well, i was going to check 4chan today....
it was weird
This week's Animator Expo is awesome. No need for commentary or impressions, since it's just a collection of key animation scenes from Gundam 0079 by Yas and Itano, edited by Anno: http://animatorexpo.com/gensatsu_gundam/
Great stuff. Good write-up on the page for extra reading too.
This week's Animator Expo is awesome. No need for commentary or impressions, since it's just a collection of key animation scenes from Gundam 0079 by Yas and Itano, edited by Anno: http://animatorexpo.com/gensatsu_gundam/
Great stuff. Good write-up on the page for extra reading too.
So, is Kids on the Slope pretty good? I know it's got the Woofdawg Seal of Approval, at least.
Animator Expo-Gundam
So this week we see a bunch of keyframes(played together with the original show) drawn by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko and Ichiro Itano. The later of course is known from and for the term Itano Circus. There's really not much to say or discuss about the short as it's just a series of keyframes. What did strike me is how good the drawings were and how that wasn't always reflected in the final work. It feels like the capabilities of the animators weren't being all that matched by the coloring (or the lack of heavy postproduction that exists nowadays?) work back then.
Anyway I enjoyed this to a small extent as I do like seeing gengas like that and how the work of an animator gets into a final product. It feels like a 'bottle short' to fill in the gaps but it's better than nothing.
So, is Kids on the Slope pretty good? I know it's got the Woofdawg Seal of Approval, at least.
This week's Animator Expo is awesome. No need for commentary or impressions, since it's just a collection of key animation scenes from Gundam 0079 by Yas and Itano, edited by Anno: http://animatorexpo.com/gensatsu_gundam/
Great stuff. Good write-up on the page for extra reading too.
If you read the commentary which comes with the short on the page, I think it gives a better idea of what some of the stuff you're looking at are. There are different types of key animation being showcased, and not all are the final key animations used in production.
The ones which have really good art but have rougher lineart, and generally have framing borders on the paper sheet, are basically layouts. They're the rough but detailed foundations of each scene. Usually not very animated or not animated at all, but as a guideline for the animator to do the final scene.
So, is Kids on the Slope pretty good? I know it's got the Woofdawg Seal of Approval, at least.
Well it's just when you look at Itano's art, I feel like some of the character is lost in the final product. The shading and coloring obscure some of the finer details that are clear in his cuts(not the layouts).
Oh I think that's pretty normal. Even today. Especially for complex effects scenes and stuff. Animators can put in a lot of detail, but depending on the finishing and composite, you can lose quite a bit of the detail within the line work. Sometimes you even lose it entirely if the key animation is used as a base for digital effects which are overlaid instead. >_<
Animation is suffering.
yowapeda GR 9
fucking DEAD at the tragic backstory
a distinct lack of G-reco and Nozaki on your list .__.
This is my favorite example of how 2D suffers for 3D sometimes:
Is G-reco something you can enjoy un-ironically? I get the feeling people are fixating on it because of all of its Tomino-isms rather than as something that's actually good. Can someone not really exposed to mecha in that way get anything out of it?
Is G-reco something you can enjoy un-ironically? I get the feeling people are fixating on it because of all of its Tomino-isms rather than as something that's actually good. Can someone not really exposed to mecha in that way get anything out of it?
Tomino transcends the good/bad binary.
Tomino transcends the good/bad binary.
Is G-reco something you can enjoy un-ironically? I get the feeling people are fixating on it because of all of its Tomino-isms rather than as something that's actually good. Can someone not really exposed to mecha in that way get anything out of it?
Is G-reco something you can enjoy un-ironically? I get the feeling people are fixating on it because of all of its Tomino-isms rather than as something that's actually good. Can someone not really exposed to mecha in that way get anything out of it?
Tomino transcends the good/bad binary.
Nice edit... tehe.
glass house, stone and stuff.
The only exposure I've had to Gundam is non-Tomino stuff (GBF, G Gundam) aside from G Reco and I thought it was horrid.
She wanted to take the loss. It is ok.Denki-gai 10
No best girl lost.Tsumorin
idolmaster 1-6
i feel like i've developed brain damage in the last year, i told myself id never watch idol anime, and im really enjoying it.
Too many cross-checks?
Kampfer - 03
This episode delivered on all fronts. Thoraxes you are my bro!
Best ship.Kampfer - 04
New ship? New ship.
Just wanting to say that anime only arc aren't the problem , it's often done wrong but it can be right.Full Metal Panic! 15 - 17
So here we have what is apparently an anime-only arc for this show.
Which, by all you Akame ga Kill! watchers out there, seems to be a terrible thing done to adaptations. When they're not done right anyway.
Best ship.
I'm not kidding.
Just wanting to say that anime only arc aren't the problem , it's often done wrong but it can be right.
Anime original endings however are 99% in the wrong Can't remember an anime original ending that wasn't garbage
Just wanting to say that anime only arc aren't the problem , it's often done wrong but it can be right.
Anime original endings however are 99% in the wrong Can't remember an anime original ending that wasn't garbage
What series is this?
I heard y'all like anime. Uru in Blue (Sequel to The Wings of Honnêamise) getting worldwide release in 2018 with an advance short film titled "Overture Edition" streamed to the world in spring of 2015.