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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Awww shiiit.
This works in with something I was just thinking about asking.

This is a question to all members of AnimeGaf as well as any members who enjoy anime but maybe only just read the thread. I was wondering if there were maybe one or two titles someone really enjoys but is maybe older or more obscure or both that they think maybe many people haven't seen and they really think more people should watch them.

Not to preemptively take away some early responses but as some examples I mean such as duckroll suggesting people watch the show Fantastic Children or icarus-daedelus suggesting people watch the film Angels's Egg. DrForester hasn't really posted here much in awhile but I remember Violinist of Hameln being suggested.

I can't remember who all it was but some of us just recently were suggesting that people should take a look at the recent but perhaps more obscure show Denpa Teki na Kanojo.

I was just wondering if maybe different ones here had a particular show they've been requesting people should really take a look at any chance they get but so far maybe hadn't had any success in getting people to watch it and maybe this could be another chance.
Hey, I've asked people to watch Fantastic Children too! My other show that I'd like to push on unsuspecting people is Mōryō no Hako but it's not exactly the kind of thing that appeals to everyone. Beyond that I've made single threads for Giant Robo, Patlabor, Master Keaton, Utena/Rose of Versailles, Mushi-shi and hundreds of shows.


[Pyscho Pass] - 4

Yeah, I feel asleep multiple times writing my last post. Not PscyhoPass's fault, at least, I don't think it was.

This was probably the neatest shot from the episode, solely due to the background art:


Unfortunately, for an episode that devoted quite a lot of it's running time to this weird, digital world where people hind behind masks and 'nothing is what it seems' the direction during the virtual reality scenes was basically just as flat as all the stuff in the real world. The designs and colour design were more interesting, for sure, but that alone doesn't make the show interesting. Perhaps they thought it would suffice? For example, here's a shot from the 'private chat room':


It's a fairly unique shot as the camera is placed inside a pond looking up through the water at the characters, with the water and the water lilies adding another layer of confusion to an already odd scene. The problem is they return to this same shot about 7 times, by which point it's no longer cool or unique and the only thing it suggests is that they didn't want to draw this room from too many other angles because that would be expensive.

Another complaint I have is with this explanation given by Kouga:


That sounds fairly impressive. Broken down to atoms, huh? That would surely require some incredibly powerful technology -


Oh. Wait, what?

Finally, on the subject of awkward sounding dialogue we have this exchange:


Akane should really know that everywhere in the future is fitted with scanners because she's lived there all her life. Rather than have her ask "Has he left the building" so that someone could explain that, no, he can't have left because the scanners would have detected it she should have asked "Did the scanners detect him leaving the building?". From that line we could have inferred the existence and sophistication of scanning technology rather than have Akane appear so stupid so that she doesn't understand commonplace pieces of technology. There's so many weird choices when writing Akane and nearly all of them conflict with her backstory that I really have to wonder they didn't bother just also having a real rookie join the team at the same time as Akane. But whatever.

I don't even know what to say about this line:


Is that, really, how simple political opinions are? I don't think so.


Akane routinely comes off as a moron in Psycho Pass.

From seemingly not understanding how the Sybil system works and how it affects people, to not understanding how people's mood and emotion can change as well as their hue despite seemingly writing a paper on it, to basic shit relating to her job, she just comes off as stupid.


Akane routinely comes off as a moron in Psycho Pass.

From seemingly not understanding how the Sybil system works and how it affects people, to not understanding how people's mood and emotion can change as well as their hue despite seemingly writing a paper on it, to basic shit relating to her job, she just comes off as stupid.

I prefer to think of her as a serial amnesiaic. Every day she forgets something else.


Akane routinely comes off as a moron in Psycho Pass.

From seemingly not understanding how the Sybil system works and how it affects people, to not understanding how people's mood and emotion can change as well as their hue despite seemingly writing a paper on it, to basic shit relating to her job, she just comes off as stupid.

This part was the worst for me. In this sequence, they do quick blur pans to cut between the different characters and what their first assumptions are about the crime.

Kogami bluntly states his hunch.
Kagari backs him up, providing some rationale for his assumption.
Ginoza wants more evidence before he'll trust a hunch like that.

What do you think Akane?
Well, that was helpful.

I didn't enjoy episode 4 as much. A lot of the explanation around CommuField felt pretty flat to me. It was approached in a pretty superficial way. I can see why people compared it to a CSI episode about internet culture.

