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Fall of Anime 2012 |OT2| O cursed spite, that ever I was born to UUURRRRYYY!!

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Did Bakuman ever get a home release in the US on DVD or Bluray?

Episodes 1-7 were released and dubed on dvd. Second volume and blu ray were delayed indefinitely. Then like two weeks ago, Media Blasters said they dont plan on releasing it an I guess returned the license hoping that Viz would pick up Bakuman, so I can only pray. In Europe, its getting a subtitled only release, unfortunately, but its better than nothing.
Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! 7


This was an exceptionally good, impressively executed episode, due largely to the examination of
Rikka's past
and the extensive development of her character. This episode essentially signifies a partial transition within the narrative, as the story appropriately shifts it's focus onto the emotional elements of Rikka's delusional tendencies. The episode very deftly and effectively handled the balance between it's dramatic interludes and the occasional comedy that was filtered throughout, without faltering into an unnecessarily heavy reliance on either aspect. Of course, the rather serious tone was quite prevalent, due to it's presence within the majority of the episode's developments, but I felt that the emotions were conveyed considerably well.

My favorite sequence, by far, was Tooka's beautifully melancholic conversation with Yuuta, as she
details the mysterious aspects of Rikka's past, revealing the tragedy that triggered the sudden adornment of her constructed, chuunibyou facade
, while ultimately suggesting that this was used as an
escape from the unexpected sorrows within a reality she couldn't accept
. This sequence was elevated further by the wistful music that accompanied it and the terrific storyboarding throughout, such as the transition between Rikka's hand reaching towards a star and the subsequent fading into the small fire Yuuta was hovering over. I love that the reasoning behind
Rikka's chuunibyou delusions
wasn't of mere simplicity, since this nuanced development effectively allows for a thorough deconstruction of her character, and, ultimately, makes for a much more satisfying story.

One of the best moments was
Yuuta's conversation with Rikka after he first found her in her room
, since, in this brief, but revealing scene,
Rikka's words subtly elaborate on her hidden emotions
, drawing upon several disparate aspects of her characterization. There's this really effective dichotomy that was portrayed between the state of Rikka's two bedrooms. The one she usually resides in is lusciously colorful with it's wildly imaginative decoration, adorned with a certain extravagance found in the plethora of seemingly insignificant, but highly expressive objects, while the other is comparatively sparse, as a particularly ordinary, but lifeless atmosphere permeates the room. This wonderfully illustrates a rather meaningful contrast between the significance of her emotional connection to each place.

The insight into
Rikka's past
, though somewhat predictable, was thoroughly emotional and surprisingly complex, given the typically lighthearted nature of the show. Rikka and Yuuta's compelling interactions continue to be the best aspect of each episode. As such, the moment Yuuta, unlike all the rest, tells her that he'll
assist in searching for the Ethereal Horizon
was a considerably significant development in their relationship. I also love that their hand-holding scene from the last episode was directly referenced.

Shinka and Sanae continue to complement each other extremely well. Their interactions never fail to provide some of the best comedy in each episode, and, as such, I greatly enjoyed all of their scenes in this one. I also thought their
mutual sunburn
was a nice touch. Shinka's ability to notice the potential for love between Yuuta and Rikka was quite unexpected, but great, since, thankfully, it completely eases some of my lingering concerns that she would eventually develop feelings for Yuuta. Although, so far, they've mostly been relegated to the strictly comedic side of each episode,
Kumin and Makoto's slowly developing relationship
is great, since it provides a natural reasoning for their seemingly secondary characters to be further explored and developed.

The emotionally brutal final sequence was amazingly directed. The momentary flash of
Rikka's loving parents standing around her at their house
, followed by
Rikka happily edging closer to this fleeting illusion
was contrasted extremely well by the following shot, in which
her joyful memory suddenly collapsed
into the form of an unsettling desolation, marked by the
minuscule sign that stood in it's stead
. Of course, one of the most important elements that allowed this scene to work as superbly as it did was the appropriate absence of words, as a sort of silent serenity crept into this
startling revelation
. Really, this, along with the train sequence from the previous episode, are two of the best scenes in the entire show, as they were handled with such impeccable care and a suitably low-key approach to storytelling that's remarkably rare.

The visuals were, as always, fantastic, particularly in the highly detailed and aesthetically appealing backgrounds. This episode was also suffused with rather powerful imagery, such as the expansive shot from
behind Rikka's isolated figure against the backdrop of a distant light peeking through the darkness, as her forlorn gaze reaches towards the horizon
. The subdued lighting during
Rikka's bedroom conversation with Yuuta excellently
created this detached, melancholic atmosphere that worked quite well. Musically, this episode was really good and highly atmospheric, especially the selection that was used during
Tooka's grave-side conversation with Yuuta
, as the delicately mournful combination of a soft piano and violin poignantly illuminated the various emotional complexities within that moment. The animation was exceptional throughout, as it was able to skilfully capture and accentuate subtle movements, such as the moment Yuuta casually lowers his hand on the train, accidentally brushing his fingers against Rikka's, then carefully pulls them away.

