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Is it any good for postage?
From The New World 6
I feel like this episode is the first time that what works in a novel hasn't been particularly well interpreted for animation. While episode 5 has all sorts of artistic issues that fragment the coherency of the narrative, the chaotic visuals are intriguing in their own right - this episode, however. is so straightforward in its storytelling it's almost frustratingly pedestrian.
I would place the blame on the episode staff here, for the show handles similar sequences in episode 4 far more effectively and interestingly when. Here, it's justthe kids are repeatedly ambushed by the Bakenezumi. A novel can entertain through written descriptions and I think that some of these sequences, for instanceand then THESE creatures ambushed them and then THESE ones did and then and then and then, probably work very well in written form - but in translating them to animation the action should have been more exciting than the leaden sequences we got here.when they're attacked from the trees by those strange stick insect creatures
Maybe I can auction it off for some decent coin in a couple of years to collectors.You'll probably need two or more due to rising postage cost.
He can't. Literally. Sakurakouji can negate every single super-power.
More catching up... damn that real life stuff for getting in the way. I suppose the advantage of being burgled and having my netbook stolen is that it was a good excuse to buy a tablet that can handle HD; I've been catching up on things while cooking!
So you don't think there's an ulterior, or even, subconscious motive for Satoru's actions? I feel like the show has been too smartly written up to this point to resort straight to "Yeah, this must just be happening so we, as viewers, can see Cantus Powers". I definitely believed while watching that this dynamic exists for a reason that's yet to be fully explained. Could be wrong, but I think it's too soon to assume one way or another.Warning - text incoming.
[From the New World] - 6
This is about as much explanation as Satoru gives for going off to hunt trash-mobs:
Is that really necessary? Couldn't they, you know, run away and look for the rest of their group? I understand that we need to see Satoru in action to see the frightening power of Cantus but frankly we already saw that back in episode four when the monk went all out. Saki does try and argue with Satoru but only for a minute before giving in. She attempts to dissuade him again a little bit later in the episode but still, I can't really understand their motivation for doing what they're doing.
Warning - text incoming.
[From the New World] - 6
It's not very hard to point out what's wrong with this episode - about 3/4 of it are devoted the build up to an action sequence or an action sequence itself. Even if these sequences were done well, which they aren't (more on that later) that's not what I'm looking for from this story. More over I'm not entirely sure why the characters are doing what they're doing. This is about as much explanation as Satoru gives for going off to hunt trash-mobs:
Is that really necessary? Couldn't they, you know, run away and look for the rest of their group? I understand that we need to see Satoru in action to see the frightening power of Cantus but frankly we already saw that back in episode four when the monk went all out. Saki does try and argue with Satoru but only for a minute before giving in. She attempts to dissuade him again a little bit later in the episode but still, I can't really understand their motivation for doing what they're doing.
Hyouka finale
I will say, it's far more awkward realizing someone jerked off to something you made than realizing who made what you jerked off to. Especially when it isn't intended to be porn.
Start Driver - 01
That shit. Was. Fucking. Dope.
Animation is top notch!!!!
Is that really necessary? Couldn't they, you know, run away and look for the rest of their group?
. Saki does try and argue with Satoru but only for a minute before giving in. She attempts to dissuade him again a little bit later in the episode but still, I can't really understand their motivation for doing what they're doing.I understand that we need to see Satoru in action to see the frightening power of Cantus but frankly we already saw that back in episode four when the monk went all out
So we've gone from reality to a hallucination to reality to a hallucination to a memory. Bizarre. What purpose did the hallucination serve if it was the memory that allowed Saki to progress the story? Say what you will about the bad direction from the last episode but at least a number of scenes where effective and made you feel something. These are just lifeless and stilted. Don't even get me started on the action-direction.
Start Driver - 01
That shit. Was. Fucking. Dope.
Animation is top notch!!!!
School Days 1
You guys already spoiled me. You ruined your own fun!
But watching this I realize that I never took note of who killed the other. Time to find out!
