Canis lupus
What do you mean by you can't believe that is anime?
Thats what happening in the show is really happening. Its a pretty authentic story of mafia, betrayal and revenge.
What do you mean by you can't believe that is anime?
Bakshi's Lord of the Rings was an awful mess. It's part of the reason the trilogy was considered unfilmable before Peter Jackson came along.
More Orc "rotoscoping":
BONUS FOOTAGE: Bakshi's vision of the Balrog
The only decent part of the movie was the score. At least Topcraft's Hobbit had some interesting art.
The worst rotoscoping ever will always be Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Rings, especially the "rotoscoped" Orcs(AKA actors in dumb costumes filmed through an awful filter).
This is absolutely hilarious.Bakshi's Lord of the Rings was an awful mess. It's part of the reason the trilogy was considered unfilmable before Peter Jackson came along.
More Orc "rotoscoping":
BONUS FOOTAGE: Bakshi's vision of the Balrog
The only decent part of the movie was the score. At least Topcraft's Hobbit had some interesting art.
Thats what happening in the show is really happening. Its a pretty authentic story of mafia, betrayal and revenge.
If the Balrog had wings and was already flying to get to Gandalf, why didn't he just fly OVER Gandalf?! Lol.
I wonder what you'll have to say about this when it's all over.
Thats what happening in the show is really happening. Its a pretty authentic story of mafia, betrayal and revenge.
surely there was a suspense breaking anime moment or character
I just cant think of one right now
The question of Balrogs having wings is the most contentious of all Tolkien debates. I'm not even joking.
Of course the Balrog never flies except in Bakshi's version, so it's mostly a moot point, LOL.
This is a good example of little details which separate a good adaptation from a poor one. Even if wings or design elements which resemble wings are part of the creatures design, not drawing any attention to the creature's ability of flight would not create a sense of confusion for the viewer. Here, he goes out of his way to not only have very obvious wings on the Balrog, but he also has the Balrog fly towards Gandalf (who is standing in the middle of a stone bridge telling it that it cannot pass), and instead of flying over Gandalf, it just lands and fights him instead. Seriously. Fucking awful.
If the balrog didn't fight Gandalf his bros woulda made fun of him in school.
He was the only one of his bros left, LOL.
It's implied there's a few left hidden in the dark places of the earth, I think.
It's implied there's a few left hidden in the dark places of the earth, I think.
Yeah, but how would they know if he didn't fight Gandalf? The Balrog didn't even know Gandalf was sitting on his doorstep until Pippin dropped a rock on his head.
LAte on this but you should continue ..i stopped too and now i think that was one of the big mistakes i did ... I can tell you , if you pay attention , there is a moments where everything just make sense , and from there is just non stop goodness .. the show is weirdly introduced because it's a necessary evil ( such a complex universe ) but at episodes 4-5 it's a real "blast" ( no pun intended )Horizon 1
That was probably the most complex opening episode I've seen so far. All those names, political entities, organisations... They just threw you right into the middle of all that. I didn't do a lick of research on this show before watching this, so I wasn't even aware of the exact genre. I couldn't follow the ending narration at all. Something about humanity basically 'reliving' history, then the Dark Ages happen, and everything screws up? And now there's war between Divine States who are in different periods of time or something? I might need to rewatch this episode later.
The chase scene was exciting and it showed off everyone's powers a bit. Based on first impressions, I liked sensei the most. Tomi has waaaay too smug a smile.
Not immediately sold on this, I am.
Suite Precure - 10
Kanade helping the children practice for their recital was sweet. That blondie Ouji loser has got to go though, I don't want him confusing Kanade. >:I
On the plus side his involvement led toSiren opening up more. More importantly, one of the minions, Bassdrum, has finally had enough of her wavering resolve and stripped her of her position as leader. Now wandering alone with no one to turn to, hopefully we're reaching the turning point where she becomes good and helps the duo in their fight against evil.
Suite Precure - 11
Cure Muse is such a badass! I want more of her! Moooooore!
They probably just log into an website where they can chat anonymously. Poor guy just wanted something to brag about when he saw the humans.
Balrog's fluffy slippers is the best part of that.
