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Fall Anime 2014 lOTl Unlimited Tomino Works

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Fate/Stay Night Episode 00

Great fight scene but the rest of the episode felt meandering and like it was just trying to fill time until we got to the patented Ufotable fight scene. It was nowhere near as bad as the exposition avalanche that was Fate/Zero's first episode but it was also clear that the characters in F/SN can't ever live up to the characters in F/Z. F/Z was about the clash of ideals between the masters and servants and the moments when these characters were having conversations were as much as if not more entertaining then the actual battles. F/SN is about kids playing at war and one incredibly misogynistic piece of shit that they try to convince us is actually supposed to be the hero.


Fate/Stay Night Episode 00

Great fight scene but the rest of the episode felt meandering and like it was just trying to fill time until we got to the patented Ufotable fight scene. It was nowhere near as bad as the exposition avalanche that was Fate/Zero's first episode but it was also clear that the characters in F/SN can't ever live up to the characters in F/Z. F/Z was about the clash of ideals between the masters and servants and the moments when these characters were having conversations were as much as if not more entertaining then the actual battles. F/SN is about kids playing at war and one incredibly misogynistic piece of shit that they try to convince us is actually supposed to be the hero.

Zero is a mature story for a mature audience, I agree.


Wolf Girl & Black Prince - 01

Misoginy, slut shaming, S&M analogy.. this maybe what actually the most contextually offensive thematically on this season, hell of accomplishment with Ange and Terraformars around, and this is Shoujo.. Femmeworth need to watch this lol

I'll keep watching btw, the guy's pretty hot and voiced by Takahiro Sakurai maybe I can keep the fantasy for myself.
Completely random thought about the norma in Cross Ange. I wonder why only female can be norma. It would have to be an allele on the X chromosome and be dominant since it is express. Since it doesn't appears in males, it appears to be fatal. But if its fatal and is express in females which should have 2 X chromosomes, should the female be dead as well? Well perhaps some epistasis or co-dominance is also involve..anyways Science=/=anime plot


Wolf Girl & Black Prince - 01

Misoginy, slut shaming, S&M analogy.. this maybe what actually the most contextually offensive thematically on this season, hell of accomplishment with Ange and Terraformars around, and this is Shoujo.. Femmeworth need to watch this lol

I'll keep watching btw, the guy's pretty hot and voiced by Takahiro Sakurai maybe I can keep the fantasy for myself.

Sometimes I think a lot of japanese have been hopelessly sheltered from modern world social issues. It makes sense. It also might get worse in the future.

Link Man

Completely random thought about the norma in Cross Ange. I wonder why only female can be norma. It would have to be an allele on the X chromosome and be dominant since it is express. Since it doesn't appears in males, it appears to be fatal. But if its fatal and is express in females which should have 2 X chromosomes, should the female be dead as well? Well perhaps some epistasis or co-dominance is also involve..anyways Science=/=anime plot

This is anime. It's because they have boobs.


Can't wait to seeing the practice of misoginy in UBW with seeing how
obediently males follow the lead of more capable females, imagine the outrage!


Sometimes I think a lot of japanese have been hopelessly sheltered from modern world social issues. It makes sense. It also might get worse in the future.

It's more that the issues Japan have aren't the same issues we have. So a story like that probably isn't as offensive because different things offend them compared to us. I mean one of Japan's main problems is that people aren't interested in sex. They really aren't that interested in social issues that much


Cross Ange 1

It all started well, with a fun action scene (apart from the last bit, that was laughable), then an OP filled with references to another Sunrise anime I adore, then some interesting world building and then...and then... D:

What the hell Sunrise?


F/SN is about kids playing at war and one incredibly misogynistic piece of shit that they try to convince us is actually supposed to be the hero.
I'm not a fan of Gilgamesh, but I put up with him.

And opinions on Method being "surprisingly" good make me realize the one advantage the kinds of shows I tend to like have. Because people dismiss them before any other kind of shows, their quality is praised more in the moment, even if the macrofandom is quicker to forget them.

Fruit of Grisaia 01

Can a show have "anime tropes" and still tell a a story with depth to it? Obviously, this shouldn't even be up for debate. I've played a fair amount of VNs - though not many that have become anime - and a few sex scenes can only make up a portion of the runtime, because they're not so much about "getting the girls" as they are seeing the stories of those girls, you're simply taking part in them. As the second of the three non-Fate VN anime, once again, a completely different tone.

An empty school save for the main characters is a good way to save on budget when making a VN, but it has its artistic uses as well. Like the dimension/wall of desks used in the key visuals for Aura, or the Negima!? intro. It's something familiar, but stripped of the human element, becomes inherently more alienating. Michiru made a great first impression, but I liked just about everyone. That Michiru got a magical girl spinoff VN makes me want to play it. She's the next Nannoha/Illya, or at least I hope she is.

