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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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The Light of El Cantare
For some reason everytime I saw Chitanda in the first few episodes I thought she looked like some kinda anime moe cockroach thing.
something about her hair.

Before someone makes this whole conversation irrelevant by bringing up Gokicha, submitted for your consideration is probably the worst example of "cockroach hair" in all of anime, Ururu from Bleach:


Compared to something like this, Chitanda looks perfectly human.

DVD, not Blu-ray? What's the point?

People who buy anime don't care about blu-ray; so saith various licensors.
I'm not acting like anything. I'm just amused at how nobody can come to a consensus as to why it's bad. Indeed, much less anything approaching a consensus, the complaints are all over the fucking map. It's hilarious.

I'd say most people who don't like it say it's slow and boring. I haven't really seen many outliers like myself.


DVD, not Blu-ray? What's the point?

"At the moment our Subtitle only releases are still in a trial phase. The cost to produce Blu-Rays are 4 times that of DVDs and since no other company around the world is releasing it other than us, it really is not viable for us to be able to offer subtitled only Blu-rays at this point in time.

The audience for our product is quite small already as it is, and with a title as niche as Nichjou is, that doesn’t include an English dub, the costs are not justifiable for us to be able to offer it in that format.
We wish BD production did not cost as much as it does as we would like to be able to offer things in HD as much as possible.

Perhaps in the future if it becomes more viable, we will look into releasing/re-releasing the series on Blu-Ray, but this is not likely to happen for the next 2-3 years."​

It doesn't answer "the point", but is a Madman Ent. surface rep's take for informative measures.

Before someone makes this whole conversation irrelevant by bringing up Gokicha, submitted for your consideration is probably the worst example of "cockroach hair" in all of anime, Ururu from Bleach:

Compared to something like this, Chitanda looks perfectly human.

Yikes. I forgot how...unsightly that girl was.


I'm not acting like anything. I'm just amused at how nobody can come to a consensus as to why it's bad. Indeed, much less anything approaching a consensus, the complaints are all over the fucking map. It's hilarious.

I didn't say it was bad, but its certainly boring for me and what seems like most people
you do tend to act like people are just not cultured enough to get it
I'd say most people who don't like it say it's slow and boring. I haven't really seen many outliers like myself.
Didn't your mother ever tell you it's rude to interrupt a man when he's masturbating?
"At the moment our Subtitle only releases are still in a trial phase. The cost to produce Blu-Rays are 4 times that of DVDs and since no other company around the world is releasing it other than us, it really is not viable for us to be able to offer subtitled only Blu-rays at this point in time.​
Jeez. At least they're honest.


I'm not acting like anything. I'm just amused at how nobody can come to a consensus as to why it's bad. Indeed, much less anything approaching a consensus, the complaints are all over the fucking map. It's hilarious.

Because different people have different tastes and different opinions on what they like and don't like? I'm not sure what's hard to understand about this.
You could have them explain their point of view and listen to them. You know, treat people like they have opinions to be considered instead of just part of a group that personifies things you disagree with.

I know I'm blowing it out of proportion at this point, but this type of thing bothers me. It's not just Maedhros too. He was just unlucky enough to be the post I caught when I came to this page, so I'm kinda unfairly unloading a lot of my disappointments on him. I just see this in various places and it bothers me.
Ah, it's okay.
Gintama' 213

Sounds sexy.

All that fun and awesome action. Great episode with that battle, it looked great, had awesome action and even had a fun intermission right in the middle. Arc is going really strong, very nicely paced as well. This is being one of my favorite arcs just due to the wide range of supporting case that's being used and being such a good mix of action and comedy.

Also, gintama laugh.



The hilarious thing about all this is I actually liked Hyouka.
It just had some boring episodes at the beginning.
Given the chance to buy blurays in the US I would.
SAO 18

So... pretty much, my brother almost ODed on Heroin, so I now I'm curious.

Gotta love how the director gotta remind viewers that IMOUTO HAS BIG BOOBS THAT ARE BIG.

So pretty much...


Also, who needs real life girls or fake girls that are real life girls when we can all have pocket yui's.



