That's not true at all about the internet though. The number of people who understand stuff like lag is probably fairly low. I mean even now I have friends under 25 who have a very low understanding of how the internet works. Nonetheless the police system that they use is in the background for the most part, compared to something like the internet or cell phone reception where people actively interact with. In the Sibyl system, they analyze you and that's it for the most part. It doesn't appear to be something that you actively work on or deal with unless you have issues. In fact the Sibyl system is probably closer to our legal system in that it's a component of our lives but we don't really think about it on a daily basis unless we're lawyers. However if you want to continue using the technology viewpoint, there are tons of technology that people use on a daily basis that they have absolutely no clue how it works. From what I've observed, people only learn what they have to. As for the scene with the Dominator, I'm not sure what your point is. She picked up a new toy and was in awe. Also not sure what your point about the friends are. She never acted oblivious as to how people's scores dictate their jobs.
It's totally true, they don't know things about hops, packet loss or whatever but they understand it's going slow, can sometimes go slow and so on. Much like most people aren't electricians but understand that the power plant needs something to make electricity, that electricity then gets sent to them and they understand that very basic connection. This is to say that to me this painted a picture of Akane who wasn't used to something not working, almost utopian, which maybe something the show is trying to convey, I dunno because the show sucks at conveying stuff, but despite Akane being shocked at something like them not getting a signal somewhere no one else did which makes it seem somewhat routine, so again, there's that disconnect. It's just not very thought out of a world in that regard, if you're going to establish in your fictional world that there are places where your utopian technology doesn't work that's fine, but if you do so it's hard for me to take seriously an adult who's never seen it not work.
As for the Dominator, I think she acted totally out of place. When I joined the Army we had lots of people who had never fired a rifle before, not one of them looked like that, and granted, none of them also linked with our brain and eyes, but, if that technology had existed and we'd been using it all our lives with other shit I don't think I'd have seen people act that way either. I think career expectation also comes into play here, had she just been some random girl on the street and someone thrust a gun into her hands I'd about buy any reaction however she chose to be a police officer and presumably had a few days before picking her job and actually starting her job to think about what that actually means and should more or less have expected to handle a gun. So again that's why I find her actions odd because there's that very real disconnect about what she's chosen to do with her life that makes it seem like she really hasn't. She's not a 15 year old kid from some random manga that's decided to fight evil without knowing what it means to fight evil, she's now a young adult, maybe an actual adult, who's lived in the world for awhile now and has chosen her new position after deliberation, she should have some inkling of a concept of what she's gotten into.
And I don't mean oblivious to how a score dictates their job but how a job dictated to you by your score affects that person emotionally.
As for the stalker in the mall thing, I think it just highlighted how dependent people are on scanners. For example most of the Enforcer deductions have been dead on accurate and rather common sense, however Ginoza absolutely refuses to believe them unless it's backed up by something Sibyl states. I think it was duckroll who stated that this show was commentary on bureaucracy and I can definitely see that element.
While I agree that the Dominator has been fairly spot on and pretty common sense the first episode didn't really try to put her into
that role, she specifically told us that she wrote a paper on it, that she understood the idea of a person's criminal coefficient being merely a snapshot in time based on various factors, recognized that the first victim's state of mind had escalated because of the stress and tried to calm her down, that's a basic level of understanding of human behavior to have and it was nice that she recognized that while the rest of the cast, including people who theoretically already know better themselves tended to ignore that but if she has a basic grasp of that then she should find someone hiding behind something in public a tad bit suspicious. She can't be both,I have a hard time understanding how they can even have the Sibyl system and not understand that themselves, it's just so damn fundamentally flawed a system in the show. Akane knows people's state of mind changes based on external factors, all the other cops know, Sibyl also knows because they have rehab in the universe and at the same time no one knows it, it's baffling. If instead of pointless arguments and shit they just told Akane to shut the fuck up and that they needed to do shit the way they do it because of some numbers game or something I could buy it but as it is it's just nonsense. Junk.
Now, I'm not dismissing the show as a commentary on bureaucracy, that sounds about right to me, I'm dismissing it as a good or even coherent one. But again, Urobuchi Gen sucks so I guess this should be expected.