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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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I was trying to study for a calculus exam earlier, but all that was going on in my brain was the YurYuri ending theme. Thanks a lot, anime.

Speaking of YuruYuri, I was planning on taking a hiatus from the show after watching the first season, but I was thinking of what I should watch tonight, and all I could think of was more YuruYuri. Should I just hop right back on the YuruYuri train?


Shinsekai Yori 05

This show may have just surpassed JoJo as my favorite of the season. What an excellent episode. After the info dump in episode 04, I was afraid most of the mystery of the world. So much of what makes this show fantastic is learning the horrors of this universe along with the characters. This episode calmed those fears. Not only did it show that the series can be interesting even without some of the mystery, it raised new fascinating questions to chew on. It also gave us a good look into the psyche of some of the characters. It's surprising just how messed up they are. It's quite clear that they've gone through some
biological and psychological programming.
. We know a lot of the horrible things that are going on behind the scenes, but the additional stuff that's being hinted at is horrifying. Man, I just loved everything about this episode.


sealed with a kiss
I was trying to study for a calculus exam earlier, but all that was going on in my brain was the YurYuri ending theme. Thanks a lot, anime.

Speaking of YuruYuri, I was planning on taking a hiatus from the show after watching the first season, but I was thinking of what I should watch tonight, and all I could think of was more YuruYuri. Should I just hop right back on the YuruYuri train?

You should watch a good show instead.
I think it was good as well but not a fan of Satoru Asahina x
, didnt like her in those scenes much



World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
I was trying to study for a calculus exam earlier, but all that was going on in my brain was the YurYuri ending theme. Thanks a lot, anime.

Speaking of YuruYuri, I was planning on taking a hiatus from the show after watching the first season, but I was thinking of what I should watch tonight, and all I could think of was more YuruYuri. Should I just hop right back on the YuruYuri train?



My Little Monster/Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 5


I was really bothered by Haru's possessiveness of Shizuku this episode so I'm glad she spoke up.

Was hoping we'd see more of glasses girl than we did. Sick Natsume is super cute. Glad that Haru is finally opening up to Shizuku.

WTF was that preview?


Kami-sama Hajimemashita 4

A big fat meh from me. Tried to be too serious, when at this stage in proceedings there's nothing at stake (nothing at snake, maybe?). Tomoe-as-ikemen jokes were better in the tengu episode, and I hate hate HATE damsel in distress episodes in shoujo anyway.

Robotics;Notes 3

So much better than the previous episodes; you actually got a sense of why Kai and Aki are friends, and the events of the episode were actually entertaining rather than dull as ditchwater. The ZOMG SHADOWY GOINGS ON were appropriately shadowy without resorting to girls with glowing foreheads, and the ridiculous shouty humour made me smile on occasion.

I am slightly wary of the introduction of
Frau Thingymabob, fang and all
, but I guess we'll have to wait and see.

Say I Love You 3

Who knew bowling could be so emotionally devastating?

I can't think of anything particularly interesting to say about this show other than that I like it despite, essentially, "knowing better". While the main characters are unrealistically perfect-but-emotionally-damaged, watching their romance is like comfort food, and although the show goes to thoughtful places in its characterisation of Aiko in this episode it doesn't detract from the "aaaaaaw"-ness of the central relationship.

We even got another visual metaphor this episode. Hurray for visual metaphors in animu!



The thing that's becoming clear about that
as the show goes on is that it isn't just about the show's themes of loss of innocence. It's also about the horror of
biological and psychological programming
. More chilling than I could have imagined.


The Light of El Cantare
MR is a mascot, she only half-counts! :O

Tell that to all of the Coco x Nozomi shippers
and Coco x Nuts, of course
of the world.

I find blog posts like these interesting not because they reveal some previously unknown information about how 'style' has changed between 1992 and 2012 but rather because I can't be bothered to go out and look up all these shows myself: http://www.awesome-engine.com/2012/10/15/1990s-tv-anime-what-anime-looked-like-in-1992/

Man, I wonder how many of these are permanently lost to history? I'm only aware of a small percentage of these that are available in English in any form.

While y'all are trying to trick and manipulate SDBurton into watching Precure I explicitely stated, without any sort of dubious or ulterior motives, that Kuttsukiboshi is pretty much required viewing for him but my message seems to have gotten lost in the usual torrent of animegaf posts.

SDBro, do the right thing. Trust me.

Kuttsukiboshi might be one of the most fucked-up things I've ever watched. I'd argue that it's required viewing for everyone, not just yuri fans.


I agree I'm not a fan of that particular pairing. Heck, I'm not really a fan of any pairing. The thing is, I thought the scene of that was really well done and particularly chilling.

Was that scene meant to be "romantic"? It felt more like Saki questioning her own impulses and wondering how "programmed" she actually is.


