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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Oh my god, my power is back! Time to catch up on a week's worth of anime!
Good to hear that, man!

What a funny, emotional little film this was. It evoked a sincere feeling of nostalgia during certain scenes, while simultaneously trying to warn us of the pitfalls of it. It's packed with references to older anime and it's clear that this particular movie is made with a more mature audience in mind, but that doesn't stop it from having something for viewers of all ages.
劇しんBGM「ひろしの回想」 - YouTube

Every time... it happens, every given time... chills down my spine, with that music... isn't it, Dresden?

That everyone can have an easy access here (in Spain) to this movie on digital disc releases, and even could see it on movie theaters (http://servicios.elpais.com/cartelera/pelicula/0000079649/) some years ago in a fairly extensive country-wide distribution is one of the better things related to the amazing success the franchise has had in here. Of course, that alongside other very good movies and the series itself, as main dish...
console and mobile video-games as well!

From Madhouse to Godhouse.

lol mappa who??
Meanwhile STUDIO CHIZU is laughing all the way to the bank...

And Medaka's bust is seemingly increasing with every scene, it was never this ridiculous in the manga. Although I shouldn't be surprised with how fan-servicey it all is, especially after the Nabeshima fight.
Yep. Other things he is not, but RIROLAND and consistency always go hand in hand... well, maybe too much consistency... as in very similarly draw... sometimes!


Magi 5


Dakku needs to rate the attack.

Hey, that was alright. While I've yet to find the Magi anime actively compelling, I am fairly enjoying it now that it possesses some sense of focus. Hopefully, it will improve from here on out and not turn to a clunky mess like some of the previous episodes. I'm guessing Ali Baba will get some screen time in the next episode. He could use some of the juice from the improved pacing.

Oh yeah, and the sprinkle of Musou flavor didn't hurt either.


One Outs 6-18


Team Owner vs. New (Gambling superman) player from the slums.
Round #800 FIGHT!

I'm still liking this (while not being huge on baseball), but I have a few nagging issues. I hate that its almost always in the diamond. While it's about baseball and gambling, there are characters involved as well. There's an edit to the baseball and then the money-hungry owner over and over. It's fine, but the stretches of it are not ideal.

Thankfully, a break was given recently where the players get a chance to sit and drink with the protagonist (who has been saving their butts with each game). Here we gain more insight into Toua's philosophy on winning, gambling, cheating and personal strategic measures. It's always good to have natural insights in about any anime, but I find it especially important in team sports anime. It's easy to overlook these elements between all of the planning and roller-coasters occurring on the field.

Of course, they rush back on the field again before too long. Yet this game seems to be their most interesting yet. Here's to hoping it delivers some good thrills.

Final Note: *sigh* Still no super powers. There's just a couple of experienced strategists and a black player than runs a speed the Japanese players can't comprehend...

The narrator is great though.


Saki: Achiga-hen - Episode of Side-A 1-12 [END]


- Akado is the best new character by far.

- Demon Saki > Flower Saki (though must every formidable foe go "Oni mode" through lightning eyes alone?)

- Saki's rivals are better. Saki's group is better.
This is stated while well aware of the episode difference (Saki: 25 episodes vs Side A: 12). However, this is simply considering most face-value interactions and not a single tidbit of the copious "average to poorly-written" back stories.

- Kanbara's "Wahaha" is getting better every time.

- Haha! They improved the 2D visuals, but the CG is still just as awkwardly handled as before.

- Less forced introspects (and less overall) was appreciated, but too many of the new characters are bland (though not all of them). As far as comparisons fare, it's either AnimeArchetypes™ from the Saki side or flat interactions on most of Side A.


Sucks at poetry
Who's to say those are panties you're seeing there? ^^

"They aren't panties, so you see, it's not embarrassing."

Search for female authors only then!

Well I didn't say that I disliked being satisfied by a male-dominated industry. When you look at porn, you are being satisfied by other people. When you look at hentai, you are being satisfied by somebody else's imagination, and their ability to illustrate it. It's just a funny thing.

