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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders 20

Dream stuff made for some refreshing inventive stuff these past two eps. I think we finally hit Peak Engrish with Joseph's "Horry shit." too.


If this thread was about QualityTM the term "Saber" would result in a post being automatically after it's posted.


Tenchi Muyo Universe 1-13 (half way)

I like it so far, the episodes have been getting better as it's gone on, the Time Space episodes being quite an insight on how the girls think, for one I didn't think Mihoshi had any feelings for Tenchi at all, but her world had Tenchi as her husband, Sasami as her daughter and Ayeka as her daughter in law. Still it's pretty obvious that Tenchi's Grandfather originally comes from Jurai.

Tenchi Muyo Universe 14

So here's the start of a space adventure, love how the house was flatpacked, and yeah there's even more hints of Tenchi's heritage. I guess Tenchi will learn that he's part Juraian soon.
How about when they redo a Saber that subsequently has you needing to buy new versions of every other character?

Hey now you can rebuy
Shirou 2.0
Tohsaka 2.0
Rider 2.0

Don't forget these!!!
Saber Lily 2.0
Saber Casual 2.0
Zero Saber 2.0
Saber Alter 2.0
Saber Extra 2.0

I will wait for the 3.33 versions.
Summer Wars re-watch

Watched and really enjoyed this film last year on Toonami, got to see it again thanks to Toonami reairing it and it's as great as I remember it. While there are some nitpicks and some "well that sure is convenient" it worked for the story and theme of the movie. Granny is still the ultimate bad ass and the characters have a surprising amount of depth to them despite how quickly this depth can be glossed over on first view. Anyone who hasn't seen it really should because it's one of the best anime films I've ever seen

It's only 13.99 on Amazon right now for BR/DVD combo pack and I highly recommend picking it up, it's a steal at that price.


JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Stardust Crusaders 20

Dream stuff made for some refreshing inventive stuff these past two eps. I think we finally hit Peak Engrish with Joseph's "Horry shit." too.

Personally, the "sannadabeetch" from The Sun was my favourite Old Joseph english line.
This voice acting sounds pretty bad.

Also Type-Moon is garbage and you should all stop discussing Fate/stay away when they're better topics out there.

Mods please reopen that containment thread.

The Fate thread is closed? I was wondering why there was 2 pages of Fate discussion here...
Gundam Build Fighters 01

What's Ramba Ral doing here? I already feel like I'll be missing a lot of references by not being familiar with the entire Gundamverse, but this does seem fun for the moment. Hopefully the soundtrack also stays this good.


This voice acting sounds pretty bad.

Also Type-Moon is garbage and you should all stop discussing Fate/stay away when they're better topics out there.

Mods please reopen that containment thread.

Self-hating is bad brah..

Yeah reopen the thread pls, maybe I'll open the community thread to reduce the spoilas


Fate/Zero 11

Let me start by saying this was a great episode, and here's why:
I mean take a minute and think her through with me. If she's the pseudohistorical Arthur who repels the Saxon invasion, then why is she so obsessed with saving Britain from destruction? She already did.

I don't quite get this. How did she win exactly ? Saxons eventually, successfully invaded Britain and drove the Celts, their culture, their language to extinction. It's really not that big of a stretch that she regrets failing to stop this during her reign and wishes to somehow remedy/fix/atone for this situation. Though using Grail as a mass genocide/displacement device is going way, way to far.

. To emphasize his point, he shows her that any King worth his salt has friends and doesn't whine like a bitch about being alone, pulls out his red materia, summons Knights of the Round, and beats the shit out of the Ass Creed Player's Convention just to prove his point.


Because the writer once jerked off to a copy of The Mists of Avalon and has been desperately trying to justify it ever since.

lol I feel like you need to let go a bit of your love for the King Arthur mythos to enjoy this show. It's not like Gilles de Rais, Gilga or even Alexander are a very accurate depictions of their historical counterparts.

The point I'm making is that Rider opens his mouth, flat out says what we're all thinking "You're not a king, you're a little girl." and then proves it again and again in a glorious display of what a fucking war-king is like. And it is magical.

Rider is as much a failure as a king as Saber. Maybe even bigger considering the position he started from and that he was gifted everything by his father. <all hail Philip II. /historic rant.> Saber at least has enough brain cells in her skull to realise her failure. Alexander not so much.
Log Horizon 2 EP 10

Speech ran a little to long for my tastes, but I can appreciate how they tried to show their Guild Master trying to hype up his guildmates to finish the raid.

selector spread WIXOSS 10

Gotta say the big reveal in this episode confused the ever loving shit out of me at first. How the hell did that one card just fucking jump out of her card and fucking disappear after her loss? How the hell did the real Iona end up in her actual body again? I swear I must have missed something in their explanation.


Shin Sekai Yori 10

Tears x Despair

I just knew the director of the bad fifth episode came back for this. Not as jarring a change and overall, good episode but could be still better without his idiosyncrasies and the comeback of that weird artstyle. Going by the revelations learnt here
and the imagery of the ED, the prospects of Maria and either Satoru or Mamoru seem to be bleak to say the least.


