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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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I think the problem with PSYCHO-PASS is like most Urobuchi shows - the characterization isn't really much to write home about it, so it's not really interesting following them along in episodic procedural events.

The problem with Psycho Pass is that it only comes out on a weekly basis


Hyouka End

Any chance of a season 2?

No word even though there was another book or two that wasn't adapted or something?

I dunno, but I'm of the opinion that it doesn't really need a second season since I thought the ending was pretty satisfying. I wouldn't be offended if there was more Hyouka announced though.
Hyouka End
Loved the last 2 episodes up until
the daydream fakeout, I seriously feel like I have been trolled
It had the opportunity to pass Dusk Maiden as my favorite show this year but it failed.

Any chance of a season 2?

I've heard there's not much more in terms of source content to adapt for a new season.

Source (NSFW content)

two days until the second PV for Prism Nana. In charge of the PV are Numeta Seiya and Sakai Kyuuta this time.


A brand that seems to be popular - inexplicably so.

There's nothing really inexplicable about it. You know that harem shows are popular wish fufillment fantasies? What would happen if you combined that with a sweet videogame? Then you'd get like, double the popularity man!


Psycho Pass - 2

The doctor didn't get enough screen time. Akane gets points for walking around her apartment in a towel. This is still stupid.

Also, why is the lip synching so fucking awful?

I didn't really notice this, but the lip syncing is rarely good in any anime due to them animating the mouth flaps before recording the dialogue.


Setec Astronomer
I actually really liked the song she sang though. Sakura Fubuki I think is my favorite song used in this series so far. Apparently it's also one of her cover songs for the PGSM soundtrack.
It is kind of disappointing how PGSM's collection of vocal songs doesn't really live up to the anime. Of course, the s1 songs are pretty blah too but from R on the anime related sons had a ton going for them. Anyway, Sakura Fubuki is also the one I like the most. Sometimes I listen to Hama Chisaki's Yakusoku, but then that's really about it.

Fun fact: C'est La Vie is autotuned.

Speaking of music, around when Rei showed up at the battle near the end, there was this really weird sound like a helicopter or something that I wasn't sure if it was a sound effect or part of the background music. It didn't really make any sense in context to the situation and as the scene went on it seemed like it was part of the background track. It was just really strange and out of place.
Haha, I dunno either. Foley gone wrong? Really bad effect choices? An actual helicopter was outside the set and they had to go with it?

Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon Act 24

This was definitely one of Usagi's really stupid moments. She gets depressed at seeing Mamoru and walks out onto the crosswalk while the sign is still red.

"What are you stupid!? The sign was red!"
"Who are you calling stupid?"
Really weird way to
build up to the line used in the manga.

I wonder who that is present at the ending? I don't think anyone could have seen that coming.
Loli finds a way.


Anymore announcement at MCM expo? I could have been there since a friend of mine invited me, but ALAS, I am in Birmingham at the moment :(

Nothing I think is particularly interesting/new. I think Manga may have thrown everything they can presently announce yesterday, but I gather Kaze may have been holding a couple of things back so that todays Industry Panel has an actual purpose.

You're probably best off not being there, to be honest - despite having what seems to be a bigger show floor than usual, it was absolutely rammed yesterday. It's probably a result of the cold weather - a lot of the crowd will usually just do one or two passes of the floor then hang-out on the stairs outside for the rest of the day, but it was pretty bitterly cold most of yesterday, and the wind would have cut right through crappy cosplay material, so people congregated inside instead. It was kind of exasperated by some poor layout inside as well - the BBC were there with Doctor Who merch for the first time, they erected a wall of stands on the path people would normally take to the exit, and the WiiU stuff is generating lines enough that I didn't bother too.
Bleach 277

Totally felt like that first 5 minutes was some recap plus new material mixed in so that you would have no idea what the hell was going on.

Also, that Starrk and feeling up his loli in gun form.
Prince of Tennis of some shit movie that's not the first one


Weird gangrape scene

English means this is serious biz

when you hit 2 balls together, a baby is born.


serious bad dudes.

I remember this from windwaker!

I haven't followed tennis in a while, but doubles seems different.

Something about using bio something with a vacuum or something idk.


But mada mada dane!


spirit ball motherfucker!

The end.


Skipped? Nope. Just didn't want to watch it directly after SDFM. I haven't seen it before so I'm very much looking forward to it!

As you should! It's the best.

Damn, those Prince of Tennis screens look amazing
ly stupid, but amazing nonetheless.


[Jo Jo's Bizarre Adventure] - 4

I'm a little torn over this episode. On one hand, I appreciate how fast the story is moving and how many events they manage to compress into a single episode: characters returning, a new character is introduced, another new character is introduced and his backstory is given and we got a training arc and we got a fight. I don't really care that they didn't spend anytime on the training because, well, training is boring but the speed at which we're the characters are introduced does risk removing any sense of weight to the events that transpire. Well, apart from this guy whose clearly the best bro of the series:


Production wise this episode is everything I've come to expect from the series. For better or for worse (usually for worse) this show has very limited animation, a garish colour palette, average cinematography and really ugly visual effects. I've just about accepted all of these elements but one thing I absolutely cannot abide is the shadow-censoring. Not only does it censor the graphic content but it completely destroys nearly all the visual information contained in the frame, rendering the frame itself useless. This is pretty bad and I imagine we're going to have to put up with it throughout the show:

After a couple days hiatus, I'm back with pics of the releases this week from the normal array of shops. After asking around a bit, it would seem that volume 1 of Sword Art Online has been selling quite well.

And off we go!



Ginga e Kickoff!! 24

Wow, the way in which they used Blind Soccer in this episode as a means for character development was really well done. It also helps that they mixed things up a bit for the visual representation of what it's like to play completely blind.


Sword Art Online ep 17
Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big.Lyfa's boobs is big.Lyfa's boobs is big.

That is all.
It was the YuruYuri one, right? I never forget a tomato.

But that's what he has now again. There was something else in between there.

Sword Art Online ep 17
Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big. Lyfa's boobs is big.Lyfa's boobs is big.Lyfa's boobs is big.

That is all.

Lyfa's boobs are big.
After a couple days hiatus, I'm back with pics of the releases this week from the normal array of shops. After asking around a bit, it would seem that volume 1 of Sword Art Online has been selling quite well.
Aw yeah.
And off we go!
What's that "flower" book? And that dude in the white suit with an oversized tophat in the third pic is one of the most obnoxious character designs I've ever seen. Jesus.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus

Congratulations on completing the main OVA series, my LOGH comrade. However, you now have the option of wading through all the prequel material as well!
I've heard the opinion that the prequel material is vastly inferior to the main work, some of it even retconning elements of the original's story. I don't think I can let my palate get contaminated with anything less than fabulous now that I have tasted the delight of Reinhard's wise and just ruling. It's also the reason I'm having trouble to watch any of the animes I have scheduled for my Saturday watching, including Jojo.
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