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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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And so it ends.
Third-lowest finals vote count in Saimoe history.


Sword Art Online 18

Really liked that cold open as it confirmed why I thought she tried the game as well as it just being a nice sequence. Per the usual, game stuff (including the party drama!) delivered while the rest sucked. So much pandering too. Guess you have to sell this arc somehow.

That keypad better be a cruel joke being played on Asuna because if she can actually get out on her own ....lol
The in-episode partt with the bat at the end taking the place of the usual fluttering insect of the ED seemed kinda clever though and a nice hook for next week.


Do you happen to know what the final matchups were for the two lower years?
1st 161 Riku Harada @ D.N.Angel
2nd 147 Motoko Hara @ Gunparade March

1st 230 Rosemary Applefield @ Ashita No Nadja
2nd 154 Nadja Applefield @ Ashita No Nadja

By the way, this is an excerpt of a comment from the person who actually runs the unofficial English Saimoe site and made all the posters and stuff:
"We all know that it's not what it once was. This year isn't Saki's fault (their only transgression was to forget the courtesy that this is supposed to be about 2012) nor was last year Madoka's fault -- it's almost entirely down to terrible administration and effectively died when the lead organizer ragequit a few years ago over an emoticon in the quarter final draw [...] Saimoe has always been a labour of love for me and while it is disappointing how the admins have led it to its grave I don't regret the work I've done for it."


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
And so it ends.

Third-lowest finals vote count in Saimoe history.

Caaaalllled it! :D

By the way, this is a comment from the person who actually runs the unofficial English Saimoe site and made all the posters and stuff:
"We all know that it's not what it once was. This year isn't Saki's fault (their only transgression was to forget the courtesy that this is supposed to be about 2012) nor was last year Madoka's fault -- it's almost entirely down to terrible administration and effectively died when the lead organizer ragequit a few years ago over an emoticon in the quarter final draw."

1st 161 Riku Harada @ D.N.Angel
2nd 147 Motoko Hara @ Gunparade March

1st 230 Rosemary Applefield @ Ashita No Nadja
2nd 154 Nadja Applefield @ Ashita No Nadja
So this year could have been a lot worse. 2003 had like only half the votes.

By the way, this is a comment from the person who actually runs the unofficial English Saimoe site and made all the posters and stuff:
"We all know that it's not what it once was. This year isn't Saki's fault (their only transgression was to forget the courtesy that this is supposed to be about 2012) nor was last year Madoka's fault -- it's almost entirely down to terrible administration and effectively died when the lead organizer ragequit a few years ago over an emoticon in the quarter final draw."
Emoticons. Serious business.


I miss the eyecatches of season one, what happened to all the illustrations they used to feature then, why couldn't they continue for second half?
It seems that GAiNAX own staff doesn't have a sole moment to make fancy eye-catches anymore... time to get serious!

idk what happened this season, but Medaka became super adorable.

I noticed that in certain scenes they have made her expression less vicious (sadisticly happy) compared to the graphic novel, a 'cute-fying' process...


[Sword Art Online] - 18

This episode of SAO was objectively better directed than the last two episodes of From the New World. I don't even know what means, the word itself has gone all topsy-turvy.

Besides that shocking revelation there really isn't much to see here. The show continues to be ploughing ahead with the incest angle and the fanservice panders as much the story developments. I can see why people don't really like this particular arc or, rather, why they dislike it even more than the earlier stuff. Personally, however, I think it's slightly better than than many earlier episodes with the caveat that the show is as dumb as ever.


[Sword Art Online] - 18

This episode of SAO was objectively better directed than the last two episodes of From the New World. I don't even know what means, the word itself has gone all topsy-turvy.

Besides that shocking revelation there really isn't much to see here. The show continues to be ploughing ahead with the incest angle and the fanservice panders as much the story developments. I can see why people don't really like this particular arc or, rather, why they dislike it even more than the earlier stuff. Personally, however, I think it's slightly better than than many earlier episodes with the caveat that the show is as dumb as ever.

It has a lot less Asuna so it is less awful by default.


Actually, I'm just going to copy this whole thing from /a/, because it does help explain why Saimoe is this little 2ch Japan-only private club thing nowadays.
Reintroducing foreign voting would fix very little. The lack of votes in general is obviously cancerous to the situation as it drags down interest and actually -increases- the impact of any remaining proxy votes, so while the solution to that is to open the votes wider while clamping down on proxy votes as best as possible, the bigger problem is that a lot of people have the wrong mindset about the tournament entirely.

