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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - 1

This is my first exposure to the JoJo series, aside from posts by God's Beard in the ye olde manga thread, and I have to say that I like what I'm seeing so far. Everything seems so exaggerated, but in a good way. Even the colors used seem like an exaggeration. It appeals to me though, from the over the top comic style visual sound effects to the dramatic voice acting. I don't know if I'll keep on watching because of my schoolwork ramping up, but I would like to visit the series again in some way (Comic, this show, etc.) in the future.
Something's off with this post, SOMETHING. Also that's alot of quality anime to take in.

Oh my god, my power is back! Time to catch up on a week's worth of anime!

Season of shounen without cosmic was awfully strange.


Nah, and even if we did, there's the whole gas issue. The people we know that did have generators only used it for their fridges and to charge stuff, not for actual lights and other electricity things.

Well, this is why people should stock up on gasoline beforehand. The best time is right when the forecast cone is even pointed in your direction. Fill up all cars and cans while there is no rush to the pumps. Granted you guys havent really experienced this but going forward now you know what to do. Some things that are very easy and painless to do before a hurricane are insanely difficult as it gets closer. Preparation means comfort.

What my father does is use one for the fridge, one for the AC and the smaller one to power phones/computers. It works out pretty well, although it can get pretty loud.
Also, buy a Honda generator. Costs more but doesnt require a high idle. Its variable. Good investment.

Glad you are powered again though. It always sucks when you have to go back to board games and books when you are used to internet.

El Sloth

There's no ignoring being called out so directly...
I was just saying! It's a high quality punch deserving of your gif arsenal.

It's a pretty nice movie too if you haven't seen it yet, by the way. Lacking a bit in the typical One Piece action maybe, but makes up for it greatly in the quality of the animation and the great crew interactions.
Something's off with this post, SOMETHING. Also that's alot of quality anime to take in.
Go look a page or two back.

It was! I just took advantage of the situation. I really made up for all the time I hadn't really been watching anime for the last couple of years.


It's a UFO! Flying Saucers



It's a 100% TRUTHFUL AND ACCURATE 15 minute take on the history of UFO's and the wonders of human sweat glands.



Otaku Marriage Hunting Masquerade Ball Declares Victory
Organizers so thrilled to see a 50% partnering rate that a “Face Doesn't Matter As Long As There’s Love“ event has been scheduled for November

In time for Halloween, Youth Chamber of Commerce from Lucky Star hometown Washimiya held their 10th Otaku Masquerade Ball: Oka’s Bizarre Marriage Hunt. Though less than 20 masked, partner seeking geeks attended, (9 men and 8 women - event planners look to go for 20 and 20 or 10 and 10), organizers were so thrilled to see four couples partner up that they've turned around and scheduled Otaku Marriage Hunting Masquerade Ball 11: “Face Doesn't Matter As Long As There’s Love“ for November 23rd.

Participents must
1) Be a single man or woman between the ages of 20 and 40
2) Be some kind of otaku
3) Have an understanding of otaku
4) Be a rather geeky person
5) Not be picky about appearances
6) Place an emphasis on one’s inner beauty
The organizers are plan on a group of 20 to 40 people gender balanced. The entry fee is 4,000 yen (US$50) for men and 1,000 yen (US$12) for women.
Early iterations of the event, which goes back to 2009, got as many as 400 male applications.

Participants could wear any mask that completely covers the face from the nose up. Full on cosplay is also okay as long as arrangements are made in advance.

The itinerary is as follows.
1) Self-Introduction Time
2) Check First Impressions
3) First Free Time
4) First Dance
5) Second Free Time
6) Second Dance
7) Confession Time *still masked
8) Announcement of Couples *before announcement everyone takes off masks

Would you go to an event like this? If so, what mask would you wear?

via RocketNews24

El Sloth

I dunno about that, he seemed to be doing p. well in this pic.


godspeed yellow mask man[/QUOTE]
Looking at the other pics, I think the mask might be Winnie the Pooh.

Get in that ass, Pooh Bear.
Just watch Kiddy Grade. Its quite a lot of fun.

i Second this ..
Kiddy grade is lots of fun .. the "other "season is ok but extremely inférior ...
The first 24 eps are "must-see" ..there is something for everyone in there ..

[Magi] - 5


Well look at that, another good episode of Magi, and a surprisingly uncensored one at that. (The fact that they can get away with this is pretty strange considering what they can't get away with on JoJo's, but whatever.) The arc was concluded satisfactorily, the pacing felt right, the animation was consistent throughout (bar some stills) and in general it was an enjoyable experience.

They music is still, unfortunately, a bit of a sticking point. Besides the excellent OP theme I can't really think of any other music that I like in the show. Sometimes I don't really notice it but when I do notice it it's usually because it's distracting me in some manner.

Anyhow, this is what a bad guy looks like, apparently:


This episode of magi was spot-on !! there is nothing much to add ..it's better than their manga equivalents ..( at least for this part ) ..and i 'm happy to see hakuei doing a djin equip.. ( love the design )


Lewd Art Online 18

I like watching them fly around and shit, more of that and less sister tits. Big battle coming next week, should be pretty boss if they do it right. Asuna +1 for not being quite so useless this week.
I like you. You're good people.

And yes, avoid Kiddy Girl And.
This is the third time you've said that recently ..i think we have much in common ..