A Good Citizen
Because different people have different tastes and different opinions on what they like and don't like? I'm not sure what's hard to understand about this.
Holy shit, different people have different opinions about different things!?

If you truly believed this then why would you even care to criticize Hyouka in the first place? Everyone just has their own opinion, right?

Boiling everything down to subjectivities is nothing more than a defense mechanism (usually when people are aware, perhaps subconsciously, that they're on the losing side) that does nothing but muddle discussion.


Hyouka 19~20

Ok... just like other slow episodes. Almost nothing till

Hyouka 21

Wow. Actually some development? Even though it was a romantic one, that one was implied since episode 2. Good thing to see it coming to a closure. I didn't know Satoshi could be so fucking obtuse. Good thing Oreki came to the rescue.

I liked this episode. With this one, there are 9 episodes that I liked in this show. Not bad really.

Now to the finale.


Hyouka 19~20

Ok... just like other slow episodes. Almost nothing till

Hyouka 21

Wow. Actually some development? Even though it was a romantic one, that one was implied since episode 2. Good thing to see it coming to a closure. I didn't know Satoshi could be so fucking obtuse. Good thing Oreki came to the rescue.

I liked this episode. With this one, there are 9 episodes that I liked in this show. Not bad really.

Now to the finale.

What's your opinion of Misaki? She was the most interesting personality in the show to me, not to mention adorable.
If you truly believed this then why would you even care to criticize Hyouka in the first place? Everyone just has their own opinion, right?

Boiling everything down to subjectivities is nothing more than a defense mechanism (usually when people are aware, perhaps subconsciously, that they're on the losing side) that does nothing but muddle discussion.

Even if I'm wrong, I'm actually right.

edit: also, why can't we all get along like ToonamiGAF does? They're all just having a jolly good time over there.
If you truly believed this then why would you even care to criticize Hyouka in the first place? Everyone just has their own opinion, right?

Boiling everything down to subjectivities is nothing more than a defense mechanism (usually when people are aware, perhaps subconsciously, that they're on the losing side) that does nothing but muddle discussion.

Seriously? Seriously?! And then you talk about muddling discussion.


If you truly believed this then why would you even care to criticize Hyouka in the first place? Everyone just has their own opinion, right?

Boiling everything down to subjectivities is nothing more than a defense mechanism (usually when people are aware, perhaps subconsciously, that they're on the losing side) that does nothing but muddle discussion.

The same reason you praise and defend it. I don't go out of my way to shit on Hyouka at random times, but when people ask for an opinion on a show or something because they may want to watch it (if I have watched it), I will give them what they ask for.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
If you truly believed this then why would you even care to criticize Hyouka in the first place? Everyone just has their own opinion, right?

Boiling everything down to subjectivities is nothing more than a defense mechanism (usually when people are aware, perhaps subconsciously, that they're on the losing side) that does nothing but muddle discussion.

Come on now. Smh.


Casshern Sins

Since Toonami just finished it's Casshern run, thought I should throw up my initial gut reaction to the whole show. I kind of loved it. It's certainly not perfect. It gets a little over philosophical and has glacial pacing, but the way it handles it's characters with a deep respect really won me over. The journey Casshern goes through is fascinating and not something you see in a normal anime protagonist. I'll post some more detailed thoughts after I have some time to think it over, but definitely check it out. Just don't marathon it, because the show's oppressive tone may make you try and kill yourself.


Sucks at poetry
Tonari No Katsu-Kun 2-5

Yeah, this is alright. I'm not super entertained, but I'm not bored either. The female narration is nice. The mrs seems highly entertained - she likes the kawaii rooster, or something. Is that thing even supposed to be cute? looks ugly.

Also Haru should totally ditch Shizuku and get with the class rep.

You know them shy girls man. So easy. You can smang it every which way - she'll do whatever you want. Bet she even goes both ways.


If you truly believed this then why would you even care to criticize Hyouka in the first place? Everyone just has their own opinion, right?

Boiling everything down to subjectivities is nothing more than a defense mechanism (usually when people are aware, perhaps subconsciously, that they're on the losing side) that does nothing but muddle discussion.

I don't even know what you are implying here
we cant be critical of a show because we understand that opinions vary?


jojo 5

that nonchalant kick to the zombie at jojo's foot was pretty awesome.