I wonder if they're going to directly pick up from this case in the next episode.


Psycho-Pass - 04

Not a bad episode but definitely a bit on the bland bland side. The case itself wasn't really uninteresting, and hopefully it develops into something a bit more pivotal to the main plot, but the entire episode felt as if they were really playing it safe. I enjoyed it but I expected a bit more out of this show, but then again, it's only episode four, there's still plenty of time for it to shine.

Next week I'm expecting
some kind of creepy interaction between Shogo and Akane (her being kidnapped by him perhaps?) where he reveals some stuff about Shinya and at the critical moment Shinya coming to the rescue, possibly breaking some rules to get to her and showing her that his way of doing stuff is not so bad.
Come on, Butch, surprise me by not doing that.


I wonder if they're going to directly pick up from this case in the next episode.

Hard to say, but even if they don't this is the beginning of a major plotline, or at least that's how it appears. It's a rather inauspicious start to a plot-arc.


Right, I almost forgot this was happening today:

From Saimadoka in 2011 to Sakimoe this time around.
Only nine more hours to go until all this garbage is over.

Until next year.

Well damn, I thought whichever characters come from Kyoto Animation would win. Guess Hyouka really is that boring.


Oh, I'm also slowly watching Inuyasha: The Final Act, and while it certainly does nothing new or unusual to the established Inuyasha formula (besides the surprisingly brisk pace) I must commend the quality of the visuals. The art looks great most of the time and there is no lack of nicely animated scenes, at least up to episode 9. It really surprised me, I don't remember the original series looking this good.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
SSY 6:
Naked shotas in space, SEED would be proud.

Production values are still kind of unsteady but at least the character art is back to normal.

Saki is a harlot and not to be trusted.

Dialogue is kind of disjointed.

Wow, this CG. Cube primitives, I could've done better in 3D Modeling 101.

This episode was... I can't think of any other word but amateurish.


Hyouka 07
Not that good. Manservice, shitty mystery... it wasn't that good.
I don't like Chitanda, btw.

You are in the weakest "arc" of it.
The pain will be over soon.
Say hi to Misaki for me!

SAO 14
Sweet. This is over now, right? Pretty good end.
Alright time to g-
SAO 15
What the fu... !? God, make it stop! WTF IS THIS?!
Anyways, here's my current backlog, no particular order yet:
Eden of East
Birdy Decode
Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199
Seem alright?

Seems like a damned classy list sir.
Good show.


Anyways, here's my current backlog, no particular order yet:

Eden of East
Birdy Decode
Uchuu Senkan Yamato 2199

Seem alright?

Add Getter Robo Armageddon and the Black Jack OVA to that list ;)


[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure] - 5

I don't think Araki has ever seen a picture of an English, or even a European knight because they don't tend to look like Germanic Barbarians. This episode may or may not be historically accurate.


Akane routinely comes off as a moron in Psycho Pass.

From seemingly not understanding how the Sybil system works and how it affects people, to not understanding how people's mood and emotion can change as well as their hue despite seemingly writing a paper on it, to basic shit relating to her job, she just comes off as stupid.

Akane understands the Sybil system fine, probably better than the regular police officers in the show. The first episode made that clear enough. As to the stuff regarding her job, well she did just transfer into the unit. There doesn't seem to be anything like a police academy in that universe. I do agree though that they should have just gone with a regular rookie instead of someone with her background.


Akane understands the Sybil system fine, probably better than the regular police officers in the show. The first episode made that clear enough. As to the stuff regarding her job, well she did just transfer into the unit. There doesn't seem to be anything like a police academy in that universe. I do agree though that they should have just gone with a regular rookie instead of someone with her background.

Why do you guys keep spelling the system name like my parents street? Its Sibyl sillies.


Akane understands the Sybil system fine, probably better than the regular police officers in the show. The first episode made that clear enough. As to the stuff regarding her job, well she did just transfer into the unit. There doesn't seem to be anything like a police academy in that universe. I do agree though that they should have just gone with a regular rookie instead of someone with her background.

The problem is that, as a character, Akane needs to one of the very few 'free agents' in society so her background is very important because her role in the show and her relationship with all the other characters is based off of this base. However they want to have their bread and eat it too by having her not know how anything works. You can't have both.