Was that scene meant to be "romantic"? It felt more like Saki questioning her own impulses and wondering how "programmed" she actually is.

No, it wasn't romantic at all. It was all about how these young people are programmed to use sex as stress relief. That whole thing was what made it so chilling for me.
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 5

Though a bit slower than usual, this was an excellent episode, as it primarily focused on character and relationship development. This episode essentially diminished it's lighthearted nature in favor of a largely serious tone, and I thought it worked really well, providing a necessary contrast to those that came before.

This episode developed Haru and Shizuku's relationship considerably, from Shizuku coming to fully understand that
she's the reason he's changed so thoroughly
to the seemingly unexpected realization that
she longs to continually be close to him, unaffected by separation
, which culminated with that brilliant moment where
she touches his face
. Haru's anxiety about the
planned date
was hilarious, as was the background scene in which
Natsume questions Sasayan about all the pictures he took of her in a swimsuit
. I would have definitely liked to see
Haru and Shizuku's date
, but their
moment beneath the sunset
was easily my favorite scene from the episode, and it certainly compensated for the absence of an actual

Haru and Shizuku's interactions remain the most engaging element of the show. Haru
revealing a portion of his past to her
was an essential step for their gradually developing relationship, as it effectively illustrated how much
Haru's typically distant self has been noticeably altered since meeting her
. Although this might ultimately be temporary, I love that they actually discuss their worries and frustrations, rather than allowing misunderstandings to constantly force them apart, which is a rather refreshing differentiation from what tends to occur in this genre. The final scene with
was easily the weakest part of the episode, since her sudden, yet predictable
romantic interest in Haru
isn't particularly interesting; nor is her inevitable role as a
love rival
, but I understand that this is basically required for the majority of romantic comedies.

Yuzan's not as unlikable as I initially expected, but he's definitely a slight nuisance, since the knowledge that Haru's difficulties with his family seem to indicate a potential foreshadowing for future developments in which his
brother decides to compel Haru to return home
. Aside from him, the majority of the characters are engaging and extremely likable. Haru's abrasive, but kind personality continues to be effortlessly amusing, as he's easily the most interesting character. Shizuku's inner monologues are quite insightful much of the time and, quite surprisingly, don't become repetitive. So far, aside from Yamaken, Chizuru is the worst character, since her characterization is rather one-dimensional and uninteresting, especially now that she's a
"love rival"
, but, hopefully, her character can actually develop as the story progresses rather than being relegated solely into a role in which she unnecessarily distracts from the central relationship for too long. Thankfully, of the potential
, she's the least likely to irritate by far. One of the only things lacking in this episode was an abundance of Natsume and Sasayan.

The production values were exceptional throughout, and a definite improvement over the inconsistencies of the last two episodes. The art is terrific, most notable in it's use of a wonderfully bright, colorful aesthetic for the backgrounds. The animation is quite impressive as well, particularly in it's ability to capture specific emotions through highly expressive facial reactions and exaggerated movement. The music accompanies touching moments beautifully, greatly illuminating a sweetly romantic atmosphere.

All in all, Tonari manages to consistently excel with it's excellent story, a compelling relationship, and the exceptionally enjoyable character interactions that suffuse each episode. I'm really looking forward to the continuing development of Haru and Shizuku's relationship, but, unfortunately, given the title to the next episode and the ending to this one, it appears that potentially annoying drama will surface. I'm not particularly concerned about this dragging down the story though, since, so far, the execution of the narrative has been highly impressive and consistently enjoyable. The fake preview for My Little Gangbanger was fantastic. Although, it seems likely that this trailer foreshadows
Yamaken eventually becoming an incredibly interfering "rival"
, which would be a rather unwelcome development, since he's probably the most unlikable character thus far.
I was trying to study for a calculus exam earlier, but all that was going on in my brain was the YurYuri ending theme. Thanks a lot, anime.

Speaking of YuruYuri, I was planning on taking a hiatus from the show after watching the first season, but I was thinking of what I should watch tonight, and all I could think of was more YuruYuri. Should I just hop right back on the YuruYuri train?

I liked the first season of Yuru Yuri but was skeptical about the second (best you check out for yourself).
Hyouka was a really good recent show, with wonderful animation and photography and a cast of interesting characters.

Although I do not know anything about your tastes or to use a terminology more apt for anime "cravings".


sealed with a kiss
I liked the first season of Yuru Yuri but was skeptical about the second (best you check out for yourself).
Hyouka was a really good recent show, with wonderful animation and photography and a cast of interesting characters.

Although I do not know anything about your tastes or to use a terminology more apt for anime "cravings".

The cast of Hyouka was extremely boring, not interesting. The Kyoani production was the only good thing about that show.


