AnimeGAF is a Faustian bargain in itself.
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AnimeGAF is a Faustian bargain in itself.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
AnimeGAF is a Faustian bargain in itself.
/人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
Now I'm curious.
Almost as terrifying as the Ohana pony.
Gungrave sure becomes a weird, dumb show by the end. I preferred that formula when it was called Berserk.
No. Don't do that to my poor Chitanda. That monster.
Catched on Magi, I really like Aladdin as character and some of the scenarios are amazing. I think I'm going to enjoy this.
I bought FMA: Brotherhood Complete 1 and 2 (first time watching!) and preordered Madoka in UK (really looking for watching it again). Good times.
Thomas Romain said:I just met Watanabe Shinichiro at Bones. His new project looks really cool
Fma bro hood is a good choice, too bad they drop the ball with the ending as well as the movie, Star of MilosCatched on Magi, I really like Aladdin as character and some of the scenarios are amazing. I think I'm going to enjoy this.
I bought FMA: Brotherhood Complete 1 and 2 (first time watching!) and preordered Madoka in UK (really looking for watching it again). Good times.
And speaking of Disney, when can we expect the next wave of Ghibli Blu-rays? I need my Totoro.
The girl with red hair at the end? That's Akari's older sister.YuruYuri 15
Also, it seems like somebody likes Akari. Who is it? I don't know. This show also doesn't tend to follow subplots from episode to episode, so maybe I never will.
It is for Japan.Silly Tomat, China isn't in the west!
Technically Big Ben is the bell, not the clock.YuruYuri 16
IT'S A FUCKING CLOCK! What do you want, Big Ben in your stupid Student Council room? Too bad. You get shitty generic digital clock and you'll fucking like it.
And posts like these are why you end up on the wall of shame. At 93 posts you're only 7 away. Won't you feel bad if you end on the big 100.Bored
I think you've solved the age old question of if there is a God why does He not respond to us? He's bust watching kawaii anime of course!I wish I was omnipresent and able to watch every cute show at one time, switching between time dimensions as necessary and drinking up the sweet nectar of life that is Kawaii.
Only the first 10(?) were released as webisodes so they were subbed ages ago then everything went a bit quiet. Nice to see if was finished off. Will check it out again soon.Gakkatsu! 5-8
I don't really remember why I dropped this ages ago but now that it's been fully subbed I don't really see the reason not to finish it off.
Quick combination of the two.
afaik, all 25 came out as webisodes but someone only bothered to translate the first 10.Only the first 10(?) were released as webisodes so they were subbed ages ago then everything went a bit quiet. Nice to see if was finished off. Will check it out again soon.
Quick combination of the two.
Got more anime and stuff today, unfortunately Sandy made One Piece Season 4 Part 2 and Heroman Vol 1 (manga) get stuck somewhere in West Virginia, with no know delivery date so :/
Still not as cute as the second ED of Hyouka
Getting the message out early, aren't they.Kohei Kawase, the producer of Warner Entertainment Japan, revealed in a web radio program that there will be an announcement at the end of the final episode of Little Busters!. He said "We know it's impossible to cover the whole story with the current pace. We have promised to animate the entire scenario of the game. I cannot make it clear here but you know what I mean, right? If you watch the 26th episode, there will be a message that you want. Please don't be suspicious. The arcs of your favorite characters will surely be animated. We know 26 episodes are too short."
Magi TV ratings:
Ep1 - 3.8%
Ep2 - 3.3%
Ep3 - ?????
Ep4 - 5.1% <---- O_O
The girl with red hair at the end? That's Akari's older sister.
But everyone likes Akari.
I think you've solved the age old question of if there is a God why does He not respond to us? He's bust watching kawaii anime of course!
Quick combination of the two.
My friend recommended me Hyouka, what you guys say about this show?
I want a remake of Gungrave like Hellsing Ultimate. Damn that would be awesome.
Producer of Little Busters Hints Continuation After Ep 26
Getting the message out early, aren't they.
Dunno if this means they're doing something similar with Little Busters like KyoAni did with Clannad and Clannad After Story, or it could be something else entirely.