[JoJo's Bizarre Adventure] - 5

I don't think Araki has ever seen a picture of an English, or even a European knight because they don't tend to look like Germanic Barbarians. This episode may or may not be historically accurate.

applying logic to jojos bizarre adventure? what is this


The problem is that, as a character, Akane needs to one of the very few 'free agents' in society so her background is very important because her role in the show and her relationship with all the other characters is based off of this base. However they want to have their bread and eat it too by having her not know how anything works. You can't have both.

I do agree on that. Her character archetype was obviously based off of Madoka and the difference here is that it doesn't work nearly as well due two major factors; the first being the heavier realism component on the part of society and the government, and the other is that Akane isn't a 14 year old girl. I do think some of the lack of knowledge is fairly reasonable early on as she hasn't had training but there needs to be some sort of action on her part in regards to catching up. If we see her reading a training book that goes through protocol and whatnot then I would be fairly satisfied. I also think free agents are more convincing when they know the system they are criticizing. That's probably why the people who rebel in these types of dystopias are usually law enforcement officials.

I think my main problem with the show is the lack of context both on the part of the characters but also the society and system as a whole.


Akane understands the Sybil system fine, probably better than the regular police officers in the show. The first episode made that clear enough. As to the stuff regarding her job, well she did just transfer into the unit. There doesn't seem to be anything like a police academy in that universe. I do agree though that they should have just gone with a regular rookie instead of someone with her background.
I don't think she actually does. She's shown to have an understanding of how the system rates people's hue and that it can change based on various factors but that's essentially it but the system is way larger than that with her seemingly not realizing how the network worked, err, to say how it communicated if that makes sense, the effect it has on people's overall lives, what I mean to say is she's stupid.

Lets imagine that our internet is a less invasive version of her Sibyl(happy Cajunator?), we all use the internet on a daily basis, granted, not to the extent as they use Sibyl in the show but the idea's the same, we more or less get the basic gist of how it works. We understand the server/client relationship even if some of the less savvy people couldn't ever articulate it, we understand things like wireless range and reception even if we can't tell you how it works, we understand processing time, lag, all this stuff even if we can't write a white-paper on any of it. I get that it's the future and that it's also probably somewhere in Japan as opposed to the US or another less compact area but I just can't imagine anyone being oblivious to the concept of what's essentially having no bars on your cell phone. The scene where the Dominator interfaced with her was also weird, while we had been shown no indication of them being implanted or being always connected to some wireless network before her shock as the Dominator interfaced with her was of someone who'd never had anything like that happen before. I'd expect that reaction if she were some earlier human who had been implanted with this shit but knew nothing of it but for her, she shouldn't have been that shocked, who knows the kinds of stupid shit she interfaces with on a daily basis like that? She's shown to have friends outside work that must have been friends prior that all recently got jobs, she can't possibly be oblivious to how people's scores from the system dictate their jobs and what that entails. Surely she watched the class graduating before her and their hopes and fears with their assessment tests and job placement and had an idea of how that would play out and then she and her friends mulled it over when their time came. Everywhere around the world there's a reality and Akane's not living in her world's reality and it causes a strange disconnect to the viewer because she doesn't seem to belong.

As for her being an idiot, a claim I stand by if anyone were to disagree but there's probably no takers, I can't stand her because the show wants me to believe that she's relatively knowledgeable by understanding how Sybil reads behaviors and how human behavior can change and adapt depending on the situation but at the same time seems to know or understand nothing of basic human behavior. In one episode she almost seemed as though a guy stalking some chick by hiding behind a pillar or whatever he was behind was normal behavior. She wasn't the least bit suspicious about it. And the show wants to reinforce that idea onto the viewer like when she was talking about her career with her friends, look how dense Akane is the show tries to say. So really, I can't understand someone who's so inobservant of basic human behavior could somehow also be an expert on how a computer network rates it and what would cause that rating to change.

You can kind of dismiss some of this with her probably being born into that system but I just don't buy it. Basic human interaction is still there, the normal laws of networks still apply, so there had to have been times when the network didn't run, power was out, fucking something. If the network has been there long enough to be all she's ever known there has to have been some times when it didn't work.

In short, up to episode 3 the writing has really put me off, they suck at establishing decent characters or a world that feels like a real world and Akane's especially stupid. None of this is a shock though as I generally think Urobuchi Gen sucks.