Rider is as much a failure as a king as Saber. Maybe even bigger considering the position he started from and that he was gifted everything by his father. <all hail Philip II. /historic rant.> Saber at least has enough brain cells in her skull to realise her failure. Alexander not so much.

Kinda funny because during that scene Rider is pretty much making up bullshit on the spot, it's listed as one of his talents.


Shin Sekai Yori 10

Tears x Despair

I just knew the director of the bad fifth episode came back for this. Not as jarring a change and overall, good episode but could be still better without his idiosyncrasies and the comeback of that weird artstyle. Going by the revelations learnt here
and the imagery of the ED, the prospects of Maria and either Satoru or Mamoru seem to be bleak to say the least.
One of my favorite episodes of anime in recent years. Lots of themes and story elements that are hinted at here become very vital as the story continues.

And the boding, nebulous tone feels completely tangible with Yamauchi's dizzying direction.

Cross Ange 10

The first 30 seconds of this episode is magic Nunnally whipping Ange for being a Norma. Yes, she is in a floating Professor X wheelchair but she can crack that whip like nobody's business. Ange's whip marks then proceed to randomly disappear throughout the episode. She needs to work on her Norma healing factor. Then Rito Yamato comes in and saves Ange as she is hanging. He falls on her crotch and makes a comment about the carpet matching the drapes. It is never not the time for ecchi hijinx. To reset this balance, Ange beats him up a few times and he leaves, then they show a lesbian sex scene later to keep the SDBurton scales aligned.

This episode had everything. Singing, whipping, sexing, spitting, escaping, hanging! No but seriously this was just pure exploitation. We are there. Once the whips come out it becomes an exploitation flick.

Cross Ange 10

MetroidPrimeRib's posts sums it up quite well. There is really not much more to be said. I just find it hilarious how cartoonishly evil their entire country is about the Norma thing. Hilda X Ange OTP!!!


Huge Nickleback Fan
Amagi Brillant Park 10
Kanye finally remember Latifah, and now he know the curse, he will do whatever it take to meet the quota. Man to man talk between him and moffle, and now, it's on.

Air head is odottemita? Will Mylist/subscribe to her!


So Highschool DxD is getting a third season.

More Koneko pls
But aside from liking her, I honestly dont know shit about High School DXD. what kind of show is it?

My kindred spirit! Prisma Illya is basically the only entry in the entire franchise that has a concept that was actually thought through. It's solidly written, the characters have motivations that make sense, and the action and comedy elements are there without feeling forced. Yeah, there's the unfortunate appeal to a certain demographic, but that doesn't ruin the positive elements for me.

I like Fate/Zero and Kara no Kyoukai and at least the VN versions of F/SN and Tsukihime, but all of them have laughable elements. Prisma Illya has a smaller focus and because of that, it works.

Hilariously, Prisma Illya might be the best executed part of the Fate universe. Its definitely the most entertaining (and cutest)

Nevermind; it seems that it was exactly what I thought it was.

Now picture this scene, but instead of Saber, it's Saber Lion. It would be great!

Saber Lion is the best Saber iteration by a country mile.


One of my favorite episodes of anime in recent years. Lots of themes and story elements that are hinted at here become very vital as the story continues.

And the boding, nebulous tone feels completely tangible with Yamauchi's dizzying direction.

Don't get me wrong. I thought it was a very fine episode and along with 4th, the best of the show so far. That said I feel the such drastic change in artstyle (especially when it comes to characters) is unwarranted as the regular one can pull off even those darker moments quite nicely. Backgrounds were on point as always that I agree with.
Naruto Shippuden episode 375

Best fight of the 2014 me thinks. Now we wait another 30 episodes for another decently animated non-filler episode. ;_;


Usagi Drop 10

The flu sucks m'kay. I wonder if the bit with Kouki's mom is the drama bomb the show will end on. Show is great overall though.

Baccano 1

I saw bit and pieces of this before but the show is already hard enough to follow as it is that I'll appreciate a good, "in order" run through

From the New World 8

Though it's a bit forced (what with the "sex monkey" angle from earlier in the show), I'm actually impressed at how all these homosexual relationships are framed and shot with sincerity as opposed to vehicles to titillate heterosexual males/females. That's rare in anime I feel. Overall the plot continues to thicken and there seems there is still fallout from the last arc to resolve.

Girls und Panzer 9

So basically his is another one of those times when the bad guys let the good guys win. The show has completely failed to make me care about any of these characters or their current plight. To say nothing of some of the derpy happenings :/ This is not a good anime (for a variety of reasons).

the way FTNW handled the topic of homosexuality so nonchalantly was definitely refreshing. It was just a way of being that people went through growing up. A topic could be raised as to whether or not it was genuine but it never seemed out of place or even pandering.

Saber prints money.

Caster's collection is insane.

She does. I have quite a few Saber figures and can attest to this.



Well theres this version in all her gorgeous glory.