LAte on this but you should continue ..i stopped too and now i think that was one of the big mistakes i did ... I can tell you , if you pay attention , there is a moments where everything just make sense , and from there is just non stop goodness .. the show is weirdly introduced because it's a necessary evil ( such a complex universe ) but at episodes 4-5 it's a real "blast" ( no pun intended )
Horizon is good ..most of the explanations are done correctly so it's just a matter of listening for the viewer.
So who here watched Supergals?
hey guys, i've got an anime question and this looks it might be a good place to ask.
i want to buy some more anime, preferably on bluray. all i own right now is samurai champloo. i'd like it to be a complete series and not suck, particular genre doesn't really matter. also it cant cost 5 million dollars. any recommendations?
So who here watched Supergals?
Ha, you reminded me of this:
And this critique of the movie:
18. How To Recognize An Elf.
- Sappy pseudo-cheerful woodland Elf-music plays whenever they appear.
- They have eyes like Bambi.
- They're all exposed three F-stops too bright.
3. The Dangers Of Rotoscoping Live-Action Footage.
Gandalf, ressurrected, reappears before Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas. He jumps up, leaps onto a rock, and... his cape gets wrapped around his head.
Couldn't they have corrected this when they animated the sequence? Or, indeed, filmed the live-action shot more than once?
funny now that sdburton watches this , i recall my moment watching suite precure and trully something were really easy to guess and some were trully well hidden ( because they used so many "fakes" ) i can't wait to see how you'll react to some of the things this anime will throw at you
That whole post is stupid and I even broke a rule?
Do you not know me?
hey guys, i've got an anime question and this looks it might be a good place to ask.
i want to buy some more anime, preferably on bluray. all i own right now is samurai champloo. i'd like it to be a complete series and not suck, particular genre doesn't really matter. also it cant cost 5 million dollars. any recommendations?
Ghost in the Shell 2.0 is pretty cheap on top of being an excellent movie. It's a good pickup if you're wanting to grow a collection.hey guys, i've got an anime question and this looks it might be a good place to ask.
i want to buy some more anime, preferably on bluray. all i own right now is samurai champloo. i'd like it to be a complete series and not suck, particular genre doesn't really matter. also it cant cost 5 million dollars. any recommendations?
hey guys, i've got an anime question and this looks it might be a good place to ask.
i want to buy some more anime, preferably on bluray. all i own right now is samurai champloo. i'd like it to be a complete series and not suck, particular genre doesn't really matter. also it cant cost 5 million dollars. any recommendations?
Angel Beats for a touching story and comedyhey guys, i've got an anime question and this looks it might be a good place to ask.
i want to buy some more anime, preferably on bluray. all i own right now is samurai champloo. i'd like it to be a complete series and not suck, particular genre doesn't really matter. also it cant cost 5 million dollars. any recommendations?
>sitting in the depths of moria playing vidya
>suddenly rock falls on head
>stupid human intrudan
>go full on dark flamu masta
>everything is burning
>fly to the humans
>wizard on the bridge
>I can fly
>stumble, land
>firewhip from my sleeves
>wizard kills me
Aint even mad
This is a good example of little details which separate a good adaptation from a poor one. Even if wings or design elements which resemble wings are part of the creatures design, not drawing any attention to the creature's ability of flight would not create a sense of confusion for the viewer. Here, he goes out of his way to not only have very obvious wings on the Balrog, but he also has the Balrog fly towards Gandalf (who is standing in the middle of a stone bridge telling it that it cannot pass), and instead of flying over Gandalf, it just lands and fights him instead. Seriously. Fucking awful.
Good god, I don't think I could ever recommend the 2.0 "remaster" of Ghost in the Shell to anyone, even as a troll recommendation. Better of spending some more on the Japanese BD of the unmolested version instead.Ghost in the Shell 2.0 is pretty cheap on top of being an excellent movie. It's a good pickup if you're wanting to grow a collection.
I don't know better, but I was kind of expecting pizzaroll to yell at me.Good god, I don't think I could ever recommend the 2.0 "remaster" of Ghost in the Shell to anyone, even as a troll recommendation. Better of spending some more on the Japanese BD of the unmolested version instead.
Good god, I don't think I could ever recommend the 2.0 "remaster" of Ghost in the Shell to anyone, even as a troll recommendation. Better of spending some more on the Japanese BD of the unmolested version instead.
Yes. Related to Sandy. Doubt it'll be up tonight.Hey dimb, is mumble down for you?