I really hope it gets expanded to a second season or something. But I like the random landscape views they give especially the underside of the bridge they also show.
Awashima's moment felt kind of unnecessary looking back.
With all the talk about Mr. Dezaki & Mr. Sugino, I'll use the opportunity to shoe-in again the Treasure Island opening, just because it is that amazing and loved
Thats still sitting on my backlog too, its hard to tear myself away from popping in an anime dvd/blu ray into my ps3 instead of committing the long hours to digging into a jrpg these days (well Ni no Kuni, will probably get me back).
Speaking of... You've reminded me of this gif. I don't know where it's from, but it's pretty hypnotic, especially with something slow and rhythmic:
That looks like it's from the [B]Birdy the Mighty:Decode[/B] OVA episode set between season 1 and season 2.
Nice selection. I love Watanabe, his girls <3 You know, Watanabe reminds me a lot of Kuuchuu Yousai's work. He did the art for Djibril, and I think I was actually getting the two mixed up in my head when I was looking through some images.
Wait... Nurse Witch Komugi is one of Watanabe's... this is.. wait, who is this costume-wearing, sometimes-tanned, DFC hottie?? Be still... my beating heart.
A pretty boring episode, new girl sucks, some more stuff is foreshadowed, but nothing of real importance occurred. But hope dies last, so I'm still expecting the story to become at least as interesting as it was in Steins;Gate.
Yes, I think. The one from that music video you linked. She's lovely in every way.
Alright, Birdy added to list. Think I'm gonna have to start keeping a backlog on MAL, so I can remember everything to watch. The Mrs seems to get a little irritated if we start watching too many shows at once.
I feel like we've dropped a lot of shows recently:
Accel World
Usagi Drop
Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
On that remark, we dropped Natsuyuki Rendezvous somewhere around episode 9, because the dream arch was becoming really tired. Would any of you guys recommend finishing it? She also wanted to catch up on SAO, but I got really tired of that. All of the girls were just cock teases.
On that remark, we dropped Natsuyuki Rendezvous somewhere around episode 9, because the dream arch was becoming really tired. Would any of you guys recommend finishing it? She also wanted to catch up on SAO, but I got really tired of that. All of the girls were just cock teases.
An actually good female character in this, who, hopefully gets in league with the main crew to add a nice touch. Loved her lines and mode of talking, and similar interests, relatable.
Subaru didnt answer Kai's question, he was even smirking which made it even more compelling.
Plot wise I guess I was wrong in one regard, but otherwise correct on another
figured it was some incident on the cruise ship as well as what each's ability was. At this point in the time the ending was actually interesting, the random girl only appearing digitally was creepy, what is the bigger issue at hand here beyond the overarching committee and now this as well as just the robot tourneys
Yes, I think. The one from that music video you linked. She's lovely in every way.
Alright, Birdy added to list. Think I'm gonna have to start keeping a backlog on MAL, so I can remember everything to watch. The Mrs seems to get a little irritated if we start watching too many shows at once.
Sorry to hear you dropped so many shows. Birdy the mighty is pretty fun actiony stuff. Some Sakuga in it if you enjoy such things.
Yes that girl I posted is Komugi-chan and she's completely adorable.
Akio is a fucking wizard when it comes to cute character design. the ahoges, bandaids, frilly dresses, bright colors, and black eye outlines are his trademark style. Dude knows what's up.
I wasn't particularly impressed with this weeks episode of Pyscho Pass. I feel like the series is perfectly content to be what it is and doesn't want to stray too far away from that vision. Which is, you know, fine, but I don't particularly care for what that particular approach is. The creators seem to be playing it remarkably safe and I don't get the feeling that they're particularly interested in doing anything creative or daring, they're just trying to make their stock procedural.
The construction of this episode highlights this facet of the show: nothing interesting is done with the cinematography, animation or editing throughout the whole episode. It feels very workmanlike. There may be some nice pieces of individual art I feel that, on the whole, it was pretty flat. This is especially true with the nightclub scene near the end of the episode which felt completely stilted and rigid. It was surprisingly dull to watch.
I think the biggest problem with this episode is that, ironically, we aren't given enough information to understand why the events that take place in this episode are so important. The way that the show presents these events makes it pretty clear that what's going down is part of something larger, something important. However, as we don't know why these events are of such import it's really hard to care what goes on during the course of episode. Lets summarise, shall we?
-The team investigate the flat of a man who has dissapeared.
- It's theorized that he's been killed and his body disposed of.
- The man in question runs a popular avatar in an online ComuField. His avatar is still operating even though he's long dead.
