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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus
What makes it weird is that ToraDora has the same director as Ano Natsu, a show of such astounding direction I practically proposed marriage to it during its run.

Most confusing.
So this is how it feels when a horsie breakes his legs and you cannot deny the inevitable.

I'll always remember you RurouniZel. ;_;


Courtesy of Otaking, say hello to one of the new GAiNAX series that Mr. Yamaga announced some time ago (specifically, the one about "survival with air-soft guns game"), co-produced along their satellite studio Kichijōji Tron... this is Stella Jogakuin:

Stella Jogakuin adaptée en série télévisée !

Gainax.fr • Afficher le sujet - INFOS : PRODUCTIONS A VENIR !!!

Oh god I'm dying :lol I'm having literally the worst week of my life, and I needed that laugh. Thanks.
I hope you do well from now on, man...


Courtesy of Otaking, say hello to one of the new GAiNAX series that Mr. Yamaga announced some time ago (specifically, the one about "survival with air-soft guns game"), co-produced along their satellite studio Kichijōji Tron... this is Stella Jogakuin:

Stella Jogakuin adaptée en série télévisée !

Gainax.fr • Afficher le sujet - INFOS : PRODUCTIONS A VENIR !!!

I can see that it has cute girls in. That's the main thing.

Regulus Tera

Romanes Eunt Domus

No longer friends? ( ;´Д`)
I heard the glue factory workers will make it as painless peaceful for you as possible.

Goodbye, my friend! You shall find a new lease on life in the next stage!
There's gotta be some give and take, you know?

As long as we keep the important things in mind we can handle any disagreement in taste!
yay a new horsie!


Courtesy of Otaking, say hello to one of the new GAiNAX series that Mr. Yamaga announced some time ago (specifically, the one about "survival with air-soft guns game"), co-produced along their satellite studio Kichijōji Tron... this is Stella Jogakuin:

Stella Jogakuin adaptée en série télévisée !

Gainax.fr • Afficher le sujet - INFOS : PRODUCTIONS A VENIR !!!

I see girls handling guns.

Upotte!! Season 2 or Gunslinger Girl Season 3?


I recently watched Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Planetes, both were quite awesome. The humor and over-the-topness of TTGL, and the characters and realistic depiction of technology of the latter.

Next up: Trigun, I guess. I had started to read the manga but dropped it after 20 chapters; I neither liked the characters nor the general setting. But I'll give the anime a try, maybe I'm gonna feel like resuming reading afterwards. I also got King of Thorn and Paprika. Fullmetal Alchemist and Chobits have been on my to-do-list for years already.


Subete no aware
It looks perfect for hugging on those cold winter nights.
He's like Japanese Garfield. All he does is sleep and eat!


Kami-sama 7 was weird in that it was more an animated manga than an anime. They even kept all the onomatopoeia that you'd expect from manga pages:

I'm sure this style has been used before, but it's been a while since I've seen it so it just stood out to me. But hey, for a shoujo, you're just here to see the girl crush on the guy combined with some dokidoki, so I suppose they can get away with that.

(Actually, come to think of it, the last time I saw anything like this was the Ouran Host Club jdrama adaptation. lol)
I recently watched Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann and Planetes, both were quite awesome. The humor and over-the-topness of TTGL, and the characters and realistic depiction of technology of the latter.

Next up: Trigun, I guess. I had started to read the manga but dropped it after 20 chapters; I neither liked the characters nor the general setting. But I'll give the anime a try, maybe I'm gonna feel like resuming reading afterwards. I also got King of Thorn and Paprika. Fullmetal Alchemist and Chobits have been on my to-do-list for years already.

Gurren Lagann is overrated.


On Medaka Box Abnormal episode 6...
for the Akune 'The Destroyer' flashback they used title cards (with the speech in brackets, of course!) to represent Kumagawa's voice!

Can you imagine them doing that always for his character in the series from now on? I don't think so, but it would be something else!


[Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun / My Little Monster] - 7

If you'll excuse my rudeness, I'd just like to compose my thoughts on this episode and how I feel about the series so far. To stop this post from becoming too much of a chore to read I'll put some helpful subheadings on each of the ideas that I'm going to attempt to discuss. This will hopefully make it easier for you to skip over what you don't want to read (such as my entire post) and it might even keep me focused on what I'm trying to say.