I tried to become pen pals with female doujin artist Naomi Nekomata, but she could barely speak a lick of English, and I could only speak the same in Japanese, so our emails were a little confusing :/ I want to be bros with a female hentai artist.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
Sounds like I should watch Star Driver.
No, you shouldn't waste your time.
Jex with the good taste standard, except for Eva matters.
I really have no idea how well known it is but if you google "anime reviews" they're like the 4th hit, so I assume they must get a fairly high volume of traffic. I certainly used their site, among others, to help me out as I was 'getting into' anime.
The only anime reviews worth talking are GAF's. Sadly, that's not the same case for video games.
Gakkatsu! 9-10

There's a 100% chance that Johny is both dead and female. R.I.P. Johny (♀)
This is not how Schrödinger told me it was gonna work out!
Speaking of bleach.

The manga is wack.

Did kubo go insane?
You say this as Kubo going insane isn't an ongoing process for the past 3-4 years or so.
Just like every long-running work ever, it eventually devolves into ridiculousness. Not that I have ever read or watched Bleach to make such a statement!
The worst news I've seen this weekend, and that includes my dog dying, is seeing SAO have near 30k in sales.
I'm sorry about your dog. :( I just got mine a few months ago and can't bring myself to imagine going through that.
Ranka's character design is not moé at all. Fucking grass hair.
It's the Japanese version of My Little Pony. The difference is that since no one else knows what PreCure is outside of Japan, it's not creepy for 20-something dudes to watch it. lol
That comparison is strangely apt. All BrocureGAF needs to earn the rest of OT's anger is a community thread.
So I live on the west coast of the US and it's always disappointing to go into an electronics store and look at the paltry/non-existent anime selection. Today I went to a super huge electronics department store called Fry's Electronics and damn not only is there anime selection still there, but it's much bigger than last time I went. And, what's more, they have a sizable shelf space in the blu-ray section dedicated to anime. Something I've definitely not seen before.

I also saw a 3D TV that had a (3D) trailer for the new Cyborg 009 movie? I didn't know how to approach that. Anyway, kudos to Fry's for putting on life support what most other places are pulling the plug on.
Isn't Fry's showing signs of down-sizing anyway?
Hanamaru Youchien

Fuck anime, just fuck it. One of these days, I'mma quit this hobby. And when that day comes, I will know true happiness.
That's what we all say. And we all keep coming back.
i'm surprised someone hasnt posted that precure target demographics chart yet
You can't just post crap like that and not do it yourself! Bunch of lazybums.
Only to Heartcatch's, which is the only legit decent Precure movie. It even has Jex's seal of approval!
Monocle people liking monocle movies.
#Realtalk: Some of the fight scenes in Heartcatch are way more badass than anything I've seen in Saint Seiya Omega so far, save perhaps for episode 20.
Especially around the last ten episodes. I dropped SSO around episode 23 so I don't know how that turned out in the end.
Dear diary,

I watched three anime episodes today. A new record!!
you should be ashamed of yourself, really
Dear diary,
While bored during class, I ended up doodling shit. Then after that I watched an episode of Sekirei. Today was a good day. I hope to draw bigger and better things tomorrow!​
Not enough Mugi, not worth my rating.
I was talking more about whether or not it was actually referring to PreCure than the actual chart which is p. obvious but I will admit that I'm lazy as hell.

