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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Link Man

I can only assume that Pupipo is getting so many accolades here because it was not officially licensed and thus seems like a lost treasure. It was good, mind, but nothing really special until the
twist in the final episode


Amagi Brilliant Park 10

1. Stakes just got higher.
2. Mad respect for Moffle
3. I dunno what to expect on how things will end. Goodie Good ending might say they will, but the writers can throw a curveball that I do not know of...

I really hope that they get their goal. I love this show for being a feel-good show, but I guess we'll see...
Amagi 10
This episode is pretty great. With Kanie knowing the princess condition, reaching the goal now is not just another end to his means, but something personal that he is going to have to reach if he wants to reach his dream to make Latifah smile.
With just 10 more days to go, i am stoked to see what he does next episode now.

It's Asuka's birthday

also you need to post the song

not someone who watched evangelion, sooo yeah.


Animator Expo-Gundam

So this week we see a bunch of keyframes(played together with the original show) drawn by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko and Ichiro Itano. The later of course is known from and for the term Itano Circus. There's really not much to say or discuss about the short as it's just a series of keyframes. What did strike me is how good the drawings were and how that wasn't always reflected in the final work. It feels like the capabilities of the animators weren't being all that matched by the coloring (or the lack of heavy postproduction that exists nowadays?) work back then.

Anyway I enjoyed this to a small extent as I do like seeing gengas like that and how the work of an animator gets into a final product. It feels like a 'bottle short' to fill in the gaps but it's better than nothing.
So, is Kids on the Slope pretty good? I know it's got the Woofdawg Seal of Approval, at least.

My approval doesn't mean shit, but for the music sequences and directing alone it's fantastic. It has a bit of bullying drama at first which has always rubbed me the wrong way, but it transforms into fantastic character driven show. Also one of the strongest 'bromances' in anime. If you like Cowboy Bebop's soundtrack is a no brainer as the whole show is about jazz. I wasn't too thrilled with Watanabe moving into slice of life at first, but it really did win me over.


Animator Expo-Gundam

So this week we see a bunch of keyframes(played together with the original show) drawn by Yoshikazu Yasuhiko and Ichiro Itano. The later of course is known from and for the term Itano Circus. There's really not much to say or discuss about the short as it's just a series of keyframes. What did strike me is how good the drawings were and how that wasn't always reflected in the final work. It feels like the capabilities of the animators weren't being all that matched by the coloring (or the lack of heavy postproduction that exists nowadays?) work back then.

Anyway I enjoyed this to a small extent as I do like seeing gengas like that and how the work of an animator gets into a final product. It feels like a 'bottle short' to fill in the gaps but it's better than nothing.

If you read the commentary which comes with the short on the page, I think it gives a better idea of what some of the stuff you're looking at are. There are different types of key animation being showcased, and not all are the final key animations used in production.

The ones which have really good art but have rougher lineart, and generally have framing borders on the paper sheet, are basically layouts. They're the rough but detailed foundations of each scene. Usually not very animated or not animated at all, but as a guideline for the animator to do the final scene.


So, is Kids on the Slope pretty good? I know it's got the Woofdawg Seal of Approval, at least.

I thought it was pretty good, at least. I wouldn't put it in my top 10 or anything, but it's still a really nice work.

I'd buy the BD from RightStuf if the exchange rate was better right now (and if their Canadian shipping was actually reasonable).


If you read the commentary which comes with the short on the page, I think it gives a better idea of what some of the stuff you're looking at are. There are different types of key animation being showcased, and not all are the final key animations used in production.

The ones which have really good art but have rougher lineart, and generally have framing borders on the paper sheet, are basically layouts. They're the rough but detailed foundations of each scene. Usually not very animated or not animated at all, but as a guideline for the animator to do the final scene.

Well it's just when you look at Itano's art, I feel like some of the character is lost in the final product. The shading and coloring obscure some of the finer details that are clear in his cuts(not the layouts).


So, is Kids on the Slope pretty good? I know it's got the Woofdawg Seal of Approval, at least.

First half is good. Second half is is pretty spotty with a lot of lows particularly in the writing department, and there are visual issues as well. The ending is very weak.


Well it's just when you look at Itano's art, I feel like some of the character is lost in the final product. The shading and coloring obscure some of the finer details that are clear in his cuts(not the layouts).

