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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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sealed with a kiss
I refuse.

You can't make me, Narag.

I was thinking of re-watching Utena, but it's always nice to have new stuff on hand.

Ah, didn't know you had already watched it. This is why recommendations can get so confusing!



The early Magi manga sucked

It's certainly better than One Piece, at least.


El Sloth

Sweet, thanks for all the stuff, AnimeGAF! I think I'm good with this.

Ah, didn't know you had already watched it. This is why recommendations can get so confusing!

Yes, I have already been converted by Hitokage a few seasons back. So much imagery~

I thought you said you would never post in here?

I thought you were a man of your word, Wiseblade!


Yuru Yuri 10

This episode makes clear how central the Kyouko-Yui dynamic is to the machinisation of madness of this series, with Kyouko being the engine and Yui the counterforce. Akari and Pink-Hair are almost side-characters by comparison.


I feel a pretty big disconnect between most people's impressions of Magi and my own feelings so far. Apart from the shaky first episode, I've really liked it so far. The early Magi manga sucked, so the anime choosing to focus only on the highlights of what happened there is a positive, not a negative. It's still hampered by both Yoshino and the sketchy source material, but so far, Anime > Manga for me.

The disconnect is indeed rather large, as

-the first episode, out of the introductory three, is the best out of the lot

-manga didn't 'suck' early on; the characterization and the setting it introduces remains consistent all throughout, and is vital for all the events that follow

-the anime didn't focus on the 'positive,' nor did it discard the negative. It would imply an understanding of the material that is quite beyond the team here. It was just a bare-bones presentation of all the 'important' events, but it didn't even do that faithfully in order to shoehorn in the female lead as early as possible.

-fuck yo couch, sketchy source material my ass​

tl;dr vr. brb voting repub


The Light of El Cantare
tl;dr vr. brb voting repub

On Romney's first day in office, somewhere between repealing the Emancipation Proclamation and starting a nuclear war with Russia, he's going to sign an executive order expelling Envelope from the country.



[spoiler] I need to make an edit of this with "wiseblade" instead of Rossiu[/spoiler]

Remember what happened to the manga thread the last time we did this? Let's not do it again.[/QUOTE]


I thought you said you would never post in here?

I thought you were a man of your word, Wiseblade!

Wrongs needed to be righted!
The implication from what you're all saying is that they're rushing through this arc too? I might as well just read the manga at this point.

If they were all adapted like episode 4, we wouldn't have to worry about the manga until the anime ends. Unfortunately, they probably won't be. You should still read the manga (and read the first 15 chapters right away, at least before the next episode).
Magi 4

Even though I've really enjoyed the previous episodes, this was definitely a noticeable improvement. It was very well-paced, as it introduced several interesting characters and spent the majority of time focusing on Aladdin's development and establishing a singular setting, rather than chaotically shifting perspective throughout. The tone was more restrained and less comedic, but I thought it complemented the introduction of this arc really well.

Although it was quite brief, Alibaba and Morgiana's opening conversation was nice. Hakuei is a rather compelling character, and it will be interesting to see which
side of the approaching battle she'll fight for
. Her conversation with Aladdin was an excellent moment, since it illuminated her
relative understanding and compassion
, while also portraying Aladdin as particularly caring and helpful. Aladdin's interactions with Baba throughout were the best element of this episode, since they provided excellent insight into the meaning of
and the
history of their tribe
, while also illustrating a familial connection that Aladdin
doesn't seem to have much experience with
. Though somewhat expected, the ending was still rather surprising, and a very intriguing cliffhanger to conclude the episode with.

As for the production values, they were slightly less impressive throughout this episode, but, thankfully, never distracting. The animation was average, but a higher quality wasn't particularly necessary, since there was an obvious lack of dynamic sequences involved. Musically, this episode was just as excellent as the others, especially during Aladdin and Baba's moonlit conversation, which was fantastic.

All in all, Magi satisfies considerably with an improved episode, and, hopefully, this heightened sort of coherency within the story indicates a more consistent execution of the narrative moving forward.


I really don't think "rushing" is the actual problem with any sort of adaptation. A capable adaptation is one where the actual length of the original material does not matter because the adapted material feels complete in itself. As long as that rule remains true, how fast or slow it is going compared to the source has little bearing on the quality of the adapted work.

I was simply asking whether or not they were still moving through the source material quickly rather than saying that moving through the source material quickly is a bad thing because, as you say, it all depends upon the finished product.
They didn't slow the adaptation down in ep4, it just got better. Probably because Yoshino didn't write it. Even if Yoshino has a ton of episodes for the Balbaad arc, if he's a bad writer, it's hard to be optimistic about the results. Hopefully he finds himself busy with some other bad show, and other writers continue working on the show instead. :p

This worries me, however. Yoshino really does seem to be a talentless hack.


You know, I was tempted to get this to show the UK market some support. But then my card got canned so I can't order anything until the replacement arrives. Hopefully the limited stock isn't that limited.

The UK Madoka BD release is really, really cheap though so it might well be limited. I mean, this probably one of the only times we aren't getting screwed on a release. It costs $143 in America but only $41 here. That's completely ridiculous, I have no idea how they ended up with such a deal.


My Little Monster - Episode 5

This is a more serious episode, and I honestly found it kinda boring. Not a bad episode, but I definitely enjoy the series more for the comedy and the antics between the characters. There were some decent scenes, and I like the way the relationship is developing, but I really don't care much about Yuzan or the implications about Haru's background. It's just not very interesting, and I'll rather see something wacky instead.

But after the credits, the show answered my prayers with this awesome mock trailer:

Good times. :)
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 05

This wasn't a bad episode. Slow in stuff going on, great for relationship building and character building. Even though not much happened, it was still great to look at and that sweet moment looked rather well.

Fairly impressed with the My Little Gangbusters promo at the end.
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