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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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ui ui ui ui!! Madoka? Hitomi?


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
The "moe" designs are pretty weird, the worst aspect of this show. Regardless, It's a top notch anime, no matter. The visuals actually makes everything even better, since you are expecting something else when you start seeing it, so it's kinda acceptable.

If there's one anime I give a 10/10, it's Madoka.

BTW, I only hate moe for the sake of having fans saying "OMG, cute" and insipid shit like this.

Sadly I've already been spoiled, so the art trap won't work on me. :(


I'm surprised you people are willing to take anything from a partial-screen-camrip trailer at face value, seeing as the movie's still a ways off.
Well, that looks like more Madoka I guess. Seems a shame that they have to basically reset the ending of the show so that
there can be more witches and so that Madoka can come back and be part of the storyline. Presumably that means her contract with Kyubei is void?

well, I don't know. There is enough story to tell,
everything before Sayaka's death (final timeline) is unknown.


Problem for him is that "The One" is probably on #TeamNoMAL.

Where's the sense of adventure?!


This is really cute.

That line sums up the entire show.

One of my seventh graders had some SAO pencil boards. There was no jubilation.

I really miss pencil board pack-ins. A lot of anime used to come with them. I have a bunch of them. Whatever happened to putting these in with animu collections?

yayoi knows.

Is there a single scene where Yayoi isn't completely adorable?

Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Episode 1

Well, this isn't what I was expecting.
I've never really had interest in the whole "magical girl" thing, but I quite liked Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari, and I wanted to see what else Shaft has done. This was easier to find than Hidamari right now.
Every gif/image I've seen of this has been something moe-blobby enough for me to assume it was just a typical magical girl show: girls doing over-exaggerated Sailor Moon moves and being adorable.

Instead this show started off being ominous as fuck. The tone is much creepier (the background music is fantastic) than I was led to believe. Mind you, this was just the first episode, so it's bound to get adorable I'm sure. The animation is fantastic, particularly when they're running away from Homura and everything goes nuts.

So it's gotten my attention, and I'm certainly curious enough to continue.

EXCELLENT. This show got a 10 for me and it absolutely deserves it. Not just for being cute but for being the complete package an anime should be. Far beyond what you'd expect from a mahou shoujo.

You bring the popcorn, I'll hold onto the remote.

Oh dear...I'm starting to get worried.

Don't. This isn't a troll recommendation. This is legitimately enjoyable, great anime.
One of my all time favorites and it was highly regarded even by skeptics.

The "moe" designs are pretty weird, the worst aspect of this show. Regardless, It's a top notch anime, no matter. The visuals actually makes everything even better, since you are expecting something else when you start seeing it, so it's kinda acceptable.

If there's one anime I give a 10/10, it's Madoka.

BTW, I only hate moe for the sake of having fans saying "OMG, cute" and insipid shit like this.

You must really love me :p


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Puella Magi Madoka Magica: Episode 1

Well, this isn't what I was expecting.
I've never really had interest in the whole "magical girl" thing, but I quite liked Bakemonogatari and Nisemonogatari, and I wanted to see what else Shaft has done. This was easier to find than Hidamari right now.
Every gif/image I've seen of this has been something moe-blobby enough for me to assume it was just a typical magical girl show: girls doing over-exaggerated Sailor Moon moves and being adorable.

Instead this show started off being ominous as fuck. The tone is much creepier (the background music is fantastic) than I was led to believe. Mind you, this was just the first episode, so it's bound to get adorable I'm sure. The animation is fantastic, particularly when they're running away from Homura and everything goes nuts.

So it's gotten my attention, and I'm certainly curious enough to continue.

I shall enjoy your impressions. Please, keep them coming!
Well, that looks like more Madoka I guess. Seems a shame that they have to basically reset the ending of the show so that
there can be more witches and so that Madoka can come back and be part of the storyline. Presumably that means her contract with Kyubei is void?
I think it's a bit early to call it a reset.
It seems like it's just going to show the final timeline and then continue from where the show left off.
ui ui ui ui!! Madoka? Hitomi?
"Hitomi sure has her hands full, huh?" Besides, Mado is saving herself for Homu.


Maturity, bitches.
Where's the sense of adventure?!

If your definition of adventure is filling in review scores for anime shows then I suggest you never write a story.

Otherwise you'll end up with a terrible shounen about someone's mission to review every anime in existence where storylines include the day he could not give an anime a score of five because all the 5 keys on keyboards have been stolen. Even unicode was futile because the code is alt+0035!

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
True, he'd be more true to the character that way. Then again they did
kill Tails
brutally in front of him, maybe that humbled him a bit.
The only resemblance Gia has to Sonic is that both go fast and have blue hair. Sonic wouldn't have acted like an oblivious haremshit protagonist in front of Opa; he would have rolled around at the speed of sound cause he's got places to go and has to follow his rainbow.


Living in the shadow of Amaz
Shoulda dropped that shit after episode 1.
Btoom just rather sucks.

I've only watched the first episode and I already know it's a painful experience, but I feel like I need to watch episose 2 to see how terrible the girl is in comparison to the guy.

Then I'll drop it.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
The only resemblance Gia has to Sonic is that both go fast and have blue hair. Sonic wouldn't have acted like an oblivious haremshit protagonist in front of Opa; he would have rolled around at the speed of sound cause he's got places to go and has to follow his rainbow.

Maybe they're using the Sonic from 2006 as a reference point? A bad idea to be sure...