Tonari's relationship to the Shoujo genre


In my post on this episode earlier, and in my post for the last episode, I harped on about how closely Tonari adheres to certain shoujo (by which I mean teenage romance shoujo) tropes despite appearing at first to be a rather different kind of work. In a way the amount of comedy that the show drapes it in allows it be a kind of 'shoujo by stealth' feeding you classic storylines and characters in a different, very attractive, package. In a sense Shizuku, Natsume, Sohei and Oshima aren't that dissimilar from characters that exist in other stories. Oshima, for example, could easily be your prototypical shoujo lead in a Kimi Ni Todoke-type story. While the show differentiates itself from the crowd by being relatively light hearted at times and filled with gags that doesn't mean that underlying plot is any different from another show of this type, for example the way that the relationship between the two leads develops, or rather fails to develop, over the course of the series.

At first I considered this to be a mark against the show considering how tired I am of that particular genre but then I realised that such an argument doesn't make any sense. There's nothing inherently wrong with most genre conventions, it all depends about how skilfully they are deployed. If you enjoy the end product it doesn't really matter about how the components are constructed to reach that product and I certainly enjoy watching Tonari. Moreover, while there are certain plot elements and character types that appear in shoujo works the differences are not insubstantial. For example, Haru is a fairly deranged lead and his level of social dysfunction is off the charts. The characters, while in some sense pulled from stock-character types, all feel fairly well rounded and the interactions between them are always fun to watch so that certainly counts for something.

Haru's Past


The creator clearly intended for there to be some' 'mystery' surrounding Haru's past that is supposed to intrigue the viewer, however I'm not sure how if I like how the show is parcelling out the information about Haru. At first we're introduced to inability to control his temper, then we're shown how much 'social intelligence', for want of a better word, he lacks. By that I mean that a variety of basic social skills are complete mysteries to him. This obviously begs the question: why didn't he develop them like everyone else? Not going to school surely didn't help him in this regard but there's surely more to it then that.

Just in case you hadn't been paying attention to these questions they introduce Haru's brother and from their interactions we're supposed to infer some kind of unpleasantness occurred during Haru's childhood. Immediately after this we're introduced to Aunt Kyoko, an important person who apparently left a big impression on Haru through her various teachings/lessons about life. It seems odd, therefore, that she only figures into Haru's recollections and thoughts during the course of this particular episode. If she was this important, why does he only start to think about her right now and not earlier? I understand that it was prompted by the photo itself but that's part of the writers construction of the scenario, it doesn't flow naturally from the character. It's not entirely organic for his character to act in this manner and it feels like the writer has decided that this is the right point in the narrative to dole out a few more tidbits about Haru. I suppose this could be considered a minor complaint as the writer clearly structured the story in a certain order so that as we progress through the series we start to learn more about him through these revelation which feel 'satisfying' for the viewer but I am a little bothered by the artificiality of such a technique.



This weeks episode had a rather neat little piece of recurring imagery in the form of a see-saw which is explicitly linked to both Haru and Shizaku.


In Haru's flashback it's the very first thing that appears in the frame of the picture for a brief moment before the rest of the image appears in the background:


For Shizaku it appears at the side of the frame near the bottom of the image, however when she's looking at her exam results and thinking about Haru we cut directly from her flashback to a close up of the sea-saw itself. In both examples the direction draws clear attention to the sea-saw itself.

The symbolism seems relatively straightforward - a sea-saw is construction where two people sit apart from each other and when one person pushes one way the other person reacts by going in the opposite direction. As such it serves as a fairly simple metaphor for people in a relationship where as one person moves in one direction the other person moves in the opposite fashion, and vice versa, nicely encapsulating Haru and Shizaku's relationship.

The only thing which detracts from this piece of imagery is that both sea-saw models are exactly the same, despite being in completely different locations in completely different times. This feels a bit lazy in terms of the art design, but perhaps they wanted to make sure that you "got it".


My Little Monster - Episode 7

This was another very shoujo episode, but the direction was spot on this time unlike some of the other similar episodes in the series previously. I like how things are panning out for the characters, because their situations are forcing them to act instead of ignoring their own feelings. It makes for effective drama when the show is serious, and good humor when they just fuck up for comedy value.

It took me so long to write my post duckroll sniped my point!
Kami-sama 7 was weird in that it was more an animated manga than an anime. They even kept all the onomatopoeia that you'd expect from manga pages:

I'm sure this style has been used before, but it's been a while since I've seen it so it just stood out to me.

You're obviously not watching Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.

People not liking Gurren Lagann?

Now I've heard it all.

I've only watched the first three episodes, but I found myself rather cold towards the work. I think it's a combination of my lack of fondness for the super robot genre and the brand of machismo TTGL uses, and my distaste for Imaishi's aesthetic style.
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