Polar Bear's Café's memetic properties are seriously underrated.
As for Hyouka, it too was an attempt (I would guess) to bring in more cash money, albeit in a different manner:

The ED sequence is why I cannot take any comments about Hyouka not being marketed to the otaku audience seriously. Whether the actual meat of the show is of a less distasteful quality is another issue entirely.
I'm guessing they have the money to animate an entire classroom!
Wait, that's the reason main characters always sit by the window? I thought it was because looking at the outside symbolised freedom and wishes and desires and all that mumbo jumbo.
At the end of episode 4 of Tonari no Kabutsu, Shizuku is wearing watermelon colored clothing!
Speaking of symbolism!
I looked at it swiftly, but they never had Shinji and Kaworu in it on the same screen at the same time, so now Im worried :/
Don't worry, I'm sure there will be plenty of homolust, as I am sure they will include plenty of (manga spoilers)
Kaworu crushing little kittens to death
Does this mean Deen is your favorite anime studio?
I used to say GAINAX was my favourite anime studio a while back. I've come to realise putting faith in studios and not the people behind them is a misdirected effort. #BecomingAStaffWhore
You still watch current shows? Or rather, you seem to wait until they've finished before deciding whether or not it's worth your time. If so, that would be a wise move.
It's especially wise with video games. You save a lot of money by not riding the hype sausagefest.
Just a reminder that Gothicmade is now out in Japanese theaters. People have seen it. It is actually real!
But did it suck?
Is Anime-GAF imploding?
Not as bad as the great Kayos wars.
Sooo, without having watched a single episode... this cartoon is about nerds? Like Otaku no Video without the self-depreciation?
I can understand thinking Hyouka is boring after two episodes. The problem is thinking it's boring after the School Festival arc.
Yeah, but you have to wade through how many episodes of boringness before that.
Hyouka's problem was that the mysteries felt too mundane and unsubstantive, sometimes bordering on the surrealistic (Why did I get pissed off?), to actually warrant the serious dramatic encadrement, and this gives the first cour a very dry atmosphere.

The School festival arc resolved that by making the mystery cartoony and interesting, while letting the character interaction work in a dynamic environment (the cooking competition etc.).
oh god your post just made me realise that Hyouka discussion is the new Endless Eight/K-ON sucks drivel from the last years.
Because I feel that the usual formula of posting impressions of the latest moe-filled episode to the tune of "ZOMG SQUEEE This was sooooo fucking cute!!!! All of my HHHNNGGS!!1" like some weird form of Tourette's syndrome is bad enough as it is without having to add another one to the lexicon of nonsense words that get repeated in this thread ad nauseam to the mix.

You could argue that I can just ignore them if I hate them so much, sure, but I also feel that those types of posts are some of the biggest contributors to the disproportionate signal-to-noise ratio feeling that people sometimes accuse these threads of having.
And someone finally said what we were all thinking.
Oh sweet Internet Jesus, never leave me again. I had to watch Utena! Utena for god's sake! (only the second set, though. still need to buy the third)
I wish I could rewatch Utena for the first time all over again.
Uh...isn't calling episode impressions "noise" kind of missing the whole damn point? Those people are probably looking in the wrong thread if that's how they feel.
Eh, it does feel at times that people post impressions just for the purpose of writing anything. It's why I stopped "blogging" PoyoPoyo.
I never said such thing. I'm just saying that those types of "impressions" feel more like useless ramblings more often than not.

Having said that, I've also been fond of doing stupid one word "impressions" on occasion, so it's not like I'm free of guilt myself, but the point still stands.
I think there's a place for that type of reviews as long as they are doled out in moderation.
Are you into the cousin-fucking yet?
Nothing wrong with a little bit of cousin.
It depends on the level of blood-relatedness.
I don't really know when hairclips became part of otaku-fetish collection. Perhaps I'd rather not know.
It should be a corollary Rule 34 at this point.
That's pretty obvious given that Macross Plus is coherent, stylish, and skillfully edited, instead of being a random, stumbling mess filled with technobabble, characters who describe their own traits, and schizophrenic pacing.
Truths being laid down here.
Where is that sprite from anyway?
Yoshihiko Umakoshi is the best
Too bad not even he could save Saint Seiya Omega from its cesspool of mediocrity. :(
Urobuchi does strike me as the sort of person that would drop Nietzsche quotes.

