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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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speaking of god tier. Your avatar is lovely.
Isnt that Bakemonagatari set coming out pretty soon? Cannot wait!

Senjougahara is one of my favorite characters in anything.

I just had it open in another tab thinking about ordering it. Comes out the 20th. I'm still on the fence as it's almost as pricy as Madoka. And with Wii U, school, and Christmas coming up, it's difficult. I reallllllllyyyy like Bakemonogatari though.


Senjougahara is one of my favorite characters in anything.

I just had it open in another tab thinking about ordering it. Comes out the 20th. I'm still on the fence as it's almost as pricy as Madoka. And with Wii U, school, and Christmas coming up, it's difficult. I reallllllllyyyy like Bakemonogatari though.

Im working like 10 extra days over October- December so the holidays should be a lot of fun for me. Just paid off wiiU but I have a bunch of stuff including that boxset and several pricey figures, plus I wanted to get a bigger TV. Gonna be an expensive end of the year so Im happy to work extra.


Im working like 10 extra days over October- December so the holidays should be a lot of fun for me. Just paid off wiiU but I have a bunch of stuff including that boxset and several pricey figures, plus I wanted to get a bigger TV. Gonna be an expensive end of the year so Im happy to work extra.

oh damn I forgot about that
I guess there arent any launch games that interest me
What about Europe?

*goes to amazon to check*



life sucks...


Im working like 10 extra days over October- December so the holidays should be a lot of fun for me. Just paid off wiiU but I have a bunch of stuff including that boxset and several pricey figures, plus I wanted to get a bigger TV. Gonna be an expensive end of the year so Im happy to work extra.

Working a monday to friday job don't give me the option of picking up extra shifts. I suppose I could work longer days, but it's getting hard enough to look busy these days and I'm starting to think my bosses are going to notice.
I'm kind of at a loss as for what to get with Wii U too, I don't even think I really want it yet anymore. I'm caught in that "get it first day one!" hype again.

I'd like to start buying more anime, as all I've got now are the Eva movies on Blu-ray and Oreimo and Evangelion on DVD. It's just so damn expensive compared to a $10-$15 a month subscription to a Crunchyroll/Anime-Network streaming thing.


Working a monday to friday job don't give me the option of picking up extra shifts. I suppose I could work longer days, but it's getting hard enough to look busy these days and I'm starting to think my bosses are going to notice.
I'm kind of at a loss as for what to get with Wii U too, I don't even think I really want it yet anymore. I'm caught in that "get it first day one!" hype again.

I'd like to start buying more anime, as all I've got now are the Eva movies on Blu-ray and Oreimo and Evangelion on DVD. It's just so damn expensive compared to a $10-$15 a month subscription to a Crunchyroll/Anime-Network streaming thing.

Oh I definitely dont have problems with looking busy with the type of work I do, but I actually like to get as much done as possible so I can actually lounge around a bit. Bosses dont care as long as everythings getting done. Its a nice setup. Cannot complain.
One of our dispatchers quit though, so I have to work a 5 on and 2 off schedule (not a normal schedule with 12 hour shifts) until the new dispatcher gets released on his own. Then I go back to the beloved 7 on/ 7 off and actually have some time to watch anime again >_>
Right now I can only watch a few episodes each morning before bed.


From the New World 05

This episode was very confusing.
At times it was difficult to tell where characters were or what they were doing. The show still has a REALLY unsettling feel to it but we see a bit more about the queerats and their odd society. As much as I like this show though, this episode is pretty difficult to enjoy. Its just so haphazard. all over the place. Really really confusing.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Regardless of My Adolescent Delusions of Grandeur, I Want a Date! 6

It's anime, gotta have Monhan.
An ok episode, not really feeling this guy friend of Yuuta's, but everything else was golden. Dekomori and Nibutani get better every episode.
So, was it Kumin that wrote the love letter, or was she hiding there for some other reason?
Beach episode next, can't wait!

Chuunibyou demo koi ga shitai! ep 6
Poor Ishiki. Lost the hair, lost the girl, probably lost all respect from his female classmates and a receive devotion gratitude from the guys which is useless because it doesn't get the girls. Nibutani is awesome when Dekomori is involved.

You know I thought that Yuuta & Nibutani interaction would have increased after she join the circle given the past 4 episodes have some emphasis between the 2 not to mention Yuuta's dream of her but it turns out to be nearly non-existent anymore once Dekomori enters into the picture.

man i haven't laughed so hard in a while

There wasn't big delusions this time but dekomori vs nibutani is really something else.

i noted a devilish attention to detail in some scenes( kyo ani style) ..man they really are something else

Chuunibyou 6

Loved this episode, especially Dekomori vs. Nibutani:

Favorite part of the episode :D.