My Little Monster 5

This episode wasn't as light hearted as the others so I wasn't really enjoying it as much as I usually do... until the trailer at the end made everything better!

You can't fully appreciate CG unless you throw some crap 2D on there for comparison. It really shows how far we have come.
How about this poorly drawn face transposed onto a CG model?

.hack//Sekai no Mukou ni

Before we were introduced with the terrible mess called Sword Arts Online, MMOs were trying to kill players in the .Hack series. This is the newest movie that is a part of the whole series spawning multiple games and anime and decent success. What's make this movie special from all the past adaptations is that this one has the characters are done in 3D that would be something that would typically see in games or idol card battling shows.

I will say I rather grown fond of the artstyle they used for this movie. It was a bit offputting when it started but it grew on me and I started to really liking it after watching a few more minutes of it. One of the things that worked was that the characters looked rather natural when placed in the similar style world. It worked well for this movie but too early to really say if it can work for other things as well.

The plot of the movie was rather simple though. Introduce a girl who doesn't play online games while the whole world is playing them. Toss in two childhood friends and she starts playing them due to encouragement in different forms from her friends and family and she gets roped up in some technical aspects as well as she starts having fun in "THE WORLD" as well. Though, the plot does work well within the movie scope as it doesn't try and drown the viewer in lore or backstory related to the game that the anime/game sometimes are troubled with and keeps the main focus on the main character. All the characters work well for their role as support, love interest or other towards the main character and it really does seem that the movie is about her growth into enjoying "THE WORLD". I guess it does lack in why she didn't like it in the first place as it was kinda brought up, an explanation was given and it was brush off to the side, but that's only a minor problem with the plot.

The music is great, the action looks really nice. It's a real enjoyable look into the MMO that might or might not kill its players depending on whats wrong but doesn't become a boring harem show or rescue the waifu and instead more about playing the game. And, the game world looks really, really nice.



Galactic Cyclone Bryger 24


Balloon cities on Jupiter/ Sure, why not?

Kinda funny the two best gunmen in the galaxy both ordered milk at a bar. To be fair it's a coffee shop but the point stands. They're doing a nice job of building up a villain too. Their exposure to him sort of makes sense as he seeks to undermine countries & other criminal organizations. J9 took the job, learned Khamen Khamen was behind it, and that seed of a grudge planted the past couple eps is starting to bud.

... I feel bad for laughing at the next episode's title:
Uranus smells of death
Kingdom 22

Really amazing fight and some really good lines given. However, I guess I dont understand the phrase "gilding the lily." Anyway, I like this moment when they did the purple thing with quite a few of the characters watching the fight.

Second half was hilarious. Especially the war stories moment, exaggerations ftw.
Xin really doesnt know Diao is a girl...and shes starting to fall for him wow. But hopefully Qiang Li joins, guess its backstory, for him? hopefully. Im really looking forward to Xin leading a squadron.


From the New World – 05

That was maybe the worst drawn/animated episode of anything I've seen in years.

That aside, the show is pretty great.

Please elaborate as, while I didn't think it looked as good as previous episodes, I found nothing worth hating. My lack of response may be due to the fact I've watched Bleach. Very little could be more poorly animated than that.


.hack//Sekai no Mukou ni

Before we were introduced with the terrible mess called Sword Arts Online, MMOs were trying to kill players in the .Hack series. This is the newest movie that is a part of the whole series spawning multiple games and anime and decent success. What's make this movie special from all the past adaptations is that this one has the characters are done in 3D that would be something that would typically see in games or idol card battling shows.

I will say I rather grown fond of the artstyle they used for this movie. It was a bit offputting when it started but it grew on me and I started to really liking it after watching a few more minutes of it. One of the things that worked was that the characters looked rather natural when placed in the similar style world. It worked well for this movie but too early to really say if it can work for other things as well.

The plot of the movie was rather simple though. Introduce a girl who doesn't play online games while the whole world is playing them. Toss in two childhood friends and she starts playing them due to encouragement in different forms from her friends and family and she gets roped up in some technical aspects as well as she starts having fun in "THE WORLD" as well. Though, the plot does work well within the movie scope as it doesn't try and drown the viewer in lore or backstory related to the game that the anime/game sometimes are troubled with and keeps the main focus on the main character. All the characters work well for their role as support, love interest or other towards the main character and it really does seem that the movie is about her growth into enjoying "THE WORLD". I guess it does lack in why she didn't like it in the first place as it was kinda brought up, an explanation was given and it was brush off to the side, but that's only a minor problem with the plot.

The music is great, the action looks really nice. It's a real enjoyable look into the MMO that might or might not kill its players depending on whats wrong but doesn't become a boring harem show or rescue the waifu and instead more about playing the game. And, the game world looks really, really nice.

I gave up on the .hack franchises after G.U.

The plot really went in... different directions.
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