JoJo 05
Bwahahaha the dialogue is just crazy, shit make the visual that barely moving still entertaining.
applying logic to jojos bizarre adventure? what is this

Araki's research is usually on point, he have small library on his workplace that filled with bizarre knowledge.. most of stuff that he put on the manga usually can found on wiki, of course with mix of his own fiction. I dunno he already doing this when he write PB though.


I don't think she actually does. She's shown to have an understanding of how the system rates people's hue and that it can change based on various factors but that's essentially it but the system is way larger than that with her seemingly not realizing how the network worked, err, to say how it communicated if that makes sense, the effect it has on people's overall lives, what I mean to say is she's stupid.

Lets imagine that our internet is a less invasive version of her Sibyl(happy Cajunator?), we all use the internet on a daily basis, granted, not to the extent as they use Sibyl in the show but the idea's the same, we more or less get the basic gist of how it works. We understand the server/client relationship even if some of the less savvy people couldn't ever articulate it, we understand things like wireless range and reception even if we can't tell you how it works, we understand processing time, lag, all this stuff even if we can't write a white-paper on any of it. I get that it's the future and that it's also probably somewhere in Japan as opposed to the US or another less compact area but I just can't imagine anyone being oblivious to the concept of what's essentially having no bars on your cell phone. The scene where the Dominator interfaced with her was also weird, while we had been shown no indication of them being implanted or being always connected to some wireless network before her shock as the Dominator interfaced with her was of someone who'd never had anything like that happen before. I'd expect that reaction if she were some earlier human who had been implanted with this shit but knew nothing of it but for her, she shouldn't have been that shocked, who knows the kinds of stupid shit she interfaces with on a daily basis like that? She's shown to have friends outside work that must have been friends prior that all recently got jobs, she can't possibly be oblivious to how people's scores from the system dictate their jobs and what that entails. Surely she watched the class graduating before her and their hopes and fears with their assessment tests and job placement and had an idea of how that would play out and then she and her friends mulled it over when their time came. Everywhere around the world there's a reality and Akane's not living in her world's reality and it causes a strange disconnect to the viewer because she doesn't seem to belong.

As for her being an idiot, a claim I stand by if anyone were to disagree but there's probably no takers, I can't stand her because the show wants me to believe that she's relatively knowledgeable by understanding how Sybil reads behaviors and how human behavior can change and adapt depending on the situation but at the same time seems to know or understand nothing of basic human behavior. In one episode she almost seemed as though a guy stalking some chick by hiding behind a pillar or whatever he was behind was normal behavior. She wasn't the least bit suspicious about it. And the show wants to reinforce that idea onto the viewer like when she was talking about her career with her friends, look how dense Akane is the show tries to say. So really, I can't understand someone who's so inobservant of basic human behavior could somehow also be an expert on how a computer network rates it and what would cause that rating to change.

You can kind of dismiss some of this with her probably being born into that system but I just don't buy it. Basic human interaction is still there, the normal laws of networks still apply, so there had to have been times when the network didn't run, power was out, fucking something. If the network has been there long enough to be all she's ever known there has to have been some times when it didn't work.

In short, up to episode 3 the writing has really put me off, they suck at establishing decent characters or a world that feels like a real world and Akane's especially stupid. None of this is a shock though as I generally think Urobuchi Gen sucks.

That's not true at all about the internet though. The number of people who understand stuff like lag is probably fairly low. I mean even now I have friends under 25 who have a very low understanding of how the internet works. Nonetheless the police system that they use is in the background for the most part, compared to something like the internet or cell phone reception where people actively interact with. In the Sibyl system, they analyze you and that's it for the most part. It doesn't appear to be something that you actively work on or deal with unless you have issues. In fact the Sibyl system is probably closer to our legal system in that it's a component of our lives but we don't really think about it on a daily basis unless we're lawyers. However if you want to continue using the technology viewpoint, there are tons of technology that people use on a daily basis that they have absolutely no clue how it works. From what I've observed, people only learn what they have to. As for the scene with the Dominator, I'm not sure what your point is. She picked up a new toy and was in awe. Also not sure what your point about the friends are. She never acted oblivious as to how people's scores dictate their jobs.

As for the stalker in the mall thing, I think it just highlighted how dependent people are on scanners. For example most of the Enforcer deductions have been dead on accurate and rather common sense, however Ginoza absolutely refuses to believe them unless it's backed up by something Sibyl states. I think it was duckroll who stated that this show was commentary on bureaucracy and I can definitely see that element.