All the characters and their interactions are great, and while it's not quite up to Hyouka level it is still very well animated. Perhaps my favorite show of the season next to JoJo.


Sakurasou No Pet Na Kanojo 5

Good episode.
Aoyama jealousy forces herself to take over care of Mashiro. Poor Sorata is stuck because in the end he liked being in charge of Mashiro. Misaka and Jin still comes through with her lewd jokes and they played Samurai Showdown.


yeah, surreal...

well, it was pretty neat how they handled the part about
Hiro's future

Well, it was also pretty SHAFTy

and pretty QUALITY (seriously that hairclip)

But all three of these go hand in hand in mutant third hand like that time they drew an extra arm on the principal, so it's okay. Especially because this week's B-part is such a high point, both in narrative and visuallyin cuts like the
Little tidbit about The Flowers of Evil anime: the production studio ZEXCS says it'll use a production "process that is completely different from the traditional one." I wonder what this could mean...
But all three of these go hand in hand in mutant third hand like that time they drew an extra arm on the principal, so it's okay. Especially because this week's B-part is such a high point, both in narrative and visually in cuts like the

Whoa, what episode was this? (I'm guessing it got corrected in the DVD/BD versions I'm watching.)


Psycho-Pass 5

Oh fuck at that ending. No it's not on Madoka 3 level but damn that's a curveball. I also wonder if something like Jouka no Monshou is going to be a point of reference later.

The episode as a whole was rather anticlimatic though.
Little tidbit about The Flowers of Evil anime: the production studio ZEXCS says it'll use a production "process that is completely different from the traditional one." I wonder what this could mean...

It's a game of death. Each round will be given a set of conditions, and whoever can't animate just the right way will have the mechanism in their bracelet inject them with a deadly chemical.


Tragic victim of fan death
Psycho-Pass 5

Massive infordumps and a quickly drawn conclusion. Still a solid episode overall and wraps up the arc nicely while paving the way for some new stuff coming ahead. Ending was good. Lots of derp faces though....


Psycho-Pass - Episode 5

My impressions are in the OT, but here's a supplementary post for AnimeGAF!

This scene in ep5 is probably the first time in the entire series where daylight lighting looks pretty natural, and the character in the scene doesn't look like a vampire/zombie. I was kinda shocked! Lol.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Magi 05
I had a very difficult time getting into this episode. The pacing on it where stuff jumps around makes scenes feel very truncated, and failed when it came to making new characters really stand out. Even with the flashes between scenes feeling off the show was incredibly predictable, and often times boring because things play out in about as standard a manner as possible.

The anti-war and violence stuff also wound up feeling very odd when
you just get some big battle at the end where a character who is supposed to be connected everyone wipes out a bunch of people. I thought the fights themselves were some Dynasty Warriors level of bad, where you have the hero cutting through a bunch of faceless enemies. Even the main villain never really felt built up, intimidating, unique, or with purpose. What are his wants and desires? The show kind of writes that off and says, "Haha, who cares? He just likes to kill people."

Really just unimpressive all around to me, and not particularly engaging on any level. I guess I'm more interested in exploring dungeons and things like that rather than dealing in low level political games that aren't even fleshed out while a fourth grader's philosophy and take on war canvas the story.


Blasty of Andogod - Episode 6


Yes, anyone who read the manga will definitely agree!

How can this be? How can Ando do it? Will his everlasting miracle ever wane? Every week he takes the most dangerous source material, and elevates it into something watchable and compelling. It should not be possible, but every added detail, every modified scene, just builds on the potential of the original source while sidestepping the worst things about the material. With Zetsuen, it is truly a Christmas miracle every week!

I really liked the stuff they added this week, which really sets the foundation for stuff which is about to happen in a way the manga never really bothered to. Everything has more weight, characters have more purpose, and every action actually feels like something which a character has considered before deciding on it, instead of random shit just happening. The power of Ando and BONES continues, and my loins grow more and more excited!



Most of the Villains in Magi are some variation of the standard "Ambition is evil" trope. Jamil was raised to believe it was his destiny to rule and taught to use people as tools to achieve his aims. Ryosai felt he had been cheated out of a position of leadership by a relic of the old regime.

It's not exactly an uncommon trope, but it Magi plays with it in more interesting ways as the story progresses.
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