In a bad way.
I fear for his own mental sanity.
I'm saving it for after I run into something awful! Frontier might do the trick...
I can't believe people coerced me into making Frontier my first foray into Macross. I plan to watch the Watanabe show at some point, but I can't say that the latest entry didn't taint my perception of the franchise.
Look, more well-animated Pokémon goodness:

Is it done by the same studio behind the cartoon? It looks incredible.
I like Toradora's character designs (and Tanaka's work in general) but I'm not going to call them exceptional or anything like that.
Precisely. It's a show whose strengths lie on the excellent writing, not anything else really.
Besides, Yasu Toradora >>>> Tanaka Toradora.
I... completely agree.
Only Heartcatch and Smile have decent animation, tho. Yes 5, Fresh and Suite tend to look fairly ugly most of the time.
Real talk, again: this is the one post that has convinced me on checking out Smile.

Why? Poor Unit-02, you've now been given the best and worst treatment by this franchise.
Maybe it's symbolism for Asuka? naaaaaaaaaah it's just khara being lazy fuckers
Because Gainax is dead.
While that's a true statement, I thought this was khara's fault. GAINAX is too busy being dead at crap like Medaka Box to care about this.
You have chosen good, I'm afraid to say. Actually, I'm not afraid to say.
No, Jex is right. Lagrange is a cockblock of a show.
I'm gonna work on my games backlog a while, starting with FFXIII-2.
This is worse than people starting Rinne no Lagrange.
One more for luck:


I learnt all my moves from anime.
Welp, at least it's not Gangnam style.
[Pyscho Pass] - 4

As such the most important part of the episode is clearly devoted to the online world. Ironically Akane knows all about this world and so she doesn't ask a single question but we might actually need her too because we don't know anything about this virtual world. Akane is completely useless in most areas but this is the one time where she doesn't want to ask questions? What's a Comfield? What's the importance of these avatars? What is popularity good for online? Etc etc. All of these things would presumably feed into the motives which we don't know because the show barely explains what they're doing. As such it's pretty hard to care for anyone or thing in this world.
I would like to add that this was a pitch-perfect moment to start seeing Akane's worth for the team rise up. She obviously is knowledgeable enough on internet forums commufields or whatever, but instead her contribution (leading them into what'shisface's avatar) feels a lot more superficial or even glossed over by the other characters.
The problem I have with scenes like this one is that it looks like the hallway and the person are moving at different speeds. It resembles someone walking on a treadmill instead of going from point A to point B.
Nice vagina bones.
dem vagina bones
Is that what the 4chan kids are calling pelvises n-
Fuck anime.
Code:Breaker 04

Lol... Sakurakouji must be the worst female MC character I've ever seen. She's useless, her reason is fucking stupid and she can't do nothing. This make the show even better.
The show would be invariably boring if she weren't there to provide the audience with her comical naivety.
So basically only Saki fans still care about saimoe?
They really shouldn't have blocked foreign IPs.
[Pyscho Pass] - 4

I don't even know what to say about this line:


Is that, really, how simple political opinions are? I don't think so.
I like to believe it's commentary on the undeveloped and barebones political opinion of most netizens outside (or even in) specialised political forums, but then I would be giving Urobuchi far too much credit!
JoJo 5

Is there no greater bro in anime than Speedwagon?
No. Next question!
no seriously why the fuck is he wearing his cap backwards like it's the nineties
We just need to wait for the next World Cup for them to make another season of Giant Killing. lol
I don't think I can stand CGI crowds anymore. Especially after Ginga e Kickoff!.
I declare SAOturday to officially begin for episode 18.
Hah, I was wondering why this thread exploded during the weekend. At least now I have an excuse to not read a shitload of posts.
Oh, right.

I have watched lots of anime! I have actually been getting back into it recently. Well, I wouldn't say I was ever "out of it" as it were, but I wasn't watching shows as they aired anymore and I was taking forever to watch stuff when I did get around to it. And nothing was really grabbing me the way that stuff around 2003 - 2007-ish was.
Oh my, I hadn't noticed you here! Watch Ginga e Kickoff!, it's good footie animu!
Actually, I'm just going to copy this whole thing from /a/, because it does help explain why Saimoe is this little 2ch Japan-only private club thing nowadays.