Oh I think that's pretty normal. Even today. Especially for complex effects scenes and stuff. Animators can put in a lot of detail, but depending on the finishing and composite, you can lose quite a bit of the detail within the line work. Sometimes you even lose it entirely if the key animation is used as a base for digital effects which are overlaid instead. >_<


Oh I think that's pretty normal. Even today. Especially for complex effects scenes and stuff. Animators can put in a lot of detail, but depending on the finishing and composite, you can lose quite a bit of the detail within the line work. Sometimes you even lose it entirely if the key animation is used as a base for digital effects which are overlaid instead. >_<

Animation is suffering.


Animation is suffering.

This is my favorite example of how 2D suffers for 3D sometimes:

Kokoro Connect - 16

Bwahahahaha. New Iori continues to be fucking fantastic.

We definitely dipped our toes into melodrama territory near the first half of the episode. Iori's response to the world around her was as someone who simply was tired of
dealing with the unnecessary social conventions that dominated her day to day. The intervention liberated her from having to keep up the "act" of her former self.
All of her responses were brutally logical within that framework and I actually really liked how it all loops back to the small flashes we've seen of this side of the character from other parts of the story, they make much more sense now. But with lines in that first part of the episode like "I don't deserve to feel what they feel" it implies an inherently different motive being at stake here. It's not just being cooly logical if you're blaming yourself or feel that you deserve to be hated by everyone else. It's a subtle shift into a level of self derision that would have worked a bit better if it was centered after the major events of this episode where she has more tangible things to actually be sorry about. And this is one of the few times where I like how the MC was responding to the situation as a whole, and it was tempered immediatelyby Inaba after the fact. It's really is pushing the fact that this isn't gonna be another solo job.

But really what sold this episode to me was that confession scene.
Inaba throwing her heart out like that and trying to do anything at all to invoke an emotional response from Iori - the combination embarrassment of the situation with Protagonist being behind her, along with her naive hope that what she's saying will actually reach her? And Iori looking back after this emotional confession and then fucking ripping her heart out and spitting back ether?


And that's not even mentioning her reaction to the
people who sabotaged the club to get back at Iori for being boss as fuck.

But blahhh that ending scene, our writer just couldn't help himself. As always a contrived and unnecessary third party came to throw in some chaos in a scenario that, frankly, was doing pretty fucking well without it. Dude needed an editor to tell him to stop cheapening his narratives with this cliffhanger shit and letting the character drama speak for itself. Because on that front, and I think for the first time since the series began, the drama is on point. This is a fully realized character arc.

a distinct lack of G-reco and Nozaki on your list .__.

Nozaki's on there. Listed right after Fate/Kaleid in Summer. :p

Is G-reco something you can enjoy un-ironically? I get the feeling people are fixating on it because of all of its Tomino-isms rather than as something that's actually good. Can someone not really exposed to mecha in that way get anything out of it?

This is my favorite example of how 2D suffers for 3D sometimes:

So what's going on here? Im looking at what Im guessing is the 2D art just not showing up in the final finished frame? Or is it there but made to be really transparent/obscured for some reason in order to match the effects the CG was bringing to the table?


Is G-reco something you can enjoy un-ironically? I get the feeling people are fixating on it because of all of its Tomino-isms rather than as something that's actually good. Can someone not really exposed to mecha in that way get anything out of it?

Tomino transcends the good/bad binary.


Is G-reco something you can enjoy un-ironically? I get the feeling people are fixating on it because of all of its Tomino-isms rather than as something that's actually good. Can someone not really exposed to mecha in that way get anything out of it?

The only exposure I've had to Gundam is non-Tomino stuff (GBF, G Gundam) aside from G Reco and I thought it was horrid.
Is G-reco something you can enjoy un-ironically? I get the feeling people are fixating on it because of all of its Tomino-isms rather than as something that's actually good. Can someone not really exposed to mecha in that way get anything out of it?

Tomino transcends the good/bad binary.

Nice edit... tehe.

glass house, stone and stuff.

The only exposure I've had to Gundam is non-Tomino stuff (GBF, G Gundam) aside from G Reco and I thought it was horrid.

Damn DiscoShark, you dislike the normal run of Kokoro Connect but actually find s.th. in the OVAs where, in my mind, everyone engages full idiot-mode? With how dumb everyone acts during those OVAs there doesn't even need to be some strange phenomena fucking 'em up, they do that just fine by themselves.