The problem more specific to foreign voting is its lack of depth. There are many, many counterexamples to this (myself and plenty of people here, for instance), but when foreign voting was prevalent a small handful of series would get a massive boost and very little would go to most of the series that weren't well known. A very important issue was that it seems that the average person, on seeing a match with two characters they didn't know and an unimportant side-character they didn't really like from a series they did know, would vote for the latter rather than pass.

The other issue is that there's something about western voters and latching onto some characters and never letting go that I've never understood. The tournament is supposed to be about who did what in that year, and while Japanese voters usually work with this in mind (bad example this year given how the Saki base completely disregarded this etiquette), not so much with foreign votes, again partially due to a lack of depth. It's refreshing how nearly all franchises die over time and make way for new material. Compare and contrast with, say, the same old shit that's been stagnating in ISML since it was formed and consider how that would affect otherwise aging and dying franchises in the tournament.

Now sure, the tournament is anything but idealistic and most of the fun is in how hideously tactical it can get, but the end of the line is just how dull and biased the foreign vote can be when en masse, so while I obviously want to be able to take part, I can understand not wanting to let it in unfiltered. And that's without considering additional cheating risks that would be too much work for a small administration team.

I'd still expect the best solution (be it a Japanese project or one of our own) to include full worldwide voting, but I can't say I'd know how to go about doing that properly.
As you sort of said before -- it's serious business.

And that's it for me and posts about Saimoe for probably, well, ever.


Thank you for all your responses everyone. :)

I can't say there's been a particular little-seen work I've heavily championed, but if I were to pick one it would be Anne of Green Gables.

I've looked at watching Anne of Green Gables. Have you tried watching Konnichiwa Anne: Before Green Gables too? I haven't seen it either but briefly talked to firehawk about it in an earlier thread.

I think you would enjoy it. It's a very slow burn, but the payoffs (as I believe KO Traveling Hobo and Narag can tell you) are great, the setting is crazy creepy and fascinating, and your feelings will basically follow this chart:

I'll definitely give it a shot anyway. It will be kind of a bit more interesting to compare to the chart there as well instead of me just watching it on television. By the time I saw the chart I might not have remembered exactly how I reacted to individual episodes.

Hey, I've asked people to watch Fantastic Children too! My other show that I'd like to push on unsuspecting people is Mōryō no Hako but it's not exactly the kind of thing that appeals to everyone. Beyond that I've made single threads for Giant Robo, Patlabor, Master Keaton, Utena/Rose of Versailles, Mushi-shi and hundreds of shows.

Yes, you're right, I apologize. You've also been a supporter in getting people to watch Angel's Egg, even starting a thread for it.

I'm very glad you mentioned Mouryou no Hako though, as I've been looking to watch it but I couldn't remember the name. I was going to ask but the only descriptors I could remember are "It's about a strange mystery with a detective and something about a train." I thought perhaps that was really vague to be of any help. At thirteen episodes I think I'll try and give it a watch soon. If not this season then hopefully next season as an off season show. I believe I have all the other individual titles mentioned already noted down. I'll have to check the thread with a list.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
You try to make me sane by having me do math!? This is like somebody telling you to fix your broken arm by handing you a chainsaw. D:

A chainsaw is certainly overkill.

A weighty bit of old pipe should do the trick.
I've looked at watching Anne of Green Gables. Have you tried watching Konnichiwa Anne: Before Green Gables too? I haven't seen it either but briefly talked to firehawk about it in an earlier thread.

Before Green Gables is official fanfiction and not very good, neither the novel nor the anime adaptation.


Thank you for all your responses everyone. :)

[...]If not this season then hopefully next season as an off season show. I believe I have all the other individual titles mentioned already noted down. I'll have to check the thread with a list.
I imagine you'll have plenty of time considering how few shows look like they'll be worth investing in next season.


I imagine you'll have plenty of time considering how few shows look like they'll be worth investing in next season.
It always happens the same with expectations; lowering them bring the good surprises... is that what you are really thinking?


[From the New World] - 6

To say that this wasn't as badly directed as last weeks episode doesn't really tell you the whole picture. Where as last weeks episode was filmed by someone who was always standing about 5 feet too close to the characters this weeks episode felt like it was put together by Tomino, both in terms of it's editing and it's visuals. Both this weeks and last weeks episode have been distinctly 'off' and I can only hope they get this sorted out because it's hampering my enjoyment of the story. I think it's about time I put together a few words about how weird the direction for last weeks episode was. Anyway...

Luckily the writing itself hasn't declined in quality which should come as no surprise considering that it's (presumably) coming straight from the book which makes it a little bit harder to screw up. I'm interested in where things are going but a big part about what made the earlier episodes so successful was how effectively they used tone and mood, something which is trickier to do when the quality of the actual direction is far less consistent.