As you sort of said before -- it's serious business.

And that's it for me and posts about Saimoe for probably, well, ever.
Be honest with yourself. This is a good thing.
You Are Umasou

If a family consisting of a father who is a huge fan of sakuga and amazing action choreography, a mother who is very emotional and loves sappy stories told in a good way (didn't feel like playing around with the gender roles, sorry!), a 7 year old son and a 4 year old daughter went to see this film, everyone would be equally pleased by the time it was over. I really don't have much else to say, this was superb on nearly every level.
More love for Umasou is always welcome. As I say, it's one of my favourite parenting movies. I watched it with my dad a while ago and he was in tears by the end of it. Not to mention the high production values make it a fun ride for even the cynical jerks out there. My only problem with the film would be regarding some time transitions, especially when the plesiosaur appears.
It makes sense, too. The fanservice has gone from

-a little girl who he said reminds him of his sister

-a young girl who's around the age of his sister

-his sister


It's gone up in both age, size, and the degree to which he is related to them. Clearly it's time for him to conquer his own mother.
So long as he doesn't go after his own offspring...
Even though everyone complains about SAO it has the most impressions posted about it almost immediately after it airs.
People love to throw tomatoes at stuff.
I suppose you would be right if asuna was attractive.
This coming from you is mind-boggling.
Her boobs could be bigger.
On the other hand, this is as expected. You are predictable.
dat thermal expansion. Asuka was on the right track.
Have to drop SAO now. This incest pandering bullshit is ridiculous.
I like that people are just now dropping the show, as if they couldn't have foretold where the show was gonna go to.
Speaking of bounce.


Best startup to any shounen move.


GAINAX show with regular lame overdone boob physics instead of the GAINAX bounce. :/ GAINAX IS DEAD
It's onto the fights now so it's all uphill from here!
It only took them what, one cour and some episodes?
Teenagers waste time on meaningless crap all the time.
The problem here is that meaningless crap rarely makes for great entertainment.
Shit, I keep forgetting Branduil totally has his finger on the pulse of teenage behavior everywhere.
First cajunator, now Branduil? You've been getting feisty lately.
Yeah, I actually enjoyed Nichijou overall but I just enjoy trolling it more~
And you have been getting more jerkish since you stopped using the penguin avatar. :(
For as cheesy as that comes across at first glance, I like how it keeps the energy up throughout. It's like that rugby scene in episode 2 where the game was made 10x more exciting through that announcer.
And that's the reason football commentators need to shout GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLs or I consider them hacks.
According to some, Hyouka is a very pretty show that is very boring. According to others, it's not boring enough and needs to be more ugly.

The fact that not one, but two people would actually post something this utterly bizarre is mindblowing.

teh fuck is an icant
People posting hash tags on forums.

I can't.
First it was animewatch, now hashtags. Pizzaroll bringing innovation to animegaf.
Seriously though, animewatch is my favourite word ever.
AnimeGAF has changed.
We need more macodinXABF sexual tension.
This is why I put pizzaroll on ignore.
I only have three people on ignore, no one from AnimeGAF. As much as I disagree with some of you, you guys are the best.

oh lord I'm starting to become cajunator
Fucking Kappa Mikey flashbacks here
I see the discussion has gotten pretty serious in the last few pages. Fortunately I was watching The Skull Man do his skull things.
Watching anime instead of talking about anime is usually the best way of action around these places.
Congrats on being the first on my ignore list all of animeGAF.
France stopped being cool when everyone liked her.