So you don't think there's an ulterior, or even, subconscious motive for Satoru's actions? I feel like the show has been too smartly written up to this point to resort straight to "Yeah, this must just be happening so we, as viewers, can see Cantus Powers". I definitely believed while watching that this dynamic exists for a reason that's yet to be fully explained. Could be wrong, but I think it's too soon to assume one way or another.
I certainly agree that, after Satoru gets a taste for power he certainly revels in, at the cost of his own health. That's clearly meant to demonstrate the danger of an uncontrolled, untrained TK user. However Satoru makes his decision to engage on this mission before he's even used his TK for combat. He's determined to do it right off the bat.I actually thought this was fine as it show Satoru is going insane with power similar to that Emperor. There seems to be something linked with the TK gene where people get off using their powers in abusive ways. He was essentially going on a sadistic killing rampage. I thought this highlighted how necessary the restrictions on the TK society were.
I know you're being flippant by saying that, but that's really not the case at all. As per episode 5,Satoru is going off to "fight trash-mobs". With Satoru'sSquealer asks Saki and Satoru for help in defending his Queen and the colony, and the fact thatPower/Cantus/whatever restored, he's offering to help because he was asked to.the Bakenezumi refer to all those with Power as "gods"
Satoru has always been presented as gung-ho and reckless with his Power - this is emphasised in episode how he over-exerts himself with the boat and when he plays the trick on the haythatcher eggHe's looking to prove something at all times, and is frequently undermined by Shun in particular. I don't think it's outside of his character to try and "play the hero" for Squealer's colony.
I actually thought this was fine as it show Satoru is going insane with power similar to that Emperor. There seems to be something linked with the TK gene where people get off using their powers in abusive ways. He was essentially going on a sadistic killing rampage. I thought this highlighted how necessary the restrictions on the TK society were.
Is no one watching Panzer? I don't remember seeing any gifs of that fish dance.
School Days 1
You guys already spoiled me. You ruined your own fun!
But watching this I realize that I never took note of who killed the other. Time to find out!
Is no one watching Panzer? I don't remember seeing any gifs of that fish dance.
I know that. The differences simply made me wonder how faithful each adaptation is really.But the manga isn't the source material, though.
If you've read the manga, would you say the events of the TV series are closer to those of the novel?The anime is being generally quite faithful to the original novel, although less explicit in some ways. Having flicked through the novel much of the dialogue has been lifted directly from there.
I talked with Duckroll about it sometimes but this thread is the wrong place for GuP.
I'm glad you liked the animation. You'll be seeing it lots in the future.
I know duckroll and myself are, not sure who else. It's a fun show, without a lot of lazy fanservice that you would usually expect from something like this, plus a bunch of cool tank shit.
Fish dance was hilarious btw.
I talked with Duckroll about it sometimes but this thread is the wrong place for GuP.
Well at least you have something animated unlike.. JoJo ;__;Even at glance, that first image is so lifeless. It's like looking at panels of a comic rather than screens of something animated.
A whim coming off the harem antics of Asobi ni Iku yo.What prompted this?
Well next arc is probably going to get similar treatment and than we have plenty of time for Balbadd, they can't mess this up from now on... can they?
Also dat Paimon and dat djinn equip. I'm betting Volume 13's cover will be shown earlier in dat scene.
Infinite Stratos being canceled was only a setback, Yumizuru Izuru's new weapon After School Battle is unleashed!
Same illustrator as well obviously... Also dat Charlotte figure is godlike Cajun.
Charlotte is so cute!![]()
why is there a rabbit humping her
Someone asked me here (in my house) what was Hyouka about...
Since they don't know the concept of slice-of-life, I just said "It's a show about nothing. There's no objective, just character interaction. Basically, a emulation of real life. The difference is that sometimes, mysteries shows up and make the characters interact to solve them".
I was thinking about that... maybe it being like real life is what drives me back from the genre SOL. Life is boring as fuck (and I'm a person who do a lot of different things, I am sociable, etc), so, when I come to watch anime, I usually try to go away from reality. That's why many SOL actually are boring for me... it's only when they introduce elements that are impossible in real life that I can appreaciate them a bit more.