Before Green Gables is official fanfiction and not very good, neither the novel nor the anime adaptation.

Well, that's unfortunate. Anne at least looked :cajun when I watched to see what the opening was like.

I imagine you'll have plenty of time considering how few shows look like they'll be worth investing in next season.

On the one hand I'm disappointed in hearing that the next season doesn't appear to be very promising, on the other I'm happy that it will give me time to watch some earlier shows I had been wanting to take a look at.


It always happens the same with expectations; lowering them bring the good surprises... is that what you are really thinking?

Well it's certainly better to be pleasantly surprised than it is to be disappointed.
Sword Art Online 18

In thinking of the episode again and the antagonist I wonder why he couldnt be a bit wiser.
Surely he'd have something in place to detect if "Kirito" entered the game again. I dont know why he would make the assumption that Kirito would never put the nerve gear on again, considering, the population as whole didnt seemed turned off to venturing into the vr space even among the incident with Sword Art Online. Additionally, he even told him, or hinted that she is still trapped in the world, providing some stimuli for Kirito to enter ALfheim Online.


Well it's certainly better to be pleasantly surprised than it is to be disappointed.
Of course, and now I'm interested in knowing the opinion of the people here. What do you all think so far of this one? Disappointing season? As expected? It surpassed your expectations?


You're right, perhaps I'm not the right surgeon to take on this task. May I recommend a colleague of mine. She's quite experienced, and quite a cutie to boot.


Hm, well if you're the one recommending her I don't see why n- wait, this is suspicious. I could have sworn your name was Zei at the end. Clearly the only explanation is that the real RurouniZei was just replaced by you, who then messed up while typing his name, in some evil Mumei GAF conspiracy. You people can't fool me.


Subete no aware
Well, that's unfortunate. Anne at least looked :cajun when I watched to see what the opening was like.
It's funny, you can see the "moeification" of anime just by comparing 70s Anne to 00s Anne.
I don't blame the estate for trying to cash in on the 100th anniversary though. Especially since they're not making anything on the IP anymore.


SAO 18 is still dumb, but I'm not even all that worked up by the shitty incest stuff anymore. The fact that she doesn't recognize him makes absolutely no fucking sense to me, but what can you expect from a shitty anime about a girl who wants to fuck her brother cousin?

I just wanted to point out that the writing is so dumb that it internally contradicts itself in the same episode:


Okay, so she knows what it means to like something since she says that the other guy likes Leafy. Whatever.


But then, she asks Leafy what it actually means to "like" someone. I'm sure the whole point of that was just to have the shitty derederederedere reaction that you have to get from shitty anime like this, but it actually makes no sense. You can actually see that someone - whether Kawahara or the screenwriter - decided to write a scene just for the otaku-isms, ignoring all continuity in the process.

It's astounding how calculating and so poorly planned something can be at the exact same time. Bravo!


Of course, and now I'm interested in knowing the opinion of the people here. What do you all think so far of this one? Disappointing season? As expected? It surpassed your expectations?

JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, From the New World and Tonari have been, for the most part, about as good as I was expecting.

Pyscho Pass and Magi have been worse although both have the potential to improve over the course of their run.

Code:Breaker and Zetsuen have been surprisingly entertaining and enjoyable despite my initial reactions to both works. I suppose that makes this a pretty good season, although how many of these works will stand the test of time remains to be seen.


Actually, I'm just going to copy this whole thing from /a/, because it does help explain why Saimoe is this little 2ch Japan-only private club thing nowadays.

Thanks for posting this - I have no interest in moe or Saimoe but the meta surrounding it fascinates me (srs bsns and all).

I wonder why, if Saimoe is supposed to focus on current characters, that they allowed nominations for all the Saki characters? Was there an OVA or something this past year that qualified them?


Thanks for posting this - I have no interest in moe or Saimoe but the meta surrounding it fascinates me (srs bsns and all).

I wonder why, if Saimoe is supposed to focus on current characters, that they allowed nominations for all the Saki characters? Was there an OVA or something this past year that qualified them?

Well, there was the Episode of Side-A (Achiga-hen) anime that aired earlier this year, and is technically still ongoing since there's a few still-to-air/hit-BD episodes. If most of the main-line Saki characters didn't at least make cameos, they did probably appear in the OP.


SAO 18 is still dumb...


I just wanted to point out that the writing is so dumb that it internally contradicts itself in the same episode:


It's astounding how calculating and so poorly planned something can be at the exact same time. Bravo!
You're clearly overlooking one important possibility - she was actually just trolling her!


Subete no aware
Say I Love You 5

So it's a bit disappointing to go back to what is fairly banal directing, but I suppose now that they're on to the pure shoujo aspect of the series, they can't have weird shots and cuts and framing anymore.