Above me, how about putting images that large into quotes tags?


idolmaster 1-6

i feel like i've developed brain damage in the last year, i told myself id never watch idol anime, and im really enjoying it.


Legend of Korra Season 4, Episode 10:

I'll be honest, this episode felt like a step down from last week. I suppose it stems from the fact that I have come to hate the Bei Fong clan and the heavy focus, even with Toph, just doesn't do it for me. At least Opal finally stopped acting terribly, so that is something. Also, people complained about the mid-season battle being a case of because the plot said so, this one takes the cake, Toph could have ended this but chooses non-involvement because it is to be left to the younger generation. Well, isn't that fine and dandy until KUVIRA UNLEASHES A MAKO CANNON THAT IS GOING TO DESTROY THE WORLD! Speaking of which, we need to take away Bryke's copy of Final Fantasy VII lest he take more plot points from that game.

Anyway along the lines of Bolin being elevated to Kuvira's inner circle, Zhu Li's betrayal has become almost completely pointless save to deliver the fucking obvious news that Kuvira is going to attack Republic City because, I dunno it is there. I think this has become one of my biggest problems with Kuvira; she has lost all real character motivation ever since she was victorious at Zaho Fu. Her enemies were defeated and the empire is united, her arc is over. Though because that was only halfway through the season we must continue. Also, this series can't help but justify the actions of Kuvira as the head of Republic City wants to start an arms race. I think it was pointed out that if Kuvira didn't weaponize the spirit vine somebody else would have.

Let me see, it was nice that even with limited screentime Asami and Verrick are working hard on some final battle material. Prince Wu shows hidden depths and then shallowness and I got to admit I want to see him and Mako interact more. They might not have the chemistry of Verrick and Bolin, but they are actually entertaining to watch. Bolin on the other hand has fully reverted back to the status of gibbering monkey and Chris Pratt routines just doesn't connect when interacting with the Bei Fongs, that shit was just awkward. Oh, also the spirits are dicks to Korra because who know, that shit was so minor I could not care less. Anyway, overall a decent episode, and while I didn't get a city leveled, I will take the mountain.
Kampfer - 04
New ship? New ship.
Best ship.
I'm not kidding.

Full Metal Panic! 15 - 17

So here we have what is apparently an anime-only arc for this show.

Which, by all you Akame ga Kill! watchers out there, seems to be a terrible thing done to adaptations. When they're not done right anyway.
Just wanting to say that anime only arc aren't the problem , it's often done wrong but it can be right.

Anime original endings however are 99% in the wrong Can't remember an anime original ending that wasn't garbage


Best ship.
I'm not kidding.

Just wanting to say that anime only arc aren't the problem , it's often done wrong but it can be right.

Anime original endings however are 99% in the wrong Can't remember an anime original ending that wasn't garbage

Just wanting to say that anime only arc aren't the problem , it's often done wrong but it can be right.

Anime original endings however are 99% in the wrong Can't remember an anime original ending that wasn't garbage

Oh, that I 100% agree with. It's just that I remember somebody saying that most anime-only content is very trite in adaptations, and I thought that Akame ga Kill would be an apt comparison.

In all honesty though, I had forgotten that Akame ga Kill!'s anime-only stuff stretches out towards the ending, which I agree is almost never a good thing for adaptations.


I think I need to start on Psycho-Pass. Edgy is God's last gift to humanity.

Shin Sekai Yori 6-7

Some spotty transitions here and there and they clearly don't have a budget to do much justice to battles on such a scale but it was alright otherwise. If they thought Kiroumaru got the orders from ethics committee to liquidate them, then I don't see why they would assume they managed to hide their mischief from the school/adults on their return. Given the promo pic I don't think that's the last I have seen of Squealer.


Naruto Shippuden 389-390

Way to waste a semblance of budget on an utter snorefest, at least the robo-Naruto special was funny at times. I hope someone will bijuudama this entire rotten clan out of existence before the show ends.
Cardfight!! Vanguard: Link Joker Episode 162 (engDub)

I love this version of Toshiki Kai and wish he would stay. He would have made a great antagonist in some arc of Cardfight!! Vanguard.

As always loved when Dragonic Overlord showed up
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