. Mao, Kurt, Tessa, etc. On the assassination team for this arc, Sousuke's the only teenager around, and is paired with many adults, some of which are cocky individuals that look down on Sousuke and only see him as a hindrance. It feels realistic, in a sense. Despite what the reports about Sousuke say, he's still a teenager. The kind of person I'm sure a fully war-trained adult wouldn't like to take orders from. It all comes across as natural, despite how unlikable some of these guys are at first.

But it's not all bad. One particular female team member named Gray acknowledges who he is and the two form a small friendship of sorts during the mission.

But despite that, the majority of the team doesn't listen to Sousuke's advice and completely botch the mission, turning the entire thing into a fight for survival, as a member of the team gets severely injured.

They end up managing to elude the enemy, and end up having no other choice but to listen to Sousuke, who knows the area quite well, due to it having a connection to his past.

As the team recovers and reformulates their strategy, you start to notice the members of team showing newfound respect for Sousuke, albeit in their own way.

But while that's going on though, we discover that an old friend of Sousuke has defected to the enemy and is predicting his every move, with Sousuke believing that he's no longer alive. It creates this clever sense of tension and despair for the viewer, as you begin to see that the team is essentially backing themselves into a corner without anyone able realize it.

It goes about as well as you'd expect.

Sousuke gets separated from the group and is forced to fight his former friend, whom he doesn't realize who it is until the very end, making all the more sad. The remaining team members try as hard as they can to hold off the main target, each getting offed one by one.

There's one especially heartbreaking moment where the teammate who was injured tries to suicide bomb the target only for him to be denied from it at the last second. You can really see the fear and despair on his face during that scene as he does so.

It all culminates to a point where Sousuke ends up being the lone survivor of the mission, having finished off the target and his former friend. He arrives back home, and sits down next to Chidori, who asks him:

"Why don't you say something, Sousuke?"

To which he responds: "No problem."

This scene right here basically sums it all up. Nothing in this arc that happened to Sousuke, with the exception of him fighting his own friend, was new to him. It's a battlefield. People die right in front of you. There are times where you'll survive being unable to help or save anyone you care about. Sousuke grew up knowing those things, therefore he has nothing much to say about it. I don't know, maybe I'm looking too deep into it in that sense, but I feel that it all fits with the way Sousuke and Chidori pretty much live in separate worlds.

Either all, this arc has been some really good desert military warfare that I never thought I'd see done good in an anime like this. I really enjoyed it. It hits all the right notes, keeps just the right tone, and delivers a great deal of character backstory along with it.

Good job, FMP.
Kokoro Connect - 15

Daaaaamn, that intro sequence.

This internal struggle and focus on characters outside of the direct MC perspective has been aweeesome. New Iori is a vast improvement over old Boring Iori and the transition is a bit more believable if we accept it as a person who's saying "fuck it" due to the mechanics interacting in such a way as to reveal her hidden self. My last post pretty much summed up my feelings about this arc and the way its proceeding but I'm glad that they've kept the consistency up going into 15. But this is the sort of group interaction to a specific problem that I wanted out of the first arc (as opposed to Taichi coming in to save the day singlehandedly in every situation) combined with the consistency of the mechanics/rules of the intervention that I wanted from the second. I don't want to sound too optimistic about this until I wrap up the last two episodes but I'm really really liking the way things are coming to a head here.

Daaaaaamn, that ending.

Yes episodes 3 and 6 were weak but there were still better than plenty of other episodes of shows I both liked and disliked this year. Again unless you've only watched the cream de la creme this year (which is certainly possible I guess since I don't know how much you watched this year) those objectively can't be the worst episodes you've seen this year - there is too much objective shit out there. Even if you want to throw those two episodes away as irredeemable trash that doesn't change the fact that episodes 4 and 7 are GOAT anime episodes that will be spoken of for years to come or how strong episodes 1,2,9,10,12 and 13 were (especially the later four). 5 and 11 were also really well-received even if I wasn't quite as high on them as others. In fact I'd call episodes 3, 6 and 8 as the only outright weak ones of the first season and like most everyone else, I thought the second season was better. IMO, the highs in Dandy were both EXTREMELY high and very frequent.

I definitely wouldn't categorize 1 and 2 as being strong episodes. 1 was almost analogous to Pants v Jacket in the way that it was basically nothing but a drag into the first half with an explosion of sakuga in the second while 2, while certainly more consistent in the way it was presented, was just "good" for me, I'd probably put it on the same level as that episode with the dog and the tiny jumping men. They were distinctly "non-offensive" episodes that were alright watches while they were airing but nothing that would leave you with any sort of lasting impression on the series as a whole. We agree that 4 and 7 were GOAT. I'll probably give the series another run through before aoty time at least.

Looking at the shows that I actually ended up finishing this year I think I can probably attribute GAF to steering me away from the truly offensive cases. The series I finished each season were ...