About Hyouka themes, like I've said, I think it tried to portrait a lot of things, most of them not being really interesting to me... I don't even know how I made it to the end. The mysteries were interesting at the start, but the character interaction to solve them was probably the real reason.
Satoshi and Mayaka romance problem was secondary, but I enjoyed it being solved in the end (or at least implied). Oreki starting to appreciate life a bit more was nice too. Oreki making a bad judgement. Them discovering the history of the festival. The festival. These were the good parts for me.
Chitanda was my main dissapointment. I don't like her character, I appreciate he creates the drive the others need to interact, but as a person, she's so unbelievable annoying and boring. Good thing she actually wasn't the focus of the show most of the time.
I can't really recommend this show to anyone who doesn't appreciate slow shows about no specific theme. It's no entry show too.
I would say Hyouka is the slicest of slice of life shows I've watched. I mean, at the end of it all, nothing happens. It's just a guy dealing with a curious girl. There's an ominous tone over it all that makes it fell like something big is going on when it's really all just trivial. I think thats why a lot of people were expecting something supernatural, or darker from it.
I didn't expect supernatural events like FTNW, but I did expect some sort of deeper mystery to suddenly befall the cast that would take several arcs to resolve. Instead we got the festival arc, which was I suppose a fitting substitute, although disappointing.
School Days 1
You guys already spoiled me. You ruined your own fun!
But watching this I realize that I never took note of who killed the other. Time to find out!
Still no power, but it looks like they kept the thing in Cod Breaker that really pissed me off. Excellent :/
Its glorious bro. LOL
I know, I know, super late to the party on this one.
While Tekkonkinkreet is a beautiful film, I will admit to finding it a little boring, mostly because the characters felt too shallow. White's "mystical autism" or whatever you want to call it moved from endearing to irritating to baffling over the course of the film, and Black's psychological instability didn't really ring true to me. Of the adults, although I liked the asexual detective I felt the rest were too close to "stock film characters", with predictable story arcs I didn't care for.
I personally wouldn't fault the film visually - I loved the Noiseman Sound Insect-esque cityscapes (I didn't realise that Koji Morimoto had directed a pilot version of this film!), and thought everything from Kiddy Kastle onwards was almost flawless to look at. It's just a shame that I wasn't really very invested in what was going on.
I hope not!this thread is the wrong place for GuP.
No because it is shit. Duckroll especially is shit. Your taste is shit, all your favorite anime is shit, and even your favorite food is shit.Is no one watching Panzer? I don't remember seeing any gifs of that fish dance.
Why? I've been sort of interested in watching it for a while, but I've never really gotten around to it.
The wrong place? Where else would you talk about anime but in the anime thread? Or do you mean that most here aren't going to appreciate a lighthearted tank anime? I . . . I can actually agree with that.
No because it is shit. Duckroll especially is shit. Your taste is shit, all your favorite anime is shit, and even your favorite food is shit.
Girls Und Panzer is bad and everyone who likes it should feel bad.
No because it is shit. Duckroll especially is shit. Your taste is shit, all your favorite anime is shit, and even your favorite food is shit.
Girls Und Panzer is bad and everyone who likes it should feel bad.
No because it is shit. Duckroll especially is shit. Your taste is shit, all your favorite anime is shit, and even your favorite food is shit.
Girls Und Panzer is bad and everyone who likes it should feel bad.
No because it is shit. Duckroll especially is shit. Your taste is shit, all your favorite anime is shit, and even your favorite food is shit.
Girls Und Panzer is bad and everyone who likes it should feel bad.
I think it's a big turn off if people using the Holocaust to make the show bad. It's not just missing the poin but absolutely tasteless too.
See, normally I don't really mind what anime picks as its subject, but taking WW2 and turning it into a game for little high school girls is a little... I want to say "bit too much," but the show is still pretty harmless and I don't want to act like I'm on some sort of sensitivity high horse here.Don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel.
Doing what now?