Here's the trailer for the To Aru Majutsu no Index movie that they showed at the Dengeki 20th festival:


I'll just tell everyone the ending of the movie ... touma will say .. "i'll destroy that illusion of yours !!" just before punching the main vilain in the face .


This is the third time you've said that recently ..i think we have much in common ..

I'll just tell everyone the ending of the movie ... touma will say .. "i'll destroy that illusion of yours !!" just before punching the main vilain in the face .

Yes it seems that way.
A few people here tend to agree with most of what I like.


Medaka Box Abnormal - 3 & 4


I love the fact that they felt like they had to add this, because they were right!

Episode three was extremely middling, and it did precisely what I hoped it would have avoided, spend far too much time on that damn door! Its not as though they are exactly hurting for material here, and yet, they spend around a quarter of the runtime, pointlessly ruminating on how to get through it. The weakest episode, they get told about a door, they go through it.

And in retrospect, Oudo is hilariously
over-arrogant about his intentions, especially as he ends the arc with such a whimper. Which also makes all this eulogizing seem extremely trivial. I mean, he compares himself to a the fucking sun!

Episode four was better, it had fighting! Which was pretty entertaining, although this encounter was never the strongest to begin with. And Medaka's bust is seemingly increasing with every scene, it was never this ridiculous in the manga. Although I shouldn't be surprised with how fan-servicey it all is, especially after the Nabeshima fight.

But we all know that the true verdict comes after the next episode, Munakata!


Horizon - 5

- It sure was a great idea to appoint the crazy asshole as mayor of the town. Seriously, what the hell was with that guy?
- Old guy vs young guy was a very nice fight, and I liked the dynamics of old guy's weapon.
- That maid thing was a bit creepy, but whatever.

Seems like the mission will be to save Horizon!
If you misread this post, it sounds like DTL is clamoring for an artbook of the woman there. :O

I would love an Akira Amano artbook, but not one of just woman. She at least manages to have good looking male characters and alright looking female ones, at least much better than bland kishimoto's or busty ones of kubo's.
This episode wasn't bad

They use too much this running gag but everything outside of it is so silly ... that it still works

In short this ep was enjoyable .. it would help if they would explain more about the world they live in more but NO.. i guess it doesn't matter

Ep4 was great untill the horrible ending pun

This shouldn't have been allowed ... this is awefull ..horrible !!!


The animation was about as state of the art as you can get. The movie was entirely digitally composited. In 1995.

Printed out to film for storage though, but still digital.

Oh I realize that it was probably state of the art for 1995. I'm just saying its age is noticeable. Still a good looking flick, though.
Magi 5

This was a really good episode, and a very satisfying conclusion to this arc. The pacing throughout was excellent, as it handled the dramatic tension and action sequences in a very engaging, enjoyable manner, while also introducing a new character and providing some slight character development for Aladdin.

Baba's temporary survival
following the end to the last episode was unexpected, but it was nice for
her to be involved for a short while longer
, since her interactions with Aladdin were great. As such, following
her actual death
, Aladdin's conversation with
Baba's spectral form
was an exceptionally beautiful moment, elevated even further by the accompanying music, as
she provides Aladdin with some insightful wisdom
pertaining to his search for the true meaning of his existence.

introduction was rather compelling, and it will be interesting to see what role he eventually plays in the story. Hakuei was terrific throughout, as she's a highly intriguing character. Her
djinn equip
was a fantastic moment and very effectively illustrated. I also quite liked
in her brief, and surprisingly uncensored, appearance, particularly her amusing interaction with Ugo.

The production values remain quite impressive, particularly the animation. As such, the action sequence was quite intense and superbly animated. The music was, for the most part, terrific, especially the selection used as
Aladdin and Ugo attack Ryosai's army and save Hakuei
. There was, however, an occasional selection, particularly during a portion of the action sequences, that was rather mediocre and somewhat distracting.

All in all, Magi improved immensely with this arc, and, hopefully, it continues to thoroughly impress, since the characters and story are highly enjoyable so far. The portrayal of the arabian setting is one of the strongest, most consistent elements of the show, as it skilfully illuminates a refreshingly adventurous atmosphere. I'm really looking forward to the next episode, since it appears to be an arc that will focus on
, which is great, since, so far, she's been one of the most interesting, yet relatively unknown, characters.


Shin-chan Movie 9: The Adult Empire Strikes Back

I saw that 7th recommended this the other day and it seemed interesting so I decided to give it a shot and I wasn't disappointed. I watched some Shin-chan a long time ago on German television so I knew what it was about but this movie made appreciate it a whole lot more. What a funny, emotional little film this was. It evoked a sincere feeling of nostalgia during certain scenes, while simultaneously trying to warn us of the pitfalls of it. It's packed with references to older anime and it's clear that this particular movie is made with a more mature audience in mind, but that doesn't stop it from having something for viewers of all ages.
I also never thought that the visuals in the TV show were great (they certainly were interesting) but they truly shine in this movie since it features upgraded art and some really nice animation. The music was very good too, especially during some more emotional scenes.


As usual this anime does nothing like the others.. to think this was supposed to be a beach episode !!!
The flashbacks were nicely done so predictable yet intresting to see..
With all things considered , with a cast like this a beach episode couldn't have been any different ..
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