According to twitter via duckroll:
Shaun McWilliam ‏@MaxonTreik

Crunchyroll are so incompetent. The Gintama reruns actually have some new footage but CR just reused the original episode.


A Letter to Momo

Man, Okiura really knocked it out of the park with this one. Everything from the overall plot to character designs, the animation, the beautiful backgrounds, and even the really subdued soundtrack all come together really cohesively to make this a really enjoyable experience. Without spoiling anything, it does get overly melodramatic about 2/3's into the movie but it basically sets up this really fucking cool sequence so it really wasn't an issue by the end of it. All in all, it's a really good movie and you should definitely check it out!




That's not true at all about the internet though. The number of people who understand stuff like lag is probably fairly low. I mean even now I have friends under 25 who have a very low understanding of how the internet works. Nonetheless the police system that they use is in the background for the most part, compared to something like the internet or cell phone reception where people actively interact with. In the Sibyl system, they analyze you and that's it for the most part. It doesn't appear to be something that you actively work on or deal with unless you have issues. In fact the Sibyl system is probably closer to our legal system in that it's a component of our lives but we don't really think about it on a daily basis unless we're lawyers. However if you want to continue using the technology viewpoint, there are tons of technology that people use on a daily basis that they have absolutely no clue how it works. From what I've observed, people only learn what they have to. As for the scene with the Dominator, I'm not sure what your point is. She picked up a new toy and was in awe. Also not sure what your point about the friends are. She never acted oblivious as to how people's scores dictate their jobs.
It's totally true, they don't know things about hops, packet loss or whatever but they understand it's going slow, can sometimes go slow and so on. Much like most people aren't electricians but understand that the power plant needs something to make electricity, that electricity then gets sent to them and they understand that very basic connection. This is to say that to me this painted a picture of Akane who wasn't used to something not working, almost utopian, which maybe something the show is trying to convey, I dunno because the show sucks at conveying stuff, but despite Akane being shocked at something like them not getting a signal somewhere no one else did which makes it seem somewhat routine, so again, there's that disconnect. It's just not very thought out of a world in that regard, if you're going to establish in your fictional world that there are places where your utopian technology doesn't work that's fine, but if you do so it's hard for me to take seriously an adult who's never seen it not work.

As for the Dominator, I think she acted totally out of place. When I joined the Army we had lots of people who had never fired a rifle before, not one of them looked like that, and granted, none of them also linked with our brain and eyes, but, if that technology had existed and we'd been using it all our lives with other shit I don't think I'd have seen people act that way either. I think career expectation also comes into play here, had she just been some random girl on the street and someone thrust a gun into her hands I'd about buy any reaction however she chose to be a police officer and presumably had a few days before picking her job and actually starting her job to think about what that actually means and should more or less have expected to handle a gun. So again that's why I find her actions odd because there's that very real disconnect about what she's chosen to do with her life that makes it seem like she really hasn't. She's not a 15 year old kid from some random manga that's decided to fight evil without knowing what it means to fight evil, she's now a young adult, maybe an actual adult, who's lived in the world for awhile now and has chosen her new position after deliberation, she should have some inkling of a concept of what she's gotten into.

And I don't mean oblivious to how a score dictates their job but how a job dictated to you by your score affects that person emotionally.
As for the stalker in the mall thing, I think it just highlighted how dependent people are on scanners. For example most of the Enforcer deductions have been dead on accurate and rather common sense, however Ginoza absolutely refuses to believe them unless it's backed up by something Sibyl states. I think it was duckroll who stated that this show was commentary on bureaucracy and I can definitely see that element.
While I agree that the Dominator has been fairly spot on and pretty common sense the first episode didn't really try to put her into that role, she specifically told us that she wrote a paper on it, that she understood the idea of a person's criminal coefficient being merely a snapshot in time based on various factors, recognized that the first victim's state of mind had escalated because of the stress and tried to calm her down, that's a basic level of understanding of human behavior to have and it was nice that she recognized that while the rest of the cast, including people who theoretically already know better themselves tended to ignore that but if she has a basic grasp of that then she should find someone hiding behind something in public a tad bit suspicious. She can't be both,I have a hard time understanding how they can even have the Sibyl system and not understand that themselves, it's just so damn fundamentally flawed a system in the show. Akane knows people's state of mind changes based on external factors, all the other cops know, Sibyl also knows because they have rehab in the universe and at the same time no one knows it, it's baffling. If instead of pointless arguments and shit they just told Akane to shut the fuck up and that they needed to do shit the way they do it because of some numbers game or something I could buy it but as it is it's just nonsense. Junk.