Germany is clearly where it's at.
Are there any shows where a sister wants to fuck her sister?
that might be something.
I can think of some hentai.
That has to be one of the most uninteresting books ever written.
For whatever's worth, I don't doubt that Kyoto Animation elevated the source material. Their adaptations tend to surpass the originals.
I know a girl who fingered herself to a drawing I made.
She told me as such.
To be fair, it was an art request.
I suppose that is a bit awkward when I really think about it.
I have the same problem with my facebook pictures of me.
Facebook girls are usually men posing as girls. Even the ones you think you know in real life.
So, Magi ep5 is a Trigger production. What does that mean? Apparently nothing at all this time. They're credited for production assistance for the episode, but the episode director, animation directors, and key animators aren't any of the usual talent we would expect from Trigger/Gainax. Seems to me like A-1 is rushing the show so much they're actually running out of actual room to make episodes simultaneously, so they just borrowed Trigger's studio space and filled it with whoever A-1 decided to pay for the episode. Lol. There were 8 assistant animation directors this time. Lolol.

I'll check out the episode itself later and report back. Hopefully it doesn't suck!
stop hyping me up only to crush my dreams :(



Bad news for Girls und Panzer fans: Next week they won't be able to broadcast episode 6 because of a production delay. Instead they will be airing episode 5.5 which sounds like a sort of recap special. Because the series is now pushed back by a week, they won't be able to air the final episode on the normal time slot either. They will be announcing more information about the broadcast of the final episode after episode 11 airs. :(

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
It's what I've been reduced to: an old man filled with regret.
I thought the ponies would make you happier.

It's everything that I expected and more. Bad guys licking knives, '...Mr. President', child abuse, mental breakdowns, HEROES OF JUSTICE, super-powered battles and little kids begging for the bad guys to be killed. Glorious.
omfg need it in my veins now
School Days 1
Finally, you are one of us.
Start Driver - 01

That shit. Was. Fucking. Dope.

Animation is top notch!!!!
It's good to see you liked it, because you are gonna see it a l-
I'm glad you liked the animation. You'll be seeing it lots in the future.
fuck you jarmel
Now, a number of people have described the action in the sixth episode of From the New World as bland or boring and I'll certainly agree with that. However, it's worth briefly looking at how one scene is put together so we can see what, exactly, he did wrong. Here's the pond ambush in full (click to see a larger image):
Don't have much to add, I just wanna reiterate your posts are one of the reasons wading through so much wad of dumbness is worth the time.
See, normally I don't really mind what anime picks as its subject, but taking WW2 and turning it into a game for little high school girls is a little... I want to say "bit too much," but the show is still pretty harmless and I don't want to act like I'm on some sort of sensitivity high horse here.

Better to just call it a dumb show and kind of tasteless.
Hetalia seems a lot more offensive to me.
That's actually pretty clever. I'm proud of these guys.
Pre-Z Dragon Ball doesn't get nearly enough love, especially since it does many notable things better than the more well-known second half of the story.
Dragon Ball Z is Toriyama jumping the shark. It went from a fun fantastical adventure romp with some bits of technology to full on sci-fi and it was, in retrospect, lame in its XTREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEMEness.
It has the best awkward CG dance ED.
Best Song!
That's not Yakitate!! Ja-pan's second ED.
School Days 01-02
You will learn to love it.
You know, you could have

A. Chosen to listen to the people who recommended that you avoid this show

B. Simply stop watching it

As it is, your apparent dislike rings hollow.
Watching School Days from start to end should be mandatory if you enjoy the harem genre at some level.
I agree with almost all of what you said, except for saying it didn't have strong visuals. While clearly the animation budget for JoJo is quite low, it gets by with great art and style. I think that more than makes up for what the animation lacks. The way they use still images, while they are cheap to animate, is really evocative and makes a lot of sense in context. It really shows, this is the right way to make a show on the cheap. It's cheap, but it doesn't feel cheap.
Bizarre (get it?) colour palette robs the stills of whatever oomph they may have because my eyes keep on hurting from watching at the mismatching wavelengths. This is a show that I enjoy despite its continuous attempts to make me go blind.
Good God. I can never see that episode in the same way again. Lol!
It's the only good thing I could come up regarding Psycho-Pass 04. The rest was, quite frankly, boring.
"...Now if you're skipping to the ending of School Days, you will never in a trillion years experience the series. You'll think you have experienced it, but you'll be cheated. It's such a sadness that you think you've seen School Days by skipping to the fucking ending. Get real."
- David Lynch on School Days

wise words
thumbs up
A nice sakuga MAD featuring almost every scene You Yoshinari did from 2000 to 2011 was posted on Youtube about a month ago, so I thought it'd be cool to post it here:

Part 1
Part 2
Stuff like this makes me remember why I bother watching Japanese cartoons in the first place. Great shit.
Wow my ears.
This dub.
I can't.

(and there are a lot of good german dubs too)

edit: I really only got from 30 seconds to 35.
"Ich bin ein Magical Girl" is horrible in itself but then the pronounciation.
"Ich bin ein magisches Mädchen" would be freakin hilarious.
Without understanding anything German, do you think it would sound less awful had she said Mahou Shoujo instead of Magical Girl?
He lied!

(it was the only one)
Decency! Sort of.
People actually call her Pikachu?
Does she at least have electricity-base powers?

Bad news for Girls und Panzer fans: Next week they won't be able to broadcast episode 6 because of a production delay. Instead they will be airing episode 5.5 which sounds like a sort of recap special. Because the series is now pushed back by a week, they won't be able to air the final episode on the normal time slot either. They will be announcing more information about the broadcast of the final episode after episode 11 airs. :(

5.5. is afaik the BD special OVA of the third volume


Well I didn't say that I disliked being satisfied by a male-dominated industry. When you look at porn, you are being satisfied by other people. When you look at hentai, you are being satisfied by somebody else's imagination, and their ability to illustrate it. It's just a funny thing.
That is like... the deepest kind of emotional and raw connection you can have with a person without knowing it personally! It is a quite funny situation, indeed.

I tried to become pen pals with female doujin artist Naomi Nekomata, but she could barely speak a lick of English, and I could only speak the same in Japanese, so our emails were a little confusing :/ I want to be bros with a female hentai artist.
I remember those collective love-letters sent to DaHootch very fondly myself. No correspondence with a female 'h-artist', though...


Tomodachi wa Mahou
Smile Precure - 02
That's right Akane, let your brightness shine for everyone to see! Can't wait to see Nao so I can get this ship sailing already.

I'm like 15 eps into the show and honestly its just too redundant. There isn't enough separation between Nao and Akane. The other 3 girls have their own defined niches but those two really don't.

But hey theres no need to separate them either
if you know what I mean


Sucks at poetry
That is like... the deepest kind of emotional and raw connection you can have with a person without knowing it personally! It is a quite funny situation, indeed.

It's like... some kind of circle of love where we share these little anonymous gifts to each other. With the nudge of an elbow, or the wink of an eye.

Hmmm fascinating. Had no idea ShindoL was born in NY. Talented artist with good output... I should be less lazy.


Really! He gives a real insight into that DEPRAVED and FASCINATING world:

Shindo L / Da Hootch - [email]dahootch@gmail.com[/email] said:
Hello, and thank you for your E-mail.
To answer your question, I don't think any example you are mentioning is intended to be comical. It is really a matter of your frame of mind while reading hentai. If you think dialog in hentai is ridiculous, then you will find it so. If you think it sexy, you will likewise find it sexy. That is my opinion on the matter.

The reasoning behind the usage of dialog, is probably the medium in which it is made. Manga needs to be interesting, and if the dialog reflected what sex was like in real life, it would not be worth reading, and a 20 page sex-scene would be rather monotonous. Manga is also rather limited in its frame by frame construction. So when writing manga, authors will emphasize actions and thoughts through dialog. Therefore you will get lines like "my hips are moving on their own". This is because that character's hips are (within the storyline of the manga) in fact moving on their own, and this needs to be conveyed.

I hope I have been able to sufficiently address your query, and hope that you may find hentai manga sexier in the future.

As I said, a cool guy...