And Yuuji is, like Tigre, someone who's stoic, a soldier, but still has recognizable humanity in him. I will keep emphasizing this, because I feel the Western fanbase places too much value on certain characters' actions and less on their emotions. Anime is about emotions, art is about emotions. Blind emotions are dangerous, but emotions and thought are stronger than logic alone. That's why I can sympathize with Yuuji. I feel I have a sense of how he works.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes. Curious how both this and Denki-Gai are playing up the forbidden fruit/apple motif, but using it to entirely different ends. These similarities only enhance my appreciation of both works.

I like the batch of shows I have on Sunday, though my real favorite Sunday show debuts next week.


There's a lot of people here that are enjoying Celestial Method. I might check it out later today. For those of you who enjoyed it, what anime would you compare it to? Just so I have a sense of what it's like.
Wolf Girl & Black Prince - 01

Misoginy, slut shaming, S&M analogy.. this maybe what actually the most contextually offensive thematically on this season, hell of accomplishment with Ange and Terraformars around, and this is Shoujo.. Femmeworth need to watch this lol

I'll keep watching btw, the guy's pretty hot and voiced by Takahiro Sakurai maybe I can keep the fantasy for myself.

I was hoping the same!
/devil on my shoulder
TerraFormars OVA, 1, & 2

Lawd. I read a few chapters of the manga a while back but seeing it animated is something else. I forgot how violent this was, and it's so melodramatic at times that it's hilarious. Not to mention the laughable design of the roaches.

On the real though, this looks like it could be one of those "so bad it's good" type of deals. I can already tell this will be highly entertaining. The fights and animation weren't too bad in the ova either. And honestly, I actually really like some of the characters. Michelle is awesome and the captain seems pretty cool. It's too bad a lot of these characters are probably gonna get straight murked on Mars when they encounter the roaches. The second episode, so far, is like a calm before the storm.

Anyway, I'm actually looking forward to the rest of the season.

Fake edit: Gotdamn the last few minutes. Episode 2 was the calm and the storm.
People getting stomped (heh) before they even on Mars.
There's a lot of people here that are enjoying Celestial Method. I might check it out later today. For those of you who enjoyed it, what anime would you compare it to? Just so I have a sense of what it's like.


Sora No Method 1
you think it would be a SoL thing, but then giant thingy in the sky happen
Great animation and fantastic soundtrack on this one.
But then they pulled the "she done something wrong, but then it wasn't her fault!" shit. Fucking hell, can't you start this without pulling a trope out of your ass?
Overall it wasn't a great start, but i will hold on to my butt.


It's more that the issues Japan have aren't the same issues we have. So a story like that probably isn't as offensive because different things offend them compared to us. I mean one of Japan's main problems is that people aren't interested in sex. They really aren't that interested in social issues that much

Well thats true but with information flowing freely thats not a good excuse to be blatantly offensive.

I'm not a fan of Gilgamesh, but I put up with him.

And opinions on Method being "surprisingly" good make me realize the one advantage the kinds of shows I tend to like have. Because people dismiss them before any other kind of shows, their quality is praised more in the moment, even if the macrofandom is quicker to forget them.

Fruit of Grisaia 01

Can a show have "anime tropes" and still tell a a story with depth to it? Obviously, this shouldn't even be up for debate. I've played a fair amount of VNs - though not many that have become anime - and a few sex scenes can only make up a portion of the runtime, because they're not so much about "getting the girls" as they are seeing the stories of those girls, you're simply taking part in them. As the second of the three non-Fate VN anime, once again, a completely different tone.

An empty school save for the main characters is a good way to save on budget when making a VN, but it has its artistic uses as well. Like the dimension/wall of desks used in the key visuals for Aura, or the Negima!? intro. It's something familiar, but stripped of the human element, becomes inherently more alienating. Michiru made a great first impression, but I liked just about everyone. That Michiru got a magical girl spinoff VN makes me want to play it. She's the next Nannoha/Illya, or at least I hope she is.

And Yuuji is, like Tigre, someone who's stoic, a soldier, but still has recognizable humanity in him. I will keep emphasizing this, because I feel the Western fanbase places too much value on certain characters' actions and less on their emotions. Anime is about emotions, art is about emotions. Blind emotions are dangerous, but emotions and thought are stronger than logic alone. That's why I can sympathize with Yuuji. I feel I have a sense of how he works.

Looking forward to seeing where this goes. Curious how both this and Denki-Gai are playing up the forbidden fruit/apple motif, but using it to entirely different ends. These similarities only enhance my appreciation of both works.

I like the batch of shows I have on Sunday, though my real favorite Sunday show debuts next week.

does Grisaia have Makina in it?