Now, I'm not dismissing the show as a commentary on bureaucracy, that sounds about right to me, I'm dismissing it as a good or even coherent one. But again, Urobuchi Gen sucks so I guess this should be expected.


My soul is starving! Needs more soulfood! ^^;

Yep, it's Zel with an "l". Zel is my real world nickname (it comes from Zelgadis) and I'm a huge Kenshin fan. Thus, RurouniZel. :)

Yes you should watch much more space Bros :D

Also I like your name its pretty good. Way better than the Saints defense



It's totally true, they don't know things about hops, packet loss or whatever but they understand it's going slow, can sometimes go slow and so on. Much like most people aren't electricians but understand that the power plant needs something to make electricity, that electricity then gets sent to them and they understand that very basic connection. This is to say that to me this painted a picture of Akane who wasn't used to something not working, almost utopian, which maybe something the show is trying to convey, I dunno because the show sucks at conveying stuff, but despite Akane being shocked at something like them not getting a signal somewhere no one else did which makes it seem somewhat routine, so again, there's that disconnect. It's just not very thought out of a world in that regard, if you're going to establish in your fictional world that there are places where your utopian technology doesn't work that's fine, but if you do so it's hard for me to take seriously an adult who's never seen it not work.

If you're referring to the scene in the factory, she had very little understanding in regards to how the Dominators worked. All the other Enforcers would of course know that the Dominator worked on reception. For all she knew there could have been some sort of pre-installed program on the gun. In fact due to the ridiculously flawed nature of depending on reception for something as vital as a gun, that would actually be the logical assumption. Even then she didn't show that big of a reaction. Also the Dominators themselves are specialized police equipment, it's not like you would see that everyday. Considering that this isolated place is supposed to be an exception, saying that she should have already known the guns would be defective is a bit ridiculous.
As for the Dominator, I think she acted totally out of place. When I joined the Army we had lots of people who had never fired a rifle before, not one of them looked like that, and granted, none of them also linked with our brain and eyes, but, if that technology had existed and we'd been using it all our lives with other shit I don't think I'd have seen people act that way either. And I don't mean oblivious to how a score dictates their job but how a job dictated to you by your score affects that person emotionally. I think career expectation also comes into play here, had she just been some random girl on the street and someone thrust a gun into her hands I'd about buy any reaction however she chose to be a police officer and presumably had a few days before picking her job and actually starting her job to think about what that actually means and should more or less have expected to handle a gun. So again that's why I find her actions odd because there's that very real disconnect about what she's chosen to do with her life that makes it seem like she really hasn't. She's not a 15 year old kid from some random manga that's decided to fight evil without knowing what it means to fight evil, she's now a young adult, maybe an actual adult, who's lived in the world for awhile now and has chosen her new position after deliberation, she should have some inkling of a concept of what she's gotten into.

I also think you're way overblowing this bit too. I just rewatched the episode and it seems the gun actually communicating with her threw her for a loop. She might have just expected it to be something more like a traditional gun.

While I agree that the Dominator has been fairly spot on and pretty common sense the first episode didn't really try to put her into that role, she specifically told us that she wrote a paper on it, that she understood the idea of a person's criminal coefficient being merely a snapshot in time based on various factors, recognized that the first victim's state of mind had escalated because of the stress and tried to calm her down, that's a basic level of understanding of human behavior to have and it was nice that she recognized that while the rest of the cast, including people who theoretically already know better themselves tended to ignore that but if she has a basic grasp of that then she should find someone hiding behind something in public a tad bit suspicious. She can't be both,I have a hard time understanding how they can even have the Sibyl system and not understand that themselves, it's just so damn fundamentally flawed a system in the show. Akane knows people's state of mind changes based on external factors, all the other cops know, Sibyl also knows because they have rehab in the universe and at the same time no one knows it, it's baffling. If instead of pointless arguments and shit they just told Akane to shut the fuck up and that they needed to do shit the way they do it because of some numbers game or something I could buy it but as it is it's just nonsense. Junk.

