Once the introductions are over, the shipping can begin!

Let it begin!
Did you appreciate the part immediately afterward when?they got a missile to the face
Haha I was like "that sucker punching [censored]!"
Once the introductions are over, the shipping can begin!
Did you appreciate the part immediately afterward when?they got a missile to the face
Just goes to show that not everyone will be affected in the same way. Personally, I felt extremely trolled at the end.ICE
So Hito told me to watch it and so I did. This was in response to me saying we need a truly awful anime to recommend. If this was meant to leave me with my knickers in a twist then it truly failed. I can only describe it as mundane and non-sensical.
Visible panties on a child. Thank god this practice died out in the early 80s and was never seen again.
...but, she has breasts.
Smile Precure - 06
With a clear goal established the girls now know what to do!
We also got a brief introduction to a new enemy called Joker, who obviously will play a bigger part in the story than the 3 lackeys the girls have been beating so far.
Highlight of the episode was Miyuki's determination to come up with a team pose and her reaction when she finally got one.
I prefer it like this, that way we won't be strung along for countless episodes waiting for that "new girl" to show up. Suite tried that and not only did it make the episodes that came before it dull, but barely gave us any time to give a damn about the new girl when she arrived (referring to). Even if they do decide to go that route again with Smile they at least have 5 girls to shift the attention on and off to keep things somewhat interesting.Ako
I'm usually an OP>ED guy, but Hello! is just more...Rinne-y to me. I never knew girls walking on chairs could be so atmospheric.While the ED is great, it's no where near as good as the OP.
loved that eps.
School Days 06
This is getting hard to watch. Makoto has gone from just unlikeable to one of the most despicable human beings ever put to screen. I feel terrible seeing how he treats these girls. He clearly doesn't care about anyone's feelings. I mean, sure Sekai is at huge fault as well, but at least she feels guilty. He's just an empty black hole. The only acceptable end to this is for him to die miserably.
Oh god, I'm actually starting to care. Something is going really wrong here.
School Days 06
This is getting hard to watch. Makoto has gone from just unlikeable to one of the most despicable human beings ever put to screen. I feel terrible seeing how he treats these girls. He clearly doesn't care about anyone's feelings. I mean, sure Sekai is at huge fault as well, but at least she feels guilty. He's just an empty black hole. The only acceptable end to this is for him to die miserably.
Oh god, I'm actually starting to care. Something is going really wrong here.
This is beautiful.School Days 06
This is getting hard to watch. Makoto has gone from just unlikeable to one of the most despicable human beings ever put to screen. I feel terrible seeing how he treats these girls. He clearly doesn't care about anyone's feelings. I mean, sure Sekai is at huge fault as well, but at least she feels guilty. He's just an empty black hole. The only acceptable end to this is for him to die miserably.
Oh god, I'm actually starting to care. Something is going really wrong here.
Opened your eyes, brother.Guys, I feel tainted. What have you done to me?
Greatest love story ever told.Guys, I feel tainted. What have you done to me?
Greatest love story ever told.
I thought that was the Kirito's Sister xKirito x Asuna love triangle.
I thought that was the Kirito's Sister xKirito x Asuna love triangle.
AnimeGAF's "Greatest Love Story Ever Told" changes all the time.
...the next day it'll be Midori: Shoujo Tsubaki
Guys, I feel tainted. What have you done to me?
School Days 06
This is getting hard to watch. Makoto has gone from just unlikeable to one of the most despicable human beings ever put to screen. I feel terrible seeing how he treats these girls. He clearly doesn't care about anyone's feelings. I mean, sure Sekai is at huge fault as well, but at least she feels guilty. He's just an empty black hole. The only acceptable end to this is for him to die miserably.
Oh god, I'm actually starting to care. Something is going really wrong here.
