Its not, because its just small snippet in infobook or something, like I'm said the series never touching the historical accuracy in the plot, these thing doesn't actually matter.
And you can argue all the inaccuracies is one of gimmick that made the series popular.
Well you all have to understand that since you can summon heroes from alternate dimensions / timelines ( because ...well because ) , your hopes of accuracy are pointless. Complainning aboutthat when they have the perfect loophole to go around it doesn't make sense to me.
Log Horizon 2-10
What a shitty raid guild. Giving up because y'all died once? Get back to me after you die 10+ times on the same boss.
Again if you're even getting disheartened the first time you wipe, you shouldn't be doing hard raids.
Missing the point that dying is not the same thing as a "loss" in just gameplay terms but a different matter in elder tale after the apocalypse , missing the point that there is no point is what they feel ( from experience from raids ) that the challenge is hopeless.
Missing the point that challenging raid & events together is part of their daily lives and giving up on that is almost the same as disbanding ..
R_thanatos We are almost there my friend, but it seems like they are going to skip a lot.
High School DxD BorN Season 3 PV1
Let's see ...
See mountain training , ( ok perfect )
Wait , is that sairaog ? but that fight is not supposed to happen untill vol 9
Rossweisse is there is valkyrie mode ? does that mean the loki arc is IN ? Are we going to skip kyoto arc ? WTF many episodes are planned ?? 12 is certainly NOT enough .
3rd season was supposed to be vol 5,6,7 ..what what we thought. does that mean we're skipping the rating games ? but we can't it's a big plot point .. I'm CONFUSED
heck 2nd season had some changes but that was small things , the conclusion was mostly the same.
Ok let's wait for more info , because this Pv only made me confused.