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
When did we start making posts in the form of novels?
Would you rather I take the cajunator approach and massively inflate my and this thread's post counts with a bunch of silly one quote posts?
So, this is a new record for you, no?
I'm just being a good netizen and responding to my fellow nakama. You have no one to blame but yourselves; I only stopped checking the thread on Wednesday ffs.
More like the 1890's if you know what I mean!
I imagined that was how Araki justified the radicalness.
I love it when Reg-chan pulls an ABF.
I do it for you baby.
Use to be a common thing back when ABF and Mac posted regularly. I miss their long winded arguments about the finer points of moe.
At the very least I haven't started fake-translating hentai-doujin yet.
No, it's not the OVAs. The short OVAs on each volume are numbered 1 onwards from Vol1. This is just a special episode they're putting together to fill the slot for next week. They'll be including it as a special feature on Vol3, which is what the blog post says. I'm fairly sure it's going to be some sort of recap, or use recycled footage in some way. :(

well, shit...

How can I survive the next two weeks without Yukari?


Would you rather I take the cajunator approach and massively inflate my and this thread's post counts with a bunch of silly one quote posts?

I'm only being a good netizen and responding to my fellow nakama. You have no one to blame but yourselves; I only stopped checking the thread on Wednesday ffs.

I imagined that was how Araki justified the radicalness.

I do it for you baby.

At the very least I haven't started fake-translating hentai-doujin yet.

I am only ever behind by 2-4 pages, so there isnt a whole lot of need to multi-quote.
I can pretty much respond to things as they occur or shortly after.
Its only when I sleep or have a particularly busy day at work that I have to multi-quote anything to catch up on the thread.
To give you an idea of how often I have this thread open, its on my tablet, my phone, and my personal PC and my parents PC as well as their tablet too. So really I am hardly ever without access to this thread and site. With the advent of smartphones I am even more connected to it. So it isnt too strange that my post count would be high. Its pretty much the norm for me as I have posted on many messageboards and have thousands of posts on those as well. Its definitely not a Gaf-only thing.
Would you rather I take the cajunator approach and massively inflate my and this thread's post counts with a bunch of silly one quote posts?
So what you're saying is that you're cheating to keep yourself low on the wall of shame. But the wall still sees. It knows.

At the very least I haven't started fake-translating hentai-doujin yet.
I'm not sure if this is what you're referring to, but "rewrite" doujins are the worst things that humanity has ever created.
Ga-Rei-Zero 1

Awful CG monster aside, that was awesome, right?


Last night I hung out with a friend to go watch Wreck it Ralph. He brought along one of his friends who loves anime as well. We all tlaked for like 2 hours after the move was over in the parking lot about everything from recent anime, to harems where the main protagonist actually chooses a girl, to Berserk outtakes, to favorite shows, and how disturbing Dance in the Vampire Bund is and how much blonde loli vampires are becoming a thing. The only problem is he is moving to the Dominican Republic for work so there goes another anime watching Lafayette-ian. Wish I knew more people who were into anime :/

By the way, Vanellope in the movie is ADORABLE.


Magi 5

While the last two episodes are an improvement over the first 3 it still wins hands down the prize of being the worst anime shounen adaptation ever(looks like crap) would of been better off being handled by studio Deen.

Magi deserves better then this.

Its will much worse if its airing in TV Tokyo or something.


Magi 5

Hakuei's Djinn Equip is so hot, shame it'll never show up again. Also I'm preeeetty sure Aladdin shouldn't know any magic yet.
Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun 06

This show continues to impress. It is such a great adaptation of the manga, it is amazing how well they take the scenes and add their own little bits that makes the story flow so much better.

The scenes with class rep was really well done and they are going at a really good pace of adaptating the chapters.

Also great to hear Koyasu as neither the villain, rapist, creepy guy or all three at once for a change.
Hunter x Hunter 2011 54

It's nice to see a villain group actually trying to avoid the good guys for once. Of course, that's only going to make what's to come better.
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