This is how you do it, ladies and gentlemen.School Days 07
Mokoto's misery black hole has reached critical mass. It's now sucking in innocents around him. There must really be something in the water at the school. It seems a good portion of the students are almost as horrible of people as Mokoto. I mean, they seem to blame Kotonoha for the whole situation even though she's the biggest victim here. In the end, I think we can all agree Setsuna is the real hero of the show. Only person who's sane enough to actually try to diffuse the situation. I feel bad I thought she was a psychopath just waiting to kill everyone. That may still be the case, but it'd be completely justified at this point.
The show itself has become a black hole as well. I've crossed the even horizon. There's no turning back. The only option is to marathon the last 5 episodes. Look for me to give a status check-in every couple episodes to confirm I'm not dead or when something particularly notable happens I feel the need to commentate on.
Tonari still being a standout show. Great stuff.
School Days 07
Mokoto's misery black hole has reached critical mass. It's now sucking in innocents around him. There must really be something in the water at the school. It seems a good portion of the students are almost as horrible of people as Mokoto. I mean, they seem to blame Kotonoha for the whole situation even though she's the biggest victim here. In the end, I think we can all agree Setsuna is the real hero of the show. Only person who's sane enough to actually try to diffuse the situation. I feel bad I thought she was a psychopath just waiting to kill everyone. That may still be the case, but it'd be completely justified at this point.
The show itself has become a black hole as well. I've crossed the even horizon. There's no turning back. The only option is to marathon the last 5 episodes. Look for me to give a status check-in every couple episodes to confirm I'm not dead or when something particularly notable happens I feel the need to commentate on.
One Outs 19-25 [END]
I would imagine one's enjoyment (and disbelief) would be amplified if they were very familiar with or fond of baseball. I don't fall under this tree, but I appreciated what this show accomplished and it was a stronger work than some other, more average, sports anime I've seen in my career. It has a number of flaws in regards to its genre and generally, but in the end is a solid experience about a devil who keeps his promises and pays his debts.
add me yo (psn: wonzo)Also got more stuff
godspeedSchool Days 07
Mokoto's misery black hole has reached critical mass. It's now sucking in innocents around him. There must really be something in the water at the school. It seems a good portion of the students are almost as horrible of people as Mokoto. I mean, they seem to blame Kotonoha for the whole situation even though she's the biggest victim here. In the end, I think we can all agree Setsuna is the real hero of the show. Only person who's sane enough to actually try to diffuse the situation. I feel bad I thought she was a psychopath just waiting to kill everyone. That may still be the case, but it'd be completely justified at this point.
The show itself has become a black hole as well. I've crossed the even horizon. There's no turning back. The only option is to marathon the last 5 episodes. Look for me to give a status check-in every couple episodes to confirm I'm not dead or when something particularly notable happens I feel the need to commentate on.
I am a baseball junkie and can honestly say that my love for the sport made me think -less- of the anime. The shit that goes on in that series so utterly ridiculous and preposterous that it borders on offensive. Nobody dominates with that kind of subpar stuff even in the NPB. It's like Oofuri but cranked up tenfold on the dial of craziness because this isn't high school ball, its supposed to be some actual major league ball (I guess its NPB).
Still an enjoyable show. It wasn't utterly confusing like Akagi (because I know nothing about mahjong) but it wasn't quite as good as Kaiji.
But I just want him to love me.
That's fair. It just breaks my suspension of disbelief anyway.The animation budget is so scarce they can't afford to animate the same scene from different angles.