Winter - Noragami, Dandy, Sekai Seifuku
Spring - No Game No Life, Ping Pong, Mushishi
Summer - Aldnoah (bleh), Zankyou no Terror (bleh), Fate/Kaleid S2, Nozaki, Dandy

So yeah, with the exception of not having seen Haikyuu and Barakamon (though they're on my backlog), I think I've seen most of what was actually worth watching in each season and dodged or dropped the shows that would become universally derided here.

PK Gaming

Cross ange?


Cross Ange is a show that's stuck trying to be dramatic and "edgy"and a trying to be a standard trashy mecha anime. The writing isn't nearly good enough to support the former, and the trashy mecha anime half is only sometimes enjoyable, so it kind of just flails about. What makes that scene great is precisely what's wrong with the show. The scene basically encapsulates the fun-yet-trashy mecha side of the anime that periodically pops up from time to time.

Context: The captain's understandably been going through some intense stress due to Ange's insubordination + her incompetent troops. We're given her perspective on a few scenes and you could actually somewhat sympathize with her dismal situation. Anyway, she comes up with a coping mechanism to deal with such problems, (which sounds compelling and serious on paper) but you find out that her coping mechanism is the most ridiculous, surreal thing ever. It's just so horribly, horribly out of place. This is the kind of gag scene that forces you to sit and really think about it. The gag scene that will slay you time and time again, and one that you can re-watch endlessly and find something new to rave about. The gag scene wouldn't raise any eyebrows in a standard anime, but definitely stands out in an anime like Cross Ange.

It's something that didn't fully register until 30 minutes after the scene occurred.


sealed with a kiss
Kokoro Connect - 15

Daaaaamn, that intro sequence.

This internal struggle and focus on characters outside of the direct MC perspective has been aweeesome. New Iori is a vast improvement over old Boring Iori and the transition is a bit more believable if we accept it as a person who's saying "fuck it" due to the mechanics interacting in such a way as to reveal her hidden self. My last post pretty much summed up my feelings about this arc and the way its proceeding but I'm glad that they've kept the consistency up going into 15. But this is the sort of group interaction to a specific problem that I wanted out of the first arc (as opposed to Taichi coming in to save the day singlehandedly in every situation) combined with the consistency of the mechanics/rules of the intervention that I wanted from the second. I don't want to sound too optimistic about this until I wrap up the last two episodes but I'm really really liking the way things are coming to a head here.

Daaaaaamn, that ending.

I definitely wouldn't categorize 1 and 2 as being strong episodes. 1 was almost analogous to Pants v Jacket in the way that it was basically nothing but a drag into the first half with an explosion of sakuga in the second while 2, while certainly more consistent in the way it was presented, was just "good" for me, I'd probably put it on the same level as that episode with the dog and the tiny jumping men. They were distinctly "non-offensive" episodes that were alright watches while they were airing but nothing that would leave you with any sort of lasting impression on the series as a whole. We agree that 4 and 7 were GOAT. I'll probably give the series another run through before aoty time at least.

Looking at the shows that I actually ended up finishing this year I think I can probably attribute GAF to steering me away from the truly offensive cases. The series I finished each season were ...

Winter - Noragami, Dandy, Sekai Seifuku
Spring - No Game No Life, Ping Pong, Mushishi
Summer - Aldnoah (bleh), Zankyou no Terror (bleh), Fate/Kaleid S2, Nozaki, Dandy

So yeah, with the exception of not having seen Haikyuu and Barakamon (though they're on my backlog), I think I've seen most of what was actually worth watching in each season and dodged or dropped the shows that would become universally derided here.
a distinct lack of G-reco and Nozaki on your list .__.


Shirobako 9

The director's major breakthrough where he finally had his vision for how the story is going to end was a great one, especially after seeing the rut he's been in for so long. But then Aoi, after hearing it and realizing that she's going to be responsible for carrying out this whole thing and all of its parts, particularly the thousand horses, subsequently realizes that she is totally fucked.

CG girl is in a bit of a rut of her own. She isn't going to be able to do what she wants to do at the company she's currently working for. Security or pursuing your goals. She ain't gonna be the only person to have to make that decision.

Very good episode all around.
Day 5 of RightStuf sale is up and ready to go! Here are the notables:

Birdy the Mighty: Decode: $12 (It is SAVE edition BTW)
Cardcaptor Sakura Manga: $10.40 each and there's a bundle for the whole series for $40
Durarara Lunch Box Limited Edition: $130 (Why Aniplex?)
Infinite Stratos: BD is $24.50 DVD is $21
Love Hina: $16
Nadia: The Secret of Blue Water: $40 for BD, $32 for DVD
Okami-san: $16
Welcome the the N.H.K: $12 (Again, it is SAVE edition)

Edit: Ninja'd again.
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