Madan Vanadis-10

Blue is best girl. Oh and holy shit at this:

Apparently half of Tigre's army is invisible.

So I might need to watch this?
I like this blue haired girl.
I'll play along since I'm bored. So obviously the raid guild members are aware that they'll lose their memories if they wipe. Now there are two logical outcomes in a case like that; the first is that you stop doing a high risk event such as raiding, the other option is to knowingly continue raiding despite the risks.

This is of course assuming that the raids in the game aren't designed around noobs and idiots, there will be a decent chance you'll wipe. That's just how raids are. The guild members should have embarked on this raid with the knowledge that at the bare minimum, they were going to wipe at least a few times.

Now with the knowledge that they lose memories, they should be overly cautious. Strategies like sacrificing the tanks and possibly the DPS if they end up in shit creek, should be absolutely basic. At least in stuff like SAO, every single person there only has one life and no revives so sacrifice strategies in that game didn't make sense. Here however, if a couple of people make it out and the whole party is fine, they should have backup plans oriented around that.

Also if you give up or think a challenge is hopeless after one attempt, you shouldn't be doing raiding. Flat out. A large part of raiding is experimenting.

There are in that raid zone for what 3 weeks ? their supplies are low ( You can't teleport back to a city for supples or for repair , those things have to be done on site and that cost supplies too) and this isn't their first attempts , they had wipes , but this is the first time they had a full wipe. What you saw was their genuine attempt at this boss. Even with the new mecanics. One boss is a Goddamn challenge it was already the most challenging fight EVER ( and they all are raid experimented people ) + 90+ Lv gear and you don't understand that taking 3 at once can lower their spirits ?
Many people in that raid were asking themselves the question : is it even possible ?

Ask yourself what you'd think if you were to challenge 3 of the most powerfull bosses ever ( with broken stats ) in a dongeon full of instant kill mecanics. All while you're exausted from a 3 week campaign ( Teleport doesn't work remember )

So be a little more understanding , they really had legitimate reasons to feel down.
It's not like they can , log out , go to sleep and restart, like in real life.
Cross Ange - 10

Aww man, I was hoping the royal family would get more screen time. I think they could've done much more in the first part of the episode. Tusk is as glorious as ever.


Oh snap, finally some news on Gangsta!

Broadcast: July 2015
Studio: manglobe
Director: Murase Shukou
Series Director: Hatsumi Kouichi
Series Composition: Inotsume Shinichi
Character Design: Ueda Youichi
Official website: http://gangsta-project.com/


Nicolas Brown: Tsuda Kenjirou
Worick Arcangelo: Suwabe Jun'ichi
Alex Benedetto: Noto Mamiko
Chad Adkins: Kaneo Tetsuo
Cody Balfour: Ishikawa Kaito
Theo: Mikami Satoshi
Nina: Yuuki Aoi
Daniel Monroe: Houki Katsuhisa
Miles Meyer: Koyama Tsuyoshi
Yang: Maeno Tomoaki
Delico: Hashizume Tomohisa
Ivan Glaziev: Kirimoto Takuya
Gina Paulklee: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Ginger: Komatsu Mikako
Doug: Yoshino Hiroyuki
Loretta Cristiano Amodio: Ueda Kana
Marco Adriano: Sakurai Takahiro
Galahad Woehor: Inada Tetsu
Cross Ange - 10

Aww man, I was hoping the royal family would get more screen time. I think they could've done much more in the first part of the episode. Tusk is as glorious as ever.
You just wanted to see Ange get her naked ass whipped some more.

Oh snap, finally some news on Gangsta!

Broadcast: July 2015
Studio: manglobe
Director: Murase Shukou
Series Director: Hatsumi Kouichi
Series Composition: Inotsume Shinichi
Character Design: Ueda Youichi
Official website: http://gangsta-project.com/


Nicolas Brown: Tsuda Kenjirou
Worick Arcangelo: Suwabe Jun'ichi
Alex Benedetto: Noto Mamiko
Chad Adkins: Kaneo Tetsuo
Cody Balfour: Ishikawa Kaito
Theo: Mikami Satoshi
Nina: Yuuki Aoi
Daniel Monroe: Houki Katsuhisa
Miles Meyer: Koyama Tsuyoshi
Yang: Maeno Tomoaki
Delico: Hashizume Tomohisa
Ivan Glaziev: Kirimoto Takuya
Gina Paulklee: Sakakibara Yoshiko
Ginger: Komatsu Mikako
Doug: Yoshino Hiroyuki
Loretta Cristiano Amodio: Ueda Kana
Marco Adriano: Sakurai Takahiro
Galahad Woehor: Inada Tetsu
I'm interested.
Cross Ange 10

Dat laughing track while the whipping, lol.

Oh well, it's clear what was going to happen. Shouts of "filthy Norma!", execution and then just before the deal is done saved by a hair by the crotch-hugger.
The episode serves to really drive into Ange (and the viewer) how bad is the Empire and how it needs to be destroyed in a revolution by Normas (to see in the second season!).
And Hilda doing some self-hating, but bonding with Angie.
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