All in all, Chuunibyou satisfied immensely with one of it's best episodes, while it also manages to consistently excel with it's intermittent touches of romance, engaging character interactions, excellent humor, and an increasingly intriguing story. I'm really looking forward to the next episode, since the developments within this episode and the next should propel Rikka and Yuuta's relationship past the quite affectionate connection they currently have into an exceedingly romantic one. Also, due to the increasingly dramatic nature of the narrative, I remain quite hopeful that the story will, in fact, conclude with a realistic manner of developing Rikka's character, in which she willingly accepts the necessity of transitioning into a fully realized maturity.


Man, I get excited over the new Geass anime, and, it just so happens, that it's a garbage picture book thing. It has nothing to do with the plot of the original anime. Although, since it had a perfect ending, that's to be expected, but it could have been good at the very least. Needless to say, I am disappointed.

The Pet Girl of Sakurasou was okay this week. Nothing special though, kind of emotional, but not very sad or heartwarming, in my opinion.

Now to watch My Little Monster...


Man, I get excited over the new Geass anime, and, it just so happens, that it's a garbage picture book thing. It has nothing to do with the plot of the original anime. Although, since it had a perfect ending, that's to be expected, but it could have been good at the very least. Needless to say, I am disappointed.


Woooah Silver! That .gif is way too fast.
Man, I get excited over the new Geass anime, and, it just so happens, that it's a garbage picture book thing. It has nothing to do with the plot of the original anime. Although, since it had a perfect ending, that's to be expected, but it could have been good at the very least. Needless to say, I am disappointed. .

But the newest is Akito, not the picture book (I think the second ep) is soonish?


Hidamari Sketch x Honeycomb 6

If the Hidamari pairings weren't set in stone before, they are now.

A nice episode that reminded me of
Hiro and Sae's departure coming ever closer
. Miyako and Yuno antics made for a decent contrast for the, more solemn, Hiro-centered second-half.

As usual, I'm quite looking forward to the next episode.


Chuunibyou Demo Koi ga Shitai! 7

Also, due to the increasingly dramatic nature of the narrative, I remain quite hopeful that the story will, in fact, conclude with a realistic manner of developing Rikka's character, in which she willingly accepts the necessity of transitioning into a fully realized maturity.

Before today, I would have been doubtful of this. Most of the changes in character before this episode involved Yuuta becoming more comfortable with chuunibyou, and I had thought that the big climax would involve Yuuta finding a compromise in acceptance and his view of "maturity". There had been hints of issues with Rikka, but I assumed that something like bullying would confront Yuuta with the question of whether chuunibyou is okay.

Now, though, I agree that this show would be best served by Rikka being "cured" of chuunibyou. I still expect Yuuta to find some compromise and to inspire some in Rikka. That being said, now the show has basically marked chuunibyou a symbol for a desire to hold on to a past contrary to the present. Since it's tied with Rikka's conflict, it has to be resolved in a way that cures her of chuunibyou.

What I find interesting now is the addition of the grandfather into all of this. Before this episode, I was wondering what would confront Rikka and Yuuta and change the status quo. Touka seems content with hiding the truth from Rikka as long as Rikka remains happy. I doubted that she would be bullied in school considering how the school was portrayed, and it was pretty obvious by episode 6 that it wouldn't be Nibutani. Now that the grandfather has been introduced, there's an agent in the show that is willing to confront Yuuta into choosing whether chuunibyou is good or bad. His conflict will probably be resolved in a way that continues his development from episode 1.


Subete no aware
I want to love shoujo but it's awful. STOP BEING AWFUL, SHOUJO.
Shoujo is good. I don't know what you're talking about!


Chuu2 7


This was such a nice moment and they played it so well, both dramatically and comedically.

So I was expecting to be something behind Rikka and her need to escape into a fictional world, but... well, maybe it's because of Little Busters, but I can't help but think "Key dorama" after that.

I'm hoping it's not as heavy handed as that, but I really didn't expect the
dead dad
card. That said, I'm interested in seeing how they handle this new complication.


Hayate 7

I don't even know what is going on anymore. I guess this is what happens when the mythology takes over.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
YURIsketch x Honeycomb - 06

This was a pretty crazy episode, and after looking over some screencaps I came up with a pretty interesting analysis of the girls and their relationship with their pair and how each of them are in their own stage.

These are stages that I have in my head, nothing more. :p


Nori and Nazuna - The Young Flowers

From what we've seen so far of the two, I'd like to think of their relationship as being classified as Stage 1. This is a stage where one or maybe even both of the people involved are unaware of their hidden affection for the other (while noticeable by a 3rd party, the viewer), but a simple touch or gesture can take them off guard and/or make their hearts flutter. While they blush when given a compliment by their companion, its nothing concrete to use as something beyond simply being friendly interaction.