Maturity, bitches.
Maybe they're using the Sonic from 2006 as a reference point? A bad idea to be sure...

I don't think they are using any of the games as reference points. I'd consider ourselves lucky if they even looked at the cover art and read the opening blurb on Wikipedia.


Asks questions so Ezalc doesn't have to
I don't think they are using any of the games as reference points. I'd consider ourselves lucky if they even looked at the cover art and read the opening blurb on Wikipedia.

Point taken. I'm usually too quick to give the benefit of the doubt.


What's the problem with BTOOM? Besides the MC being stupid as fuck and the premise being overused, it's pretty solid/regular show. The type where you turn off the brain and watch. Just like SAO or AW.


What's the problem with BTOOM? Besides the MC being stupid as fuck and the premise being overused, it's pretty solid/regular show. The type where you turn off the brain and watch. Just like SAO or AW.

I hated SAO so I definitely wasn't going to like Btooom. I think its the fact that the game involves just using bombs and I detest games like that, on top of there already being several virtual game animes already. Just tired of the genre this season.


I hated SAO so I definitely wasn't going to like Btooom. I think its the fact that the game involves just using bombs and I detest games like that, on top of there already being several virtual game animes already. Just tired of the genre this season.

Yeah, it's overused, three seasons in a row with this theme.


Impressions of stuff:

Jojo 3

This is how you cut costs while still making great anime. Great voice acting, and the drama hits when it needs to. I think all the garish palette swapping achieves that effect pretty nicely, actually.

Too bad about the censorship.

I always believed in you, DavidPro.

Shin Sekai Yori 4

This episode was really fantastic. Considering that half the episode was expository, I thought it was handled really well. They managed to condense a lot of stuff into something fairly compact and interesting, while capturing the reactions of the children nicely. And the violent climax at the end was pretty breathtaking.

Normally I don't like when stuff gets over-explained, but I don't see how that was the case here. Almost everything that was said was something the characters wanted to know, and that information directly drives the plot. Without more specific context, the audience would be left confused in exchange for saving a few minutes. I don't think that's worthwhile.

Now, if it goes much deeper into the lore beyond this, I'll probably feel like I'm learning too much, but I really like the show as it is now, and I'm looking forward to more.

Robotics;Notes 2

I knew that Kaito was a prick from the visual novel demo (which might cover up to episode 4, at the rate they're going), but man, he's a total asshole. If Akiho had any other friends, I'd be baffled as to why she hung out with him. As is, I'm still not sure how she tolerates him.


No, he fucking isn't. What the fuck.

I mean, he does a few things for her this episode, but he spends most of his time sitting on his ass schooling scrubs in a video game while his supposed friend works herself to exhaustion. He won't get off his butt for five minutes to look for something when asked, because he seems to lack basic empathy. He doesn't put a cent of his money on the line to preserve the one thing that Akiho actually cares about, even though she lets him use her club room and puts up with his bullshit constantly.

I get that this is meant to be a starting point for Kaito to develop into a decent human being, but there are some goddamned limits to how much of a jerk someone can be without being completely ostracized.


Madoka trailer

watch it now! pretty sure Youtube will delete it soon.
True! The first I saw, from which this one linked was duplicated, didn't last long:

Twitter / cowboybibimbop: Madoka☆Magica Movie III: ...

So finally fixed the Madoka trailer. A bit higher quality than the previously posted one although at an angle.

Now, that's better... thank you!


Magi - 03

The low budget talk had me worried that the episode might look ugly, but it didn't, it wasn't quite on the level of the first episode but it still looked better than most shows out there. The sword fight could have been a bit longer, but if they're saving some budget for the Balbadd arc I totally understand it because there are some amazing fights in it.
The episode still felt rushed, but not as much as the first two, which is good, the next arc is pretty important so hopefully they do it justice, but I can't wait for them to start the Balbadd arc.


Speaking of unspoiled Madoka I'm pretty unspoiled on it. I saw 3 episodes of it months ago and never continued so I'm basically fresh.


Total radio silence for now, but at least the internet is already hard at work churning out bad-to-middling fanart for the series.

This also may or may not be a (lol westernized) piece official art for the series, however a.) I found it on some Italian-language anime forums so I can't determine its origins and b.) it would certainly be odd for the tagline to be English-language if Japan and France/Benelux are the earliest markets in which the show is currently slated to air.
That promotional image is official and was added some time ago to the webpage about the project on Zag Inc., site (http://www.zagtoon.com/?p=shows&s=ladybug). It is in English because they have been promoting it as an exportable franchise since they've started trying to sell it at international fairs dedicated to this type of contents businesses (remember the post I wrote some time ago on this matter, http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showpost.php?p=42505901&postcount=15152).

Another thing to comment would be the more recently added "& CGI SERIES" part of the title's description, along with another image to the gallery... have the plans to make this series an accompaniment to the 3DCGI feature film (that has been in the works more time than this) changed? Are they gonna mix footage from the two? Are they referring to the franchise in general on that description with two different series planned? Now it makes it sound more cryptic!


Subete no aware
Yamato 2199 3
To start off with, the rather cheesy tone of the Op is so completely different from the show that I couldn't help but laugh at how absurd it is. Equally absurd however was the sheer power of that fucking incredibly Wave Motion Gun. Holy shit.
The OP seems to be a legacy of the old series. And yeah, that thing fucks shit up. You'll see them deal with the consequences of that fairly soon actually.

To be fair I have never seen anything more sexual than the finger-sex going on in Rinne
Well, that's because it's fake lesbians in Rinne. lol
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