Now, I'm not dismissing the show as a commentary on bureaucracy, that sounds about right to me, I'm dismissing it as a good or even coherent one. But again, Urobuchi Gen sucks so I guess this should be expected.

There's a difference though between understanding something contextual in an intellectual setting and analyzing a person's body behaviour and making a prediction from there. In fact Masaoka was pretty condescending to her afterwards and the Enforcers in general are pretty condescending to the Inspectors. As for the system itself, I think it's pretty obvious at this point that nobody in the show except Akane really gives a shit in regards to how it works. The Enforcers, it seems, enjoy hunting people down and making them explode(a relatively fun job) and the Inspectors have fairly comfortable lives. I'm interested in regards to what caused them to implement the system in the first place though.


This is how good Pscho Pass looks:


Try not to stare too long, you might go blind. The lighting in the office is beyond ridiculous, it looks like they're all wearing stage make-up.

Kogami's face is completely different to how it should look. In the shot above he looks about 15:



If you're referring to the scene in the factory, she had very little understanding in regards to how the Dominators worked. All the other Enforcers would of course know that the Dominator worked on reception. For all she knew there could have been some sort of pre-installed program on the gun. In fact due to the ridiculously flawed nature of depending on reception for something as vital as a gun, that would actually be the logical assumption. Even then she didn't show that big of a reaction. Also the Dominators themselves are specialized police equipment, it's not like you would see that everyday. Considering that this isolated place is supposed to be an exception, saying that she should have already known the guns would be defective is a bit ridiculous.

I also think you're way overblowing this bit too. I just rewatched the episode and it seems the gun actually communicating with her threw her for a loop. She might have just expected it to be something more like a traditional gun.

There's a difference though between understanding something contextual in an intellectual setting and analyzing a person's body behaviour and making a prediction from there. In fact Masaoka was pretty condescending to her afterwards and the Enforcers in general are pretty condescending to the Inspectors. As for the system itself, I think it's pretty obvious at this point that nobody in the show except Akane really gives a shit in regards to how it works. The Enforcers, it seems, enjoy hunting people down and making them explode(a relatively fun job) and the Inspectors have fairly comfortable lives. I'm interested in regards to what caused them to implement the system in the first place though.
There's little reason for me to post the same stuff again but for me it's all the actions of Akane taken as a whole. You call it overblowing stuff, you know, maybe an instance of my hatred of her character's portrayal is overblown but after a while there's a pattern, I'd say a very clear pattern, and that's that Akane's doesn't know anything about anything, she doesn't seem like she's from the same world as everyone else. Of course the facory incident is at least days after the first episode, I figure more than enough time to learn up on what you fired and something you watched explode a man on your first day at the job.

I would argue her not recognizing a person hiding as suspicious as borderline retarded. I don't care what kind of system you put in place a physical person hiding while watching another person is always suspicious. That's like basic human nature and I don't really believe that you could create a society where such a behavior didn't stand out.

The gun relying on an external source is stupid.

As for the rest of the people's acceptance of the system, I've already forgotten the other character's names but the older guy was alive in "the old days" so this system isn't that freaking old. Many of the people who designed it are probably still around, shitloads of people who lived prior to it are still around, it's much too new of a system for there to be no discussion concerning the system and for people to be that ignorant of it. I'm not just talking enforcers and Investigators, I'm talking bureaucrats, politicians, teachers, software engineers, and the rest of the city whos lives have been changed. Fuck, I'm talking about Akane's parents.


The composition in Pscyho Pass is actually nearing the level of a P.A. Works show. I'm rather disappointed in Production I.G. so far. Just look at how well the traditionally draw elements of this scene sit on top of the CG backgrounds:


This shot of a street is equally unimpressive:


Hopefully it'll look better later. Maybe?


I was going to watch lots and lots of anime tonight, but then Battle Royale.

So much more fun than anime.

Still my favourite film, so good!

And then Battle Royale 2 happened. Pretty much the reason that I tend to curb my expectations nowadays.

The novel is excellent, and is a case of the film enhancing the source. It's nice (well, considering the circumstances, maybe not) to have a good image of what the class is like beforehand. The political commentary is much more pronounced too.

I didn't much care for the manga, which seemed to get ludicrous and violent for the sheer sake of it.
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