Even her name is Ai!Planetes- fin
-Hoshino and Tanabe
Hoshino was a straight up asshole in the later half. He always was a bit of a dick but later on he just goes completely off the balancing board and really is a douchebag. I can understand the general message in regards to him,however there are ways of going about it without being an asshat. He really became unlikable later and I wasn't sure if I was supposed to root for him or hope he would fail and learn something. He felt unnecessarily confrontational and a lot of the emotional moments later left me dry as I wanted to see him suffer due to his own damn consequences. Then there is Tanabe. People bitch about Akane in Psycho-Pass being annoying but let me tell you, I find Akane enjoyable compared to the self-righteous and beyond naive Tanabe. Not only is she amazingly single-minded but she sounds like a retarded child who never learned how to grow up. I swear to god if I never have to hear the word love again, it would be too soon. She easily was the most annoying character on the show. Not only that, she really doesn't go through a character arc like Hoshino does. There is also the cop-out ending that saved both their asses where the writers wanted to have their cake and eat it too. It painfully reminded me of the ending of season 1 of Homeland where they wanted the payoff moment but didn't want the consequences stemming from that and so wrote around it by having sheer luck/coincidence.pursue your dreams no matter what
-The whole terrorist arc
This was a real mess. Not only are there tons of illogical moments such as aIt is ridiculously on the nose with the whole 'third world countries vs. space development' thing they were discussing throughout the show. They turned what is still a very grey and morally complicated issue into something that is fairly black and white and felt added in purely so the show could go out with a bang. I mean instead of having an adult conversation about it, they turned it into a big shootfest. It also ruined the much superior Selection arc just prior as well, adding to my distaste. Not to mention it wasn't really exciting in of itself and parts felt pretty lifeless.terrorist escaping from a spaceship(or even the ridiculous number of terrorists that were able to board these locations in the first place) or that the fact that nobody was watching Claire's apartment.
Man, I need to get a Nyanko plushie at some point...
School Days 07
Mokoto's misery black hole has reached critical mass. It's now sucking in innocents around him. There must really be something in the water at the school. It seems a good portion of the students are almost as horrible of people as Mokoto. I mean, they seem to blame Kotonoha for the whole situation even though she's the biggest victim here. In the end, I think we can all agree Setsuna is the real hero of the show. Only person who's sane enough to actually try to diffuse the situation. I feel bad I thought she was a psychopath just waiting to kill everyone. That may still be the case, but it'd be completely justified at this point.
The show itself has become a black hole as well. I've crossed the even horizon. There's no turning back. The only option is to marathon the last 5 episodes. Look for me to give a status check-in every couple episodes to confirm I'm not dead or when something particularly notable happens I feel the need to commentate on.
Why are you guys recommending Rinne no langrange? Second season kill it.
School Days 08-09
Oh boy, this misery train keeps on a rollin'. Even after it looked liked things were moving up. I mean, Mokoto was actually acting like a decent human being for like 2/3 of episode 8. The idiocy bug has even claimed out great heroine, Setsuna. Seriously, I cannot believe.My jaw almost dropped after that. 9 was more Mokoto being awful. Clearly someone is going to either kill themselves, kill someone else, or there will be a murder/suicide. The way this is going, there is no doubt of this. In the end, 99% of 8 and like 1/2 of 9 was filler. Seems we're building to something extravagantly awful soon. I dread it.she actually succumbed to stupidity and kissed Mr. black hole.
School Days and Blood C aren't enough. Need one more for an unholy trinity.
I thought the hazings were over.
School Days 08-09
Oh boy, this misery train keeps on a rollin'. Even after it looked liked things were moving up. I mean, Mokoto was actually acting like a decent human being for like 2/3 of episode 8. The idiocy bug has even claimed out great heroine, Setsuna. Seriously, I cannot believe.My jaw almost dropped after that. 9 was more Mokoto being awful. Clearly someone is going to either kill themselves, kill someone else, or there will be a murder/suicide. The way this is going, there is no doubt of this. In the end, 99% of 8 and like 1/2 of 9 was filler. Seems we're building to something extravagantly awful soon. I dread it.she actually succumbed to stupidity and kissed Mr. black hole.
It's an insult to School Days and Blood-C to put them on the same level as Rinne no Lagrange.School Days and Blood C aren't enough. Need one more for an unholy trinity.
I thought the hazings were over.
Okay I gotta bring this up because I never see it mentioned when people do impressions around this area:Wasn't it around episode 8-9 that the bonfire dance took place, which was also the time that Kotonoha was raped by Makoto's friend Taisuke?
Just checked:It is. Do people avoid this little tidbit on purpose or what? I thought that was a fairly important scene that caused her to enter her fucked up state. That was a definite "Oh shit" factor in my book, so seeing every person as of late skipping over this somewhat important detail just kinda shocks me.