So reading the first chapter of Wolf Girl and Black Prince and it opens with a girl complaining about how her boy friend wants to try S&M with our main lead saying it's not bad once you try it.

...So it begins


So reading the first chapter of Wolf Girl and Black Prince and it opens with a girl complaining about how her boy friend wants to try S&M with our main lead saying it's not bad once you try it.

...So it begins

Then again theres a best selling book with similar themes that is getting a movie in the west..


So reading the first chapter of Wolf Girl and Black Prince and it opens with a girl complaining about how her boy friend wants to try S&M with our main lead saying it's not bad once you try it.

...So it begins

Why not just watch the anime?

Pretty amazing to see an shoujo title outshining few other show in this season for certain category lol


Also, it seems that the only thing the group of friends talk about are their boyfriends without anything else. I mean...maybe the characters go through development.

Our lead lies about having boyfriend because if she doesn't her Highschool life will die. Thus the story actually starts somewhat.
Then again theres a best selling book with similar themes that is getting a movie in the west..

Yeah, that thought also went through my head. A book for women / a shojo comic with some soft S&M themes that make girls crazy. Though obviously in the shojo is more hidden, there is a similarity.


Why not just watch the anime?

Pretty amazing to see an shoujo title outshining few other show in this season for certain category lol

I might watch it after I'm a few chapters in, but I usually read the manga first unless it's a series I really want to see animated (JoJo)
So reading the first chapter of Wolf Girl and Black Prince and it opens with a girl complaining about how her boy friend wants to try S&M with our main lead saying it's not bad once you try it.

...So it begins
Sounds like it will sell gangbusters here in the west


Le Fruit de la Grisaia 01
I've already played the start of the VN so I knew what to expect from the first episode but it ends just short of where I've played up til. The unusual aspect ratio was jarring at first but I got used to it pretty quickly, although that was probably helped by watching it on my PS4 with the Crunchyroll app. Overall I was impressed with how the episode looked and was surprised at the quality of the animation as well as how well "shot" it was. Another surprise was the equal opportunity fan service with as much male butt as female. Going forward I'm interested to see which girls route they pick or if its an amalgamation of them all and unless I get the urge to play through the game before next week it will all be new to me. One thing I did appreciate was how they trimmed some of the fat from the VN such as that stupid bug scene from when the MC arrives at the school. So far a nice adaption.


And so our main character agrees to dehumanize herself for her pretend boyfriend and bark like a dog so her friends won't kick her out of their club (Something they showed they probably wouldn't do) I mean, holy shit that escalated rather quickly.

But it's okay, he loves dogs and think they are pure.

It doesn't matter though, her friends are super crappy anyway and tells her fake secret to everyone at lunch.

Damn, Boyfriends are serious business.

One Piece 664

We meet again, Senor.

Only this time, I'm more depressed seeing how you let yourself go.


I Can't Understand What My Husband is Saying: 01

Totally adorable, but almost too rapid fire in its comedy. Still, a worthwhile way to spend a couple minutes.
all right just woke up. time to start the sunday animu see what the quality is like

edit: Cross Ange is not for me. Dropped. I'll just have to see impressions in here.


As a fan of the original VN I'm gonna say that the first episode was a success. Glad they cut some of the early scenes like the awful bug scene in order to get us an intro to the school and the characters. It'll be tough to get all the girl's VN roues in the anime so an amalgamation of all the routes will have to do. I also appreciate the fan service for both male and female characters although the panty scenes were needless considering Yuuji doesn't care about that stuff like most male protagonists. I guess they're using the black bars in order to make it look more cinematic which takes some time to get used to. Also hope there isn't anymore censorship with Amane's naked boobs as it was very distracting. Decent start so far.


The iDOLM@STER Movie

I can't really say anything about the quality of this movie which isn't going to be tinged with all sorts of fandom nostalgia and bias, but I really enjoyed it, even if it is maybe a little baggy in the middle.

That opening, though -
the movie trailer for the Magical Girl movie that takes up the first three or four minutes of the movie is pretty damn incredible, even by the high standards the franchise already set itself in terms of fake movie trailers

They did maybe bite off a little more than they could chew with the concert scene at the end - it's super-ambitious, and even with a fully CG stage and audience, and the use of CG character models in the distance shots where it's rather less obvious, the camera is flying all over the place in a fashion that the 2D art can't quite keep up with. Top marks for trying, though!

Yay, I'm not alone anymore! Someone else has seen the opening!

You said you thought the movie was a little baggy in the middle, and I can see where you're coming from. But what did you think of the drama involving the new girls from Million Live? I thought, compared to a lot of the 'dramatic' moments from the series, it was a very good way of setting up character conflict. Even if that part runs a little long, it was a great way of exploring how Haruka had developed from where she started.

How did you wind up seeing it? Is it finally out on disk now?
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