I feel like there was probably a decent way shoot this episode that could have been as interesting as the last episode, but I suppose there's only so many ways you can depict social alienation before it becomes all samey.

I will say, it's still weird to find something that's both grounded in terms of trying to depict some real pain but is also shoujo-sparkly at the same time. I suppose the show tries to go out of its way to avoid actual scenes with flowers and shoujo sparkles, but all the internal monologue is still there anyway. Here's hoping they're going to try some new tricks soon!

You're clearly overlooking one important possibility - she was actually just trolling her!
You know, I suppose that's possible. She's pretending to be an ignorant AI just to get the deredere reaction. I just don't want to assume they were smart enough to think of that. :p


Well, there was the Episode of Side-A (Achiga-hen) anime that aired earlier this year, and is technically still ongoing since there's a few still-to-air/hit-BD episodes.

My sense of time is completely skewed. I thought that aired last year. I suppose it's nearly the end of 2012...


SAO 18 is still dumb, but I'm not even all that worked up by the shitty incest stuff anymore. The fact that she doesn't recognize him makes absolutely no fucking sense to me, but what can you expect from a shitty anime about a girl who wants to fuck her brother cousin?

Because he looks different than the one in real world, because the way he wrote his name wasn't the same as it's actually written.

She don't want to fuck him. It's stupid to think like that, even if it's just trolling.


Because he looks different than the one in real world, because the way he wrote his name wasn't the same as it's actually written.

She don't want to fuck him. It's stupid to think like that, even if it's just trolling.

They even have the same voice as they do in the real world!


That's... not saying much. :_;

I was trying to make light of our awful season ;_;

Fairy Tail 155

“Gray-sama! Do you want Juvia?! Or Lyon-sama?! Please make up your mind!” Juvia and Happy never fail to make me laugh lol, best moment was the whole Gray/Lyon discussion competting moment and then the Natsu/Sting run in.

Ah time for the first event next episode, cant wait to see a certain scene with their eye glare and maps

Juviaaaaaaaaa. Might just find out which episodes have her in it and watch only those.
Then again I heard Fairy Tail has a ton of hnnng in it.

Hyouka 09

I can't understand: how the character responsible for the drive of the show is so fucking useless and annoying? Sometimes I wonder what she's even doing there, besides being goofy and wanting to hear a conclusion.

Yup, I hate Chitanda. Every other character of the cast is better than her.

I'm not liking this show very much. It's pretty boring so far, with few good moments here and there.

You're almost to the good part. Hang in there!

6 x 9 = ?

Utsuho X Cirno

idk what happened this season, but Medaka became super adorable.


She always was adorable.

1st 161 Riku Harada @ D.N.Angel
2nd 147 Motoko Hara @ Gunparade March

1st 230 Rosemary Applefield @ Ashita No Nadja
2nd 154 Nadja Applefield @ Ashita No Nadja

By the way, this is an excerpt of a comment from the person who actually runs the unofficial English Saimoe site and made all the posters and stuff:
"We all know that it's not what it once was. This year isn't Saki's fault (their only transgression was to forget the courtesy that this is supposed to be about 2012) nor was last year Madoka's fault -- it's almost entirely down to terrible administration and effectively died when the lead organizer ragequit a few years ago over an emoticon in the quarter final draw [...] Saimoe has always been a labour of love for me and while it is disappointing how the admins have led it to its grave I don't regret the work I've done for it."

2003 chose the correct girl by far.
Wonder how many people actually watched D.N. angel. It has lots of "Cajun and more than a bit of :DTL

It has a lot less Asuna so it is less awful by default.

Maybe I will start watching again...

Of course, and now I'm interested in knowing the opinion of the people here. What do you all think so far of this one? Disappointing season? As expected? It surpassed your expectations?

VERY good season so far for me! Very little to complain about.

You're right, perhaps I'm not the right surgeon to take on this task. May I recommend a colleague of mine. She's quite experienced, and quite a cutie to boot.


<3 <3 <3


Subete no aware
Because he looks different than the one in real world, because the way he wrote his name wasn't the same as it's actually written.

She don't want to fuck him. It's stupid to think like that, even if it's just trolling.
There are even the stupid clues that they keep missing.
She makes dinner for him. He then tells her that his family made dinner for him.

Like, these are the dumbest characters in the world. All so we can have extra handwringing about cousincest and whatnot.


They even have the same voice as they do in the real world!

There are even the stupid clues that they keep missing.
She makes dinner for him. He then tells her that his family made dinner for him.

Like, these are the dumbest characters in the world. All so we can have extra handwringing about cousincest and whatnot.

It's like having a secret identity in a comic book!
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