Miyako and Yuno - Opposites Attract

Miyako and Yuno represent Stage 2, an area where one or maybe even both are aware of their own feelings and are greatly affected by anything done to them by their significant other. Seeing how we've known Yuno and Miyako since the start of the series, we've had a better opportunity to see their relationship develop over time to the point where they're comfortable being intimately close with one another. More often than not it's Miyako taking the lead by usually wrapping her arms around Yuno from behind and resting her chin atop her head. Back to what I was saying, from the screenshots above you see a scenario where Miyako offhandedly made a comment about Yuno being "cute", who then in return stuttered a replying saying that Miyako is "a lot cuter, in fact you're beautiful". The sudden confession threw the otherwise aloof and happy go lucky Miyako off her game and had to collect herself before turning in her work. This moment was focused even further by having two random students point out Miyako's expression after Yuno's confession, which soon panned to said girl happily skipping in the distance to a rainbow conveniently placed in the background. That effort was done to show Miyako's obvious attraction to Yuno and the fact that said girl had just made her day with a simple, yet sweet comment.


Sae and Hiro - Vs. The World (and Natsume)

Sae and Hiro was the first obvious pairing when they were first introduced. Sae is your cool, boyish, hard to express their emotions type while Hiro is your motherly, girly, caring type. Stage 3 is an area where both girls are not only aware of their own feelings but their partners as well and are teetering on the edge of becoming an exclusive couple. It's a point where the thought of being separated from each other is both frightening and unbearable. Hiro does an excellent job of showing this in the latest episode as she considered becoming a teacher at their school as a means to delude herself into thinking that she would always be with her friends and Sae, and to escape the harsh reality that soon enough she'd have to leave everything behind. During their embrace (pictured above) you can see that Sae too was conflicted about the eventual future, but declared nonetheless that whatever happens the two of them will be together. The power of love!

Like Ultimadrago said, if there were any doubts about some pairings, this episode just squashed them.


no comment on what I said about initial D?
have you even watched it?
I haven't, as I said what he describes sounds fun. How it would work for Initial D and its identity I don't know. I just said it sounded like it could be a fun show!
As for avatar, the opinion being unpopular has no real bearing on whether those are reasons one can dislike the show on. I agree with him that Aang is fucking insufferable. And if it weren't for Toph or Iroh I can say that I liked no-one in the cast. The best any of them get is a sort of "meh" as for the filler comment I don't see how anyone can deny it. half the episodes in the show as a minimum are utterly pointless.
And these are coming from a person that actually LIKED the show.


I haven't, as I said what he describes sounds fun. How it would work for Initial D and its identity I don't know. I just said it sounded like it could be a fun show!
As for avatar, the opinion being unpopular has no real bearing on whether those are reasons one can dislike the show on. I agree with him that Aang is fucking insufferable. And if it weren't for Toph or Iroh I can say that I liked no-one in the cast. The best any of them get is a sort of "meh" as for the filler comment I don't see how anyone can deny it. half the episodes in the show as a minimum are utterly pointless.
And these are coming from a person that actually LIKED the show.

but the insinuation was that it would be a better show, not that it would be a fun show
as for the reasons to dislike avatar, sure, but not reason enough to call it a piece of shit as darkside does by any means


Or fuck him at least. Then we can a pregnancy scare arc or something!

Shizuku wouldn't have a pregnancy scare, it'd be as boring as anything else. A bunch of episodes about nothing, someone else asking if she's pregnant, she'd just assume she is, say "I see, so that's what it is, I'm pregnant." and then it'd go on like normal.

qcf x2

DBZ never did anything in one episode.

Truth ;P

(re: JoJo's) I'm sorry guys, the writing is bad, the animation is bad, the pacing is terrible,what am I supposed to like? Not of the series or source material, but of the first six or seven episodes.

I definitely get that it's supposed to be overly macho and stuff. I wouldn't have watched more than two episodes if I wasn't okay with that to a certain extent, but something's got to give. Either there has to be some sort of story that makes sense (right now all I know is Dio is a bad vampire guy) or the animation has to accentuate the ridiculousness or something, idk. It just feels half assed so far.

Also, does something happen later in the manga that
changes JoJo's personality? I recall him being a lot quieter, calmer, cooler in the OVA. He's currently annoying.
. Yes or no, no details please.
Finally caught up on all the anime I missed last week...

Kingdom 24

Some of Wang Yi's lines... these few episodes. He's quite the character and with his guidance, should make Xin even better than before. Im just afraid we will be in some training arc land until well until the 30's or even through end of season, which I dont want unless we get a promise of 38 more episodes in a second season.

Instead of Yuan should have given Xin a younger subordinate, and the mini battle was fun.
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