Whole eps was pretty great. Everyone is just yelling the whole time!

For as cheesy as that comes across at first glance, I like how it keeps the energy up throughout. It's like that rugby scene in episode 2 where the game was made 10x more exciting through that announcer.


A Good Citizen
I don't even know what you are implying here
we cant be critical of a show because we understand that opinions vary?
Why would you care to be critical of a show when everything is just an opinion, it's just subjective, everyone has different tastes, etc?
The same reason you praise and defend it. I don't go out of my way to shit on Hyouka at random times, but when people ask for an opinion on a show or something because they may want to watch it (if I have watched it), I will give them what they ask for.


Why would you care to be critical of a show when everything is just an opinion, it's just subjective, everyone has different tastes, etc?

maybe because this is a discussion board dedicated to anime?

doing a critical analysis scene by scene for an anime is a lost cause when your post is going to get pushed back a page in a matter of minutes


Tonari No Katsu-Kun 2-5

Yeah, this is alright. I'm not super entertained, but I'm not bored either. The female narration is nice. The mrs seems highly entertained - she likes the kawaii rooster, or something. Is that thing even supposed to be cute? looks ugly.

Also Haru should totally ditch Shizuku and get with the class rep.

You know them shy girls man. So easy. You can smang it every which way - she'll do whatever you want. Bet she even goes both ways.

Plus she is voiced by KANA HANAZAWA.
its not fucking fair!


Plus she is voiced by KANA HANAZAWA.
its not fucking fair!

... I should probably get to watching the rest of the episodes.

Geez. Hanazawa Kana and Tomatsu Haruka. Not to mention the new seiyuu, Tanezaki Atsumi, who's voicing Natsume (and whose voice I think I might like the most). They really know how to pick 'em.


Skull Man 1-4

Joke aside, this was pretty cool. Great OP to set the tone, amazing soundtrack, and it took advantage of the three episode rule as it's something of a slow burn to start then bam.


Sure, but trejo's criticism seemed to be that teenagers wasting time wasn't believable, which I don't agree with.

Just to delve a little further into this particular point. I won't claim to be as knowledgeable of the average teenager's typical conduct, or indeed their very psyche, as good ol' Branduil here so I could very well be all wrong but the issue I was trying to get at but apparently failed to get across was that these particular teenager's actions and the way they conduct themselves simply does not come across as believable to me. They give way too much importance and gravitas to issues that I feel just plain don't warrant it in the slightest.

Teenagers waste their time on stupid shit all the time. This much is true. Except that I don't think they generally do so in the same manner that the ones in Hyouka do. At all.

I like the way curlyfriski put it here:

They were telling low-stake, everyday-life stories at the pace of a serious drama, as if the actions shown were supposed to have the impact of a serious drama. This out of whack relationship between form and subject matter is really my main complaint against the show. The mysteries were another part where the tone taken just seemed off to me. I didn't mind that the mysteries chosen were banal. I can see how this is a show about those banal moments. But when you treat them like matters of great importance, and expect the audience to feel likewise, your efforts are bound to fail.

I agree wholeheartedly with that point, except I'd argue that the show is incredibly boring for the most part on top of that.


A Good Citizen
Because we are on a message board where we talk about our experiences we've experienced with anime, and then share them in this Anime thread on NeoGAF?
Again, what's the point of being critical of a show if you think everything is subjective and based on opinion? Wouldn't it be best to just not bother since your opinion is just different to others? Why bother voicing that disagreement?
I can start doing it if you want.
You already do.


Tonari No Katsu-Kun 2-5

Also Haru should totally ditch Shizuku and get with the class rep.

You know them shy girls man. So easy. You can smang it every which way - she'll do whatever you want. Bet she even goes both ways.

I like Shizuku and all, but I don't know if I'll be able to resist the combo of glasses + Hanazawa.


Skull Man 1-4

Started out alright and episode 3 ramped up pretty nicely. Old detective is the best. Would've liked to appreciate the ED more.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Skull Man 3-4

Got my hopes up for yuri
only to get robbed

Screw Skull Man and this show. :(
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