- Ginzoa and Akane beging to stalk this avatar online. At this point the fact that a man's death set of this whole even because we don't learn any thing about him or his family.
- Akane and Spooky Boogie cooperate to organise a raid.
- Surprise, the bad guy is one step ahead of them and escapes.
- Can he be stopped?
As such the most important part of the episode is clearly devoted to the online world. Ironically Akane knows all about this world and so she doesn't ask a single question but we might actually need her too because we don't know anything about this virtual world. Akane is completely useless in most areas but this is the one time where she doesn't want to ask questions? What's a Comfield? What's the importance of these avatars? What is popularity good for online? Etc etc. All of these things would presumably feed into the motives which we don't know because the show barely explains what they're doing. As such it's pretty hard to care for anyone or thing in this world.
I can't say I was a fan of the character positioning either. They don't look like humans naturally filling the room, they look like they're all getting ready for a photo-shoot. It just looks very fake.
I got bored man. Usagi Drop was cute and all that, but I couldn't do it anymore after a few episodes. Same with Space Bros. I think we got to episode 6 or 7, how much longer are you gonna keep testing for! Penguindrum was awesome at the start, but it kept raising too many questions without giving any answers. It was a little frustrating. Jinrui was cool - funny. No reason to drop it, except that I started watching Tsuritama (which I also dropped).
Shows like Steins;Gate and Baccano were absolutely thrilling and enganging from start to finish, so I guess I don't really know how to pick them. I loved Sakamichi no Apollon, but that show had amazing pacing - and I'd probably say it was more of a drama than it was slice of life.
I also suffered through such trials as Tiger & Bunny - which I managed to finish on behalf of losing a part of my soul. I dunno... Anime is awesome, I love it... but sometimes it hurts, and I ask myself 'why?'. I guess I just have specific tastes, that I don't even fully understand - and there are too many shows - a lot of them sound promising, and I turn out disliking them. Some of them don't seem like much, and end up being fantastic, and rewarding.
My point is... I try to watch a lot of shows. I watch shows that people recommend. I watch shows that I've heard about and researched. About half of the shows I start, I drop. I feel like that's preventing me from enjoying my hobby somewhat. I don't like investing time in things I'm not gonna finish, and I don't like finishing things I don't fully enjoy. I suppose when I come across something amazing that makes up for it, but I wish my choices reflected what I liked a little more. Problem is, I have no idea how to do this.
I got bored man. Usagi Drop was cute and all that, but I couldn't do it anymore after a few episodes. Same with Space Bros. I think we got to episode 6 or 7, how much longer are you gonna keep testing for! Penguindrum was awesome at the start, but it kept raising too many questions without giving any answers. It was a little frustrating. Jinrui was cool - funny. No reason to drop it, except that I started watching Tsuritama (which I also dropped).
Shows like Steins;Gate and Baccano were absolutely thrilling and enganging from start to finish, so I guess I don't really know how to pick them. I loved Sakamichi no Apollon, but that show had amazing pacing - and I'd probably say it was more of a drama than it was slice of life.
I also suffered through such trials as Tiger & Bunny - which I managed to finish on behalf of losing a part of my soul. I dunno... Anime is awesome, I love it... but sometimes it hurts, and I ask myself 'why?'. I guess I just have specific tastes, that I don't even fully understand - and there are too many shows - a lot of them sound promising, and I turn out disliking them. Some of them don't seem like much, and end up being fantastic, and rewarding.
My point is... I try to watch a lot of shows. I watch shows that people recommend. I watch shows that I've heard about and researched. About half of the shows I start, I drop. I feel like that's preventing me from enjoying my hobby somewhat. I don't like investing time in things I'm not gonna finish, and I don't like finishing things I don't fully enjoy. I suppose when I come across something amazing that makes up for it, but I wish my choices reflected what I liked a little more. Problem is, I have no idea how to do this.
Dude, you're totally speaking my language right now. This is how I am as well, and why I have such a hard time following a lot of the discussion here. I try out a lot of shows and usually end up dropping at least half of them.
- At the present time, they have no plans to go back and do a dub for any of their previous sub-only releases
- They are "looking maybe" at Carnival Phantasm and the OVAs for The World God Only Knows; the main series for the latter has been selling well for them
- Steve Blum has contacted them about wanting to do Kids on the Slope, but there's nothing confirmed
These three things are secondhand from the reports of someone who's actually at the panel, btw, so I can't actually verify any of it (as opposed to the confirmed licensing news from earlier).